Donormal: Instructions for use, reviews, analogues, composition, dosage, indications for use, contraindications, side effects, overdose, compatibility with alcohol, addiction. Is it possible to use donormil during pregnancy, children?

Donormal: Instructions for use, reviews, analogues, composition, dosage, indications for use, contraindications, side effects, overdose, compatibility with alcohol, addiction. Is it possible to use donormil during pregnancy, children?

Instructions for admission and contraindications for the use of donation.

Our life is saturated with stress and unpleasant situations. Very often, nervous overstrain adversely affects the quality of sleep. That is why many of us take sleeping pills and sedatives. One of these is donormil.

Donormil tablets: from what are they, what is their composition and active substance?

The active substance is a pre -oxylamine of succinate. The composition contains excipients in the form of glucose and cellulose.

Often the medicine is prescribed if there are problems with sleep. This is not necessarily insomnia. Even sleep disturbance is an indication for use.

Donormil: output form, indications for use

There are two forms of release of the drug:

  • Pills in the shell
  • Sawing tablets

Indications for use:

  • Insomnia
  • Sleep disorders
  • Allergic reactions
  • In complex therapy for SARS
Donormil: output form, indications for use
Donormil: output form, indications for use

Donormal: annotation, instructions for use, dosage

The drug should be taken in certain doses. This will contribute to good sleep.


  • Adults. 15-25 mg before bedtime with insomnia. 25 mg every 6 hours with allergies.
  • Children. 6-12 mg before bedtime. This dosage is set for children 6-12 years old.

How long does a donated?

Typically, the drug acts 15-30 minutes after taking. The action persists 6-8 hours. This time is enough to get enough sleep.

How long does a donated?
How long does a donated?

Is it possible to use donormil during pregnancy, children?

The drug is undesirable to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Due to a pronounced sedative effect, the fetal heartbeat may slow down. The drug penetrates milk and can cause a sedative effect in the crumbs.

How often, for a long time, how much time without a break can you take donormil?

The maximum dose of the drug that can be taken per day is 150 mg. The maximum is allowed to take the medicine for 5 days. If the problem has not disappeared, ask the doctor to prescribe another drug.

How often, for a long time, how much time without a break can you take donormil?
How often, for a long time, how much time without a break can you take donormil?

Donormal: the consequences of prolonged use, is it addictive?

The maximum time for taking the drug is 5 days. During this time, there is no addiction.

Donormal: contraindications, side effects

There are contraindications for the use of the medicine. There are also side effects.


  • Childhood
  • People over 65 years old
  • Glaucoma
  • BPH
  • Problems with urination
  • Disorders in the liver and kidneys

Side effects:

  • Dry mouth
  • Reducing concentration
  • Constipation
  • Constant drowsiness
  • Fluid retention and rare urination
Donormal: contraindications, side effects
Donormal: contraindications, side effects

Donormil: overdose, deadly dose

The deadly dose of everyone has their own. But the donor has a huge number of suicide attempts. Indeed, with a huge amount of accepted drug, you can die. Most cases are entering a psychiatric hospital and disability. Intoxication increases when taking the drug with alcohol.

Signs of overdose:

  • Allergies and edema Quincke
  • Redness of the skin and itching
  • Tremor and cramps
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Constant drowsiness and vegetable condition
  • Anxiety and a sharp change in mood

If signs of an overdose appear, it is worth rinsing the stomach and trying to cause vomiting. Sorbent is shown. Be sure to call an ambulance.

Donormil: overdose, deadly dose
Donormil: overdose, deadly dose

Donormal: compatibility with alcohol, consequences of joint reception

This drug is strictly forbidden to take in conjunction with alcohol. The fact is that alcohol reduces the effectiveness of the drug. That is why the patient has to drink an additional dose. As a result, an overdose occurs. In addition, when taking medicine and alcohol joint, addiction arises.

Donormil: Analogs

There are a lot of analogues to the drug.


  • Sanval
  • Torson
  • Flormidal
  • Circus
  • Overpersons
  • Zaletlon

Donormal or phenazepam: which is better?

Phenazepam is not a sleeping pill. The medicine has a sedative effect. Therefore, with sleep disturbances, it is better to take donormil.

Donormal or phenazepam: which is better?
Donormal or phenazepam: which is better?

Donormal: reviews of doctors and patients who took it

Doctors often prescribe the drug with minor sleep disturbances. The medicine is implemented without a prescription and well tolerated. Do not recommend elderly patients.

Patient reviews:

Oksana, 47 years old. Sometimes I resort to the help of the drug. This happens after stressful situations and troubles at work. I did not see negative sides.

Veronica, 33 years old. After surgery, she slept poorly. Painkillers did not help. Well, the donor managed to do the task. I fall asleep very quickly.

Alexey, 45 years old. I do not take the drug, since it helps me little. In the morning, terrible well -being. Constant drowsiness before lunch and dizziness.

Donormal: reviews of doctors and patients who took it
Donormal: reviews of doctors and patients who took it

Donormal is one of the few sleeping pills that are realized without a prescription. Effective and causes little side effects.

Video: Donormil

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