Elite female perfume, exclusive female perfumes: list, names, brands, description of aromas

Elite female perfume, exclusive female perfumes: list, names, brands, description of aromas

Elite female perfumes have an incredible aroma, but they also have a corresponding price. Let's look at the brands and names of popular spirits.

The perfume is an integral attribute in the life of every woman. The unique aroma always impresses others and becomes a hallmark for bright personalities. Wealthy representatives of the fair sex prefer elite perfume, and are ready to part for it with a considerable amount.

Elite female perfume

Elite perfumes are presented in numerical restrictions in expensive bottles. The quality of such aromas is due to the rare and successfully selected components. Let's get acquainted with the most expensive aromas, which became the creation of famous perfumers.

  • Luxurious aroma Jar Parfums Bolt of Lightning It is a manual creation of a popular jewelry master Joel A. Rosenthal. The unique perfume has become the hallmark of the Jar Parfums house. The floral aroma echoes the eastern style and is produced in France. The full composition of the spirits is kept secret. Only some of its components are known. The elite smell combines a fragrant note of groundcurrant, freshly chopped greens, broken wood and dahlias of dahlias. The perfumery and jewelry industry was reflected in this fragrance. Warm floral aroma is combined with rain coolness. The combination of greens and fragrance of flowers give a trembling unexpected result.
  • Perfumery creation Jean Patou  Joy Belongs to the French fashion designer. In the first half of the 20th century, this perfume was the leader in high cost. The period of production of spirits coincided with an unstable financial situation in the country, which for some time weakened its popularity. At least $ 1000 will have to be given to the bottle of original aroma. More than three hundred roses and several thousand jasmine flowers are used to make a small volume of exquisite aroma. Among the basic components, notes of sandal and musk are clearly visible. Among the floral composition, the notes of roses, lily of the valley, jasmine are recognizable. This combination is complemented by the aroma of citruses and greens.
  • Women's perfume Shalini Parfums Shalinihis legend is owed to the French fashion designer Maurice Rusel. The inspiration for creating such a fragrance was the festival of lovers. A small number of bottles are presented on the market. The most recognizable notes in the aroma were musk and vanilla, sandalwood and coriander, tuberosis and ylang-ylang. The bottle of French quality emphasizes the elicity of this perfume even more.
  • Aroma Selenion Produced in Japan by Pola Selenion. The name of the spirits and the shape of the bottle connect us with the moonlight. Immerse us into the atmosphere of mystery. The aroma has become a worthy representative of elite perfumes due to the combination of rare components. Selenion combines notes of the flowering apricot and green tea, giving tart shades. The composition of the flowers of jasmine and roses was reflected. In the initial notes, a sweetish taste of sandalwood is captured.
  • Extravagant perfume Annick Goutals. Eau d.Hadrien Created by Annick Goutal perfumer. A creative personality embodied its inspiration into reality. The line of these aromas from the first day is in demand. Bright notes of aroma add citrus fruits in combination with cypress. For such a perfume, you will have to lay out at least $ 1,500. The raisins of this brand was the Baccarat crystal bottle.
  • French aroma Hermes 24 Faubourg It is a joint creation of perfumers Bernard Bourjois and Maurice Roucel. The perfume contains several successfully selected floral components. In this mix, notes of iris and roses are successfully interwoven. Their combination successfully complements the fragrance of orange flowers. For a limited circulation, the price of about $ 1,500 was set for 30 ml.
With iris and roses
With iris and roses
  • Original aroma BACCARATs. Les Larmes SacréeS de Thebe got its name in honor of the city of Ancient Egypt. The thematic direction is displayed not only in the name, but also finds its continuation in the crystal pyramidal bottle. Among the main components, Mirra and Ladan are clearly distinguished. The price of such a perfume is more than $ 1,500. Due to this cost, it is quite difficult to purchase this fragrance.
  • Bright aroma Caron’s Poivre It will become an ideal attribute for non -standard ambitious personalities. The main composition contains a mix of various spices. The combination of pepper and clove gives the aroma a unique unforgettable taste. The original shape of the bottle complements the crystal, and therefore the cost of the aroma is over $ 2000.
Pepper and cloves
Pepper and cloves
  • Shlef perfume Ralph Lauren Notorious Creates an unusual persistent aura for its owner. Ideal for the cold season. The aroma is named with an element of the name of its creator - American fashion designer Ralph Lauren. Among the components, bergamot, cloves, pepper, black currants are most pronounced. For a bottle with an exquisite aroma, you need several thousand dollars.
  • Collection aroma Chanel No. 5 Grand Extrait He is a bright representative of the Chanel fashion house. The bottle is made of ordinary glass without jewelry. Despite the simplicity of the design, the perfume is elite and is very popular. In the upper notes of the aroma, citrus components are revealed. Following them, floral components are fragrant and completes the combination of patchouli, musk and oak moss. A large volume of elite aroma costs over $ 4,000.
  • Blaging perfume Ellipse Presented in a bottle of diamond in manual performance. The composition of the aroma is mined in limited quantities, which affects the quantities of the produced perfume. The aroma contains components of tropical countries. The notes of ylang-ylang and sandalwood are pronounced. The notes of vanilla and bergamot are successfully complemented. For the rarest perfume, you will have to part with at least $ 5,000.
  • Historical aroma Royal Arms Diamond Edition Perfume He was dedicated to the royal anniversary. The bottle is decorated with a gold jewelry with an expensive stone, which makes the price of exclusive very high. The composition is dominated by floral components. In the first minutes, a bergamot and violet open their fragrance, then a combination of jasmine and roses begin to appear. Notes of musk and vanilla are well audible. The cost of aroma is over 20 thousand dollars.
  • Expensive perfume Guerlain Idylle BACCARATLux Edition Presented in a crystal bottle in the form of a drop with gold frame. In the composition of the aroma, floral notes, supplemented with patchouli and white musk are pronounced. The authorship of this masterpiece belongs to the perfumer Thierry Vassero. The limited circulation made a perfume expensive and almost inaccessible.
  • Imperial perfume Clive Christian Imperial Majesty It is made of outlandish elements and is represented in a designer bottle. Crystal container is complemented by gold and precious stones. The cost of the fragrance reached over 200 thousand dollars, the cost of which includes the delivery of a non -presentable car. Keti Holmes became the happy owner of this brand. Elite creation is collectible.
  • The most expensive elite perfume DKNY Golden Delicious It was placed in a bottle worth $ 1 million. The design was made with the participation of several thousand precious stones and was intended for a true connoisseur. The proceeds are aimed at charity.

Exclusive female perfumes: list, names, brands, description of aromas

A woman who has the opportunity to touch an exclusive aroma remains a fan of such a perfumery forever. Many people have formed an erroneous idea of \u200b\u200bexclusive perfumes. First of all, the idea arises of the high cost of such a product. Exclusive perfumes are also talked about as niche or selective. The production of a series of such products is not accompanied by advertising or PR of famous personalities, is not printed in glossy magazines.

Selective perfumery has a limited number of places for implementation around the world. Such aromas have no analogues and cheap fakes. It is very costly producing a quality copy, since the original products contain high -quality materials. Each selective is based on the original concept and high quality.

In the release of such products, classic vessels are used as bottles, without intricate features. All attention is concentrated on the internal content. Contrary to high quality, exclusive perfumes do not have everyone to taste. At the first acquaintance with the aroma, it is difficult to determine your attitude and perception. There may be several reasons - incorrectly selected perfume or inability to evaluate a quality product.

Among niche products, several of the most common brands can be distinguished:

The French brand is very popular L.Artisan Parfumeur. Perfumer Jean Laport uses a vintage style in the perfume package. A strict design dilutes the lid with a golden hue.

  • Mure et MUSCperfume, combining blackberries and musk. The aroma transfers to the atmosphere of the summer fruit garden.
  • Dzing! – perfume with a harsh smell. Combines shades of ginger and musk mixed with the smell of a leather product.
  • Passage D.‘Enferin this aroma, frankincense and musk are opposed to the struggle of the holy and sinful.
  • La Chasse AUX Papillonsin the citrus aroma, notes of bergamot and lime are pronounced. Their combination is diluted with tuberose, linden and honey. The aroma transfers us to a sunny invigorating summer.
  • Another popular brand of Jean Laporta is known as the name Maitre Parfumeur et GantierThe aromas of this series are revealed in complex shades and attract increased attention.
Complex combination
Complex combination
  • Eau Du Gantier - In this aroma, berries are combined with musk, amber and sandalwood.
  • Fraicher Muskussime -mix of musk and sandalwood is diluted with the aroma of grapefruit and black currant.
  • Rose Muskissime -an attractive tart-sweet aroma combining the smell of ripened fruits and fragrant bouquets. The notes of the sandal are pronounced.

Many popular fragrances are represented by exclusive perfumes DiptyQue. Most fragrances are declared as the unisex category and received well -deserved recognition among the elite. Aromatic candles deserve special attention. The highlight of all components is their rare natural origin.

  • Opone The aroma with woody shades is popular with both sexes.
  • Oyedo - Perfume combines daring citrus notes with light shades of greenery.

Leadership positions on the use of natural components to hold on to perfume Amouage. The French perfumer expanded the variety of components beyond the limits of hundreds. The brightest and most basic component of this line is the mountain incense.

  • Gold Woman Eastern perfume combining notes of incense and roses. A rich aroma will become an adornment of a solemn evening event. The unique composition is complemented by rosehips, a liliax, silver incense. For one category of people, the aroma will seem too intrusive, while others will appreciate its high cost and luxury.
  • Montaleperfumeria with eastern themes is represented in metallized bottles, which allows you to extend the duration of their use. The aromas evoke a sense of magic or magic. The perfumes are very concentrated and for a long time retains its train.
  • Ginger Musk And White Muskwood and muscular aromas are popular with women and are the unisex category.
  • Aromatic Lime - perfume variation of citrus components.

Les Parfum de Rosineperfumeria, giving the image French elegance. The main effect of the exclusive brand creates the fragrance of the rose. Excellent aromas are transferred to the atmosphere of past centuries. The brand has gained popularity due to its diversity of pink perfumes. High -quality contents are complemented by luxurious packaging.

Histoires de Parfumsthis brand of exclusive perfumes used in the basic components the ancient technology of France, tested by time. The inspirers for the creation of aromas were outstanding personalities of the 17-19 centuries.

  • 1804 – the aroma, ideal for dreamy and passionate nature. Compare your character with the image of Georges Sand and try to find something in common. The named aroma is based on a fruit-floral composition, supplemented by spices and amberi.
Ideal for dreamers
Ideal for dreamers
  • 1876 – The aroma dedicated to Mata Hari will perfectly complement the image of fatal women. The smell is based on a floral composition. Among the basic notes are pronounced gayak, sandalwood, musk, vanilla.
For fatal
For fatal

Comme des Garcons -among the aromas of this brand, 6 selective female perfumes are distinguished.

  • Lily – the combination of tea sheet and mint complemented by lilies leaves.
  • Redthe concept of creating red shades contains the concept of creating the aroma. Red spices and flowers complemented by red fruits are intertwined here.
  • Sherbet in this aroma, edible notes of mint and cinnamon, supplemented by rhubarb are intertwined.
Edible notes
Edible notes
  • Scent By Alexis This brand occupies a special place among elite perfumes, thanks to manual creation technology. The fragrance is based on inimitable exclusive oils.
  • Courtesanthe combination of violet and orchid is intertwined with the aroma of green tea.
  • Femme Fatale the aroma suitable for a strong female image. Secretly components complement jasmine, vanilla, nutty notes.
  • Editions de Parfums Frederic Mallethe concept of this selective brand displays the creative ideas of nine perfumers. As a result of their activities, the consumer presents 15 new unique aromas of the Unisex series.
  • The Different Companyconcentrated aromas of this series are presented in heavy glass bottles with an original design. The names of aromas emphasize the main component of perfume. In each copy, a pepper shade is pronounced.
  • Osmanthusthe main note of the aroma is the smell of a fragile white flower of Ottomantus.
  • JASMIN de Nuitthe floral aroma of jasmine for a modern woman.

Video: Elite perfumes for women

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