Children's suits for newborn boys and girls with knitting needles: schemes with a description, photo. How to knit a suit for a newborn, a baby with knitting needles for beginners: a scheme, a master class. The best suits for newborn knitting needles: ideas, photos

Children's suits for newborn boys and girls with knitting needles: schemes with a description, photo. How to knit a suit for a newborn, a baby with knitting needles for beginners: a scheme, a master class. The best suits for newborn knitting needles: ideas, photos

Knitting children's costumes.

Clothing for newborns is always in great demand. Indeed, unlike objects of the basic wardrobe of adults that we boldly use for a long time, it is enough for the child to have several interchangeable sets for each period of his life. Clothing for babies, which is intended for discharge from the hospital, is especially in demand.

In recent years, in addition to standard envelopes, shop windows have filled sets consisting of several sets of various colors and cost. But such goods are not intended for the winter period of time, in addition, making clothes with your own hands for the long -awaited baby is a great way to convey care and love. Such clothes will be a wonderful gift for the closest. At the same time, you will not be limited in the color scheme and style, and you can independently choose the material used, coloring, patterns and ornaments.

How to knit a suit for a newborn, a baby for beginners: a scheme, a master class

On the Internet, there are thousands of sites, blogs and forums, where craftswomen share their experience and skills in needlework. If you do not have much experience in knitting and objects made by your own hands, while limited to socks and scarves, then do not look for the most elaborate scheme with complex patterns. Simple things can look much more appropriate, as well as satisfy every taste. If you are not adherent to the classics, then choosing the juicy color of the yarn, you can create an equally bright outfit for the baby.

In order to start knitting, you need:

  • Remove the standards from the child or use the standard size table
  • Prepare yarn
  • Purchase knitting needles (it is necessary that they are twice as thick than the skein thread used)
  • Have a scheme and description of the process in the field of view

In order to determine how much yarn you need, you need to find the corresponding description on the pattern of the product. If it is absent, then you should adhere to the following calculation parameters:

  • Having connected the sample, you need to remove the measurements using a ruler (we find out the area s)
  • We calculate the number of loops that are 1 cm (x)
  • Next, dissolve the sample and measure the length of the used thread (l)
  • Divide the data of L into s (so you will find out the desired thread length by 1 cm (a))
  • Measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe product (c)
  • Multiply data in A (as you get the necessary thread length to tie this subject)
  • Indicator X is needed to determine the number of loops that need to be typed for a suitable size in accordance with the pattern

These formula parameters are universal. You can use the calculation systems to create children's clothing and toys, as well as knitting things and accessories for adults. Now that you have prepared all the main elements for further work you need to choose the most you like.

The easiest option for newborns, which even a novice needlewoman that has no experience can be tied, is a set of a jacket and overalls, which can be tied without elaborate jewelry.


You will need:

  • 250g of yarn (for the winter period it is worth taking with wool in the composition, for summer - with the content of cotton or flax)
  • Knitting needles No. 2 (horseman)
  • Knitting needles No. 2 (for knitting)
  • Buttons - 6 pcs

It is also necessary to follow the following points:

  • We begin to knit the product from the sock zone. First we proceed to the overalls.It is worth using the hosiery knitting needles, because with their help it will be easier to remove the lower part
  • We collect 24 initial loops. In the front row we knit 23 p., We leave one on the knitting needle. After each row, unfold the product
  • In the further rows, they also knit 1 loop less (until 10 p.)
  • Now it is necessary to add to those that remain on the knitting needles, one in each new row
  • Give an additional 24 p. And evenly place them on 4 knitting needles (for stockings)
  • Now lower the hinges of the back to one knitting needle, knitting with the addition and decrease of the number of p., As previously
  • Continue the knitting, not forgetting to add 1 loop, on both sides, in every 6 row. Continue up to 20 cm
  • Now we move the loops to one spoke and continue to knit, adding 4 loops on both sides (in total it turns out 129). Continue to knit up to 18 cm using a pattern

The drawing may be the most convenient for you. The photo shows the "web". However, beginners can use ordinary elastic band, without the use of additional techniques.

  • Now start knitting the belt. Reduce every 5 loop and continue to use the front. The following 2 rows of the wrong
  • Next, continue the row using the front surface. After the system continues, which must be used until the end of the process: 5 facial loops, Art. + throw, 2 together. After that, the wrong ones are used - 1 row, 2 rows of the front stitch, 2 rows of the wrong surface, 2 rows of the front, 12 rows of the pattern
  • In each 2 row, the number of loops should be reduced (for the first time 2 on both sides, then three times 1)
  • We continue to knit 12 rows without decrease, and close the loops
  • The straps are also made with decreases - in each 2 row, first two loops, then three times in 1. On the straps of decrease, we make exclusively from the side where the sleeve is
  • Next, knit 12 rows without decreases with a pattern
  • After that, close the village to form a throat cut. Close in each row, first 5, then three times for 1
  • Когда остается 14 петелек, провязываем 28 рядов и делаем проймы для пуговицы посередине лямки
  • Now you need to close the loops for each second row: first 1 on each side, then 2. After that, close the loops. Repeat the same process for another strap
Knitted suit for a newborn
Knitted suit for a newborn

Now it is necessary to finish the overalls and connect all the details. We sew on the side seams and attach a couple of buttons. We insert the laces (you can use threads) into the armhole with cuts. The first part of the kit is ready. You can start knitting jackets:

  • We collect 144 loops
  • The first row is made using a pattern. But you can adhere to the classic way initially.
  • You knit the second row in the same sequence, but 3 p. From the edges, remove without knitting. In this alternity, make 10 rows
  • Now adhere to the following scheme: 3 persons. n., 6 - pattern, 1 out. p., 122 persons., 1 out. n., 6 - pattern, 3 persons. we knit on the faces. row
  • The wrong side looks like this: 3 loops are removed, 6 - patterns, 1 persons. loop, 122 wrong, 1 front loop, 6 - patterns, 3 loops are removed
  • In this sequence, we knit until 14 cm. In the left bar we make loops for buttons
  • Now the loops should be divided into 2 parts: shelves (38 each), back (68). We knit each according to the scheme indicated above up to 9 cm inclusive
  • For a throat armhole in the shelves we make rows: first 10 decreases, and then twice 5 each
  • To arrange the shoulder, connect 17 loops
  • All elements are connected, and the hood is made by a single canvas, without shreds. Five times we add in each 4 row 2 loops using crochet before and after the middle loop. For the wrong rows of crochet are knitted by crossed p.
  • Next, we make a seam in the middle
  • The sleeves are made with hind legs. We collect 15 loops for each of 4 knitting
  • Now we knit in a circle. We make decreases along the lower edge of the sleeves 6 times in each 2 row, knitting twice a couple of loops
  • 10 of the remaining rows we knit a pattern for the formation of a cuff. We close the loops in the "Halfish lace" in the way. We knit the other sleeve similarly and sew the buttons.

The best suits for newborn knitting needles: ideas, photos

Also very popular among needlewomen are not only overalls for children, but also envelopes, as well as booties. Often the latter are attached to a set of costume and hats or vest. At the same time, there are different techniques and patterns used by fans of knitting. Prints are used for things that are intended for children from 1.5 years old, since on a small product they most often look inappropriate.

Costumes for children
Costumes for children
Costumes for children
Costumes for children
Costumes for children
Costumes for children

So, let's see what costume options can be used for newborn children

  1. A suit that consists of a jumpsuit and a jacket. This option of clothing is perfect for both a boy and a girl. It is also worth saying that the presence of both overalls and a jacket will protect the baby from the cold.
  2. A set with a jacquard pattern. Immediately, we pay attention to the fact that this set can only be connected only by experienced needlewomen, so before hesitating to knitting objectively evaluate your strength. The set includes a jacket, pants, a hat and socks.
  3. A simpler option is a set of jacket and pants. The advantage of this set is that even a novice craftswoman can tie it. Do not forget that when choosing the density of the thread and its appearance, you can tie both a light set of clothing and suitable for winter.
  4. A jumper and pants are another good clothing option for a newborn baby. Having chosen the desired color of the thread, you can please both the girl and the boy with such a gift.

How to tie a beautiful suit for newborn girls and a boy for discharge from the hospital: a scheme with a description

There are a huge number of simple ideas for knitting things for kids. For discharge from the hospital, you can cook not only an envelope, but also a suit, dress or overalls. You can also use the universal product scheme. Having completed it in beige, white, lilac or blue, green gamut will be a great wardrobe item, both for a girl and a boy. We suggest taking into service the idea to create a beautiful outfit with your own hands.

For knitting the kit you need:

  • Cotton yarn - 125 g of lilac and 125 g gray
  • 50 g of lilac, 50 g milk, 25 g of purple, 25 g Beige, 25 g of gray yarn
  • Nominal knitting needles No. 3
  • Buttons

Following further points, you can create this outfit:

  • We collect 64 loops and, using the front surface, collect 2 cm
  • Now we knit 17 cm with the main pattern
  • Next, close the knitting by the following reduction scheme (3x1 \u003d 56 p.), And after reaching 27 cm from the edges, we close and the loops
  • Side shelves are made the same, starting with 34 loops. Now, like on the back of 2 cm, it is necessary to tie faces. surface. After 7 persons. and 26 p. Pattern, we make 3 loops with a patch and bromic knitting. In total, 34 loops are obtained
  • When you reach 23 cm from the edge of the product, it must be closed: in each second row 1x8 loops for the throat cut and 27 cm from the beginning of knitting, we close all the loops
  • Sleeves start with 42 loops and 2 cm of patch knitting. Further 1 l. p., 2 loops of the pattern and 9 l.
  • To make a bevel, in every 4 and 6 rows we add 6x1 loops. In total it turns out 56
  • Having tied 12 cm, we close to 1p. from the right and from the left edges for the rollback of the sleeves
  • Now you need to reduce the quantity, in accordance with the scheme, for each second row 2x10 loops and 1x8 loops, and 16 cm from the beginning of the sleeve we close the loops
  • We compose all the details of the jacket. We proceed from the sleeves, after which it is necessary to dial 80 loops for the collar and knit 5 cm with a girdle knit along the throat.
Ready result
Ready result

Pants do this:

  • We collect 59 loops
  • We continue to type 3 cm. Using an elastic band 2x2
  • Colored threads alternate according to the scheme 2-4-2-4
  • To form beads, add 5 loops each on each fourth row and in each sixth of 5, only 79 loops
  • After 15 cm on each side, we close for a step from 2 sides of 4 loops
  • In each second row, 1x2 and 2x1 and - in general, 63 p. We put off the viscishes. By analogy, we create a second leg
  • Now continue to knit with circular spokes
  • Having knit 10 cm of the product, close the lapels for the elastic band and sew the seams

How to tie a beautiful suit for a newborn boy of a baby or newborn girl, summer: a scheme with a description

It is worth saying that knitted costumes are in demand not only in the cold season. A correctly connected summer set will not be inferior to the warmth at all.

We need:

  1. Thin yarn of cream -colored - 100 g, light green - 50 g
  2. Buttons - 3 pieces
  3. Knitting needles No. 3
  • Let's start knitting from the back of the overalls. To do this, we need to dial 82 loops. Of these 82, we distinguish the first and last 34, because they must be knitted with a pattern (3 cm) indicated in the 1st scheme. And the remaining 14 we knit with a prying viscous (PV). To make a swallow of 14 p. We reduce on both sides in each 2nd row 6 times 1 p. (70 pcs.)
  • Next, we knit faces. stitch, as indicated in Scheme No. 2
  • Now we knit 10 rows with cream yarn and 12 - salad.
  • Having knitted 19 cm, we begin to take the pattern indicated in Scheme No. 2. In this case, in the 1st row, you need to reduce 4 p. (66 pcs)
  • Having knitted 3 cm from the place where the color of the product has changed, on both sides you need to close 4 p. For a armhole. Then we knit directly
  • Having reached a height of 4 cm from the beginning of the same armhole, we close 34 central loops for the cut
  • Next, it is necessary to knit 12 p. For each strap
  • At a height of 31 cm, you need to close the p.

The ease in knitting this overalls is that the front part is knitted similarly to the back

Let's start assembly:

  • You need to make the seams. On the straps of the already finished rear part, we make 2 holes for a beam or rivets. We sew the details.

We knit the cloak:

  • Back. We take a cream thread and pick it up 70 p., We knit the product with a pattern that is provided in Scheme 1
  • Having reached 3 cm, we continue the front surface, while the colors should be taken in the following order:
  • 8 p. cream thread, 12 - salad, 12 - cream, and then salad
  • Already at an altitude of 5 cm, we must note the armhole. At a total height of 15 cm, we close 18 loops of each shoulder and 34 p.

We proceed to the right shelf:

  • 30 p. It is necessary to dial with cream thread, then we knit 3 cm in the previously indicated pattern
  • We continue knitting l. Studies, while the first 3 p. must be tied with a pattern provided in the 2nd scheme. We take the colors in the same alternity as before
  • Similarly, the previously described procedure is planned armholes. At the same time, from the opposite side of the neckline in each 2nd row, it is necessary to reduce 1 p. Repeat the procedure 12 times, while 3 p.
  • Having reached 15 cm of total height, we close 18 p. Shoulder
  • We knit the second shelf similarly

We go to the sleeves:

  • Having gained a cream thread 58 p., We begin to knit 3 cm with a pattern according to the 1st scheme, then the front surface goes
  • At an altitude of 8 cm (total) we close the loops
Summer set
Summer set

We collect a cape.

  • We make the seams, and then we sew the sleeves into pre -prepared armholes. The edges of the shelves and neck are tied with cream thread, a pattern from the scheme No. 1.

How to tie a beautiful suit for a newborn baby, white baby: a description scheme

White costumes are in great demand. After all, they are used not only for discharge from the hospital, but also for baptism. In addition, this color is universal and is suitable for both boys and girls. Therefore, it is permissible to give clothes of such a shade, even if future parents hide the gender of the baby to the last.

So, we suggest tie the beautiful overalls and a white blouse.

We will need:

  1. White threads - 180 g
  2. Buttons - 5 pcs.
  3. Satin tape - 1 m

Start with jackets:

  • Quilling
  • We knit the 1st row in this way: in each loop we need a crochet (SSN), then 2 air loops (VP) go
  • 2nd row: 2 VP for climbing, and then we make SSN under the air loops of the 1st row and complete the 3rd air. item, we repeat the number of p. to the very end of the row, 1 SSN in the last loop of the lower row
  • We begin to make a sweater from the neck. The product is knitted with triangular patterns
  • So, we knit 15 cm with the main pattern. The number of loops that you recruit should be divided by 6 +4 p., Which are between rapports (p) and edge loops (KP)
  • We divide our p. By 6 p .: 2 on the back and 1 for each sleeve and shelves. Between the rapports you need to make 1 p. And the regional p.
  • So, in the 1st row you need to knit all the loops. Between the rapports in the same row we knit 2 SSN, 3 VP and 2 SSN. Then under all air loops you need to knit the same rapport

Now let's go with your back and shelves.

  • We knit the main pattern until we connect 16 cm of the product. You need to complete the knitting as indicated on the circus. 1st row, the thread does not break off
  • Next, go to the design of the edges and neck. We tie it according to the binding scheme

To make the sleeves we need:

  • 10 cm of the product with a pattern in a circle, we finish the knitting process according to the same circuits. 1st row. We leave the thread and process the edge using SC. Grindings
  • Now, in the 1st row of ruffles, we stretch the satin ribbon and slightly take up our neck on the tape. You can also decorate the sweater with a decor of flowers or a bow

Further, in turn, the overalls itself.

  • The product is knitted with a pattern of triangles, while you need to repeat the rapport in a circle of trousers
  • On both sides of each 2nd row, it is necessary to add 1P., And in the 5th row-4 p.
  • We continue to launch the main pattern
  • After that, you need to sew shoulder seams and step seam
Ready result
Ready result


  • On the edge of the shelf, it is necessary to tie 6 rows of SBN. At the end of the row, you need to attach it to the edge of the step seam using the connecting column. As a result, one bar should be over another
  • We remind you that you also need to make holes for a beam (4th row top. Pl.)

The holes should be decorated in this way.

  • Make 3 VP, then 3 p.
  • We knit as indicated in the figure
  • Having reached the 5th row, it is necessary to knit 3 SBN over VP
  • Now we finish knitting by processing all the edges of the product

As you have seen, in order to stylishly dress your baby, it is not necessary to spend large money. After all, learning to knit is not difficult, and the cost of yarn is much lower than most of the finished products. Starting with simple patterns and wardrobe items, you can very quickly move on to the most difficult and beautiful things.

Video: White suit for a newborn

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