Decoupage of New Year's balls with your own hands with photography, bows, lace, fabric, napkin, wool, papier-mash, vintage style, artiski: step-by-step instructions for beginners. Ideas for the beautiful decoupage of New Year's balls with your own hands: photo

Decoupage of New Year's balls with your own hands with photography, bows, lace, fabric, napkin, wool, papier-mash, vintage style, artiski: step-by-step instructions for beginners. Ideas for the beautiful decoupage of New Year's balls with your own hands: photo

In this article, we will talk about how unusual and beautifully decorate ordinary New Year's balls, turning them into something unique.

Nothing forms the New Year mood better than the decoupage of Christmas balls! Of course, it is much easier to go to the nearest store and buy finished products. But we are convinced that you will receive much more positive energy from needlework than from going to the store.

How to make a decoupage of foam New Year and old Christmas balls: a master class for beginners

Foam - extremely convenient filmable material For beginner masters. It cannot be broken like glass. And such decor elements, such as fabric or beads, can simply be attached with pins.

For example, even a beginner will cope with such a decor. Sequins are attached close to each other With the help of decorative pins Or ordinary pins decorated with beads.

Bright foam New Year's ball, decorated with sequins and beads
Bright foam New Year's ball, decorated with sequins and beads

If there is more free time in stock, you can try to decorate the foam ball as follows. To begin with stand up:

  • Foam preparation
  • Soil
  • Special varnish for decoupage
  • Brush
  • Water
  • Needles, pin
  • Sponge
  • Sparkles, sequins, beads, ribbon, thread

IMPORTANT: You should not ignore the presence of soil - it will give the workpieces the smoothness they need. This is especially necessary if the old toy has already been processed already “who has already“ survived ”.

The procedure is as follows:

  • The ball is covered primer. The layer is needed dense. It is not worth ignoring any areas of crafts.
Puppet's foam ball
Puppet's foam ball
  • The workpiece certainly should dry. If you can’t wait to continue work as soon as possible, you can use a hairdryer.
  • Now the turn decoupage varnish. It will allow the sparkles that will be applied later, to stay on the ball is better.
  • As soon as the varnish and varnish, you can finally apply sparkles. To do this, a sponge or sponge is dripping in them, and then with vuminating movements it processes the ball. You can use one color of sparkles, or you can combine various options.
Applying sparkles to a foam ball
Applying sparkles to a foam ball
  • Further ball it is pierced with a pinwhich you can attach a ribbon - For her, the toy will be hanged on the Christmas tree.
  • Now for needles beads, sequins are attached. Beads stick into the foam. You can form various patterns in this way.

IMPORTANT: The bead should serve as a “hat” with a needle like a decorative pin. The sequet is placed under the bead.

As a result, such a pretty foam ball on the Christmas tree can be obtained
As a result, such a pretty foam ball on the Christmas tree can be obtained
Variations of foam balls from sequins can be countless
Variations of foam balls from sequins can be countless
Instead of sequins, a foam New Year's ball can be decorated with multi -colored buttons
Instead of sequins, a foam New Year's ball can be decorated with multi -colored buttons
From the sequins on the foam New Year's ball, you can form entire patterns
From the sequins on the foam New Year's ball, you can form entire patterns

Decoupage of New Year's balls with your own hands with photography: instruction, description, photo

Such a ball will be an amazing surprise for loved ones, becoming a cozy addition to the New Year's interior. To carry out such an idea we need:

Transparent New Year's balls

  • Photo
  • Tinsel
  • Tweezers
  • Ribbons

The procedure is simple:

  • From the ball you need remove the mount. If there is a fear of cutting, it is worthwhile to stock up on dense gloves.
Removing fastening from a Christmas ball
Removing fastening from a Christmas ball
  • Now you need to take printed previously a photo and, turning them with a tube, put inward Ball. Straighten The paper can be tweezers.

IMPORTANT: Images must be printed on medium density paper. Too thick or thin paper is not suitable - in the first case, it is difficult to push the workpiece inside the ball, and in the second it can break or not straighten.

  • The tinsel needs to be cut Not small pieces
  • Pour it inside The ball can be using a funnel made of paper. It is worthwhile to fill up carefully - it is undesirable to get the decor into the area in front of the photograph.
  • Just as neatly the mount is inserted back. To make the ball more elegant, it is recommended attach a ribbon to himwhich will hold the toy on the Christmas tree.
The result is such charming New Year's balls with a photo
The result is such charming New Year's balls with a photo
New Year's ball can be decorated with a whole collage from the photo
New Year's ball can be decorated with a whole collage from the photo
On New Year's balls, you can capture some important life moments
On New Year's balls, you can capture some important life moments
New Year's ball with photos can be covered with paint in image tones
New Year's ball with photos can be covered with paint in image tones
Such a ball with a photo itself is an excellent New Year's gift
Such a ball with a photo itself is an excellent New Year's gift

Decoupage of New Year's balls bows: instruction, description, photo

For such decoupage, they will come in handy:

  • Foam or plastic ball
  • Jute thread
  • Atlas tape
  • Beads
  • Pistol for working with glue
  • Scissors
These things are necessary for the decoupage of the New Year's ball
These things are necessary for the decoupage of the New Year's ball

Decoupage order:

  • First of all, you need a ball glue a jute loop. The photo shows the base of ordinary tightly compressed paper, but any base that is a New Year's ball is perfect.
Gluing a jute loop on the basis for the New Year's ball
ricketing the jute loop on the basis for the New Year's ball
  • Now Around the ball Need to glue juetic thread.

IMPORTANT: This should be done carefully, avoiding gaps.

  • Further, a hot gun is produced busin mounting.
Gluing beads on the New Year's ball
Gluing beads on the New Year's ball
  • It was the turn of the manufacture of bow. It is necessary for him cut off three strips of tape.
Tapes for making a bow for decoupage ball
Tapes for making a bow for decoupage ball
  • One of the ribbons is needed fold in half by gluing place of connection.
The tape for decoupage of the ball folds
The tape for decoupage of the ball folds
  • The same must be repeated with the second piece of the tape. These two pieces must be attached to each other Cross on the cross.
Connection of pieces of tapes for decoupage balls
Connection of pieces of tapes for decoupage balls
  • They can follow glue, or you can simply bandage a piece of tape of another shade.
The result is such a bow for decoupage ball
The result is such a bow for decoupage ball
  • Now it remains only glue the bow to the jute loop of the ball. You can disguise the trace of gluing with another ribbon.
This is the result of a New Year's ball with a bright bow
This is the result of a New Year's ball with a bright bow
And you can buy such ready -made gift bows, gluing them with a New Year's ball
And you can buy such ready -made gift bows, gluing them with a New Year's ball

How to make bows for New Year's balls with your own hands?

To create simple bows will come in handy:

  • Atlas tape. It is advisable to choose two types of tapes
  • Beads, rhinestones
  • Glue
  • Ruler, scissors

Operating procedure:

  • It is necessary from each type of tapes cut one piece. Their size should be different.

IMPORTANT: The ends of the satin ribbons must be scorched with fire or treated with glue - it is to prevent their spray.

  • Now you need take a larger tape, folding her in half.
When folding a tape for a girlfriend of a ball, it is worth holding her with a finger
When folding a tape for a girlfriend of a ball, it is worth holding her with a finger
  • Holding the tape in the middle, you need it Bend as in the photo.
Flexion of the tape intended for decoupage of the ball
Flexion of the tape intended for decoupage of the ball
  • By analogy, it is necessary fold the second part of the tape.
Folding the second part of the tape for decoupage of the ball
Folding the second part of the tape for decoupage of the ball
  • Then The workpiece needs to be turned over upside down.
This is how you need to turn the tape for decoupage of the ball
This is how you need to turn the tape for decoupage of the ball
  • Part of the workpiece falls, and to where she was, glue is applied.
Application of glue to a ribbon for decoupage of a ball
Application of glue to a ribbon for decoupage of a ball
  • Next, the ribbon it is glued in the form of a bow.
Gluing the tape in the form of a bow for decoupage of a ball
Gluing the tape in the form of a bow for decoupage of a ball
  • Similarly created and The second bow From a smaller diameter tape.
  • Both bows glue between themselves. They can also decorate beads.
The result is a bow that can gracefully decorate the New Year's ball
The result is a bow that can gracefully decorate the New Year's ball
You can just tie a bow from the ribbon for decoupage of the ball
You can just tie a bow from the ribbon for decoupage of the ball
But you can tie a fabric bow for decoupage for decoupage
But you can tie a fabric bow for decoupage for decoupage

Decoupage of New Year's balls with lace: instruction, description, photo

From lace you can build a bow on that scheme for tapes, which was attached above.

Lace for decoupage of the ball can be tied in the form of a bow
Lace for decoupage of the ball can be tied in the form of a bow

You can also decorate the ball with lace completely:

  • For this, first of all, it is necessary, as described earlier, apply a primer.

IMPORTANT: Lace should be chosen by one that is easy to cut into segments.

Lace for decoupage of the ball, you need to select this
Lace for decoupage of the ball, you need to select this
  • Further lace glued On the ball. An ordinary PVA is useful.
Gluing lace during the decoupage of the New Year's ball
Gluing lace during the decoupage of the New Year's ball
  • For lace is needed apply acrylic paint or soil.
Applying soil to lace during decoupage of the ball
Applying soil to lace during decoupage of the ball
  • If you want to give lace a different shade, you need to start dilute the acrylic paint of this shade with water.
During the decoupage of the ball, you need to dilute color acrylic paint like this
During the decoupage of the ball, you need to dilute color acrylic paint like this
  • Then The paint is applied to the ball. You can right there Remove it with a napkin - So the effect of antiquity is created.
This effect will be obtained during the decoupage of the ball
This effect will be obtained during the decoupage of the ball
  • It remains from above after hardening the paint cover the ball acrylic varnish.
The ball during decoupage is covered with acrylic varnish, and looks like a result
The ball during decoupage is covered with acrylic varnish, and looks like a result
It turns out such cute balls that can also be decorated with bows from lace braid on top
It turns out such cute balls that can also be decorated with bows from lace braid on top

Decoupage of New Year's balls with fabric: instruction, description, photo

For fabric decoupage you need:

  • Foam ball
  • The fabric of two colors. One will be a background, and the second will be a pattern
  • Ribbons - both thick and thin
  • Knitting needles or toothpick, stationery knife, scissors from manicure set

The process of making a ball:

  • A ball for starters divided into sections. The larger the ball, the, respectively, the larger sections. You can do this "by eye", or you can use a pen, thread, stationery elastic bands - which is more convenient for anyone.
  • Along the lines Credions are made with a clerical knife. Since the foam is cut easily, there will be no problems.

IMPORTANT: Deep incisions can only be done if the ball is large. The small one in this case risks simply falling apart.

Cuts on the ball
Cuts on the ball
  • Textile from the back should Fuck.
  • Need Cut the shreds, preliminarily Having measured the parameters of the sections intended on the ball. Be sure to Leave about a centimeter for allowances. It is advisable to cut the fabric in the form of ordinary rectangles, since in the process of decoupage she can “move aside” a little, leaving the gaps on the ball.
  • Further, using toothpicks or knitting needles, the fabric must be tucked into the cuts of the ball. It is worth starting from the middle, Gradually moving to the edges.

IMPORTANT: Of course, you can simply glue the fabric, but there is a great risk that it is deformed during the gluing process. In this case, it will be impossible to correct the craft.

The fabric during the decoupage process is refueling into the ball
The fabric during the decoupage process is refueling into the ball
  • Extra threads are cut, and places of joints are masked by ribbons.
During the decoupage of the ball, the fabric lies as follows, and the joints are closed with ribbons
During the decoupage of the ball, the fabric lies as follows, and the joints are closed with ribbons

Decoupage of New Year's balls with a napkin: instruction, description, photo

This version of decoupage seems to be some complicated, because it is not easy to glue a spherical surface without the occurrence of folds. But probably in the following way:

  • The first thing is to process the balls themselves, clushing them and covering them with a primer in at least two layers. Each subsequent layer is applied only after drying the previous one.
Here the balls should be before decoupage
Here the balls should be before decoupage
  • Now they take it decoupage napkins. Naturally, the plots should be selected interconnected. The attracted pictures are worth it gently cut off along the edges. You can cut it off, but negligence looks even better.

IMPORTANT: You should not relax the napkins at this stage - it will be necessary to do this immediately before applying them to the ball.

This is how decoupage napkins look initially
This is how decoupage napkins look initially
And so it is necessary to allocate fragments from napkins for decoupage
And so it is necessary to allocate fragments from napkins for decoupage
  • But after the pieces are selected, you can Small the napkin and glue it on the ball. You need to walk on top with glue.
Glue the decoupage pattern on the ball
Glue the decoupage pattern on the ball
  • In this way The remaining plots are glued.They are recommended glue overlapping - ethat technique is the most successful.
Sticking various stories from decoupage napkins on a ball
Sticking various stories from decoupage napkins on a ball
  • Now the balls need to be left dry.
  • Then they are desirable fabricate - So the folds will be removed.
  • Next are applied Three layers of water -based acrylic varnish.
  • It follows again drying.
  • It was the turn alkyd varnish, which is sold in spray cans. Required two layers.
  • Another one drying.

IMPORTANT: You cannot neglect dry.

  • The final stage remains - decor Shara with beads, ribbons.
It turns out such a wonderful decoupage of the New Year's ball
It turns out such a wonderful decoupage of the New Year's ball

Decoupage of New Year's balls with wool: instruction, description, photo

For such decoupage we need:

  • Foam ball
  • Wool of various colors
  • Felting needles
  • Field
  • High temperature silicone glue
  • Atlas ribbons
  • Beads

Decoupage is carried out as follows:

  • With the help of a needle the wool is leaning to the ball in small pieces. On the foam, even surface, the material will lie perfect, therefore even a novice master will cope.
  • Further more pieces are added. You need to run until the woolen surface becomes flat.

IMPORTANT: The finish felting should be carried out with a thin needle.

  • Next is needed Hove the ornament.
  • Carefully beads are sewn and ribbons are tied - It all depends on the idea.
Such wonderful woolen New Year's balls can turn out
Such wonderful woolen New Year's balls can turn out
Images on such balls are voluminous
Images on such balls are voluminous
Such charming animals on balls will conquer anyone
Such charming animals on balls will conquer anyone

Decoupage of New Year's balls papier-mache: instruction, description, photo

For such a craft you need:

  • Ball
  • Ordinary A4 format paper
  • Wood wand (you can use sticks from Japanese restaurants)
  • Some kind of board with holes where you can install sticks during their drying
  • Acrylic primer, water -based acrylic varnish and acrylic paints
  • Glizal - 50 ml
  • Varnish
  • Brush No. 10
  • Piala
  • Glue
  • A rag that absorbs well
  • Threads, needle, lighter
  • Ribbons

The ball is made like this:

  • First thing, the ball is put in order - The top is removed, sparkles and other old decor are removed with a skin.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to do this under a stream of hot water.

So the balls look after skin
So the balls look after skin
  • Varnish removal Early paint is removed.
  • You need to use it again sandpaper.
  • Next is the coating acrylic primer.
  • Now the ball Put on a stick and dried. You can use a hairdryer, but in this case it must be kept at a distance of at least 30 cm from the ball. After that, you have to wait until the ball has cooled.
The ball is dried
The ball is dried
  • It is poured into the bowl glue.
  • Sheets need to be torn on several parts, complete them, and then n straighten the emergency.
  • Further paper Need quickly Dip the glue and press it to the ball.
  • Fingers folds are formed On the craft.

IMPORTANT: You need to work promptly, as the paper is soaked and torn shortly after the glue hit it.

After all the pieces have glued the ball, you need to leave it again dry. Only this time approximately for 12 hours.

Dragging a ball decorated with paper
Dragging a ball decorated with paper
  • Acrylic paint The already dry workpiece is covered.
  • And again drying. This time on 3-4 hours.
Drying the already painted ball
Drying the already painted ball
  • Now Glizal mixes with paint. Such a composition must be covered with a ball, and quickly!
  • Further a rag need light movements Go along the ball.

IMPORTANT: You just need to remove the excess, and not remove the paint.

  • The workpiece again drings 3-4 hours.
The ball in this form dries again
The ball in this form dries again
  • It was the turn acrylic varnish. They need to smear even cracks. After hourly break It is applied again two layers with drying between them.
  • Left Decorate ball.
After decorating crafts, a bow turns out such a New Year's ball
After decorating crafts, a bow turns out such a New Year's ball

How to make a New Year's toy Shar Artichok in the style of decoupage: step-by-step instructions

For the implementation of such beautiful and meditative technology we need:

  • Actually, foam balls
  • Fabric shreds or ready -made tapes
  • A large number of tailor's needles

The process is as follows:

  • If in stock shreds, They need to be good iron. Ribbons cut into pieces About 3-4 cm each.
  • The first ribbon It is necessary to attach as follows.
Fastening of the first tape on the New Year's ball
Fastening of the first tape on the New Year's ball
  • The next piece is needed fold in the form of a triangle.
  • Next is needed create several triangles, And then attach them to the tops to each other. It turns out square.
Such a square should turn out on a New Year's ball
Such a square should turn out on a New Year's ball

Then you need it fix ribbons according to this scheme:

Fastening ribbons on a ball
Fastening ribbons on a ball
The next stage of fastening ribbons on the ball
The next stage of fastening ribbons on the ball
Another stage of fastening ribbons on the ball
Another stage of fastening ribbons on the ball
So the ball should be decorated with ribbons on the technique of artichoke to the end
So the ball should be decorated with ribbons on the technique of artichoke to the end

IMPORTANT: The gap can be decorated, for example, a ribbon.

Decoupage of New Year's balls in the style of vintage: description, photo


  • Balls are not too small in diameter, otherwise the pictures will be inconvenient to glue
  • Acrylic white soil
  • Glue-fluid, which is used in decoupage, as well as acrylic glossy varnish
  • Decoupage wipes with vintage images
  • Scraps of old newspapers, notes
  • Acrylic paint of some vintage tones. It is worth thinking about the acquisition of colors of the tone of antique gold
  • Glitter
  • Wet wipes
  • All sorts of things for decor like beads, sequins, lace, ribbons, texture paste. Since we are talking about vintage, ink will also be useful, archival stamps for the text, various dry flowers, sprays, etc.

Now about the process itself:

  • First thing, the ball is undergoing preparation - Gloven with the help of a sponge. For convenience, it is recommended to pre -remove the lids from the balls and put the balls on the stick. By the way, the lids should also be treated with a primer.
Processing the ball with a primer
Processing the ball with a primer
  • Balls must be given dry.
Drying balls
Drying balls
  • Meanwhile Images from napkins break off.
  • As soon as the primer dries, you can use glue attach pictures. To smear the napkin with glue should be on top of the image.

IMPORTANT: Smooth the napkin from the middle to the edges.

  • Now you need to produce decoupage varnish.
This will turn out a New Year's ball at this stage
This will turn out a New Year's ball at this stage
  • Then you can glue pieces of newspapers, notes. The principle is the same as with napkins - gluing on glue, and smearing them on top.
  • Now you can glue, for example, waxed cord or apply texture paste Through a stencil. They will also create a vintage effect. And how can you resist craclae pastes, creating the effect of cracks?
A waxed cord looks good on a vintage ball
A waxed cord looks good on a vintage ball
Applying a texture paste to a ball through a stencil
Applying a texture paste to a ball through a stencil
Paste Kraclae is what you need for a vintage ball!
Paste Kracla is what you need for a vintage ball!
  • Next, you can go on top of all this splendor White acrylic, trying to swap them and hide all the clear boundaries. The waxed cord must be hidden under the paint completely.
Ball after powdering acrylic
Ball after powdering acrylic
  • It was the turn colored colors. Apply them with your fingers, slightly smearing with a napkin. The result should be the effect of scuffing.

IMPORTANT: It is preferable to work with several colors of similar tonality. For example, red, brown.

Application on a ball of red paint
Application on a ball of red paint
Then applying brown paint on a ball
Then applying brown paint on a ball
  • In some places the ball then you need to cover the surface paint under antique gold. The most important thing is not to overdo it!
Approaching paint for antique gold to the ball
Approaching paint for antique gold to the ball
  • Then, since an imitation went under ancient gold, you can apply a little hollow. It is applied to glue with a brush.
Applying on a ball
Applying on a ball
  • Spray with pearl red tint Here, too, can come in handy. Just apply it a little.
  • Now it will not hurt to slightly powder the workpiece white acrylic. It should not be many - you just need to create the effect of sprinkle.
The effect of mild push on the ball
The effect of mild push on the ball
  • If there is a desire, you can Using ink and text stamp embellish the craft.
Applying the text to the ball
Applying the text to the ball
  • It will not hurt and glitter - It is applied with a brush.
Applying glitter to the ball
Applying glitter to the ball
  • Now you need Glue back the cap of the ball, and decorate some kind of craft decor Like flowers, ribbons.

IMPORTANT: The cap from the ball should also be decorated.

  • In the end, it is recommended to use acrylic varnish. Moreover, it is desirable not to smear the previous works with a brush, to use spray varnish.
Decoupage ball with additional decor
Decoupage ball with additional decor
This is how a vintage ball is obtained
This is how a vintage ball is obtained

Decoupage of a snowman on a New Year's ball: ideas, photo

We bring to your attention several ideas of the decoupage of the ball are one of the most popular New Year's symbols:

You can build such a wonderful snowman, attaching it to the old ball
You can build such a wonderful snowman, attaching it to the old ball
But you can only make a snowman muzzle from the ball
But you can only make a snowman muzzle from the ball
Gluing several balls and their decor for a snowman
Gluing several balls and their decor for a snowman
Anyone who has artistic talent can draw snowmen on a ball
Anyone who has artistic talent can draw snowmen on a ball
You can purchase such decoupage napkins with snowmen, and then stick them on balls
You can purchase such decoupage napkins with snowmen, and then stick them on balls

Ideas for the beautiful decoupage of New Year's balls with your own hands: photo

And here is another a selection of ideas for decoupage New Year's balls:

Decoupage balls with sparkles inside
Decoupage balls with sparkles inside
You can wrap the New Year balls with notes by using vintage equipment
You can wrap the New Year balls with notes by using vintage equipment
You can place something inside the transparent New Year's balls
You can place something inside the transparent New Year's balls
New Year's balls in the style of Rococo
New Year's balls in the style of Rococo
New Year's ball, decorated with braid and peacock feather
New Year's ball, decorated with braid and peacock feather
Lace New Year's ball
Lace New Year's ball
New Year's ball decorated with beads
New Year's ball decorated with beads
Decoupage of the ball with a net and ribbons - simple and elegant
Decoupage of the ball with a net and ribbons - simple and elegant
Decoupage of New Year's balls with coffee beams
Decoupage of New Year's balls with coffee beams
Decorating balls with jute threads, ribbons and beads
Decorating balls with jute threads, ribbons and beads
Decoupage balls with paper
Decoupage balls with paper
You can decorate the Christmas tree with acorns with hats
You can decorate the Christmas tree with acorns with hats
Decoupage balls with napkins and craquelure paint
Decoupage balls with napkins and craquelure paint

New Year's ball, decorated with your own hand, is a great idea for a gift! Any person will undoubtedly be proud of such a unique and beautiful ball in his collection.

Video: A master class on how to draw a decoupage of the ball and boxes for it:

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