Egophilic, genophilic, altruistic, research, dominant, libertophytic, digestible type of personality and human instincts according to Garbuzov: characteristics, description, questionnaire for identifying dominant instinct

Egophilic, genophilic, altruistic, research, dominant, libertophytic, digestible type of personality and human instincts according to Garbuzov: characteristics, description, questionnaire for identifying dominant instinct

The article reveals the features of psychological types.

The material of this article is built in such a way as in a simplified form, but to maximize the characteristics of psychological types.

Instincts of Vilena Garbuzov and the Methodology "Dominative Instinct"

According to the theory of the author of many works on the psychology of Vilen Garbuzov, instincts are decisive in the formation of human values \u200b\u200band needs.

His fate largely depends on the level of human adaptability. Sometimes an innate or acquired person’s ability to adapt to diverse life circumstances under constantly changing conditions allows him to feel comfortable in the system of professional, social and interpersonal relations.

The level of psychological adaptation in a person may be:

  • at a high level
  • on the Middle level
  • at a low level

Instincts, individual psychophysiological characteristics of the personality (character), body structure, emotional susceptibility, intellectual development, appearance and degree of health of the body constitute the innate foundations of adaptation.

The level of culture, education, and the life of life influence the adaptability of a person. Simply put, an adapted person is in harmony with the outside world and with himself, and the non -adapted is in constant disharmony - internal and external.

An integral part of human adaptability is instinct. According to the theory of V. Garbuzov, there are seven instincts:

  • self -preservation
  • continuation of the genus
  • altruistic
  • research
  • dominance
  • freedom
  • preservation of dignity

These instincts are decisive for the individual. This is a kind of innate fateful guidelines.

Dominative instincts on Garbuzov in. and.
Dominative instincts according to Garbuzov V.I.
  • Each instinct that is highlighted by V. Garbuzov has a serial number in accordance with its hierarchical importance.
  • All instincts have influence on the behavior of the individual. Among them there are several predominants, and the rest are less expressed. Those instincts that prevail, form a system of individual attitudes and behavioral stereotypes and underlie psychological typology.

Separation into types of fundamental typology of individuality:

  1. Egophile.
  2. Genophilic (influence of the genus)
  3. Altruistic.
  4. Research.
  5. Dominant.
  6. Libertrophilic

Let us consider in more detail the characteristics of each psychological typology.

The further fate depends on what instinct dominates in many ways
The further fate depends on what instinct dominates in many ways

Egophile, personality type: brief description, description

In the egophilic type of personality, the predominant personality is the instinct of self -preservation. Such a person is characterized by qualities:

  • egocentrism
  • adherence to conservative views
  • willingness to neglect the needs of society for its own security
  • a person is not able to take risks
  • such a person feels constant anxiety for his health and well -being


  • In infancy, it shows increased caution, therefore it begins to walk later than other children.
  • During fees to kindergarten, he can show discontent up to hysteria.
  • He is timid and tries not to let his mother go away.
A baby of an egocentric type of personality does not let go of his mother

In adulthood

Having become adults, a person of an egophilic personality type:

  • can hysterically respond to the need to go to the hospital, sanatorium
  • prone to various phobias
  • not able to endure pain
  • enemy of all kinds of health procedures
  • such a person is concerned when the situations unknown to him arise, in the presence of strangers
  • conservative
  • shows incredulity
  • it is suspicious and suspicious

In a person of this type, focus is expressed exclusively on himself, he is afraid of any risky enterprises. There is a great probability of developing phobias and hysterical behavior.

For an egophilic personality type, own safety and health are above all.

The justification for such people is that due to their excessive caution, the gene pool is preserved.

Egocentrists - Keepers of the gene pool

Genophilic type of personality: brief description, description

If a person has an instinct of continuation of the genus among the prevailing instincts, then this is a “genophilic” personality type. The following qualities are inherent in such an individual:

  • excessive love for children
  • life for the sake of the family, not for yourself
  • the tendency to the manifestation of the superflow about their children
  • anxiety about the future of their children

In such a person, egocentrism takes a slightly different form: “I” for him is replaced by the concept of “we”. In some cases, even a complete denial of the concept of “I” is possible, when the concepts of “we” and “family” come first.

Own children and family become the center of the universe for such a person, around which his whole life rotates.

For the genophile type of personality, the main life priorities are family and children


  • A child of this type is already concentrated in childhood on the interests of the family. He feels completely safe, calm, only when both the father and mother are nearby and are in a good mood.
  • He subtly feels the emergence of a divorce in a family, the culmination of which will be the occurrence of a hysterical reaction, neurotic depression. Thus, the baby reacts to circumstances that violate his well -being.

In adulthood

Having matured, such a person:

  • capable of capturing the deterioration of the well -being of home
  • responsive
  • empathizes with relatives

If such a person falls into adverse circumstances, then he focuses anxiety on children, family. Manifestations of various fears and even phobias are possible.

A person of a genophile personality type captures a deterioration in the well -being of home

Altruistic type of personality: brief description, description

The leading qualities of a person of altruistic type:

  • ability to take care of loved ones
  • manifestation of kindness
  • unselfishness
  • the desire to help and take care of the weak, sick, unfortunate
  • ability to translate the situation into a peaceful direction


  • An altruistic type is taking care of loved ones. He is understanding to the elderly.
  • Ready to share with a loved one, even what needs it yourself.
  • To the advice of adults to answer the actions of the offender in his own way: "If I hit him, it will hurt him!"
  • If one of the peers is punished, such a child is experiencing more than the most punished.
A person of an altruistic type of personality is ready to share the last

In adulthood

Having become adults, such a person:

  • does not tolerate blood
  • violence against others causes him vegetative-vascular manifestations, such as pallor, vomiting, cold sweat, fainting, shock
  • i am sure that if someone alone suffers, then others cannot live well

Such people choose a path for themselves, which is associated with the decision of public interests, the protection of weak, sick, disabled people. Their life is the following: "Kindness above all." Such people are designed to keep good and peace on earth, protect the weak.

People of the altruistic type of personality are designed to keep good and peace on earth, protect the weak

Research type of personality: brief description, description

The leading instinct of a “research” type, as the name of this category is understood. The following qualities are inherent in such a person:

  • manifestation of interest in research, which is noticeable in work, practical activities, hobbies
  • the ability to be innovative in the form of activities that are currently engaged in
  • i am ready to leave a place, work for the sake of an interesting new business and solving non -standard problems, even if you have to endure hardships and take risks
  • creative approach to work
  • creative tasks are realized selflessly


  • A child of this type is inquisitive and tries to know all the phenomena thoroughly.
  • If such a child is left unattended, then he will deal with the analysis of the household appliances available in the house. Explits the attic, basement and far forest.
  • He is able to carry out difficult work for a long time (he can do the construction of the dam or observe the life of ants in the forest).
  • Travel, fiction, conducting experiments and various experiments captivate such a child from an early age.
  • Interest in many subjects is gradually narrowing to one.
  • He seeks to improve all his work.
  • It can neglect objects that do not interest him.

In adulthood

Having become adults, such a child will devote himself to travel, he will deal with invention or science.

A child of this type is inquisitive and tries to know all the phenomena thoroughly

Dominant type of personality: brief description, description

The prevalence of the dominant instinct suggests that the personality belongs to the dominant type. The following qualities are inherent in such a person:

  • leader's behavior
  • ability and willingness to solve complex problems of organizational nature
  • official growth for such a person is more important than material incentives
  • for the place of the leader, such a person is capable of cruel struggle
  • general interests (collective, states) are higher than private (the interests of one person)


  • A child of this type is the organizer of games in kindergarten, at school. He is able to set goals and show the will to achieve them.
  • If you correctly educate such a child, then he grows up courageous, capable of thinking logically, critically evaluates his work and the work of others.
  • A child of this type is responsible, able to predict, highlight the main thing, to capture the novelty and effectiveness of the idea.

In adulthood

Having become adults such a person:

  • holds his emotions
  • shows business qualities and pragmatism
  • status needs above others (careerists)
  • always knows what he wants, and how to achieve his goal
  • shows in work hardness and perseverance
  • well versed in people
  • focuses on leaders and successful people
  • the neglect of weak and limp individuals is characteristic

A person of this type holds high state posts, is the leader of large organizations.
People of this type are guardians of interests and the honor of the genus.

A person of a dominant personality type is inherent in the behavior of a leader

Libertophile type of personality: brief description, description

The instinct of freedom prevails over others in human libertophile type.
Characteristic qualities of a person of this type:

  • troubled character, which is manifested by protests and rebellion
  • the need to constantly change the place as a result of the internal denial of everyday life
    Independence in judgments and actions
  • the need for reformation and fundamental changes
  • a negative attitude to censorship and all restrictions


  • A child of this type shows dissatisfaction and protests against swaddling, dressing, long -term stay in a cradle or playpet.
  • Such a child reacts negatively from infancy to limitation and this tendency acquires more and more serious forms with age.
  • A child of this type is characterized by denial of authorities. This is especially clearly manifested at school to teachers.
  • Able to endure all sorts of hardships, physical pain.
  • Such a child begins to show his independence early. Strive to start living separately from parents.

In adulthood

Having become adults such a person:

  • stubborn
  • it is impossible for him to inspire anything
  • predisposed to risk, adventures
  • optimist
  • often changes his place of residence, work
  • routine and commonplace - not for him
  • tend to leave the family
  • in a revolutionary situation, it turns out to be the first on the barricades

Such a person becomes a serious limiter for the face of a “dominant” type. They are guardians of life, as they value the interests and freedom of everyone.

Libertophile type of personality
A child of a libertophile personality type is not able to put up with restrictions

DENIUTOFIL: Brief Description, Description

The instinct of conservation of dignity is the leading in a person of a "digesti" type. It is characteristic of him:

  • negative attitude to any forms of humiliation, infringement of human rights
  • a person of this type can come to his well -being and position for the sake of preserving their dignity
  • in priorities - honor and pride
  • he is not able to agree to compromises
  • in relations with the authorities, he prefers directness and truth


  • The kid picks up the irony and mockery, reacts violently to any form of humiliation.
  • It is better to agree with a child of this type than to insist on his own.
  • It is necessary to convince with affection and patience.

In adulthood

Having become adults, a person of this type:

  • I am ready to give up many in order to defend your rights.
  • Unshavable.
  • Honor and dignity for him in the first place, in the last - the instinct of self -preservation.
  • Not capable of meanness and cowardice.
  • I am ready to go to the Calvary to preserve his honor.
The digestible type of personality negatively refers to any forms of infringement of human rights

Garbuzov questionnaire to identify dominant instinct

With the help of the questionnaire, you can determine the leading instincts that underlie the typology of individuality.

To pass the test, it should be noted by the “+” sign of those problems and statements that you consider to be close.

  1. You devote enough time and effort to the problem of maintaining your health, believing that health is above all.
  2. You are most worried about the health of your children.
  3. You are most concerned and upset by manifestations of people's ill -wishes in relation to each other, the lack of true kindness has the lack of true.
  4. You definitely prefer research, experimental, search work.
  5. You always strive for leadership and a career for you is a natural self -affirmation of man.
  6. You are outraged by all forms of suppression of man by man, man - by the state.
  7. Under no circumstances, you will not tolerate arrogance towards you.
  8. You believe that a person should not miss a moment of joy and pleasure, since life will not be one and there will be no other.
  9. You are most concerned about the problems associated with the well -being of your family.
  10. Most of all, you value the ability to feel the condition of another person, to understand his experiences.
  11. Most of all you dream of working in a team of enthusiastic and talented people.
  12. You prefer management, organizational work and you are close to the statement: "Do not interfere with business people and then abundance will come."
  13. If you were offered a career, wealth, safety or freedom, you would have chosen freedom without hesitation.
  14. You are always on the side of those who are ready to give up well -being in order to maintain their honor and birth pride.
  15. You do not accept risk of health and prosperity even for the most tempting goals and proposals.
  16. Most of all, you are worried about the safety of your children.
  17. Most of all, you value disinterestedness in relations between people.
  18. You perfectly understand people who are ready to leave the inhabited place and leave for new lands if a new and interesting thing begins there.
  19. For you, the priority of official growth is more priority than material incentives.
  20. You believe that of all human rights, the most important is freedom of speech, movement, religion.
  21. You like people who are conducting a selfless struggle against all forms of humiliation of man, man - the state and having the right to say: "There were no scoundrels in our family."
  22. You believe that the biggest stupidity in the world is to be late to see a doctor and thereby start the disease.
  23. Most of all, the future of your children worries and worries you.
  24. You are more difficult to experience the troubles and misfortunes of your people than your own.
  25. You are annoyed by the inertia and counteraction of the mediocre, body -clothed with the authorities of a new, progressive, talented, creative people.
  26. You are ready to strictly fight competitors in the main thing for you.
  27. You are most interested in independence from anyone and from anything.
  28. You are most intolerant of all forms of infringing on your “I” and your credo - “honor above all.”
  29. You absolutely agree with the philosopher who claimed that "everything around it makes sense while I am."
  30. Best of all, you feel in the circle of your family. She is your joy, and your credo: "My house is my fortress."
  31. Most of all, you are concerned and upset by the lack of concern for the weak, sick, disabled and older people.
  32. You are admired by people who are ready to give up well -being, health for the sake of realizing their creative aspirations.
  33. You value people of business, result, a strong hand in management.
  34. You do not tolerate restrictions in your activity, in your life, in your freedom.
  35. Under any circumstances and in the face of any threat, one should act in accordance with the credo: "It is better to die standing than to live on your knees."
To pass the test, it should be noted by the "+" positive statements

Test results processing:

We count the affirmative answers to the questions and look at the table.

I. "Egophilic" type. No. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
II. "Genophilic" type No. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
III. "Altruistic" type No. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
IV. "Research" type No. 4, 11, 18, 25, 32
V. "Dominant" type No. 5, 12, 19, 26, 33
VI. "Libertophile" type No. 6, 13, 20, 27, 34
VII. "Dynification" type No. 7, 14, 21, 28, 35

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