Dufalak: indications and contraindications for purpose, dosage, effect of use, side effects, combination with other drugs, prescription during pregnancy and lactation, children, conditions and shelf life

Dufalak: indications and contraindications for purpose, dosage, effect of use, side effects, combination with other drugs, prescription during pregnancy and lactation, children, conditions and shelf life

From the article you will learn about the methods of using the drug Dufalac.

The patented medicine of the Duphalak, which is produced in the Netherlands, contains lactative lactulose, which is the main substance, and a certain amount of purified water. The minimum content of lactose, fructose, galactose and other related sugars is also possible. It is produced as a powder from which a suspension is prepared, and in the form of a syrup.

Indications and contraindications for the appointment of the drug Duphalak

It is indicated for diseases of the liver, an excess in the body of ammonia, which leads to poisoning (hyperonymia), intestinal dysbiosis, enterite provoked by some bacteria, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A drug
A drug

Dufalac is contraindicated in cases where there is increased sensitivity to the components of the medicine, if there are rectal bleeding of unidentified etiology, colostoma and ileostoma, intestinal obstruction. Contraindications also exist with abdominal pain similar to the symptoms of appendicitis, galactose metabolism. In each individual case, the doctor considers the possibility of using duphalak in treatment in the presence of diabetes.

Dosage of the drug Duphalak

The dosage of the drug is prescribed depending on the disease. It is accepted orally:

  • the hepatic coma, Precom, hypeammony, encephalopathy-three times a day 30-50 ml, supporting therapy is prescribed individually.
  • zapor-from 15 to 45 ml over the first three days, then the dose decreases to 10-30 ml.
  • enteritis-three times a day for 15 ml for 10-12 days, then a break for a week follows, and then taking the drug increases to 5 per day, also 15 ml.
  • periodontal disease - from 15 to 30 ml during the day.

With exacerbations, duphilak can be prescribed in the form of a solution at the rate of 300 ml of syrup diluted with water (700 ml), introduced through an enema. It cannot be a constant form of administration of the drug, since it brings a relief effect, and does not eliminate the cause of the disease.

The effect of the use of the drug Duphalak

When taking the drug, the best absorption of salts and phosphates occurs, an increase in the volume of intestinal filling, which stimulates its peristalsis, restores the physiological rhythms of the large intestine, eliminating constipation.

For better absorption
For better absorption
  • The growth of lactobacilli begins, which contribute to the formation of the required amount of acids in the body, mainly milk, in smaller volumes, but ant and acetic acids are also produced.
  • The associated ammonium ions are displayed, which closed the plasma.
  • Duphilak also reduces the development of salmonell, not fermenting lactose, reduces bacterial expulsion time.
  • Acts in the thick area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine, without absorbing in the stomach.
  • At doses of not over 70 ml, it is split without a trace, in large quantities - partially remains and is removed from the body unchanged. The effect occurs 1-2 days after the start of admission. Cases of addiction to the drug are not recorded.

Side effects from the use of the drug Duphalak

Perhaps the occurrence seizures related to the gastrointestinal tract, in the form of diarrhea, flatulence, nausea. The appearance of headaches, dizziness, failures in heart rhythms, muscle pain is not excluded. The body can quickly get tired, possibly a feeling of general weakness. If taking the drug lasts a long time, water-salt metabolism may be disturbed.

The combination of the drug Duphalak with other drugs

A decrease in the effect was recorded with the simultaneous use of antibiotics and agents that neutralize acid, which is produced by the stomach (antacids).

It is forbidden to take with antibiotics
It is forbidden to take with antibiotics

To take duphalak earlier than 2 hours after the adoption of gastrointestinal tablets is not recommended due to the fact that the latter affects the process of their pH-dependent release.

The appointment of the drug Duphalak during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is not contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the systemic effect of lactulose on the body of pregnant or breastfeeding women is insignificant.

The appointment of the drug duphalak to children

The Duphalac prebiotik, intended for children, has a positive effect on the intestinal settlement with bacteria with bacteria with bacteria and a decrease in the amount of conditionally pathogenic, which leads to an improvement in the digestive process, and qualitative absorption of beneficial substances.

  • From 7 to 14 years, the dose is 10-15 ml, younger-from 5 to 10 ml.
  • For children under 1 year old, no more than 5 ml is prescribed (the reception is allowed from 6 weeks).
  • Doses for children are designed for the complete metabolization of the drug.
  • When using duphalak, the child should drink enough in order to avoid intestinal congestion.
  • The gradual cessation of taking the drug occurs when a regular stool is reached, which does not inflict uncomfortable sensations to the child.

Conditions and shelf life of the drug duphalak

Like all drugs, the duphilak should be stored in a place protected from sunlight, which ensures inaccessibility for children. Storage temperature +10-25 ° C. Typically, the shelf life is 3 years. You can’t use it after this date.

Released in pharmacies without a prescription. The price of the drug in pharmacy sale starts from 188 p.

Video: How to use dufalac?

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