Effective and cheap joints from joint pain: types, features of application, review

Effective and cheap joints from joint pain: types, features of application, review

Review of joints from joint pain.

The joints are treated with a variety of injections, compresses, lotions, but the leaders among the people who are treated at home are tablet drugs. In this article we will tell you what pills should be taken from joint pain.

Types of pills for joint pain

Most often, non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs are used for these purposes that remove pain, and also reduce inflammation in the joints. But not only these funds are used to reduce pain.

Please note that only these drugs are not enough to use to treat joints. They are unlikely to cure arthritis, but only help relieve pain and stop the pain syndrome for a while. Accordingly, we recommend that you seriously treat many ailments and use chondroprotectors, as well as physiotherapy in order to really cure the disease, and not eliminate the symptoms.

It is worth noting that several groups of drugs are used from joint pain:

  • Nonsteroidal anti -inflammatory drugs
  • Analgesics
  • Glucocorticoids
  • Musorelaxants
  • Chondroprotector drugs
The pain in the knee
The pain in the knee

Nonsteroidal anti -inflammatory tablets

It is worth noting that in order to immediately remove the pain in the joints, non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs are used. Among them Diclofenac, ketorol and other drugs. Also included in this list Ibuprofen, Ibufen. The main disadvantage of these drugs is that they adversely affect the state of the stomach, and can cause ulcers, as well as an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Accordingly, they cannot be accepted for a long time. More sparing are such drugs as Nimesil and Nimesulide. But they are selective action, do not always help with joint pain. It all depends on a specific ailment.

The pain in the knee
The pain in the knee

Analgesics from joint pain

Often use analgesics. Of course, they are not as effective as non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, and do not reduce inflammation, but only relieve pain. That is, they act in relation to symptoms. But if there are no other drugs at hand, analgesics are quite suitable. These include Analgin, Tempalgin or Ketanov.

Analgesics do not treat sore joints in any way, they only block the operation of some receptors in the brain that respond to pain. Accordingly, a person continues to get sick, but the pain is not felt due to the presence of blockers in the blood. It is worth noting that analgesics are narcotic and non -narcous.

Analgin, Tempalgin is not incredible. Drugs include tramadol. The fact is that 2 groups are not sold in a pharmacy without a prescription, and are rarely prescribed due to the possible addiction and the presence of a huge number of contraindications, as well as side effects. Since most often, drugs in joints are used by elderly people, they are not prescribed narcotic substances.

The joints hurt
The joints hurt

Hormones and muscle relaxants from joint pain

Another group of drugs that use pain is glucocorticosteroids. This is nothing more than hormones. They are rarely prescribed in tablets, but such drugs are also available on shelves in a pharmacy. Most often, glucosteroids are used in case of pronounced inflammation, when non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs do not give any effect in order to very quickly relieve pain syndrome. Hormones are most often used as an injection directly into the sore joint. Among them can be distinguished Hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone, diprospan.

Pretty in joint pains are muscle relaxants. This is nothing more than a certain group of drugs that positively affect muscle tone. Effective if joint pain applies to nearby tissues, and the muscles are tense. The nerve endings in them are also sensitive. Accordingly, in order to weaken muscle tension, muscle relaxants use. Among the most popular tablet drugs can be distinguished Ditilin, Midokalm.

The joints hurt
The joints hurt

Chondroprotectors and basic funds

Relieve the pain in the joints of the chondroprotectors. This group of drugs is mainly used to restore cartilage and bone tissue and improve nutrition. Therefore, they are effective for arthrosis and arthritis, diseases that are triggered by joint destruction.

The composition includes special proteins that wedge into cartilage cells and restore them, replacing natural metabolites, which should be present in a healthy person in the body. With a lack of such substances, they help restore cartilage. Among the most popular drugs of this group can be distinguished Rumalon, chondroxide, chondroitin.


At the moment, the effectiveness of the drugs is checked. There are no serious studies that confirm the effectiveness of this series of drugs at the moment. Although many patients who took these substances for a long time, the prognosis of the treatment of chronic ailments or arthrosis has improved significantly. The main disadvantage of the drugs is their high price and the need for long -term administration.

Most chondroprotectors must be taken for 3-6 months in order to achieve a persistent result. At the same time, the drugs do not have a speedy pain reliable effect. They are not analgesics or non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, so they cannot immediately get rid of pain.

Another group is the basic funds that doctors are forced to prescribe. The effect of drugs is that they prevent the division of body cells, thereby reducing inflammation. Among such drugs the most popular Cyclosporin, sulfasalazine.


Available pills for joint pain

As you can see, a huge amount of drugs are all characterized by effectiveness and principle of action. The most popular that are prescribed by almost all doctors of orthopedists, as well as ibuprofen, nimesulide. These drugs relieve inflammation, and also stop the pain syndrome. In fact, they in no way restore cartilage, but only reduce symptoms, reducing the area of \u200b\u200binflammation.

Review of available tablets:

  • Diclofenac. The medicine is sold both in the form of injections, ointments, and in the form of tablets. Tablets are taken twice a day, in the morning and evening. They help reduce joint pain, and also relieve inflammation, which significantly reduces the recovery period. This is one of the most inexpensive and affordable drugs.
  • Ketonal. This is an ordinary analgesic, which is often used for pain in the teeth and migraines. Also often used for joint pain. The drug is characterized by low cost and quite high efficiency.

For a complete cure of joints, it is recommended to use several methods at the same time. Therefore, with complex treatment, non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids, as well as chondroprotectors, to restore cartilage are often prescribed. Quite often, physiotherapy is also used in order to affect the nerve endings, muscles, to reduce the manifestation of the disease.

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Comments K. article

  1. I have never heard about this)) I at one time helped me to get rid of the joints in the joints from blue clay, the intake of collagen and omega 3-6-9 Evalarovskaya, well, the movement is constant .... So I can also recommend such funds)

  2. I used to hurt the joints before .... After the way I had long treatment (with injections, physiotherapy, compresses, etc.) I decided that it was better to engage in prevention. She began to take collagen, omega 3-6-9 Evalarovskaya, she took up sports ... And the pain, thank God, after that time they had never appeared ... and the crunch disappeared. So prevention is the best treatment.

  3. Any analgesic affects the stomach. Therefore, it is better to combine them with a chondroprotector. Very good glucosamine maximum. It contains glucosamine and chondroitin. Which not only restore cartilage fabric, but also enhances NSAIDs, it can be drunk in a lower dosage. It is especially true when periodically collides with pain.

  4. Good article about joints

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