Children's otitis media: how to recognize? Help for a child with otitis media

Children's otitis media: how to recognize? Help for a child with otitis media

Information in the article will help to recognize in time and quickly cure otitis media in the child.

Otite is one of the most common ENT pain in children of early and preschool age. The frequency of inflammation of the middle ear in babies of these age categories is due to immaturity by the immune system and the anatomical characteristics of the hearing organs. The disease proceeds acutely and causes a lot of trouble to both the child and his parents. The task of mom and dad is to recognize the disease in time and take urgent measures to treat her.

How to determine otitis media in a child? Signs of otitis media in children

Acute otitis media is an inflammatory process in the ear. Most often, it has an infectious nature and is caused by bacteria (in most cases it is a pneummic or hemophilic sticks).

Important: it is with otitis media facilities that 95% of ENT pacifiers under the age of 1 year and 40% of ENT pacifiers under the age of 6 years apply to medical facilities

The structure of the ear in humans
The structure of the ear in humans

In order to understand the mechanism of development of inflammation, you need to have minimal knowledge about the structure of the hearing organs in humans. His ear consists of three departments (cavities):

  1. External. This is the visible part of the ear: the auricle and the auditory passage to the eardrum. Inflammation in this department occurs, usually, due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene or incorrectly conducted hygiene procedures, for example, when mom too intensively cleans the child ears
  2. Average. Its other name is the drum cavity that is located behind the eardrum. There are miniature sound bones with memorable names: hammer, an anvil and a stirrup. Inflammation of this particular department is diagnosed in children especially often
  3. Internal. These are channels that lie in the tola of the temporal bone. They have a snail name. Directly in this section, sound vibrations are converted into nerve impulses. Inflammation of the inner ear rarely happens on its own. Usually, it goes there from the middle department or organs of the nasopharynx

Depending on where the inflammation is localized, otitis media in an acute form in children is external, medium and internal, respectively.

Purulent otitis media
Purulent otitis media

Before moving on to the description of the symptoms of acute average otitis media, it is necessary to understand why it is developing, and why do small children so often get sick.

  1. The cause of inflammation of the middle ear is often an infection that enters the drum cavity from the outside or “wanders” from the organs of the nasopharynx. Average otitis media is one of the most common complications of acute respiratory viral infections, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, so on. Mucus containing infection through the Eustachian pipes will fall into the middle ear
  2. Symptoms of the disease can also occur due to a sharp change in pressure in the drum cavity, which is normal atmospheric. This happens if young children fly on an airplane (height drops) dive
  3. The frequency of acute otitis media in children is due to the age feature of the structure of the Eustachian pipes: in babies they are short and wide, which contributes to the penetration of infection into them
  4. Unformed children's immunity is not yet able to prevent the spread of infection in the body localized in the organs of the nasopharynx
    When tearing in a baby, the remaining milk or mixtures can fall into the Eustachian pipes, where they begin to rot
  5. Not all parents know how to “tighten” young children and preschoolers correctly. If both nostrils are closed when blowing up, the mucus from the nose does not come out, but is thrown into the Eustachian pipes

Despite the fact that the symptoms of Otit are characteristic, mothers and dads do not always recognize the disease in time. This happens because in almost half the cases in the first pairs the disease proceeds in a hidden form. Immediately with the beginning of inflammation, or when it already acquires a purulent form, such signs may appear:

  • earache
  • separation from the ear mucous or purulent (greenish, brownish, with a characteristic smell)
  • hearing deterioration
  • headache
  • temperature rise
  • general ailments
  • sleep and appetite disturbances
  • lethargy
  • irritability
The main symptom of acute average otitis media in a child is an intense pain in the ear
The main symptom of acute average otitis media in a child is an intense pain in the ear

The baby and the baby, who still does not know how to talk, is not able to describe his well -being. You can suspect his sharp otitis media if:

  • the child is capricious for no apparent reason
  • the child refuses to eat
  • the child cries in a dream

Important: there is a technique by which it is possible to determine the presence of inflammation in the ear cavities in a young child. It is necessary to press the baby’s ear. If the baby twitches and screams, he will instinctively reach for the ear, then he had a shot. You must urgently consult a doctor

How many days does otitis media last?

Subject to timely diagnosis of acute otitis media and its adequate treatment, the disease lasts 7-14 days, and two more weeks will be needed to restore

Video: A child’s ear hurts. What to do at home?

First aid to the child with otitis media?

Otit sometimes passes by itself, but you should not rely on it! Firstly, the disease itself is very unpleasant, the child feels pain and discomfort. Secondly, the catarrhal average otitis media grows very quickly into purulent, it will be more difficult to treat it. Thirdly, the complications of acute otitis media are terrible, among which:

  • mastoiditis (inflammation of the temporal bone)
  • meningia syndrome (inflammation of the shell of the brain)
  • encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)

Therefore, with the first suspicion of otitis media, a child should consult a doctor. It is better to call him home. But if you have to go to the clinic, the child in a sore ear needs to lay a dry cotton turunda, put on him a headdress covering his ears.

If the child has otitis media, you should treat the doctor without fail
If the child has otitis media, you should treat the doctor without fail

Acute average otitis media treatment in children

Treatment of acute inflammation of the middle ear in children is complex and, if you contact the medical institution on time, conservative. It includes itself:

  • treatment of first-first disease, if any
  • antibacterial therapy for 5-7 days
  • symptomatic therapy
  • physiotherapy
  • measures aimed at strengthening immunity

Usually, in early childhood and preschool children, antibiotics in acute otitis media are prescribed in the form of a suspension, and schoolchildren are already in tablets. These are antibacterial drugs of the penicillin series (Ospamox, Augmentin) and macrolides (Sumamed, Azimed).

Antibiotic Augmentin in suspension
Antibiotic Augmentin in suspension

In the case of an increase in temperature to 38.5 OS, and it is almost always present in acute in acute in acute, the child is given by antipyretics (Nurofen, Panadol, paracetamol, PR).
If otitis media is accompanied by rhinitis, vasoconstrictor drugs (pinosol, naso-spray Baby, others) are dripped or sprayed in the nose.
Local treatment with ear drops (otipax, otine) is practiced.

Otipax drops must be in a home medicine cabinet
Otipax drops must be in a home medicine cabinet

Turundes with antiseptics and anti -inflammatory drugs (hydrogen peroxide, boron alcohol, furatsilin) \u200b\u200bare also inserted into the ears of the child.
Physiotherapeutic treatment includes dry warmings: UFO (irradiation with ultraviolet), UHF, laser.
Particularly severe cases of inflammation of the middle ear in acute form require treatment in the hospital, including surgical.

How to cure otitis media without antibiotics?

Many parents are afraid to treat children with antibiotics and believe that pediatricians, prescribing such drugs, in most cases are reinsured. Indeed, there is an opinion that it is not necessary to accept them with otitis media, at least until he turned into a purulent form.
But relying on fragile children's immunity recklessly. Few babies are able to overcome the disease on their own. In most, the lack of antibiotic therapy in terms of treatment is fraught with complications and chronic inflammation.

Important: it is still necessary to treat children's otitis media with antibiotics. Modern drugs are almost completely safe. The harm from their use is much less than the one that can cause an advanced disease

Video: Otit - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Secretory otitis media in a child, treatment

Secretory otitis media occurs in a child due to the blockage of the Eustachian pipes and a drum cavity with a secret (mucus) that fell into them from the organs of the nasopharynx.
Treatment of this type of otitis media is carried out in parallel with the treatment of the disease of the nasal cavity, throat or larynx, as a result of which mucus hypersecretion occurred. Appoint:

  • vasocusing drops
  • washing the nose
  • rinse of the throat
  • inhalation
  • antihistamines

All this will help relieve inflammation of the nasopharynx mucosa.
In rare cases, secretory average otitis media requires surgical intervention in order to remove the secret from the Eustachian pipes and the eardrum.

Catarrhal otitis media in children, treatment

Otite in a catarrhal form proceeds as soon as the disease has started. It is important to do everything so that it does not transform into the purulent, there is no perforation of the eardrum. That is, it is necessary to prevent pathogenic bacteria from multiplying on the inflamed mucosa of the middle ear. For this:

  • bactericidal drops (otinum, Sofradx) are buried in the ears)
  • make turnts alcohol, vodka, with decoctions of herbs
  • do warming up

    A child with catarrhal otitis media needs to drip antimicrobial and anti -inflammatory drops into the ears
    A child with catarrhal otitis media needs to drip antimicrobial and anti -inflammatory drops into the ears

Chronic otitis media in children, causes

Chronization of the inflammatory process in the middle ear occurs:

  • in children with reduced immunity
  • diabetics
  • children who often suffer from SARS
  • children with a curved nasal septum

Acute average otitis media flows into chronic also due to untimely or improper treatment. At the same time, the symptoms of the disease subside for a while, and then again appear again. There is a hole in the eardrum, which is why the hearing of the baby is reduced.
Along with the treatment of the most inflammation of the middle ear, at the time of exacerbation of the disease, measures are taken to strengthen immunity in the child.

The weakness of immunity in a small child and improper treatment of acute otitis media are the main causes of chronic inflammation in the middle ear
The weakness of immunity in a small child and improper treatment of acute otitis media are the main causes of chronic inflammation in the middle ear

Otite prevention in children

Parents need to know measures to prevent inflammation of the middle ear in children. These include:

  • Timely and complete treatment of a runny nose
  • Training in the correct technique of "leaning" kids and teaching her preschool children and schoolchildren
  • Prevention of water entering the ears for children when bathing in the bathroom and natural reservoirs

After bathing, you need to make sure that there is no water left in the ears of the child

  • Preservation of auditory passages clean
  • Removing sulfur plugs
  • Careful cleansing of the ears (you can remove sulfur yourself outside, if it accumulated inside in large quantities, you need to make a visit to the doctor)
Parents should learn to clean the ears to children correctly
Parents should learn to clean the ears to children correctly
  • Feeding babies in a raised (semi -norticle) position
  • Wearing a column as a prevention of regulations
  • General measures to strengthen immunity
  • Wearing hats for the season

How to avoid otitis media to a child: tips and reviews

Even very attentive and responsible parents do not always manage to avoid otitis media in a child. If it happened, do not panic: in time the identified disease is treated quickly and does not pose a threat to the life and health of the baby. To accelerate its recovery, along with traditional treatment, folk methods can be used. But before that, you need to consult a doctor treating a child

Video: The ear hurts in children a folk remedy - our health

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