Existential crisis: signs - what is it, how to fight?

Existential crisis: signs - what is it, how to fight?

In this article, we will talk about what an existential crisis is and how to fight it correctly.

In the life of every person, a period may occur when serious changes occur. At least it seems so. Fate throws trials that should be overcome. You will win the game, you get a lot, but no - so be it. From the existential crisis or the crisis of the individual, no one has left and it will be necessary to survive it, as if much it would not want to. How to recognize its beginning and why does it appear? How to go correctly? Let's find out.

What is an existential crisis?

Existential crisis
Existential crisis

The existential crisis (personality crisis) is a turning point in a person’s life, which ultimately determines the course of life in the future. It is accompanied by emotional experiences. During this period, a person is determined with a new direction in life and otherwise begins to perceive reality.

For personal growth, you need to adhere to a clear requirement - change the style, lifestyle, thinking, attitude to everything, even to yourself. You can understand that you have begun the transition period by the symptoms of its manifestation.

How the existential crisis is manifested: signs, symptoms

The main reason that gives an impetus to the beginning of the crisis is great changes in life. This is not always something bad. For example, it can be graduation at the institute, a successful start of a career, a wedding, moving, divorce and so on. Each of the presented situations is accompanied by a great emotional surge, change in behavior, and so on. So how does this most existential crisis manifest?

  • You began to sleep much more or less

The crisis is a source of great stress and the body requires at least some discharge. As a result, it turns out that a person who is accustomed to sleep a lot, suddenly suffers from insomnia at all, and the one that got up to Zaranka now sleeps until dinner. This is all due to the experiences that they spin in the head constantly and do not leave for a minute.

  • You begin to compare yourself with successful acquaintances
Personal crisis
Personal crisis

Just yesterday, you were not interested in how your classmates live, but now you are suffering that Seryoga has a new apartment in an elite area, Alenka has a rich husband, and she herself is nothing. And your successes seem very small and there is nothing to boast of. Accordingly, you begin to think that you are a loser.

  • It seemed to you that you were not appreciated

Not so long ago, at home and work brought pleasure, but suddenly the jokes of colleagues and family members began to annoy and seem offensive. You began to close in yourself, save grievances and think that you are no longer appreciated.

  • It is difficult to concentrate

When we are confident in ourselves and do not strain, we are easily able to focus on an important business. But if you are tired, “burned out”, then it is already more difficult to concentrate. Even simple tasks cause difficulties.

  • I want to quit everything and leave

When it becomes impossible to live as well as before, there is a desire, something radically change. And it seems that for the start of a new life you need to go far and in an unknown direction.

  • The mood often changes
Frequent mood change
Frequent mood change

Just a couple of minutes you had a great mood, and now it seems that life has collapsed. The nervous system along with the hormonal fails and at the same time changes the composition of the blood. This cannot but affect the mood and it begins to actively change.

  • You began to make more purchases

You try to get away from far -fetched or real difficulties and go for shopping. Purchases make you allegedly happy, but this condition passes quickly.

  • You have lost your desire to cook

If you used to make cooking with pleasure, or at least it did not cause you negativity, now you have completely disappeared you to do it or is with someone at the same table.

  • You began to disgust for your partner

If you have always pleased the society of your spouse, and now it causes you negative, then your couple is experiencing a crisis. You suddenly realized that he was inaccurate or champing, and in bed with him, you no longer want to wallow until noon.

  • Nostalgia rolls on you

When a person experiences a crisis, he often returns to the past, looks back and thinks that before everything was fine.

  • You have become apathetic

You cannot make decisions yourself and generally do not want to do anything. You began to complain more often and you really want you to be moral and material support.

  • You are not happy with the upcoming vacation

If earlier you were very happy about the vacation and dreamed of how you spend it, bought tickets in advance, then today you don’t even want to prepare for it. Although it remained only a month.

  • Your appetite has changed

As a rule, stress changes taste habits. You can, that is, everything in a row and even what you did not like before, then forget to eat and not even notice it.

  • You stopped dreaming

Each of us dreams of something-write a book, visit some country, buy expensive boots and so on. When the crisis begins, the imagination stops working.

  • You cling to old friends

It is very good if you were able to maintain friendship from childhood. But the interests often change and some friends leave, while others appear. This is absolutely normal. But when you try to maintain communication with the person with whom you have absolutely nothing in common, then this is no longer normal.

  • You do not observe the usual daily routine
The mode of life is lost
The mode of life is lost

You stopped playing sports and began to eat at night. Say from work, motivating this with the fact that you got sick. Yes, you are ashamed to lie, but otherwise it doesn’t work out.

  • You began to apologize constantly

Every mature man trusts himself. But during the crisis, he suddenly loses confidence and becomes too timid, and therefore a person begins to constantly apologize to others.

  • Multivature cannot be possible

Previously, you could do several things at once at the same time, but now this regime quickly tires and annoys you. During the crisis, people try to invent things and meetings only to do nothing.

  • You are afraid of the future

You are scared by the unknown and you do not know what you are going to do next. From such unknown, you start a panic, you always think about the worst that “must” must happen.

  • You do not believe in someone else's support

Everyone has their own concerns and this is true. But this does not mean that no one needs you now. Having experienced a crisis, a person does not reason objectively and cannot normally assess the situation.

Why does an existential crisis occur: causes

Why is an existential crisis
Why is an existential crisis

Crises, as we have already said, can arise as a result of a large emotional push, which is due to changes in life. There are three main types of crises, each of which has its own causes.

  • Age crises

As a rule, they arise on the threshold of the turning point of life. At a certain age, they begin and have characteristic features. They are quite predictable.

Children's crises occur in 3, 7 and 14 years. The main reason for their appearance is growth jumps when growth changes and a person becomes.

Adults experience them in 18, 30, 40 and 60 years, but not necessarily. They can begin earlier or later. At this time, a rethinking of life occurs and a person goes to a new level. He can develop against the background of this depression, he changes greatly and rethinks the past.

Usually the age crisis begins on the eve of the birthday, and instead of a pleasant mood, a panic suddenly appears and a terrible desire to let down the line. Questions appear about what has already been done, what could be done and what to do next.

To deal with this as efficiently as possible, you should prepare in advance and then it will be much easier.

  • Situational crises
Situational crisis
Situational crisis

They arise due to various situations. For example, you lost a loved one, you have a sharp deteriorated financial situation, you moved and so on. Starting a new life, you never know what to expect from it, and everyone is afraid of uncertainty. Moreover, everything happens that one failure entails a few more. This can all be very groaned and you will be at a dead end, where it is very difficult to get out. That's just about this stage and they say - "which does not kill, then makes us stronger."

  • Change of world view

When a person reviews his system of values \u200b\u200band seeks a new one in life, this leads to the emergence of a spiritual crisis. It arises either because of the experiences of past changes or even regardless of them. By the way, it is this crisis that is considered the most important period of personality.

Stages of existential crisis: steps

Stages of the crisis of personality
Stages of the crisis of personality

Regardless of the type, each crisis has three stages. Of course, the phases are not accurate and their boundaries are blurred, but they help to understand the emotions that appear during a turning point.

  • Immersion. At this stage, immersion begins and he is preceded by an emotional explosion. The state of human health worsens, and he begins to confuse the usual algorithms and makes chaotic decisions. By the way, you can at this stage "go into your senses." The mood is apathetic and I don’t want to do anything.
  • Awareness of the problem. It is still not clear what needs to be done, but there are already shifts, because you begin to think about the causes of what happened. The boundaries of the future are blurred and do not seem rainbow. A person begins to look for new solutions.
  • The turning point. Here, views on the problem are already beginning to appear and I want changes. The situation no longer seems hopeless and gradually “ice” is destroyed.

This is how a classic crisis happens, after which a person goes to a new level. However, there is another outcome - mental disorder, suicide, alcoholism or drug addiction. These consequences are caused by the fact that the complex state was ignored. To prevent this from happening, it is better to know in advance how to survive the crisis.

How to survive the existential crisis - what to do: tips

How to survive a personal crisis?
How to survive a personal crisis?

To begin with, just stop rushing and learn to relax and relax. This is difficult, especially if you are trying to achieve a specific goal. But if you do not want to stop for yourself, then life will do it for you.

Sometimes it is enough to be interrupted only for a day, and it is better to arrange a week of a good rest for yourself. You can use this time for detoxification from unnecessary information. Turn off the phone, do not use the Internet. Only when you accept yourself and your condition, you can return to the priorities.

Set yourself new goals in life. Develop a plan and start acting. You can find a new job, go to an important meeting or just talk to the right people.

The most important thing is not to hide from the world. And if you make introspection, you can convert everything new into specific results. There are several important tips that we have already said about, but it is worth highlighting in more detail.

1. Do not hide

The very first mistake that everyone makes is hiding from a new state for him, which he does not understand. When a person is hiding, he is closed and cannot be honest even with himself and he has different phobias.

Do not confuse the desire to run away with the desire to relax. The second will definitely improve your emotional state. In order to successfully overcome all turning points, you need to look with fears in the face and fight them.

2. Find the support point

The fight against the existential crisis
The fight against the existential crisis

It is difficult for everyone to cope with the crisis alone, and therefore do not show pride and do not contact anyone. It is better to discuss your experiences with someone so as not to save anything in yourself. Be sure, they will support you. You must understand that you have not been there alone and you have someone to cheer and motivate you. Human nature is such that without support we will all go out. So talk to loved ones, do not close from them.

3. See shades

Usually we divide everything into good and bad, but we forget that there are always many different shades and halftones. And a person in this case is no exception. You must try to accept yourself as it is with all the shortcomings. And it is very good if you have many complaints to yourself. This means that you have where to grow.

4. Create a filter

A crisis is a great time to reconsider your circle of communication, throw out unnecessary trash and get hobbies if they are not or find new ones. We are often surrounded not only by pleasant, but vice versa. And the latter often takes a bunch of strength. We must definitely get rid of this, because everything that we do not like is imposed on someone from the outside. Having experienced this difficult time, you need to do what you like.

5. Take yourself yourself

Take care of yourself
Take care of yourself

The connection of the internal and physical condition is very strong and everyone knows this. When we actively hold our body in good shape, we also heal the soul. And communication, a trip to the events, and so on, force the whole body to recover. If this works, then why not use it?

6. Become the discoverer

Anyone is within himself a researcher and constantly opens up something new. Someone does not try to penetrate into their depths, and someone actively explores them. Despite everything, everyone needs self -knowledge. When a person is at a crossroads, he just needs new emotions, ideas, thoughts, hobbies, and so on. So, if you find something interesting for yourself, this will allow you to survive the crisis faster with minimal losses.

You can look at the crisis as a semi -empty glass and be afraid to meet with it. And you can look at this from the other side. As if the glass is half full. In the latter case, the crisis will be the opportunity to change and pull out your potential, which you have not noticed before. If you master the skill of passing crises, you can change your life for the better. No matter how trite it may sound, it all depends only on you.

Video: existential crisis. How to return the lost meaning of life?

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