Dollar tree or indoor flower Zamioculcas: landing, care, reproduction, watering, transplantation in the fall, winter, cultivation, top dressing at home, illness, signs and superstition. Why is Zamioculcas called a celibacy flower?

Dollar tree or indoor flower Zamioculcas: landing, care, reproduction, watering, transplantation in the fall, winter, cultivation, top dressing at home, illness, signs and superstition. Why is Zamioculcas called a celibacy flower?

Not so long ago I took root in our country, but I fell in love! A dollar tree or Zamioculcas is a gorgeous decoration for your apartment or at home.

Gerani, violets, cacti, aloe and Kalanchoe - you probably heard about these plants, or they have already taken root well on your windowsill. What do you know about the dollar tree? It is also called Zamioculcas. The name is not very common, you probably know little about it. Nevertheless, this plant grows very beautiful if it is properly careful for it. Caring for a dollar tree is very interesting. The plant will certainly respond with lush foliage and young shoots to your efforts.

Check out the article to deal with all the intricacies of growing Zamiulkas.

Zamioculcas will perfectly complement the interiors in the style of minimalism
Zamioculcas will perfectly complement the interiors in the style of minimalism

The dollar tree is a flower of Zamioculcas: views, benefits and harm, homeland, poisonous or not?

Like many other plants, the species of dollar wood exists enough to choose one of their own “your” option from them.

Zamioculcas bears the following names in the common people:

  • dollar tree
  • eternal tree
  • zanzibar pearl
  • fat
  • aroid palm
  • golden tree
Zamioculcas will become part of your apartment or at home
Zamioculcas will become part of your apartment or at home

Partially Zamioculcas is attributed to the genus of succulents. This is the name of plants that grow on arid sandy soils somewhere in the depths of the deserts. The homeland of the dollar tree can be considered Africa. It was Africa who created all the most favorable conditions for creating such a beautiful and powerful plant.

It is interesting! Zamiokulkas is incredibly popular in China. There he is considered a symbol of the New Year.

In departure, Zamioculcas is unpretentious, but requires compliance with some norms in handling with us, which we will talk about a little later than the article.

Zamioculcas - the name is common. Includes several subspecies:

  • zamiokulkas is laacty
  • zamiokulkas is submarine
  • zamiokulkas is Zamiko
  • variegate Zamiokulkas

Relatively recently, this beautiful plant appeared in Russia. Therefore, the new species have been bypassed by new species. Despite this in 2007, the Mini-Zamioculcas variety was displayed, which is only 60 cm high instead of a standard 100 cm. The name is Zamicro.

Unpretentious lover of sunlight and dry air
Unpretentious lover of sunlight and dry air

It is mistaken to believe that the dollar tree is poisonous. Its leaves contain a substance that, when it enters the oral cavity, can cause a small burning sensation, but it will definitely not lead to death. This does not mean that now Zamiulkas should be used as spicy grass in a salad. Just keep in mind that perhaps the restless behavior of your pet or tears of the child can be caused by the fact that both of them tried the plant “on the tooth”.

There will be little to talk about the benefits of this plant. It does not cleanse the air, like chlorophytum and does not disinfect it like needles. The dollar tree plays a purely decorative role.

It is believed that Zamioculcas brings female happiness to the house. But for this, the flower must be presented with pure intentions and without evil intent.

A plant with large, fleshy leaves of dark emergency
A plant with large, fleshy leaves of dark emergency

Why is Zamioculcas called a celibacy flower, is it possible to keep it at home?

If you believe the signs, then all the flowers somehow affect the atmosphere in the house and their owners in particular. There are many legends and rumors about Zamioculkas, but which of them can be considered true, and which fiction? The question is not easy.

Regarding Zamiulkas, opinions diverge. Some call him "female happiness", others - "a flower of celibacy." Who to believe? Solve only to you. For some, the dollar tree will really be a flower of celibacy, but for someone not. Or maybe it's not a flower at all? It is very unreasonable to blame the plant in its failures.

If the flower does not bring you happiness, then it will definitely please the eye
If the flower does not bring you happiness, then it will definitely please the eye

Most women are confident in the opposite. Zamioculcas still brings happiness to the house. Yes, happiness is not simple, but female. Real female happiness. According to the signs that happiness comes to the house, the flower cannot be bought, but you need to accept as a gift from a loved one. Despite the fact that Zamioculcas does not require increased attention, you need to follow its condition. Sluggish leaves, yellow tips, sluggish stem - any of these signs suggests that you did not care about the plant and you will have to wait quite a long time.

The flower serves as a decoration of high -level hotels and restaurants
The flower serves as a decoration of high -level hotels and restaurants

Why Zamioculcas bloomed, cry, died: signs and superstitions

And again, for example, we turn. According to folk beliefs, in addition to female happiness, the flower is able to attract wealth and prosperity into the host’s house. What is it connected with?

History reference. Even 100 years ago, the flower stood only among noble gentlemen who had funds, green pieces of paper to cross the ocean and buy this foreign miracle. Perhaps because of its considerable plant at that time, the plant was called the "dollar tree".

A fat woman is also a plant known to many with the nickname "Cash Tree". But his leaves are much smaller and rather resemble coins than large bills.

Zamioculcas can be planted next to a fat man to attract all types of bills and coins
Zamioculcas can be planted next to a fat man to attract all types of bills and coins

One of the most important signs related to Zamioculcas can be considered the following: "If the plant is getting sick, the financial problems of the hosts are waiting." Perhaps the way it is. After all, the dollar tree still affects the energy of the house. At least that's why you should take care of him at the proper level.

Another sign: "Zamioculcas suddenly in color - remember, dear, dream." The dream is understood as a wedding, pregnancy, the birth of a child, or at least the appearance on the horizon of a worthy man. All this applies to the female dream, female happiness.

It will be bad for those people in whose house Zamioculcas dies. You can correct the situation by establishing care, but even if this does not help, perhaps soon problems with money will acquire a serious scale. In this situation, you can advise avoiding all kinds of financial risks and saving the plant as soon as possible. If, despite all your stubborn efforts, the obscenities flower, perhaps all your financial efforts will also go to dust.

This is how Zamioculcas leaves look at close consideration
This is how Zamioculcas leaves look at close consideration

But how to relate to the fact that the plant began to "cry"? But you can cry both from happiness and from grief. Therefore, in this case, any conclusions are reckless.

Believe signs or not is a matter of each person personally. For many cultures, this had and has weight.

Zamioculcas: what soil, soil, pot are needed for planting and transplanting?

Typically, the soil of succulents is perfect for this plant - the earth with a large admixture of sand, small brick or expanded clay, quite dense, not like clay. It is good to add peat and soil taken under deciduous trees during the crown discharge. That is, in the fall. This information is useful to you for independent manufacturing of the soil mixture.

In the store you can ask for the ground for succulents, if you do not really understand the varieties of soil for different plant species.

Attention! Do not forget to pour a generous drainage layer (about 1.5-2 cm) to the bottom of the pot!

For a small plant, choose a small pot, for a large one - more
For a small plant, choose a small pot, for a large one - more

The larger the root system of the plant, the more the pot should be, but do not overdo it with the size. The ideal option is when the diameter of the pot is 1-2 cm larger than the diameter of the rhizome.

Material for a pot can be any of plastic to burned clay and ceramics. It all depends on your preferences.

How to plant and transplant Zamioculcas at home in autumn and winter?

Planting Zamioculcas in small pots. You can plant several processes or leaves in one container so that the root system is formed correctly.

Advice! In a large pot, a process or leaf will very slowly give roots and grow. Therefore, make sure that the container is the size of the flower.

Primary planting of the plant is carried out as follows:

  1. A layer of drainage is poured into a pot with holes at the bottom under water.
  2. The next layer is a pre -prepared land (purchased or “own assembly”). The earth is poured into the pot so that 1.5 cm remains from the edges of the pot from above.
  3. A small recess under the root or leaf of the plant is made in the ground.
  4. The flower is planted in this recess. After that, the stem is buried so that the root is not visible at all.
  5. The earth is not very abundantly watered with defended water.

Planting is completed! In one pot, you can plant several leaves at once, if the volume allows.

Rooting plants in pots
rooting plants in pots

Planting can be done at any time of the year, but the transplant can be done exclusively in the spring-summer period. In winter, the plant is better not to bother.

With subsequent transplantation, just add a little more land along the edges of the pot.

The dollar tree is a flower of Zamioculcas, when does it bloom at home?

The Zamioculcas flower at home blooms very rarely, like most succulents. They associate this with many factors:

  • soil
  • improper watering
  • poor lighting
  • poor nutrient elements of the soil
  • improperly selected soil
  • cramped or free pot

Even if all conditions are observed, there is no guarantee that the flower will delight you with its flowering.

So the dollar tree blooms
So the dollar tree blooms

You may not even notice flowering Zamiulkas at first. The plant produces several arrows, at the end of which you can see a long spongy bump, like that of Rogoz. Only Rogoz in this case has a brown color, the dollar tree-light beige. In the end, the decoration of this flower is not flowering, but the leaves themselves.

Zamioculcas how to properly care and how often to water at home?

Flower care is minimal: timely watering, well -chosen soil and good lighting. If lighting and soil are selected once, then the plant will have to be watered in the summer about once a week. In the autumn-winter even less often.

Important! When watering, focus on the surface of the earth in a pot. It should be dry enough, but not overdred. There should be no cracks, as well as stagnation of moisture. Succulents tolerate drought much better than excess watering.

Watering is carried out from above, not in the pallet
Watering is carried out from above, not in the pallet

The plant does not require cutting of leaves. You can only occasionally remove old leaves that can interfere and create too large the volume of the crown.

In general, the plant of Zamiulkas has a rather interesting structure. The fact that we are used to calling ordinary plants to be called a rhizome is a stem in Zamiulkas. And long arrows with leaflets are just large leaves on which smaller ones are located.

How to propagate Zamioculcas with a leaf, a branch?

Zamioculcas has several methods of reproduction.

  1. Leaf plate. The leaf is cut off, dried in gauze for 1-2 days, and then planted in wet soil. For several days, covered with a film or plastic cup, periodically ventilated.
  2. Rhizome. The plant is taken out of the pot and the root is divided in half. This method is only suitable for adult plants.
  3. A twig. For this, the branch is cut off with the kidney, then the principle is like a leaf. This method is faster than the first, but slower than the second. You can wait for new leaves for several months.

There is also a method of propagation by seeds, but in our latitudes, alas, this plant does not grow, so it is extremely problematic to get seeds.

So transplanted Zamiokulkas
So transplanted Zamiokulkas

The dollar tree is a flower of Zamioculcas: how to feed, fertilize?

The dollar tree can, in principle, live without fertilizers. Of course, then it will significantly lose in growth and can even begin to discard the leaves, but this is unlikely to entail the death of the plant. Most likely it will simply “freeze”. To prevent this from happening, regularly feed Zamioculcas with fertilizers for succulents.

Important! Zamiokulkasu is not suitable for fertilizers for deciduous or flowering plants!

Top dressing with mineral fertilizers is usually alternated with top dressing with organic fertilizers. The fertilizer concentration should be 50% of the one that manufacturers recommend on the packaging.

High fertilizers will add a few tens of centimeters in growth to the plant
Good fertilizers will add a few tens of centimeters in growth to the plant

Top dressing is recommended in a week. That is, a week of simple watering, a week - fertilizer, then again simple watering and so on.

How to properly place Zamioculcas in the interior on Feng Shui?

According to Feng Shui, they put such plants in the zone of wealth, in the southeast of the house. Choose a bright place and place a flower there. It is believed that this will be in the apartment “correct” energies that contribute to attracting money and prosperity to the house.

Try not to put a flower under direct sunlight, for example, on a windowsill. The plant really does not like this!

To strengthen the monetary “growth” that promises you Zamioculcas, we recommend that you put under a pot several times a bill of $ 1.

From the point of view of energy, fleshy leaves promise the well -being of the house financially
From the point of view of energy, fleshy leaves promise the well -being of the house financially

Zamioculcas is growing poorly: what to do?

If your flower grows poorly, looks pale and stunted, a possible reason may lie in the following:

  1. You have overdried the plant. If you do not water it for several months, the flower begins to wither.
  2. You poured a plant. Stop the watering and wait until the soil in the upper layer dries well. Then wait a little more and resume watering, this time moderate.
  3. You put Zamioculcas in too bright or under direct sunlight. The plant really does not like this. Choose a shaded place for him.
  4. You do not fertilize the plant. In this case, growth stops.
  5. Too small or too uncomfortable pot. Many indoor plants require close pots. Zamioculcas among them.
  6. You too often transplant a flower. Leave it not the time at rest and, if the rest of the conditions are favorable, the dollar tree will move in height.

This is a list of the most likely reasons why the plant may not grow. The list could be continued, but after reading our article to the end, you yourself will probably determine what is wrong with your handsome man.

The good atmosphere in the house also promotes the growth of the flower
The good atmosphere in the house also promotes the growth of the flower

Why are the leaves turn yellow, dry and fall, the stem, stains on the barrel, turned the tuber at the Zamioculcas - what to do, how to save: Smiulkas's diseases their treatment

Sometimes it happens that the flower breeder overlooks some detail, and the plant begins to wretched before our eyes. If this happens with your Zamiulkas, read below the list of possible causes of the disease at the flower.

How the ailment is manifested What is How to treat
Yellow leaves, brown spots Burns Be removed from direct sunlight
Yellow leaves, sluggish, without stains Abundant watering

Reduce watering, wait for drying out

earthen coma and resume watering

The wrinkled stem Root problems or overflow

Perhaps they were damaged during a transplant.

If the situation is not critical, time can help.

The plant itself is rooted.

If for a long time it has passed, but the flower is getting worse, it is recommended to remove it from the pot and inspect the root (stem).

Remove the affected areas, or remove the entire stem, and root the leaves.

Stains on the barrel Infection or burns is possible He will appreciate the nature of the spots in order to understand what to treat. Seek help from the Internet, or to experienced gardeners.
Bucus the root Too abundant watering or illness

Dig a flower, remove the affected parts.

Sprinkle with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can slightly sprinkle with ash.

Treat the pests with or antiseptic.

These were the basic rules for the care of Zamiulkas. We hope this article will help you grow a beautiful and large flower!

Video: Big Zamioculcas Care at home / dollar tree

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