Soul fatigue - what is it? Why do we feel spiritual fatigue and how to determine it? How to deal with spiritual fatigue?

Soul fatigue - what is it? Why do we feel spiritual fatigue and how to determine it? How to deal with spiritual fatigue?

Soul fatigue, sometimes, can be even stronger than physical. In our article you will learn how to recognize spiritual fatigue, where it appears and how to overcome it.

Soul fatigue is not at all that physical. This is its main feature. The thing is that we can feel physical fatigue. Usually we want to lie down, sit, sleep and so on. And if this is done, it will be easier. After all, the body rested and we can move on.

As for a violation of mental balance and fatigue, it is not so easy to notice it. It can not be noticed for a very long time, and when it becomes strong, it will no longer want to do anything. Yes, and it will not work. Let's figure out where spiritual fatigue comes from and what to do with it.

Why does sincere fatigue appear: reasons

Soul fatigue
Soul fatigue

In order to take measures in time to eliminate mental fatigue, it is important to understand its cause. At the moment, there are several reasons that lead to the occurrence of mental fatigue.

  • Monotonous work

When we are engaged in monotonous work, we quickly get tired. The human psyche is arranged so that it requires a variety and switching between types of activity and objects. Thus, you can maintain due attention. If the work is the same, then you have to spend a lot of effort to maintain interest.

So, if you have to engage in monotonous activities, then try to switch and find an interesting activity for yourself. Or try to switch and take breaks during the day. You must use different spheres, for example, memory and imagination. Think about how to do it.

  • Too high work when you do not have time to enjoy the result

It is important for each person to evaluate the result of their activities and enjoy the result. The latter is more important. For example, when the artist finished the picture, he must admire her, the architect, after performing, should also get joy from the result. And this applies to any activity.

But when the artist has many orders, and the architect works in several projects, then there is no time for satisfaction. It all becomes a kind of carousel when some swallowed quickly changing others.

So you always need to try to unload yourself. If you can’t do this, because the deadlines are settled or the boss is pressing, then it makes sense to think about changing goals and priorities or finding another place of work?

  • Non -obvious results or they are too delayed
Why do people get tired morally?
Why do people get tired morally?

It happens. For example, the work of the cashier. Constant queues, issuing goods, class work ... It seems that the work is moving, there is no result. It turns out that the result is absent. Or work on a social network. While the group is spinning, a lot of time will pass and therefore the result is very delayed. The hardest thing in situations when the leadership requires a quick result. Only it is not always taken into account that any work with people and their opinion can take a lot of time and therefore the result cannot be obvious.

Try to pay more attention to short -term goals. For example, if you are a cashier, then think that today you have made more revenues. Or today you posted more posts in the group and you were left a few good reviews and so on.

  • Too high load and severe stress

Modern life is often full of stress and emotional overload. Therefore, it is not even surprising that mental fatigue is happening. Just imagine that you have to be in suspense all day. Nobody can withstand so long. At such a pace, in a year, a maximum of one and a half, a person necessarily overtakes fatigue.

So here one who knows how to control his emotions will survive and knows the techniques of relaxation. The more ways you know, the better.

  • High responsibility and lack of proper reward
High level of responsibility
High level of responsibility

When you have to work in high responsibility and pay little for it, it becomes sad. For example, when a person works with people and their life depends on him. Take the same doctors. It often happens that they give their nerves, strength and soul, and in return they get very little, then they have a logical question - why do they need it at all? And, as a rule, they cannot find an answer. Even the most fanatical worker is thinking about having more with his level of responsibility.

Here it remains only to look for ways to earn more. Otherwise, mental fatigue cannot be avoided.

  • No switching and rest

If you do not rest normally, then it will not work to work well. Moreover, some live very far from work and have to get up much earlier in order to have time to come on time. Just imagine. In a suburb of Moscow, people get up at 5 in the morning and spend 2 hours on the road to get to work. And the same amount back. The plus in everything can also be irregular. Of course, you get very tired here. And not only sincerely, but also physically.

Add here still high responsibility. Then a person has to constantly keep his thoughts in his head and try not to forget anything. They noted that they began to linger less at one job and go to another? This is what speaks of quick fatigue. But just in a new place it does not get better.

How to recognize mental fatigue: signs

How to determine spiritual fatigue?
How to determine spiritual fatigue?

When you have to strain for a long time, internal forces are exhausted. A feeling of development comes, which is very much like depression. Any attempt to cheer up fails, it cannot be thought about good and return to an active life.

The thing is that time restoration needs time and fatigue cannot pass instantly. The soul often needs no less attention than the body. If you do not recognize in time that the resources are spent, then serious problems may arise. So, not far from psyche or depression problems. So that this does not arise, you should learn to recognize fatigue. There are several signs:

  • Throughout the day I want to sleep, rolls a slumber and hardly manages to wake up. At night, the dream is also restless, because there are unpleasant dreams and frank nightmares.
  • You constantly feel malaise, it may not be clear or dizzy of what, the stomach achs, jumps the pressure and darkens in the eyes.
  • If you are asked what happened to you, then the words are not even selected, because you do not even know what you feel. Inside there is such a complex process that cannot be described in a nutshell.
Signs of mental fatigue
Signs of mental fatigue
  • Physical state and emotional differ from each other. You cease to feel like a whole person.
  • All emotions are aggravated and you become so sensitive that you can cry for no reason, begin to feel limitless love or longing.
  • Panic attacks may occur, it seems that you do not have time or do nothing badly. Gradually, anxiety becomes chronic.
  • Even if there are a lot of people around, then the feeling of loneliness still does not disappear anywhere. I would like to speak out, but to open so hard that the internal block is triggered.
  • Everything that happens does not cause you anything but sarcasm, annoyance or anger. Although you usually try to take care of everyone and behave sympathetically.
  • The body has constant weakness and I do not want to move. Even the slightest activity exhausts. There is no energy and the usual things become overwhelming. Even fitness and jogging have now become hard work.
  • You are afraid of the future and lost confidence in the future. Inside it became empty and I just want to leave to start all over again. There is no taste for life and nothing can please you.

All signs are quite obvious and if you have just such a state, then you need to deal with it. It should not overshadow your life.

How to get rid of spiritual fatigue: methods, advice

How to get rid of spiritual fatigue?
How to get rid of spiritual fatigue?

What to do if your soul asks for rest and you can’t do anything? Everything is simple. Remember yourself and satisfy your soul. Give her as much rest as required - turn off the phone and take care of what you like. Lie in a hot bathroom, take care of meditation, listen to music, spend time with your family. Do not give negative thoughts to capture you. Do not scold yourself for misconduct, criticize and so on. Try to always maintain balance.

If you can distract from all the negativity, as well as thoughts that lose your strength and tune in to positive, you can feel all the beauty and fullness of life. There are several very good tips that will help you be distracted and relax.

  • Evaluate victories by effort, not the result

Soul fatigue often appears because a person treats himself too demanding. Many are used to evaluating their achievements by the result.

That is, regardless of how much strength you spent and what exactly received in the end, if the necessary goal was not achieved, then you will still feel like a loser.

In fact, everything is not so bad. If you do everything right, then you can always "measure" your progress. Just do not do this constantly, after completing any task, even the smallest.

Try to encourage yourself for every victory and every step to the right goal.

  • Reduce responsibility and increase your hobby
Reduce responsibility
Reduce responsibility

Another method that allows you to overcome fatigue is to postpone the majority of obligations aside. If you go forward simply because it is necessary, then gradually it will turn into a heavy burden. Even good pleasant moments will no longer seem so positive.

This may concern any area of \u200b\u200blife - at home, family, work, and so on.

If you add more passion and hobbies to life, this will be the best impetus forward. Try to find time for what you like and do it part of your life.

If your work requires presence from the morning until the evening, which is not very amused, but you may well pay the bills, then think about your hobby. Take them your evening or weekend. This will allow you to unload and distract from all experiences.

Try to gradually change your usual rhythm of life for the better and you will notice that it will become brighter and more interesting, and you are no longer so much pestering experiences.

  • Reunion with nature

Remember when you were in nature for the last time? Even if you are very concerned with environmental health, then you are unlikely to often go out just a walk.

It's just that you are not used to it, because you have a lot of things, you are always in a hurry and generally do not have time. No one says that now you have to constantly be on excursions or campaigns, but go for a walk daily, at least for 15 minutes it is still worth it. Think about what you like more - hiking, feeding birds, jogging and so on.

If you have a dog, then take the opportunity and walk with it. So, you may even have two walks - in the morning and evening.

  • Carbohydrates and spiritual fatigue
Eat correctly
Eat correctly

It seems that there is no connection between them, but it only seems. The fact is that our brain is an organ that requires a lot of energy for work and therefore if you consume a lot of sugar or bad calories, then there will be nothing good. So fatigue will only be stronger.

Instead, it is better to eat as right as possible. It is better if it will be as little sugar as possible, or not at all.

It would also be worth reducing the amount of salt in food and trying to clean the usual harmful products-fast food, flour, fat and so on.

  • Refuse alcohol and sugar

Try to refuse sugar for at least a couple of days. Can you have a week? You will immediately notice how spiritual fatigue leaves.

You will become more active, and in two weeks a lot of energy will appear without sugar. And another pleasant moment will be the loss of several extra pounds.

It is not very difficult to refuse sugar, it is enough to observe several rules:

Read each label of a product or drink. You will definitely be surprised when you find out how much sugar they have. Even when the product at first glance is harmless, it may turn out to be a lot of sugar.

It is important to refuse alcohol. Even despite all the benefits of beer and red wine, it is better to exclude them from your life. Alcohol consumption should be from time to time and in moderation.

  • Observe sleep mode
Healthy sleep
Healthy sleep

You may not know, but the most successful people always care about their dreams. Sleep mode is very important, because at this time you are resting. And if there is very little sleep, then do not be surprised if you are constantly tired. Rarely successful people sleep at an inappropriate time or more than being laid.

For each adult, as for a child, sleep mode should be strictly defined. This helps the brain to recognize when you can relax. As a result, if everything is done sequentially, then mental fatigue will pass.

This does not mean that you will no longer feel fatigue, because many factors affect this, but you will definitely feel better.

Most likely, it will be difficult to follow all the rules at first, but gradually you get used to them and life is getting better. More often before going to bed, drink relaxing tea and be patient, because you will definitely succeed!

Video: morally tired, what is it?

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Comments K. article

  1. That's right, first of all, you need to be able to relax and rest, turn off your thoughts. Also not far from depression. I go to the country on weekends, there are beds, flowers, air, I don’t want to think about at all. In addition, I charmingly drink the Triptofan calm formula, I order on the, herbal teas with mint or lemon balm.

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