Patchouli essential oil: the beneficial properties of patchouli oil. The use of patchouli oil in cosmetology

Patchouli essential oil: the beneficial properties of patchouli oil. The use of patchouli oil in cosmetology

Fans of home cosmetic procedures can take note of recipes for using patchouli essential oil for hair care, face and body.

Essential oils of plants are substances with a high level of concentration of nutrients. For a long time and today they are used in folk medicine to treat various diseases, as well as in cosmetology, to care for themselves.

For example, for daily hair care, moisturizing, nutrition and rejuvenation of the skin and body skin, the fight against strios and cellulite, many women use patchouli essential oil at home.

Patchouli essential oil: properties and use in cosmetology

The raw materials for the manufacture of essential oil are young leaves of the plantemon patchouli plant

Earlier, the patchouli ether, as a cosmetic product, was mainly used by Asian. The area of \u200b\u200bthe natural growth of the bush with the exotic name Pogostemon Patchouly (Pogostemon Pachuli) is the islands of the Philippines, Seychelles, Java and Sumatra. Today it was appreciated by Europeans.

Important: when the ether of patchouli began to be widely used in Europe, the plant tried to cultivate the plant. It was not possible to achieve success in this, since the shrub is very picky, he loves heat, direct sunlight and humidity. When the air temperature strives to zero by European winter, patchouli's graveyard simply dies

The etheric extract is extracted from the young leaves of the plant. Before applying the distillation method, the raw materials are slightly dried. At the output, a greenish substance is obtained with a thick and viscous consistency, persistent and pleasant aroma.

Like other esters, patchouli oil contains a huge number of biologically active, healthy and beauty of a person of substances. These are patient, organic acids, arenas, alcohols, phenols, sulfides, ammonia compounds, so on. But three components do it truly unique:

  • papiery alcohol (patcholol) - this aromatic, antibacterial, which has an anti -inflammatory property, the substance accounts for 50% of the oil composition
  • eugenol is a fragrant substance, a natural antibiotic, an antiseptic and analgesic
  • benzaldehyde is a substance of the aromatic series, thanks to which the ether of patchouli has the ability to promote the regeneration of skin cells

Important: any essential oils, including patchouli, useful, but aggressive. They are not used in pure form, but added to a certain amount of plant or cosmetic oils

The essential oil of the patchouli has many useful properties
The essential oil of the patchouli has many useful properties

Pachuli essential oil has many useful properties, for example:

  1. Antibacterial and anti -inflammatory. The substance is recommended to be used to care for a problematic, prone to the appearance of acne and other skin rashes. It dries, relieves inflammation, but does not leave burns
  2. Regenerative and moisturizing. Ether is used as anti -aging. In the form of a mask or in the composition of the cream, it pulls the skin of the face, makes its contour more clear, helps to fight age -related and facial wrinkles.
  3. Pulling. Manual therapists and masseurs are used as part of massage oil of patchouli to combat the sagging of the skin of the body, cellulite, stretch marks, improve the shape of the chest
  4. Toning. The substance can be used regularly to moisturize and nutrition of the skin of the face, body, as well as hair
  5. Antifungal. Pachuli's ether treat dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis

Important: not only the beneficial properties of patchouli essential oil are valued, but also its strong pleasant aroma. Ether has found application in both cosmetology and perfume industry. Spirits and toilet waters, aromatic candles, smoking mixtures, so on are made with it

Contraindications to the use of patchouli oil

Before using the ether of patchouli, you need to check if there is an allergy to it
Before using the ether of patchouli, you need to check if there is an allergy to it

The essential oil of the patchouli, like any plant component of home cosmetic drugs, cannot be used for those who have or can be allergic to it, as well as children.
It is recommended to use the substance with caution:

  • teenagers
  • pregnant
  • nursing mothers
  • holders of sensitive skin

Application of hair patcholi oil

You can use the etheric plantemon of the patcholi patchouli house for hair care to:

  • moisten them and give a healthy shine
  • strengthen the hair follicles by improving blood circulation in the vessels of the scalp
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands and eliminating the problem of oily hair
  • struggle with skin itching, peeling of the skin on the head, dandruff and seborrhea
Masks with patchouli oil can be used for all hair types
Masks with patchouli oil can be used for all hair types

Recipe No. 1: Mask moisturizing for obedience of hair.
Take 1 tablespoon of vegetable or cosmetic oil, you can olive or sesame oil. Enriched with 3 drops of patchouli oil and 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil. The oil mixture heated in a water bath is rubbed into the scalp and distributed along the strands. After half an hour they wash their heads

IMPORTANT: Rinse the oil mixture from the hair with shampoo or decoction of herbs, for example, chamomile

Recipe No. 2: A product against the oily hair.
The mask is prepared on the basis of olive oil and chicken yolk. Of these components, a mixture is prepared, into which 5 drops of patchouli ether are added after. The mask is held for about half an hour distributed over the entire length of the curls, after which it is washed off with water or a decoction with a temperature of no more than 40 degrees
Recipe number 3: Masted head massage.
To stimulate hair growth, improve it, do massage with a mixture of burdock oil (1 tbsp. Spoon), alma butter (1 tbsp. Spoon), rosemary extracts (2 drops) and cinnamon (2 drops), as well as paculi ether (5 drops (5 drops ). The mixture is applied to the scalp, massage is done for 10 minutes. During the procedure, heat and light tingling are normally felt. If the mask burns, it needs to be washed off immediately

Head massage with patchouli oil stimulates hair growth
Head massage with patchouli oil stimulates hair growth

Face patcholi oil

The universality of patchouli oil is that it can be used as part of the skin care of all types:

  1. Ether dries oily skin, normalizes the secretion of the subcutaneous glands of fat, narrows pores. After it, the face does not shine and does not glisten
  2. The substance moisturizes, nourishes, refreshes dry skin. The face ceases to be gray and does not peel off, the skin looks fresh and shines
  3. Improving the process of cellular renewal, the ether of the patchouli promotes smoothing small wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. Using it as part of anti -aging domestic drugs, you can increase the skin tone of the face, give it elasticity and elasticity
  4. Owners of problematic skin treated with oily patcholi oil, purulent inflammation, remove the scars that remained on the skin after acne
Pachuli ether can be added to a regular cream, enhancing its beneficial effect
Pachuli ether can be added to a regular cream, enhancing its beneficial effect

By carrying out regular care for normal skin, you can use the following recipes:
Recipe No. 1: Nourishing mask with cocoa oil and patchouli ether.
1 tbsp. A spoonful of cocoa oil is melted to a cream -like consistency, 2 drops of patchouli oils are dripped into it. Use a mask for the skin of the face, previously undergoing deep cleansing. The time of the procedure is 30 minutes. After that, you can wash or wipe the skin with a special cosmetic cloth
Recipe No. 2: Moisturizing strawberry mask.
Fresh strawberries are beaten with a blender, juice is squeezed through gauze. Three of its tablespoons are mixed with 1 teaspoon of glycerol and 3 drops of the etheric extract of patchouli. After the mixture is infused for a quarter of an hour, 1 teaspoon of oatmeal flour is added to it. Bringing to a homogeneous consistency the mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. After the end of the procedure and washing, the moisturizer is additionally used

VIDEO: Oily skin mask with patchouli oil

The benefits of patchouli oil oil

In order for the skin of the face to shine with youth, it is recommended to use three simple home remedies with patchouli oil.

With oil extract patchouli make home anti -aging cosmetics
With oil extract patchouli make home anti -aging cosmetics

Recipe No. 1: The mask is anti -aging
The basis of the drug is the cosmetic oil of the avocado, it is taken 10 ml. In warm water preheated in warm water, 2 drops of patchouli and levzei esters, 4 drops of chamomile oil are added. Use the product after cleansing the skin of the face. The anti -aging procedure takes a quarter of an hour. If during this time the oils are not completely absorbed into the skin, they are removed with a paper towel
Recipe No. 2: Mask with wrinkles
Based on 1 tbsp. tablespoons of heated olive oil prepare a mixture of geranium oil, rosemary and patchouli taken, 2 drops. In order for the active substances to contribute to smoothing wrinkles, you need half an hour
Recipe number 3: Anti Age Cream
The basis of the drug with essential oils will be ordinary children's cream or daytime cream. 10 ml of cream is placed in a glass bottle, enriched with 2 drops of grapefruit (or bergamot), ylang-ylang and patchouli taken. Use the product regularly as a day cream.

Patcholi oil from acne

Trued acne? A steam bath or mask with a patchouli ether will help to solve the problem
Trued acne? A steam bath or mask with a patchouli ether will help to solve the problem

To reduce the manifestation of acne, including adolescents, you can make baths with essential oils. They steam the skin well well, reveal pores, remove toxins and other contaminants through them, improve blood circulation and cellular metabolism.
RECIPE: In 0.5 liters, boiling water drip 2 drops in any sequence of patchouli oil, levzei, neroli. Tilt over the steaming water and covered with a towel for 10 minutes
Also, a masking mask will help from acne.
RECIPE: Sesame mask
10 ml of sesame oil is enriched with 5 drops of patchouli ester. A cotton drive is impregnated in the oil mixture and they will lose their places with acne. After 15 minutes, the sequence was washed with a decoction

Body patcholi oil. Pachuli oil from stretch marks

If you regularly use patcholi oil in body care, you can tighten the skin and make it more elastic. Masks and wraps with ether contribute to improving blood circulation in capillaries and burning fats. The manifestations of the "orange peel" become less.
RECIPE: Trucking from cellulite and for weight loss.
The base of the drug for wrapping will be almond oil, 10 ml. 5 drops of orange and patchouli oil, 3 drops of cypress oil are added to it. On the body cleaned and processed in problem areas, oil is applied with massage movements. They are wrapped in plastic wrap and depressed for 45-60 minutes. After take a contrast shower

Sports, proper nutrition and wraps with patchouli oil: say goodbye to cellulite!
Sports, proper nutrition and wraps with patchouli oil: say “goodbye” cellulite!

Important: you do not need to think that only patchouli oil will help to lose weight and get rid of cellulite. It is recommended to use it as an auxiliary means to those who seek the harmony of the figure, eating correctly and playing sports

Due to hormonal disorders, a sharp set or weight loss, metabolic disorders in the skin cells on it may appear stretch marks (striae). You can completely get rid of them only surgically. But the ether of Pachuli will help to make stretch marks light and less noticeable.

RECIPE: Mask with clay and ether patchouli from stretch marks
Blue or pink clay (5 tbsps of spoons) is diluted with water so that the mass is like a thick sour cream. Add 5 drops of patchouli oil. Apply to areas of skin with stretch marks. During the procedure that lasts about 15 minutes, it is better to lie down. If the clay begins to dry and pull the skin, a wet towel is placed on top of it

Stria will not become so noticeable if you use cosmetic clay and patchouli oil
Stria will not become so noticeable if you use cosmetic clay and patchouli oil

Useful baths with patchouli oil

To improve blood circulation, metabolic processes in skin cells, to nourish them with useful components of essential oils, it is recommended to undergo a bath course.

They are made very simply: in a hot bath, about 40 OS, 5 drops of any ether of citrus fruits, any ether of the coniferous and the ether of the patchouli are added. Take a bath for 20 minutes, make sure that the water does not cool.
Repeat the procedure 10 times in two to three days.

Bath with patchouli oil - a pleasant and useful procedure
Bath with patchouli oil is a pleasant and useful procedure

Important: there are contraindications for oily baths, like heart and blood vessels, gynecological diseases, open wounds, skin ulcers, and so on. Also, if discomfort occurs during the procedure, it should be urgently interrupted

How to use patchouli oil for female beauty: tips and reviews

Most women who do cosmetic procedures with fragrant patchouli oil find them very pleasant and effective. It is inexpensive oil, the drugs with it are simply prepared, and the caring procedures themselves quickly become a habit.

Video: Patchouli oil - the benefits, properties and use of patchouli essential oil

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