Should I make an entry in the IP work book to himself? Do I have an individual entrepreneur to start a work book for yourself? Record in the work book of an individual entrepreneur: sample

Should I make an entry in the IP work book to himself? Do I have an individual entrepreneur to start a work book for yourself? Record in the work book of an individual entrepreneur: sample

The work book is one of the most important documents that every employee should have. But is it necessary to start her individual entrepreneur and fill it out? Let's find out.

Often entrepreneurs are wondering - should they make a record for themselves in the work book? First of all, let's remember what kind of document this is. The work book is designed to confirm your work experience. Its design is carried out during employment. Yes, everything is extremely clear with the employees, but as for the entrepreneur himself, another question is already. Let's figure out this situation and find out whether it is necessary to make notes to entrepreneurs and how to do it.

Do I have IP to keep a work book on itself?

Employment history
Employment history

According to the law, entrepreneurs are considered employers. So they do not need a work book, but in reality the situation is somewhat different.

The fact is that according to the law, the entrepreneur is not an employee. Only its employees acquire this status. Thus, in order not to have to pay fines, relevant documents are necessarily drawn up for an employee.

To answer the question - whether the IP work book is needed, it is necessary to learn two points:

  • The responsibility of the individual entrepreneur includes the design of work books for each employee
  • An entrepreneur cannot be considered an employee, as it is indicated in the law

Accordingly, no records are required to make an entrepreneur himself, as well as to draw up something.

Will IP experience if there is no work book?

IP experience
IP experience

Why are entrepreneurs so worried about their work books? The fact is that they do not understand whether they will count the experience and whether they will receive a pension.

In fact, there is nothing to worry about, since the period during which entrepreneurial activity is being conducted will also be counted into experience. It will simply be necessary to provide a certificate of state registration for it.

Each entrepreneur has the right to receive a pension to reach the appropriate age, but only for its receipt, you must first save it. And for this you need to make annual deductions. Yes, the employer makes them an employer, and since the individual entrepreneur works for himself, then you will have to pay for everything on your own.

Although, you can refuse to do this, only then the state will not pay a pension.

Not everyone becomes an entrepreneur immediately after adulthood. Usually people first go to work in hiring. However, then they become entrepreneurs and already begin to think about how the experience will be taken into account.

Certificate of IP
Certificate of IP

As we have already said, the experience is confirmed by the certificate of registration, but it is also necessary to confirm that the contributions to the FIU were made regularly. To do this, you need to get a special certificate. This is another document that will reflect experience.

How to make a work book and make an entry for an employee: filling out, sample rules

According to the law, the entrepreneur is a full -fledged employer and his duties include the design of work books for workers. The only situation when the design is not required is a temporary reception.

When an individual entrepreneur accepts a new employee who will work on an ongoing basis, a work book is necessarily made. According to the law, this can not be done immediately, but 5 days after taking office.

Filling the title sheet
Filling the title sheet

When filling out the work book, you need to do this sequentially and follow the following rules:

  • Completely write the name of the employer without any abbreviations. Even the IP must be written completely and without abbreviations.
  • If the employee is employed for the first time, then the employer fills out the first page of the work book. The form is purchased by the employee personally or he agrees to withhold the required amount from wages.
  • When applying for a work book, you need to correctly fill out the first sheet. It prescribes the data of the employee on the passport. Education must be indicated as indicated in the diploma.
  • Dates are indicated by Arabic numbers, no Roman ones need to be used.
  • If the employee quits, then the reason and the article of the Labor Code is always indicated, on the basis of which the employment contract is terminated.
  • All notes are made under serial numbers.
  • The name of the position where the employee is accepted is mandatory. If the name of the position is changed or translated, then all these actions are also reflected in the document.

Perhaps in words it all may seem difficult, but in fact there is nothing wrong with filling out. If you do not quite understand what and how to write, then look at this sample:

Sample of labor filling
Sample of labor filling

Be sure to follow the rules for filling out, otherwise this will entail a violation of the law. If you do not want to pay fines, then be extremely attentive and careful.

Nuances of working with a work book for individual entrepreneurs: legislation, fines

First of all, no data on various disciplinary punishments are entered in the work book. This is possible subject to the dismissal of the employee. Then the reason for the dismissal and an article from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are indicated.

Some employees do not want to provide a document for filling out. But this does not mean that you can not make a record, since you will have to pay a fine - 50 minimum wages. Yes, and it is forbidden to draw up a new book if there is a valid one, but you can fill out a special act.

To draw up it, two witnesses are needed, capable of confirming that the employee refused to provide a document. If he voiced the reasons, then this is also recorded in the act. Or it is indicated that there are no reasons for refusal.

How to save an employee's work book?

Storage of the work book
Storage of the work book

The work book should be stored with the employer throughout the employee’s employment. After dismissal, she surrenders to him. As practice shows, not always former workers can or want to take a document. For example, if the calculation is not paid, then it’s just too lazy to go for a book. Or the employee died and there is no one to do it.

You should never rush to throw the documents because they are extremely important. According to the law, books should be stored for at least 2 years, and then they are transferred to the archive and stored there for 50 years.

How to fix an error in the work book?

Filling out work books is carried out manually, and therefore the lack of errors here is more important than ever. The employee himself does not have the right to make changes to the work book.

Corrections in labor
Corrections in labor

Although errors are extremely rare, it is allowed to correct them only to the employer. The easiest way to do this is until the employee has quit. Then just ask for correction.

Although, even after dismissal, the current employer can do everything necessary. But he needs the corresponding document that the last employer made the mistake. As practice shows, often the latest employers can no longer find - they stopped working, eliminated, renamed, and so on. Then no documents are required and the employer can correct the information himself.

How to make changes to the IP work book: order, sample

It is important to know how specifically corrections are made.

  • If the error is revealed on the title sheet, then it can be fixed, but for this the document is additionally indicated on the basis of which changes were made. For example, the employee changed his last name. Then he needs to provide an appropriate certificate.
  • The date of birth changes on the basis of a passport or other documents.
  • To make changes, you need to cross out incorrect data with one line and write new ones. The document that served as the basis for corrections is prescribed on the cover.
  • It is worth noting that nothing can be changed in the incentive section. If suddenly there is an error, then opposite the inscription is written to “recognize invalid” and then the correct data is indicated.
  • Changes are always made even if the entrepreneur registered in a new form or simply made a new name.

It is necessary to make changes if necessary, otherwise this may lead to an administrative fine.

Video: How to fill out an employee’s work book?

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