Melon: beneficial properties, composition, calorie content of the product. The benefits of melon: for men, women, children, pregnant women, with weight loss, breastfeeding. What is the harm of melon?

Melon: beneficial properties, composition, calorie content of the product. The benefits of melon: for men, women, children, pregnant women, with weight loss, breastfeeding. What is the harm of melon?

In the article, we will consider how the melon is useful for the human body, we find out whether it is possible to eat her pregnant women, children and reveal other questions about its harm.

The melon has long been grown in Africa. It was from this hot country that the tradition came to grow such a treat in our gardens. There are many varieties of yellow beauty. Therefore, melons are of various sizes and are slightly different in taste. There are melons weighing up to 23 kilograms.

It belongs to the grassy plants of the pumpkin family. A dessert vegetable is a false berry and stands on a par with cucumbers.

Melon: composition, calorie content of the product

Basically, it is eaten in raw form. The only thing that the fetus should be cut into pieces before use, cleaned of seeds and separated from the peel.

Another fetal pulp is used for the manufacture of centers, aromatic honey, jam, jams, compote. The melon can also be dried, dried, and cooked juices from it. This culture is successfully used for medical purposes.

You need to choose the product with knowledge of the matter. To do this, it is enough to comply with the following conditions:

  • Choose a melon with a pleasant aroma. Make sure that another smell with a shade of chemistry does not come from the fetus.
  • When choosing a fruit, you need to hit the palm on the surface. If the sound is sonorous, then it is better not to take it, the sound should be deaf.
  • Choose ripe melons. The check by pressing the skin from the opposite side of the stem. If it is not very hard, then you can take the product.
Benefits for the body - product melon
The benefits for the body - product melon

The composition of the melon

The dessert vegetable has tocopherol, beta-carotene, pectins, sucrose, fiber, vitamins (C, B2, B1, A, PP) and a number of minerals:

  • Potassium-122 mg, which helps to improve the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Magnesium - 17 mg improves the functions of the nervous system, helps to restore nerve cells.
  • Calcium - 21 mg is the main building material for bone tissues, teeth.
  • Phosphorus - 18 mg is indispensable for the formation of bone material.
  • Chlorine - 49 mg stabilizes low pressure, eliminates a sleepy state, relieves lethargy.
  • Sure - 11 mg activates brain activity, eliminates fatigue.
  • Iron - 1014 μg is useful to people with anemia, is the main supplier of hemoglobin in the blood. It delivers oxygen from the lungs to the cells.
  • Zinc-93 μg, due to the lack of this element, blood diseases, fragility of bones can develop.
  • Iodine - 2.3 μg contributes to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Marganese - 34 μg, a useful element for activating brain activity and promotes rejuvenation at the cellular level.
  • Fittor - 21 μg Supplier of the indispensable building material for the structure of nails, teeth, hair.
  • Cobalt - 2.3 μg is an activator of hematopoiesis.
  • Copper - 49 μg, saturates blood cells, participates in their formation.
Different varieties of melon
Different varieties of culture

Calorie content of the berry

The calorie content of the product is not very high. Therefore, the fetus is recommended for dietary nutrition. Dried, sluggish melon has more kilocalories at the rate per 100 grams of product: 343-512 kcal. Much more depends on the variety of dessert vegetables - in sweet varieties, calorie content is higher.

Useful properties of melons

There are many useful characteristics of the yellow beauty. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, effective in the treatment of rheumatism, liver diseases. Thanks to the components that are contained in it, you can improve the condition of the cardiovascular system and normalize blood pressure.

Consider the beneficial properties of the fetus in detail:

  • With frequent use of melon pulp, you can notice noticeable changes in the functioning of the nervous system. She will bring benefit to people who have depressive disordershave weak psyche.
  • If you have a weakened immune system, then the use of melon can become a panacea to strengthen it.
The benefits of melon for the body of adults, children
The benefits of melon for the body of adults, children
  • In the presence of vitiligo, dermatosis, red flat lichen, psoriasis the mask from the pulp of a large berry facilitates the condition. The pulp, used as a hair mask, will also improve the condition of curls and skin.
  • There are components in the fetus that improve the condition of patients with anemia, anemia. They are effective to increase hemoglobin.
  • Nutritionists advise to use a dessert vegetable pulp for improving intestinal function, to eliminate problems with digestive organs. The only thing that cannot be included in the diet cannot be included in the aggravated phase of stomach diseases.
  • In the general depletion of body systems, it is recommended to use the product of the product in the diet daily to saturate tissues and all body systems with useful trace elements.
  • With various cold infections, the substance enhances the effect of antibacterial drugs. They create favorable conditions for quick recovery, and reduce the risk of adverse reactions due to taking drugs.
  • At swelling, constipation, hemorrhoids helps juice, fetal pulp. Thanks to the use of these products, a diuretic and laxative effect occurs.
The melon is the benefit
The melon is the benefit
  • Kidney diseases are treated with a decoction that is prepared from fruit seeds. This tea it has a diuretic property. For its preparation, take 16 g of seeds, grind and poured with purified water - 225 ml. Then boil over low heat for 7-9 minutes. They divide the decoction into three portions and drink before meals.
  • With exacerbations rheumatic pain and gout of nutritionists advise drinking juice product. The substances that are in the drink reduce pain, and contribute to the rapid retreat of ailments.
  • Children with weakened immunity, after the diseases, pediatricians advise there is a melon, drink juice from her pulpto correct the condition.
  • Juice, product pulp are effective for excretion From the body toxic substances, cholesterol, poisons.
  • At problems with skin (acne, acne) of melon seeds, brewed in boiling water, eliminate them. Another decoction can be used to remove freckles, age spots.
  • Melon seeds are also effective to combat potency. Only take them chopped and washed down with water.
What is the benefit of melons for girls?
What is the benefit of melons for girls?

IMPORTANT: The components that are in the pulp of a dessert vegetable contribute to the active production of serotonin. The hormone is involved in the work of all vital systems of the body.

The benefits of melon: for men, women, children, pregnant women, when losing weight, breastfeeding

For men

Those men who use melon have less often problems with potency. Dried and ground powder of melon seeds have the properties of aphrodisiacs. They should be taken 17 grams three times a day before eating. As mentioned earlier, juice, product pulp is an excellent remedy for heart pathologies, gout, atherosclerosis, etc.

For women

Melon is a natural rejuvener, because it has oxidants. If you use the pulp, melon juice inside and make masks on the skin, hair, then you can significantly improve the condition of curls, skin, nails. If depression, fatigue, insomnia torments, then the pulp and juice of melon will help to overcome the ailments.

Melon. The benefits in cosmetology
Melon. The benefits in cosmetology

For kids

Nutritionists recommend using this dessert to children from the age of three. Otherwise, painful colic in the intestines may occur. Fruit seeds are used to get rid of helminths. The pulp helps to eliminate constipation. The skin of the plant is applied to bruises, bruises, burns, insect bites.

Melon for weight loss

Excess weight can cause many ailments. Therefore, full people are looking for ways to lose weight. Nutritionists advise with obesity there are melons. They accelerate metabolism, remove excessive fluid from the body, have a laxative effect.

How will it lose weight on the melons?
How to lose weight on melons?

Melon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The composition of the melon includes minerals, vitamins, acids that are necessary for the future baby, mother. The product has folic acid, it is needed for the normal development of the fetus, prevents the threat of tearing pregnancy.

Pectin improves intestinal motility. This is necessary for pregnant women, since they have frequent malfunctions in his work. The melon juice is necessary for future mothers to improve often changing mood, to get rid of toxicosis.

IMPORTANT: Women feeding a newborn is not very desirable melon. This can cause colic, allergies.

Contraindications, harmful properties of melons

If you use melon in large quantities, then enterocolitis, diarrhea may appear. There are still the following contraindications and warnings on use:

  • It is undesirable to eat dessert on an empty stomach. Do not drink sour -milk products, strong drinks after a snack with melons.
  • The fetal pulp contains many sugars, so there are melons in large quantities contraindicated, patients with diabetes.
  • Green fruits can not eat patients who have gastritis, ulcer and other gastrointestinal pathologies.
  • If a person has spleen diseases, then you can not self -medicate and use plant seeds.
  • The melon can cause allergenic reactions. Therefore, people who have a tendency to such manifestations need to use it with maximum caution.
When is the melon contraindicated?
When is the melon contraindicated?

Unfortunately, dessert vegetables are often sold in spontaneous markets with exceeded norms of nitrates. Therefore, it is better to buy melons in trusted stores so that there are no poisoning. Also, expectant mothers should not get involved in this product in large quantities. It is enough to eat 225 grams of dessert per day and in no case is it on an empty stomach.

Video: Benefit, Melon harms

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Comments K. article

  1. I still think that more harm than good. Because, first of all, it is sugar and fructose, there can definitely be no positive effect. And there are too few vitamins, it is better to take complexes. I like the MYESC formula more than polyvitamins, because there, in addition to vitamins and minerals, there are also extracts of useful plants- Kayen pepper, infantry, Eleutherococcus, berries of dwarf palm trees. There is no need to complain about health to God.

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