Soul: What is it? The soul hurts: reasons - why is it given to people, what to do, how to treat? Will the soul cease to hurt after treatment with a psychotherapist?

Soul: What is it? The soul hurts: reasons - why is it given to people, what to do, how to treat? Will the soul cease to hurt after treatment with a psychotherapist?

If the soul hurts, then it seems that life no longer has those bright colors. And only medical care and spiritual development will help to cope with the pain of the soul.

We often do not think about the mental state we are. If, for example, our backs were ill, we definitely go to the doctor. To the best doctor, so that he can make the correct diagnosis of our disease. But when we do not care, indifferent or sometimes aching “under the spoon”, and it is not clear what I want.

We are overwhelmed by doubts or fears, it throws us into cold sweat or I want to meet a friend and share pain. Often it happened when your friend all the time complains of troubles and misfortunes. It's time for your friend to help. This means that his soul hurts.

Soul: What is it?

The soul is that part of you, thanks to which you live, it, as it were, permeates us. It is everywhere and in our entire existence.

A very large part of what you describe as “individual”, that you are so diligent than you are especially interested in - this is just your body. Your body can be worn, cheat, the body can exist, or maybe not. Our whims, memory, interest, fear are not your individuality, not what describes it.

For example, the human brain may be sick with Alzheimer's disease, but this disease has nothing to do with his soul. The brain is a part of our body through which your soul manifests itself, but the activity of the brain is not a state of human soul, it is not a soul.

If a person suffered any suffering, was in custody or was sick for a long time. Such a person asks questions: why do I need all this? Does the Lord see where I am? Lord are you nearby?

  • When the Great Elders talk about the soul, they admit that the soul is part of the deep unknowable, like the Lord God Himself. This is our part that can speak with the Lord without translators. And this is the disappointment of a modern person who must know everything, weigh, measure. And then a person begins to doubt the existence of the soul in general, he takes a certain function of the brain for his soul.
  • Human life is just much more than the activity of cells of his brain. The soul is the meaning of our existence. The soul needs to be cherished and cultivated. Be sure to pray for the salvation of his soul to the Virgin of Mary and the Lord God to our Savior. The soul was created to save a person. We better understand our soul when we offer prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ, and our soul is cleansed.

It is necessary to sincerely repent of the deed sins. This will help us get closer to the Lord, to take the path of preserving our soul. After all, a person can be dead, and his soul languishes in anticipation when prayers will be extended for it. And we pray for our deceased relatives, patrons, friends. It is also necessary to raise prayers for the living. Because the soul of a living person also needs mention. The Lord will look at his child, and maybe a deeply ill person, heals.

Soul repentance
Soul repentance

The soul is our life itself. And we must live our life in piety. Even the Lord broadcast that the salvation of the soul passes through suffering. The Lord said that those who follow him should "carry their cross." Go in the direction where God shows, and carry “His Cross” with dignity. So that life can help the soul in self -realization. The soul hurts, when the Lord gives pain to truncate on us, so that we can see the path of salvation brighter. Salvation for us and our kind. Because if at least one person prays for salvation, his whole family will be saved.

What is the reason when the soul hurts?

Every sane person understands that living in constant pain is impossible. And not pain is important, but the reason caused it. As soon as we start to get sick in the body, we are trying to figure out the location of pain and reveal its beginning. We turn to a narrow specialist so that he helps us to recover. But which specialist should I turn to when the soul hurts?

Where does the signal come from from the fact that soul hurts? How to understand and recognize this? How to help the exhausted soul? Have you asked yourself these questions? I think no. And it would be necessary.

Pain in the shower
Pain in the shower
  • A signal of pain can come to our brain, or maybe in the heart, because he also gets, maybe the solar plexus accepts this signal and begins to whine? Unfortunately, none of our organs can receive signals from our consciousness. It, according to modern science, is outside of man. Therefore, according to science, consciousness cannot exist in the body. It turns out that the body does not hurt.
  • In this case, we turn to the Lord. Priests say: that concentration of sin causes mental pain. The first thing that the person who will be treated should admit. This is the presence of sins.
  • Now it is completely not fashionable to talk about sin. Probably because people who are far from the Church believe that priests need to comply with some rules, and not ourselves. But sin is a criminal act against his own soul.
Sin causes pain
Sin causes pain

The motto of man today is “Take everything from life”. But you can get to anything like that. And if there is a loss of a loved one. We do not realize that these are our sins so shown. The pain in various of our crisis situations is caused by our pride, envy, revenge. Hence the conclusion, and he is one-we somewhere damaged our souls. After all, the loss of relations would not be so sick if, not, not pride and self -love.

The soul hurts: what to do?

There are specially trained people who can help in this case - these are psychologists, psychotherapists, gestaltpsichologists.

  • Therefore, be sure to contact a therapist. After all, if your joint hurts, you go to the traumatologist. You turn to a specialist and he helps you. So with the soul, a specialist must treat it.
  • If everything is not the way you imagine, insomnia torments at night, or just problems are wound up. People do not know what to do in this case. They often go to church to the priest, turn to a friend, or more interestingly, go to the top to find out the future and take off their bad eyes. And this gives people relief! Let it be so.
Appeal to the psychotherapist
Appeal to the psychotherapist
  • Everyone whom you turned to, they will certainly listen to you, will drive away doubts, from the height of their experience, they will advise and reassure. You will become calmer and more pleasant, but before the next obstacles in life. And these very obstacles will certainly come, not because you are so flawed, but because our life at every new round sets us our new goals and missions, which we must fulfill and realize. And what to do? Again, you need a person who will help us solve all these problems, again you need to run for help to someone who can solve our unique situation?
  • People often turn to a therapist to understand or realize some situation or get an answer to a question that is tormenting a person. As a rule, this situation is called "counseling."
  • It is assumed that the therapist can see the situation from a different angle, help to figure out why soul hurts, give a specific hint how to act in various cases.

Consulting usually takes about an hour of time. After the consultation, a person comes out with a new one who has formed during the conversation, we are aware of his question, by a slightly different angle of the situation considered, he receives another, before the not visible direction of his attention and concentration. It is understood that a psychotherapist, this is a person is an expert in various areas of life, and he can turn consciousness, see a decision in a different direction of thinking.

  • It happens that a person who turned to a psychotherapist is stuck in a very difficult situation, and it is not possible to solve it like this immediately, without help from outside. We need a person who will conduct the intended course.
  • And then a situation is born when two people: a psychotherapist and consultable, unite to achieve a solution to the issue. If the issue that is resolved has recently matured, and he does not have a root in distant childhood, then this request is decided at several consultations, one or two.
  • However, if soul hurts And this has roots in childhood and contains many layers that need to be disassembled, the process of counseling will take significantly time. Then a very lot of work is needed, which can take time, from several months to several years.

Pain of the soul: how to treat?

The pain torments every person, it can be physical and sincere. But in any case, a person tries to cure his body or soul as quickly as possible. Everyone dreams that the pain leaves, leave the person.

  • Of course, I must say that if something hurts me, this is not an evil state. Pain is the lever of our body to show us that something is not going as necessary. If a person had nothing to hurt, we would not have been sitting here today.
  • Pain is our help in a very difficult situation. Therefore, let's say “thank you” for the fact that we can feel pain.
  • For example, how would you look at the person who scolds the dog for barking. It is barking that prevents him from sleeping. He does not think that perhaps this thieves climb into his barn. He scolds his dog. He is too lazy to get up and go to see what is happening. You are such a person, you will call a fool (or maybe even stronger).

We become very similar to this person when suffering brings mental pain! Unfortunately, we are not trying to see the very essence of our pain. We tolerate when soul hurts, we suffer to a state of dullness, a state when there is no strength to endure. We leave the realization of the root cause of pain, we hide like an ostrich head in the sand, just not to see the obvious. We are not engaged in eliminating the cause of pain.

People who are trying to get away from pain are healed through suicide. They remind the person who scolds the dog, and does not seek the reason why it barks. These people believe that if you remove the body, the pain will leave. But not the body hurts! This is how, if you treated a cold, an amputation of your hand.

Soul hurts: the help of a psychotherapist

Another way to help, if the soul hurts, is the help of a psychotherapist. Our Western colleagues believe that the therapist must prescribe drugs so that the patient will recover. And it must be people with the education of a doctor or at least a nurse. In the vastness of the former union, everything is not so. A psychotherapist can be called every psychologist who can help a person see himself from the side or laid out with the patient all his negative on the shelves.

People who are not related to medicine often ask - who is a psychotherapist? Who can he help? What is psychotherapy in general? Simply, in a nutshell, this cannot be explained. Help a person get out of a difficult situation? Expand the focus of the look at the problem in a different direction? This is probably “the one who Heals the soul" - if expressed in a nutshell. Warm enough. “Achieving peace, the road leading to the light” - also closely describe the work of the psychotherapist. To identify a combination of words to describe who such a psychotherapist is quite difficult.

Help Wanted
Help Wanted

When the whole world around you took up against you and you have it very soul hurts, you understand that in order to change something, you need to change the course of the swimming ship-and here you are in the hands of an experienced psychotherapist. This path begins somewhere inside a person when he asks himself unspoken questions: what to do in a particular situation? How to turn the solution in the right direction? Who is this person - me? What should I achieve in this life? And when it becomes unbearably painful, and we understand that we need to categorically change everything in this life.

  • The first thing that is necessarily present in working with a psychotherapist is the discomfort that this person who has turned for help has. After all, if a person is alone and he is comfortable, then there are no motives for moving forward. So it turns out that sadness, torment, unbearable situation, and experience leads us to psychotherapists.
  • In any case, a person should thank the current conditions, because they make us change, change the rules of life, change the circle of communication. In a word - act.

Will the soul cease to hurt after treatment with a psychotherapist?

The psychotherapist, in no case, will not change your life, just having consulted. In your experience, the previous stereotypes will remain, which you can always apply to the situation most suitable. However, a therapist can show you new behaviors that are most appropriate for a new situation. And in your life you can use a wider range of skills to solve the most different situations.

The road to the bright future
The road to the bright future
  • You can get out with dignity, and be a winner in the most difficult issues. A variety of customers say that the therapist will be able to change the person with a cavity that he becomes different.
  • However, the therapist simply shows a person the possibility of developing a situation in a completely different direction, and in some way does not affect the psyche of his ward. A person will remain himself, but he will be able to act differently based on the given conditions of the situation.
  • A person cannot change completely, he remains who he was to a higher degree. When you climbed the stairs of your life, the people who surrounded you saw you from any one point of view or maybe from several.
  • But you are a multifaceted person, in your behavior there are many sides from which you can look at you. Man is such a huge metagalaxy, immense, wide, with different sides. And a person represents himself a small town, such a small estate without perceiving in himself all the largest and most immense. And this is understandable, not always a person wants to grow and develop. He understands that the very hidden part will require development, and you may not be ready for this. And in such a situation it necessarily begins the soul is sick.

It is precisely after visiting the psychotherapist that you risk parting with your children's illusions, with the illusory nature of your present. You switch to a completely new, for you, level of consciousness and behavior in a particular situation. And if you went on a serious trip to yourself, then you are obviously a real brave. A brave man in all its manifestations (like Baron Munchausen), who makes his achievements regularly and according to plan.

During all these travels, perhaps more than once, you will want to stop and do nothing else. This is understandable, because you need to study the new model of behavior, and learn to put it in practice, in a particular case. Without studying the model of behavior, you cannot move on. Our body requires a change in rest and satisfaction periods, periods of searching for new forms of behavior.

The main task of the therapist is to return to you the unity of all opposites. So that later you can choose the most important model of behavior in one or another situation. Psychotherapy is a spiral movement. How much you need to study space inside yourself. You can grow as much and be a little further, yourself the same.

Pain of the soul: Why is it given to people?

All life around you contains a certain cycle, winter is replaced by spring, rain - the sun, childhood - youth, and sadness - joy. Especially in your psyche, the need for cycles is made. We have a cycle of peace, pleasure and delight. And this cycle is replaced, because it is impossible to linger in it, peace will grow into sadness, delight - develops into a certain satiety, and pleasure brings us a meagerness. And you have to leave the comfort zone and restore balance and calm again.

It is important to restore balance
It is important to restore balance
  • It sounds very strange, but you should see better in all your problems, you should be grateful to him. After all, everything that happens to you is aimed at changing, becoming different, acting for your life. However, it happens that there are people who cannot use crisis situations to move up.
  • These people spend a huge amount of energy so as not to fall into a crisis position, but ultimately not to develop. But everyone will not succeed in getting rid of the crisis and a person begins to respond to a crisis with a different set of funds that were at his disposal earlier.
  • The result of this is difficult overcoming crisis situations or the inability to see from a different point of view, but in the end it is necessary to adopt a new concept of a decision, a naked situation.
  • Here is a person complains about what he has "soul hurts"This suggests that a situation arose in which the levers acquired in childhood or adolescence do not work, and the situation must be considered from a completely different point of view, which is fundamentally different from previous attitudes and stereotypes. Often people do not even understand what levers it can be, and how they can work in a specific situation.
  • And the more restrictions in childhood you received from your parents, the more narrow your methods of getting out of this situation will be. When you were children, your parents needed these prohibitions to protect you. But you have grown, and your stereotypes of behavior can differ significantly, from those that you used before.

It turns out that over time you see that your stereotypes do not work: the authorities do not recognize his merits, the husband went to his mistress, parents are always not happy with something. And you understand that life is passing, and the previous model of behavior to be comfortable, does not work. And you decide to change anything in your life.

We see over time that stereotypes do not work
We see over time that stereotypes do not work
  • The first thing that comes to mind is to turn to a shaman or a fortuneteller, but then you understand that this is all wrong. And you need a person who can open your eyes to a completely new level of development, you turn to a psychotherapist.
  • And of course this person helps you promote the situation to the desired formulations. As a result, everything turns out to be completely not scary.
  • In the beginning, it will seem quite strange to you, one or another decision. This is understandable, because from childhood you brought a bunch of various attitudes and permissions to yourself in adulthood. But the new model of behavior has a decisive effect on your psyche and allows you to do what you could not do without talking with a psychotherapist.

For example: You were brought up as a grandmother as a child. The grandmother put knowledge and various skills in you that you study well and achieve the heights in teaching. When you studied at school and at the college, everything worked out perfectly for you. But the technical school is over, and you need to get a job.

You show in the team that you can learn, and here you need the ability to interact with people, your skills are no longer working here. And you need to rebuild or you remain at the previous stage of development. Many of your fellow students have already compiled a couple. But you can’t build relationships with girls, because, a girl cannot always understand what you tell her about technology. She wants simple human warmth. And you think that your scholarship will bring you success.

So it turns out that you find yourself in a crisis and you have soul hurts. You studied a lot, you know a lot. And in your adult life, people need completely different qualities from you. A friend will tell you: “Yes, relax! Everything is fine! Look at the world is easier! ” All your ideas will collapse here. You do not understand how to relax, what it means to be easier and how it is.

Soul pain
Soul pain

The main thing for you to bring new skills into your life. It is not easier to be and expand your horizons, go deeper, become more streamlined or something. To be able not to put your knowledge in priority, but the ability to communicate with people around you. You should think that you can trust not only knowledge, but also your inner personality, you must be prepared to penetrate the world of feelings and relationships. It is necessary to appreciate yourself and the surrounding people not for intellect, but possibly for a certain stupidity, you need to take yourself so.

Soul hurts: Spiritual help

Do you know that, ever, a person asked whether everything is in order with my spiritual world? But you are often a witness when people complain of their lives and circumstances around themselves.

  • There is, of course, the difference is that before a person perceived himself as a whole. We have become a “world without a soul”, humanity with concluded attention in our own psychological well -being. Earlier in society, work was conducted, aimed at "mental" well -being. And now the struggle for psychological and emotional peace is being conducted.
  • We have become some kind of “debugged mechanism”, society without awareness of spiritual needs, the needs of the soul.
  • The soul of a living person is a mysterious and unknown world. The soul is the most that there is a person. By value, it is close to “breathing”, “blow”, “breathe”.
  • If you just take the body, then without a soul it does not live, does not work. Work on your consciousness, this is changes in a fully “psycholized” society. No one is now thinking about the health of the soul. In order for the soul to be completely healthy and does not need treatment, this confession and communion will be the main treatment.
Cognition of the soul
Cognition of the soul

It is in confession that a person renounces and repents of his deed sin. And during the sacrament, the spirit of heaven descends on him and heals his soul. Modern Christians brought Scripture to the needs of today's person. All kinds of scripture (the main meaning of which, so that a person on earth lives happily, is in marriage, does not need anything in marriage, have very good health).

The followers of this teaching believe that a person must be rich and happy. If you rely on this teaching, then welfare is the "love of God." And people who have prosperity are the anointed of God. And people believe that human life goes to church should be better than the same and with God.

Today, a person who has concentrated, on success and successful existence, as if freezes in faith. It does not develop spiritually, but looks only at the material component of the world. It is incredibly important to become a church man, i.e. To attend worship, it is mandatory, as you can, more often confess and take communion, come to the temple on holidays, order a liturgy. And be sure to pray for people living and deceased. Then the human soul will be calm.

Important: Soul - after all, this is what we live now, it seems to spread over us. The life of the soul is not conceivable without communion, since God himself established this sacrament in which we unite with the Lord and He, consecrating our souls and bodies, forgives us our sins, gives our feeling of love, grateful spirit and protection. The Lord in the Holy Communion gives us himself and all spiritual benefits.

Sometimes a person is in, some kind of incomprehensible condition. No, he is not bad, he just does not know what to do next. This condition is called "soul hurts". The main thing is not to lose heart, because despondency is a mortal sin. Go to the church, pray, put a candle with an icon and it will become easier for you. There is nothing to diagnose. Everything changes in our life, relationships, if we do not understand, people come and go. The Universe, the Lord God, teach us something, the main thing is to accept and understand. Life itself is beautiful and amazing, it gives us so many chances.

Important: we have already figured out that my Soul HurtsWhen there are many sins on it. And they need to be eradicated. And remember that the main demand of the soul is love for the Lord. If you leave God through your sins, you move away from love. From here comes the pain of the soul.

Turn to the Lord more often. The Lord is gracious, He loves each of us. The Lord is love. Pray more often, more often thank the Lord for his efforts in relation to us. And be sure to take communion.

This loving doctor will lead you. And you follow him and clean your soul from all sin. If you want to be healthy bodily, you must comply with hygiene rules. And if you want to be spiritually healthy, then do not commit sin in life. As often as possible, be at the morning liturgy. And the Lord is your defender, will help you!

Video: What to do with pain in the shower?

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