Decorative fireplace: what role performs, what can you make quickly? Ideas for creating fireplaces from drywall, foam, cardboard, plywood, chipboard, wood, brick, old furniture: step -by -step description, diagrams, drawings, photos

Decorative fireplace: what role performs, what can you make quickly? Ideas for creating fireplaces from drywall, foam, cardboard, plywood, chipboard, wood, brick, old furniture: step -by -step description, diagrams, drawings, photos

In the article, we consider the ideas and options for making a decorative fireplace with your own hands from various materials.

False-Kamin: What is it, why is it needed, from what materials can be made?

The fireplace has always been a symbol of comfort, home warmth. How great it is to gather with the whole family in cold rainy or winter weather by a crackling fireplace, drink hot tea and communicate on various topics. Owners of private houses can afford such a pleasure as a fireplace. Those who live in apartment buildings, alas, have only to dream of a fireplace or make an artificial fireplace.

IMPORTANT: Falter-stone-a decorative fireplace without a chimney. Performs a purely aesthetic role.

A false stone can be made with your own hands without construction skills. The creation of a decorative fireplace is an interesting and fascinating lesson, to which all family members can be attracted. This is a good reason to demonstrate your creative abilities.

Advantages of decorative fireplaces:

  1. Cheapness of materials. Below we will tell you from what materials you can make false stone.
  2. The ability to make a fireplace of the desired configuration And with any parameters. This is very convenient, because the dimensions of the rooms are different for everyone. Perhaps a corner fireplace, or very small.
  3. Original decor. To decorate the fireplace, you can choose inexpensive, but beautiful finishing materials that will perfectly fit in the tone of your interior.
  4. The ability to change the decor. Depending on your mood, you can change the decor. And it's great. For example, decorate the fireplace for Christmas or choose completely different Easter jewelry.

Decorative fireplaces are of different types. Divide them into groups:

  1. Artificial fireplaces. They are very similar to real ones, completely imitate genuine fireplaces. Such fireplaces are laid out, and this option should be said, quite expensive. Also, such fireplaces are not the best solution for small apartments. Inside such fireplaces, a burner for a biofamine is installed, which allows you to create a real fire.
  2. Conditional fireplace. This fireplace is represented by a portal protruding from the wall. Candles are usually installed inside and decorate the fireplace to taste.
  3. Symbolic fireplace. The real such fireplaces are very remote. They can be made from improvised materials. A fireplace drawn on the wall can be attributed to a symbolic fireplace.

You can make a decorative fireplace from different materials. As a rule, the following materials are most often used:

  • Wood
  • Brick
  • Drywall
  • Styrofoam
  • Polyurethane
  • Plywood

Important: for the manufacture of an artificial fireplace, you can also use the old furniture that you have planned to be thrown away. Read on to find out how to make such a fireplace.

What is a false fireplace

How to make a decorative fireplace made of drywall: description, drawings, photos

One of the simple in the work is drywall. He easily assumes all kinds of finishes, and its value cannot be called sky -high.

The essence of the construction of a drywall of the drywall is to create a metal frame and further loving with drywall. The last stage is design.

To create an artificial drywall fireplace, the following materials will be needed:

  • Metal profile (guides and racks);
  • Drywall
  • Wood and metal screws
  • Putty
  • Pencil
  • Corner, level
  • Roulette
  • Scissors for metal
  • Electric
  • Squad
  • For design - spatulas, glue, wallpaper, tiles, hermetic glue, etc.

Important: before buying drywall, you should think about cladding. This will affect the choice of drywall. If you plan to just paint a fireplace, you can take ordinary drywall. If you plan to clad tiles, moisture -resistant drywall is suitable.

First of all, you need to decide which fireplace you will have. It is necessary to draw up a drawing of the fireplace, according to which further assembly actions will be carried out, as well as the purchase of the necessary materials. Below are options for the drawings of the fireplace.

Damage drawing
Done scheme with dimensions

When the drawing is ready, materials purchased, you can start work. First of all, with a pencil, roulette, corner and level it is necessary to transfer the drawing to the walls and floor.

Step -by -step fireplace

The next step is to fix the guides. To fix the frame you will need a screwdriver, as well as metal screws. Step by step should be collected the basis of the frame. It is important that the racks are located strictly vertically. You should not navigate the wall, it can be with a curvature. To do this, use the level.

Metal frame for fireplace

After assembling the metal frame, it is necessary to sheathe it with drywall. To do this, transfer the drawing parameters to drywall. To cut the foam, use an electrolobian or a building knife. The first tool will be more convenient to cut drywall.

Gypsum cardboard fireplace - step -by -step guide

When the patterns are ready, fix them on a metal profile. To do this, use screwdriver and wood screws. Do not deepen the screws into drywall too much.

The location of the screws

When the frame is sheathed with drywall, it remains to plunge minor flaws. The putty will help to achieve the evenness of the joints, to hide the irregularities of the structure.

The final stage is finishing work. Choose the style of decoration of the fireplace correctly from the point of view of accounting for the general design of the room.

Gypsum cardboard fireplace is ready

The most common options for decorating a chipboard fireplace:

  • Finishing with artificial stone.
  • Playing the fireplace with wallpaper.
  • Coloring the fireplace.
  • Ceramic tiles cladding.
  • Playing with plastic panels imitating brick.

The fireplace of the fireplace can be arranged in different ways:

  1. Pre -prolong the furnace with refractory materials and insert a burner for a biofamine there.
  2. Put a liquid crystal display with imitation of fire.
  3. Put firewood, cones, candles, but do not breed fire.

Video: DIY gypsum cardboard

How to make a decorative fireplace fireplace: description, drawings, photos

Making a fireplace fireplace is simple. Foam is supple material. In addition, its cost is low.

Another advantage of a decorative fireplace from foam is a minimum set of materials for work. You will not need skills in working with an electrician, screwdriver and other men's tools.

Materials for the manufacture of a foam fireplace:

  • Foam sheets;
  • Cardboard sheets or large cardboard box;
  • Scotch;
  • Clerical knife or scissors;
  • Glue.

It is easy to make such a fireplace, but you have to work on the design and finish. In order for such a fireplace to look decently, you need to design it efficiently and beautifully.

The manufacture of any fireplace begins with the drawing. You must decide what dimensions your fireplace will be, what a form it will have. You must clearly understand this so that the finished fireplace falls on the size of your room, and not block the space.

DIY fireplace diagram

Cardboard will serve as the basis of the fireplace. It is advisable to make a simple design fireplace, because from cardboard you should make a strong base. To do this, cut the cardboard sheets into parts of the required length and width. With the help of adhesive tape and glue, glue them into the frame. He should stand well and firmly on the floor.

DIY fireplace

After the frame is ready, you can start gluing it with foam. To do this, you will need sheets of foam with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. Poking the frame with foam can be carried out quickly enough. As we have already said, this is a supple material.

Foam fireplace

Important: it is necessary to make clear measurements and cut the foam evenly so that the fireplace ultimately looks neat.

You can hide the flaws with putty. You can also buy decorative elements from polyurethane in advance to give the fireplace beautiful architectural forms. You can also cut simple forms of foam and stick them onto the fireplace.

Elements for fireplace decor

Then the fireplace can be painted with plain or colored paint. The usual white color looks most advantageous. Paints can be used by acrylic, as well as water -based.

Decorative fireplane fireplace

If you want your fireplace to look like a brick, there are several options for how to do it:

  1. Cut the rectangles from the foam in the shape of a brick. Then stick them onto the fireplace, paint with brown or reddish paint, paint the seams with white paint.
  2. Pushing wallpaper with a brick pattern on a fireplace. This option will look easier, but the work will pass faster.
  3. You can also draw a brick pattern using paints and brush.

The fireplace of the fireplace can be designed as follows:

  • The walls of the furnace can be pasted over with brick pattern wallpaper.
  • On the back wall you can draw fire. As an option, use the finished image of fire.
  • To have light inside, place the LED garland. And in order to make more light, you can place the mirror inside.
  • Firewood, spruce branches, cones will look good in the fireplace from the foam.
  • Near the fireplace you can install a candelabr.
Imitation of fire in the fireplace

How to make a decorative fireplace from ordinary cardboard: description, drawings, photos

From ordinary and quite affordable material - cardboard can also be made an original fireplace. The cardboard fireplace is very light. This can be considered both a minus and a plus.

The disadvantage of the lightness of the product is that the fireplace can easily fall. If you put something heavy on it, or simply push it inadvertently. The plus is that the fireplace can be easily transferred to another room or removed at all if it is tired.

Cardboard fireplace drawing

To build a fireboard fireplace, you will need a large box. In such boxes, TVs, refrigerators and other overall things are sold.

You will also need the following materials:

  • PVA glue
  • Battle adhesive tape
  • Stationery knife
  • Ruler, pencil
  • Decoration Materials

Important: for the strength of the design, it is advisable to glue all parts in three layers.

How to make a cardboard more durable

The shape of the fireplace will largely depend on the size of the cardboard box that you have. The essence of the work is to draw the lines of the desired length, cut the parts from cardboard, bend the edges and glue them together.

Cardboard fireplace

But if you do not have a large box, you can assemble a design of separate cardboard boxes. The joints must be glued with adhesive tape on a paper basis.

Below is another option for making a fireplace fireplace, in which the firebox is made in a completely different way.

A frame for a fireplace fireplace

You can decorate the fireplace fireplace in various ways. The decoration of the fireplace with a beautiful embossed skirting board will look spectacular.

Cardboard fireplace decor

The upper part of the fireplace can be made of three layers of cardboard, a sheet of foam or chipboard.

When all parts are glued together, a fireplace should be painted. You can use paint from a spray can. But the floor before staining must be covered with paper so that the paint does not fall on it. After staining, the fireplace should be left for a while so that the paint is dry. If gaps are visible, you can apply another layer of paint. To make the fireplace less contaminated, you can cover it with varnish.

IMPORTANT: In order for the cardboard fireplace to be more stable, it is recommended to strengthen the bottom with a cardboard or metal frame.

A cardboard fireplace, of course, is not intended for breeding a living fire. Therefore, you can simulate fire. For example, put branches and garland in the furnace. You can put candles on the fireplace, decorate it with beautiful lamps.

Decorative fireplace

Video: How to make a fireplace fireplace?

How to make a decorative fireplace from plywood, from chipboard, from wood: description, drawing, photo

You can also make a beautiful fireplace from wood. It can be just a decorative fireplace, but you can also make a frame for an electric fireplace.

In this case, such nuances should be taken into account:

  • If a bio -rock is made, you should choose refractory wood species.
  • If you want to make a frame for an electric fireplace, correctly calculate the area for the furnace.

A wood fireplace will become a reliable design that will last a long time. The fireplace can be made from:

  • Plywood
  • Chipboard
  • Boards
  • Brus

For work, it is necessary to arm yourself with construction tools:

  1. Manual electric milling cutter;
  2. Electrician;
  3. Screwdriver;
  4. Grinding machine;
  5. Other carpentry tools.

Consider how to make a fireplace made of wood and plywood.

For the frame, it is necessary to use wooden bars. It is necessary to prepare the required number of bars of the desired length. This will help, as always, a drawing of a fireplace.

Damage drawing with dimensions

Broaches must be interconnected using self -tapping screws.

Wooden fireplace frame

When the frame is ready, plywood should sheathe it with sheets. This can be done with ordinary self -tapping screws and screwdrivers.

The frame is sheathed with plywood

The next step is to prepare for the finish. All irregularities, flaws need to be thrown. Then leave the fireplace until completely dry. The last step is the design. In this case, the fireplace was painted. You can also cover it with varnish. The furnace was decorated with firewood. It is not supposed to incite a fire in such a fireplace, it will serve for decorative purposes.

The fireplace from the plywood is ready

You can also make a fireplace from chipboard. The step -by -step manufacturing of the fireplace is similar to the previous:

  • It is necessary to prepare the drawing.
  • To carry out the sawing of the material on pieces of the required length and width.
  • Make a frame from metal.
  • Shell the frame of chipboard.
DIY chipboard

A more time -consuming process is the manufacture of a wood fireplace. Here you need skills and the ability to work with a tree. We suggest watching a video on how to make a wood fireplace with your own hands. Such a structure will look very colorful in the room and will become the highlight of your home.

Video: How to make a wood fireplace with your own hands?

How to make a decorative brick fireplace: description, diagram, photo

Traditionally, the fireplace is made of brick. If the style of your apartment allows, you can make a brick fireplace. A lot of bricks for such a decorative fireplace will not be needed.

However, there are nuances that are important to find out before the start of construction work:

  1. Putting a brick fireplace is necessary in the process of repairing the apartment. When the floor is dismantled.
  2. You can not build a large -sized fireplace, since brick is a very heavy material.
  3. You must make sure that the floor partitions will be able to withstand the weight of your fireplace.

What is a decorative brick fireplace? This is a small masonry in the wall. Before starting construction work, it is necessary to make sure that the brick is of high quality, because everyone will pay attention to your fireplace - it should be impeccable.

The surface of the brick should be without defects, smooth, its color - uniform. You can rinse the bricks with water, this contributes to the air out of the pore of the brick.

Laying brick begins with corner bricks. A row is laid out by a row. It is advisable to allow one row to dry, and then proceed to the next. Do not make wide seams.

Scheme of a decorative fireplace from brick

If you want to install an electric heater in the fireplace, the walls of the furnace should be strengthened with refractory slabs.

If you do not plan to make a fireplace with an electric heater, you can install a mirror in the furnace, you can also put candles inside. The flame from the candles will affect the mirror and beautifully illuminate the room.


How to make a decorative fireplace from old furniture: ideas, description, photo

For those who do not really like to part with old things, there is an idea - to make a fireplace from an old sideboard.

It is hard to believe, but the fireplace in the photo below is made from the "grandmother's sideboard". Skillful hands and good flight of imagination are capable of a lot.

Old furniture fireplace

In addition to the old cabinet, the following materials will be needed:

  • Plywood
  • Electric jigsaw
  • Sander
  • Scarring
  • Self -tapping screws
  • Decor (here you can give a flight of your imagination - use paint, corrugated skirting boards, wallpaper, etc.)

Step -by -step manufacture:

It is necessary to remove glass doors from the sideboard. Pull the lower shelves not to remove the door. The sideboard must be put on the side. The design should turn out, as in the photo below.

Old furniture fireplace: Step 1

Attach two timber on the sides.

Old furniture fireplace: Step 2

Then attach plywood sheets on the bars. This is done to give the fireplace the necessary thickness.

Old furniture fireplace: Step 3

In the lower door, cut a hole that will imitate the blown.

Old furniture fireplace: Step 4

As a fireplace shelf, a side back from the old bed can be used. It is necessary to dismantle her legs.

Old furniture fireplace: Step 5

After that, the main part of the work is considered completed. However, no less important part of the work remains - finishing work. First you need to treat all surfaces with a grinding machine, then stick the walls, make them even. When the putty dries, it is necessary to thoroughly skip all the irregularities.

The edges of the fireplace can be covered with a baseboard, which you can easily get in a construction store. Then the structure can be painted.

For decor, you can use wallpaper or paper, as well as other elements that will be at your disposal.

Ideas of beautiful and original decorative fireplaces in the interior: photo

Below you can see a selection of photos that depict your own manufacturing fireplaces.

Gypsum fireplace. It looks expensive and spectacular. Gypsum is widely used to create false stone. It is plastic, light. However, there are shortcomings in this material. So, gypsum can turn yellow in conditions of increased dampness. In addition, it must be understood that gypsum is a very fragile material. One awkward movement can lead to the fact that the fireplace will break.

Gypsum fireplace

Foam fireplace. Decorated with tiles for the ceiling. The combination of white with gold looks beautiful. Such a fireplace is suitable for light rooms. In a room with predominant dark shades, it will look out of place.

Foam fireplace

Decorative fireplace fireplace. Decorated in the New Year's style. The fireplace in the New Year and Christmas holidays is especially relevant. And let it be artificial, it will look beautiful and magical.

Cardboard fireplace

Fireplace from plywood. The finish is made using a film. It looks beautiful and high quality.

DIY decorative fireplace

A fireplace with a decoration simulating a brick. It is completed very carefully, it is practically not distinguished from the present.

Falter-kamin looks like a real

Brick fireplace. Candles in beautiful candlesticks give the construction of a special charm.

Artificial fireplace

To give a home environment comfort and heat, try to make a fireplace with your own hands. In some cases, you can’t do without male assistance and construction tools. For example, if you decide to make a brick or wood fireplace. But there are other options, for example, a fireplace fireplace. Such a fireplace will be possible for everyone who does not have skills in working with building tools. Particular attention should be paid to decorative fireplace decoration. The fireplace should become a decoration and favorably emphasize the atmosphere of the room.

Video: how to quickly make a decorative fireplace with your own hands?

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