The ancient meaning of earrings: symbolism. Lost earrings: marriage signs, signs to get rid of negativity, cash signs for men. Losing earring in a dream: interpretation

The ancient meaning of earrings: symbolism. Lost earrings: marriage signs, signs to get rid of negativity, cash signs for men. Losing earring in a dream: interpretation

The loss of earrings is not only an unpleasant material loss, but also a harbinger of certain life events. Let's find out which ones.

When you lose your favorite thing, you are always upset. For example, an earring, which costs a very expensive or simply family relic, which means much not only for you, but for the whole family. Such loss is of special sacred value. What does she mean for a person?

The interpretation of this superstition is twofold. It depends on who owns the thing - the male or female sex, what is the age of a person, marital status. The meaning even has the material of the product.

Ancient meaning of earrings: symbolism

Nowadays, earrings are just a decoration and an addition to the image. In the days of our ancestors the earrings were a talisman For a person. They were worn by both children and adults, men and women.

  • For men, earrings were amulets who protected them from diseases, villains, enemies.
  • For women, this is a charm from the evil eye, they guarded the family hearth. Looking at the earrings, anyone could understand what class their owner belongs to.
Ancient symbol
Ancient symbol

Back in the era of the Middle Ages pirates wore earrings. Only a person who was able to find and bury the body of the adventurer’s body had the right to possess such an earring. However, through the centuries of ancient Rome and ancient Greece, the earring is Symbol of slavery.

In the days of the Zaporizhzhya Sich, it was also customary to pierce the ears. The presence of earrings indicated the genus to which the Cossack belongs, what status he possesses. On the battlefield, a person could be pardoned if the enemy was able to see what kind he belongs to.

Women with the help of earrings attracted the attention of men. They possessed magical properties.

Lost earrings: marriage signs

When a young young lady loses the earring Of the expensive material - her fate will change dramatically. For unmarried young ladies, loss of earrings means fast marriage. There is such a sign among the people: "Lost earring, you will find Alyoshka."

However, this is just a word of reassurance and they do not carry any semantic load. Many girls believed in the meaning of these words, because they so wanted to get married as soon as possible. This beliefs for the most part came true - after all, no one has been sitting in the girls for a long time.

To marriage
To marriage
  • They also looked at the value of earrings and the more valuable she is, the sooner the girl will marry. Gold and silver were included in valuable metals. If the material of earrings is wood, stone or amber, then this meant that the girl would only meet a man, but it is not known that the whole thing would come to marriage or not.
  • If the girl was already married, then loss of earrings meant changes in family life, and no one knows what kind of changes will occur. It is only known that they will bring good luck and please the owner. Modern girls when lose earrings, only rejoice at this, because in this way this is a great reason to tell her husband, to buy new earrings that will be even more beautiful.
  • In some sources there is an interpretation that Loss of earrings - This is a hint of the appearance of a lover in a married lady. This interpretation is more connected with modernity. If you managed to find earrings after some time, then this means that the owner has a lover, but this connection will be short -term.
  • If two earrings are lost, luck will be double, if everything was not done by chance, and not on purpose. This interpretation does not spread when the earrings were stolen.
Luck for a girl
Luck for a girl

According to the values \u200b\u200bof all, he will accept the loss of earrings, it should be concluded that the girl expects pleasant changes in her personal life, getting rid of something bad. This is a kind of comfort for the girl - loss is not in vain.

Lost earrings: signs to get rid of negativity

Before Loss of earrings meant deliverance from negativity, the evil eye, because it was a talisman and had magical properties. After she collected a sufficient amount of negative energy, she “self -destructed” and left the owner.

This interpretation remains popular to this day. Namely, if the jewelry is made of gold. One has only to recall the fact that gold products are considered strong amulets from the evil eye. The accumulated negative energy on silver products is especially visible, the darker it is, the stronger the influence of the dark forces on you. In this case, the loss should only please you. Thus, you will be saved from evil thoughts, the negative impact on you, diseases and even death.

Protects against negativity
Protects against negativity

If after loss you still found earrings, then you should not wear it. It will be much more difficult to part with gold jewelry, because it bears value. You can sell it. Negative energy will not go to another person, you can not worry. You can advise the buyer to clean gold using water, fire and earth.

The sailors of the earring was also a talisman, she protected from death. And if a sailor loses it, then he will die soon and no one will bury him.

Superstition also include randomly found earrings that do not belong to you. They can wear negative energy in themselves. In this case, fate can punish you for useless luck.

Losing earring: Cash signs for men

If for a girl, the loss of earrings is a joy, then for male is a sign about ambulance and unpleasant events in life. In ancient times, the earring for a man was a symbol of prosperity, belonging to a noble family. Its loss was interpreted as financial losses not only with the owner, but also for the whole kind.

For men - to loss of money
For men - to loss of money

Nowadays men's loss loss It is also associated with financial losses and failures. But the male floor should be reassured. Lost earring - does not mean terrible material problems and dangers. This is a warning that you should think about and rethink your actions again. The loss gives you only a sign from above that all material expenses should be considered once. And do not succumb to any adventures.

Lost earrings in a dream: interpretation

In almost all dream books, you can find the interpretation of dreams when a woman loses her earring. Based on the conclusions of most publications, we can say that a dream with lost earrings is completely opposite than the meaning in reality.

You can lose in a dream
You can lose in a dream

In a dream, the loss of earrings is bad. This is mainly due to parting with a loved one. But if you managed to find earrings, then this is for luck. Such a dream will bring you pleasant news, unexpected surprises in reality. In real life, such finds should be bypassed.

In any case, you should not strongly dramatize what happened, because the loss of jewelry is not the worst thing that can happen in life.

Video: Signs about earrings

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