Diclofenac - Instructions for use: tablets, injections, injections, candles, ointment, gel, eye drops. Diclofenac during pregnancy, children

Diclofenac - Instructions for use: tablets, injections, injections, candles, ointment, gel, eye drops. Diclofenac during pregnancy, children

« Diclofenac» instructions to application

  • A drug « Diclofenac» belongs to group NSAID. To effects, which produces given means relate anesthesia, anti -inflammatory and antipyretic effects
  • Often used at rheumatic defeat joints, at this means much reduces sTERY on mornings, removes swelling, anesthetizes and improves general condition performance joint in period exacerbations
  • it means found wide application at therapy inflammatory different diseases, in volume number and in gynecological and ophthalmological practice for removing inflammatory process

« Diclofenac» the form release

« Diclofenac» available in the following species:
Rectal suppositories with dosage 50 mg and 100 mg
Tablet the form with dose 100, 50 and 25 mg
AT form solution for injections in ampoules with concentration 25 grams on the 1 ml solution
Eye drops with concentration 0.1%
Ointment for application externally with concentration 1% and 2%
Gel for application externally with concentration 1% and 5% substances

« Diclofenac» indications to application

"Diclofenac" indications for use

Indications to use given funds are the following pathology:

Availability pain in form migraines, head pain or pain dentist, in lower back and any vertebrates pain, pain in muscles or joints. A drug used at therapy oncological sick, at pain after operations or injuries, which can accompany inflammation
Applied at destroying and inflammatory pathologies bone systems (psoriatic, rheumatoid, anquilizing and juvenile arthritis, arthrosis, bursites and tendovaginite). Means used in symptomatic therapy for reduction pain and removal inflammation, but means not affects on the development diseases
Applied at painful menstrual cycle, development inflammation organs small pelvis
Locally means apply at injuries tendons or joints, bruises muscles and ligamentous apparatus. At localized inflammation
Application at inflammatory and infectious diseases organs ENTsystems with expressed pain. Means applied in composition combined treatment otita, pharyngitis and tonsillitis
AT ophthalmological practice « Diclofenac» apply for treatment conjunctivitis, inflammation after injuries and wounds eyes, after laser correction vision and swelling syndrome

« Diclofenac» dosage

"Diclofenac" dosage

Dose drug selected always individually for everyone patient and for everyone diagnosis.
Means maybe use inside, rectally, intravenously and intramuscularly, locally and in conjucative bag.

Adults at application drug inside average dose for application used from 75 before 100 mg funds 1 once in day, dividing given dose on the several receptions. After manifestations clinical effect from reception drug, his dose reduced before supportive
For initial therapy at intravenous or intramuscular administered introduce in average 75 mg substances in day, then injections change suspensions or tablet form
Rectal suspensions assigned before 2 once in day with dose substances in 50 mg
AT form ointment externally means apply, means rub in skin before 4 once in day, a arms thoroughly wash after application medicines
The form eye drops applied, digging means in bag conjunctiva on 1 drop before 5 once on the length 3 hours before planned operational interventions, after operations means apply on 1 drop before 3 once, a then on 1 drop from 3 before 5 once in day before moment cancellations medicinal drug treating doctor. At others circumstances drops assigned before 5 once in day on 1 drop in conjucative bag

« Diclofenac» children

For therapy diseases in children's age means allowed use with 6 years, at this assigned only tablet the form drug. Dosage funds for children assigned from calculation 2 mg substances on the 1 kg masses bodies child. This dose is daily and shares on the several receptions.

« Diclofenac» side action

"Diclofenac" Side effect

Side manifestations u given drug enough a lot of:

Violation digestion in form diarrhea, constipation, nausea, bloating and flatulence
maybe exacerbation peptic ulcers, complicated bleeding
Nausea and vomit
Bleeding intestines without ulcers
Symptoms hepatitis A
Cirrhosis and necrosis liver
Development aphthous stomatitis
Exacerbation or development pancreatitis, maybe in combination with cholecystitis
Inflammation intestines
Head pain, dizziness, drowsiness and depressive states
Convulsive syndrome and general weakness
Serous meningitis
Skin manifestations allergic reactions
Violations urination (absence, decrease volume urine or presence in her blood)
Violations in indicators at surrender analysis blood
Bronchospasm and cough
Increase HELL
Swelling language and lips

« Diclofinak» contraindications

"Diclofenac" contraindications

Any from form drug contraindicated to reception at availability individual intolerance.

Solution funds not showed to reception at:

Availability bleeding Gastrointestinal tract
Ulcerative defeat stomach and intestines
At violation hematopoiesis
At intolerance funds u sick with bronchospasm
Violations coagulation blood
Feeding breasts
At pregnancy

Carefully maybe appointment at bronchial asthma, anemia, at heart insufficiency stagnant character, at high HELL and swelling syndrome, at availability liver or renal insufficiency, inflammatory lesions Gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, after vast surgical operations and systemic diseases connective fabrics.

Contraindications to application rectal suspensories serving:
Prozat or haemorrhoids in stages exacerbations
Age before 16 years

Tablet the form drug not assigned at:

Renal and liver insufficiency
Inflammatory disease Gastrointestinal tract
Period after spent aorticonary shunting
The latter months pregnancy
Age child before 6 years, at this dose drug before 18 years not must exceed 25 mg
Individual intolerance lactoses
Contraindications to application external form funds:

Cracks or abrasions in place application funds
Attacks bronchospasm at application NSAID
Feeding breasts and period pregnancy on the the latter dates
Age child before 6 years

Contraindications to application drops in ophthalmology serving:

Age child before 2 years
Feeding breasts and the latter months pregnancy

« Diclofenac» at pregnancy

For application this anti -inflammatory funds strict contraindication serves pregnancy on the 3m trimester, but and in previously he must used only at availability strict testimony to application.

Acting substance capable permeate in breast milk, because on the period passage treatment given drug, costs refuse from feeding child.

« Diclofenac» analogs

"Diclofenac" Analogs


Video: osteochondrosis treatment diclofenac

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Comments K. article

  1. It’s not clear to me: when the knee became inflamed, the doctor said that Diclofenac only relieves pain and inflammation, that you still need to drink Elbon Ultra, Midokalm, and Potmus go to physio. And if the eye is inflamed? Is there enough drops alone or not?

  2. God forbid such drugs to give to the cities! I myself try to stay away from him, better, I think, once again, to drink a protectiveness than Diclofenac to touch ... And he can turn the stomach into a hole into a hole into a child.

  3. My daughter on acrobatics hurt my leg, 1% gel diclofenac was prescribed. Helped a lot. In the form of a gel you can take it. It is clear that the tablets are harmful, but even they can be treated if rarely and even more so, after an injury, for example. Of course, you can’t drink it constantly, therefore, all these medicines like are needed. But for extreme cases, it is quite suitable.

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