Children's cards for February 23 to kindergarten, school, dad, grandfather, brother with their own hands: ideas, templates, congratulations. Cards for crafts on February 23 with children

Children's cards for February 23 to kindergarten, school, dad, grandfather, brother with their own hands: ideas, templates, congratulations. Cards for crafts on February 23 with children

How to make a volume card on February 23.

By the holiday of the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland in kindergartens and schools, they begin to prepare in advance: educators and teachers need to figure out that their pupils will give their favorite dads and grandfathers, and children - to realize all these ideas under the sensitive leadership of adults.

We offer a man on the day of the defenders of the Fatherland on the day of the defenders of the Fatherland - the most expensive gift - made by the child’s hands with a postcard or pattern. What can kids do for their dads and grandfathers? Read the article in the article.

How to draw a postcard on February 23 with a pencil and paints for children?

In kindergarten, children learn to draw their first schematic drawings. Step -by -step lessons will help educators in preparing gifts for dads and grandfathers on February 23, because it is in the preschool institution that the kids will learn about the holiday and its significance, and why on this day they congratulate men.

Let's start with the picture. We will need:

  • transporter (we will use it to draw a star)
  • compass or other device with which you can draw a circle
Figure on February 23
Figure on February 23

We proceed to drawing:

  • We draw a circle and draw two lines in it, which will divide it into 4 equal sections.
  • We measure 72 degrees on the transport and draw inside the two opposite sections of the line.
We measure 72 degrees on the transport and draw a line
  • Again we measure 72 degrees from the already drawn line and draw the second line, and then the third.
  • In order not to get confused, we mark with points what and from what we measure out. How to draw the lines can be seen in the photo.
We should get such a star
We should get such a star
  • We should get 10 identical sections. We outline a dash in the middle of each line (through one line). We draw a star and round the corners a little.
  • We wipe the circle with an eraser and additional lines inside the star. We outline the contour around the star.
We draw a line along the entire contour
  • Now we portray the St. George ribbon with the edges bent down. We continue the edges of the tape on both sides of the star.
We draw a tape
  • We draw three parallel black lines on each part of the tape. We turn the schematic pattern into a card, decorating a star and tape, and adding the inscription "with the day of the defender of the Fatherland."
We display the ends of the tape to the edges of the sheet
We draw strips on the tape

Video: Simple drawings. Soldier

An excellent drawing on the topic of the defender of the Fatherland is a valiant soldier at the post. Such a drawing will decorate both the postcard and the school wall newspaper prepared for the holiday.

For the picture you will need:

  • clean sheet of paper
  • simple pencil
  • colour pencils
  • ruler
Figure on February 23
Figure on February 23
  • Divide the sheet into two halves, drawing a vertical line in the center. The left side should be a little right. We draw in the upper third of the oval. It will be a head. Under it we draw the contour of the future collar.
  • Focusing on preliminary markings, draw in detail the head of a soldier, on which the hat-earflaps is dressed. Add the neck, shoulders. The soldier will be in a pea jacket, because we will outline his outline.
We draw the head of the soldier
We draw the head of the soldier
  • We draw the face, hands. We draw small details of clothes.
  • Do not forget to draw our defender a machine gun, which he holds in his hands. First we throw the lines, and then draw in more detail. The photo shows what needs to be portrayed.
We make a face, collar
We make a face, collar
We draw our hands
We draw our hands
We draw the contours of the machine
We draw the contours of the machine
We draw the details of the machine
We draw the details of the machine
  • Now you need to draw a protective coloring of the shape and outline of the banner on the background.
We depict a camouflage pattern
We depict a camouflage pattern
  • We write on the left side of the sheet the inscription “Happy Defender of the Fatherland” and clarify the background.
  • After that, it remains only to decorate the drawing.
Add a congratulatory inscription
Add a congratulatory inscription

If the previous drawing is difficult to draw, then with a schematic image of the tank presented in a step -by -step lesson below, the child can cope without the help of adults.

  • For the picture you will need pencils and a sheet of paper. It is better to use a notebook sheet in a cell. So it will be easier for the child to orientate and draw all the lines correctly.
  • We draw the muzzle of the tank: in the center of the sheet we draw a line 4-5 cm long, and above it at a distance of about 1 cm is another parallel.
We draw the barrel of the tank
We draw the barrel of the tank
  • We will connect on the left side of the line, and on the right side we depict the Oval of the beginning of the barrel.
  • Let's start drawing the tank tower. To do this, retreat down 1 cm and at a distance of about 1/3 from the length of the barrel we draw an elongated rectangle 10-12 cm long. We retreat from the edge of the base about 0.5 cm, put the points and connect them with a semicircle.
Let's draw a tower
Let's draw a tower
  • Below we draw the base of the tank's caterpillar. How to do this is shown in the photo. Inside the base, draw 5 circles and draw them with a black pencil.
We draw the caterpillars of the tank
We draw a caterpillar tank tank
Black in black 5 circles at the base of the tank caterpillars
Black in black 5 circles at the base of the caterpillar tape
  • We draw a star in the center of the tower and a developing flag on a long pole. We decorate the tank in green, the star is red and add the inscription.
We draw a fluttering flag
We draw a fluttering flag
We decorate the picture
We decorate the picture

Video: Simple drawings. Children's tank

Video: Postcard for dad on February 23, military aircraft

The schoolboy can easily cope with the drawing “War Ship”, which will be a good gift to dad or grandfather, if tanks and planes were already given the culprits of the holiday.

We draw a warship
We draw a warship

Since the day of the defender of the Fatherland once had the name "Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy", then all the military celebrate it: both on land and at sea.

Here's what we will draw:

How to draw a warship
How to draw a warship

First, prepare everything you need:

  • clean sheet of paper
  • simple pencil and black felt -tip pen
  • color pencils or available paint
Divide the sheet into two halves and in the lower part we draw the ship's hull
Divide the sheet into two halves and in the lower part we draw the ship's hull
  • We divide the sheet into two halves, drawing a horizontal line. Do not forget that we draw all preliminary contours without pressure on a pencil, so that later there is no trace of the erased lines.
  • We will draw the ship in the lower half. First, draw a wavy line that will depict a water surface. We will draw the stern with all the necessary protrusions.
  • On the left on the stern we draw a gun. In the central part of the stern, add the following elements: the captain’s cabin and the radar. It is not difficult to draw them if you repeat all the lines exactly in the photo.
We draw a gun, captain’s cabin and radar
We draw a gun, captain’s cabin and radar
  • In the lower part of the captain’s cutting, draw a torpedo battery, add a number of portholes.
We draw torpedoes and portholes
We draw torpedoes and portholes
  • We draw a developing flag and for the greater realism of the picture we add a couple of flying birds.
  • You can stop there and go to coloring. But this is not enough for a congratulatory postcard: you will also have to add an inscription.
  • You need to decorate the picture like this: a warship is gray-blue, the water is blue, draw a red strip in the lower part of the ship and choose the necessary colors for the image of the national flag.
Add the flag and birds
Add the flag and birds
The drawing of a warship is ready
The drawing of a warship is ready

And here are other options for the drawing on February 23:

How to deliver a tank-pencil-poem-2

Video: How to draw a cool drawing on February 23?

Ideas and postcards templates by February 23 to kindergarten

  • The issue of preparation for the holiday on February 23 begins to bother the educators of kindergartens and school teachers long before its onset. It only at first glance seems that there is nothing complicated in choosing a suitable option for a presentation.
  • But this is not at all like that, since the process of creating crafts or postcards, which children will then give the most expensive people - dads and grandfathers, should captivate them, and therefore it is worth immediately refusing to immediately refuse from complex elements or multi -tiered paper structures.
  • A simple but original postcard or craft will be much more like for the small “creators” of a masterpiece and adults. What gifts can be prepared for the holiday on February 23 with children in kindergarten - see the photo selection below.

Cover for postcards
Volume postcard template
Volume postcard template

Template for postcards
Template for postcards

Ideas and postcards templates by February 23 to school

The guys at school already know how to do a lot, and therefore a simple image of a tank or aircraft will not bring such pleasure as creating a card with a surprise, advanced details with their own hands, a special applique, and so on.

See the photo presented below for a selection of gifts for the holiday on February 23, made by schoolchildren, and be inspired!

Application on the frame for photography
Application on the frame for photography


How to make a volume postcard since February 23 with congratulations?

To make a simple, but original volumetric card, you will need:

one sheet of color paper of the following colors:
gray or beige for the background

  • red for asterisk
  • gilded
  • scissors, glue
Volume postcard for February 23
Volume postcard for February 23
  • We prepare a sheet for the postcard using light colored paper for this: fold the sheet in half, and draw a place for the star in the upper part.
  • Carefully cut out a sprocket on the main page of the postcard. We draw a small star nearby and write a beautiful congratulatory inscription. The inscription can be printed on colored paper of the same color, or use a contrasting shade.
Cut the outline of the asterisk
Cut the outline of the asterisk
  • We cut out a star from red color red. In order for it to be voluminous, you need to bend the "ears" that will be glued to the postcard. The star bends along the lines with external ribs, and inner ones - inside.
  • We glue the star on the wrong side of the postcard (turn).
We glue a star made of red colored paper
We glue a star made of red colored paper
  • We will decorate with stripes carved from colored paper golden color. We will also make a small star as golden.
  • We glue 3 golden stripes vertically and horizontally on the front side of the postcard, as shown in the photo. We glue a gold star nearby. In order for the stripes to stick evenly, it is better to pre -set the dotted line of the place where they should be.
How to cut a star
How to cut a star
How to fold a star
  • A volumetric card can be done in the quilling technique. For the manufacture of postcards, in addition to paper (colored and white), you will need toothpicks, glue and scissors.
  • We fold the sheet so that one part is a little longer. We write large numbers of the date of the holiday. The deuce should be on the front side of the postcard. After the deuce is drawn, we add the three on the second page of the postcard. Cut the numbers along the outer edge.
  • Cook "curls" from strips of colored paper. To make them, a strip of colored paper needs to be “planted” on a toothpick and tighten. Like the resulting curls to stick on a postcard - you can see in the photo.
  • We put each spiral with the glued side to the numbers, trying not to leave large gaps between the curls. Add a star between the numbers and sign a postcard.
Working scheme on the opening
Working scheme on the opening

What postcard by February 23 to make for dad and grandfather?

How to make a postcard with a secret on February 23 you will find out by watching the video.

Video: Postcard for February 23 / Idea for Postcards / Cards with your own hands

Video: Postcards, Crafts with a surprise

What postcard by February 23 to make for a brother?

A brother can be surprised by the original postcard "Ship".

Postcard ship
Postcard "Ship"

Such beauty can be done in half an hour. So, let's start!

  • We draw a boat or print a finished template on double -sided cardboard.
Draw the circuit circuit on bilateral cardboard
Draw the circuit circuit on bilateral cardboard
  • Cut some areas in the picture.
Cut off the details of the boat with an office knife
Cut off the details of the boat with an office knife
  • We fold the cardlash card.
  • The felt -tip pen draw a dashed line along the edges of the postcard and image of a boat.
We glue the inscription on the front side of the postcard
We glue the inscription on the front side of the postcard

For a brother who has not yet served in the army, you can make a card-shirt.

Video: Make yourself / postcard - shirt / gift for February 23

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