Dufaston - Instructions for use. Dufaston when planning pregnancy

Dufaston - Instructions for use. Dufaston when planning pregnancy

In the proposed article, we will talk about a hormonal drug called Duphaston at a time, it is widely used in therapy for female diseases. We will discuss detailed instructions for the use of the product and consider cases in which this drug should not be used.

« Dufaston» instructions to application

  • On the today day « Dufaston» is most often applied hormonal drug in areas gynecology. This a drug on his own properties is similar hormone progesterone
  • AT compliance with days female menstrual cycle, cyclical change predominance hormones estrogen and progesterone, and insufficient amount progesterone in female body maybe to be reason development different pathologies
  • Progesterone participates in process preparation female organism to conservation and bearing pregnancy. So how insufficient amount this female sexual hormone maybe become reason development diseases, then a drug« Dufaston» often assigned gynecologists for therapy

« Dufaston» at planning pregnancy

"Dufaston" when planning pregnancy
  • So how « Dufaston» is analogue progesteronehormone pregnancy, his often assign in period planning pregnancy and bearing fetus.
    Substance it has high speed absorption from Gastrointestinal tract and maximum substances in plasma blood arrives already after 2 hours
  • For provision sufficient level progesterone in blood women in period planning pregnancy designed special scheme his reception.
  • He assigned in second phase menstrual cycle after offensive ovulation, thenthere is in average with 11 on 25 day this cycle. On the length this time recommended accept on 1 tablet drug 1 once in day. AT case need dose funds increases treating gynecologist
  • For positive effect from treatment reception funds assign duration in 6 months, and only on expiration this deadline recommend to plan conception baby. Those the same recommendations relate to preparation women to ECO
  • Before appointment course given therapy necessary pass row tests on the content sexual hormones in blood and define them level in real moment before beginning therapy drug « Dufaston»
  • For accuracy surrendered tests necessary exactly know day ovulation, for this in flow months woman must track per his basal temperature
  • Should mark, what pregnancy arrives already on the 36 month therapy « Dufaston»

« Dufaston» on days cycle « Dufaston» with 16 on 25 day cycle

"Dufaston" by the days of the Dufaston cycle from 16 to 25 days of the cycle
  • How this is not strange sounds, but not all women right calculate mine menstrual cycle. That's why for beginning we will determine how many speak cycle u women
  • Days cycle start count from first day beginning menstruation and before first day beginning the following menstruation. AT average this period it is 28 days, but norm maybe serve interval from 25 days and before 35 in average
  • How we already mentioned previously, for conducting treatment at preparation to conception « Dufaston» assigned to reception after ovulation. it made with that the goal, to to get in biological rhythm increased concentration progesterone in female body. BUT this is is happening exactly in second phase menstrual cycle
  • AT dependencies from day ovulation and duration cycle this period falls out on the middle segment time between beginning two the latter menstruation
  • To example, if your cycle it lasts 25 days, a ovulation it happened on the 16th day cycle, then reception « Dufaston» assigned with 16go on 25th day. Then reception interrupted before next ovulation

Period after « Dufaston»

Monthly after
Monthly after "Duphaston"
  • « Dufaston» assigned exactly in those cases, when menstrual cycle it goes cO malfunctions and delays at lack hormone progesterone in female body. AT norm progesterone affects on the endometry uterus, stimulating his thickening and loosening. All these processes prepare uterus to implantation fertilized eggs
  • At lack hormone endometry not it grows and period can to be scanty or absent at all. AT this case a drug most effective
  • « Dufaston» not it has inhibitory actions on the reproductive function ovary, because at absence ovulation he so the same assigned. At this progesterone artificially provokes start menstrual bleeding, a at his cancellation often function ovary restored on one's own

« Dufaston» indications to application

"Dufaston" Indications for use

« Dufaston» assigned not only in planning or maintaining pregnancy. This a drug it has row testimony to application at the following diseases:

The threat development spontaneous abortion
Infertility, related with disadvantage lutheina
Habitual abortion
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Algodismenorrhea (painful passage menses and violation cycle)
Amenorrhea (absence menses)
Uterine bleeding, related with dysfunction
Replacement hormonal therapy
Maintaining or planning pregnancy

« Dufaston» dosage

"Duphaston" dosage

At everyone from listed diseases assigned definite well treatment given drug with certain scheme reception. Dose use maybe enough strongly vary, in dependencies from testimony content hormone progesterone in blood women.

Duration course, scheme and dose reception this drug to you maybe define only treating gynecologist. Not accept means on one's own, so how not controlled reception hormone maybe apply to you harm.

Medium doses:
At endometriosis 10 mg before 3 once in day (525 days cycle)
Infertility10 mg 1 once in day (1425 days cycle)
The threat miscarriage 10 mg 2 times in day ( before 20 weeks)
PMS10 mg 2 times in day (1125 days cycle)

Remember!!! Scheme and dose reception appoints only doctor.

« Dufaston» side action

"Duphaston" Side effect

To side effects reception given drug can take it the following states:

Development iron deficiency anemia
Development allergic reactions on the components components funds
Migraine and head pain
Highly rarely can develop, so called, breakthrough uterine bleeding, related with high level progesterone in blood, at this so the same maybe to swell breast and to be painful at palpation
So the same very rarely maybe average liver, accompanied development pain in epigastral areas and symptoms hepatitis A
Skin manifestations allergic reactions in form itching and redness, so the same maybe develop swelling condition

« Dufaston» contraindications

"Duphaston" contraindications

A drug contraindicated to reception in the following states:
At identified increased sensitivity to given drug or his components components
Marked itching or redness skin pokov at bearing previous pregnancies
It is forbidden assign « Dufaston» at availability syndrome malabsorption or at intolerance galactose woman
FROM caution a drug assigned at availability u women migraines, epileptic attacks in anamnesis and at diseases exchange substances
At use funds for replacement therapy it is necessary constant Ultrasound control states organs small pelvis and regular passage mammography

« Dufaston» children

This a drug not assigned usually in children's age. Exception it is offensive u girls sexual maturation and impossibility establishment her menstrual cycle on the length time before of the year.

If a cycle so and not installed, then maybe application hormonal drugs, but strictly on appointment children's gynecologist and under control tests blood and others methods research.

« Dufaston» analogs

Structural analogues a drug not it has. He it has other patented names:

Video: Duphaston

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