Decorative candles with your own hands New Year, Christmas for beginners: master class. How to make and decorate wax, from paraffin, aromatic, colored, carved candles?

Decorative candles with your own hands New Year, Christmas for beginners: master class. How to make and decorate wax, from paraffin, aromatic, colored, carved candles?

In this article we want to tell how to create candles with our own hands. Such candles will make your design unique, moreover, they will do perfectly as a gift.

Do you know that people began to use candles back in the 3rd millennium BC? True, at that time only wealthy citizens allowed them. In our days, candles are used mainly as cozy decor items. Let's see how you can make such a miracle yourself.

DIY candles for beginners: master class

For these candles, which are simple to make and can decorate any decor, the following will need:

  • Actually, themselves candles - some

Important: it is quite possible to purchase the most ordinary candles in the household department of the store. True, they have a grayish tint due to the fact that they are not subjected to cleansing. However, this drawback is easily corrected if you plan to engage in painting.

  • Capacity - A small pan. It is advisable to attach a clothespin to the edge. Paraffin, which is melted, is very hot, so some pen is simply necessary
  • Mold -in our case, 2 forms of different sizes are needed
  • Wick
  • Plasticine
  • Grater
  • Oil
  • Acrylic contours
  • Small ones - We need wax

IMPORTANT: CHARCS based on oil will not be able to dissolve in wax - they should not be taken unambiguously.

Wax crayons for staining candles
Wax crayons for staining candles

We proceed to the manufacture:

First, all available cut the candles For small pieces. Remove the wick of them.

Candles must be cut into pieces
Candles must be cut into pieces

Process shafts with grater. It is best to rub each color separately.

Rub the crayons for candles
Rub the crayons for candles

It's time to put it surrending in a water bath Parafin. In the meantime, this follows, prepare a form - Lubricate it with oil.

The form for the manufacture of candles is lubricated with oil
The form for the manufacture of candles is lubricated with oil

And then paraffin melted! You can now add a chopped small thing.

Important: it is extremely important to thoroughly stir the dye until it disappears completely.

The dye for the candle is added to the paraffin
The dye for the candle is added to the paraffin

Now paraffin pours into a large mold. However, one should not be very carried away - the one that is smaller in size will fall later. Therefore, the level of filler will rise - you need to consider this.

Paraffin for a candle spills into a form
Paraffin for a candle spills into a form

Lubricate outside small mold - After that, it can submerge in a large one. It is recommended to place inside is plasticine.

Important: try to adhere to the "golden mean". With a meager amount of plasticine, the mold will not plunge, and with too large - it will go to the bottom.

Plasticine in a candle mold can be distributed with a toothpick
Plasticine in a candle mold can be distributed with a toothpick

A few hours later you can get a frozen cast. And immediately take care placement of a wick. The hole can be done with something thin like toothpick or brush.

In the future candle, you need to not forget to make a hole for the wick
In the future candle, you need to not forget to make a hole for the wick

Pass the wick. The bottom of the candle should be disguised With a hot spoon.

The bottom of the candle is formed using a hot spoon
The bottom of the candle is formed using a hot spoon

The other end of the wick is fixed on a toothpick. The toothpick, in turn, is placed across the candle and attached with plasticine.

The second horses of the wick of the candle are attached to the match
The second horses of the wick of the candle are attached on a tooth

Similarly, a diagram with a green paraffin, you melt the yellow. Pour it into the deepening of the future candle. Cut the wick So that the candle remains approximately 1 cm.

Important: do not forget to add paraffin into a recess near the wick.

Filling a candle with yellow paraffin
Filling a candle with yellow paraffin

After everything freezes, it will remain decorate a candle. And here an acrylic circuit is useful.

Switch decor option
Switch decor option

How to make and decorate wax candles with your own hands?

For the manufacture of beautiful wax candle in the form of a rose you will need:

  • Actually, himself wax
  • Stationery knife or at least his blade
  • Burner
  • Wick
  • Mirror or glass small size

Important: However, if the workplace is even, then the glass is optional.

Primarily, melt the wax. And here the burner is just useful.

Melting wax for a candle
Melting wax for a candle

Further molten wax spilles on a flat surface. Wait for it to cool.

Wax for a candle pours out such an art blot
Wax for a candle pours out such an art blot

Wax the spot is cutwith a knife.

One of the blanks for the candle is cut with a knife
One of the blanks for the candle is cut with a knife

Now the wax is separated from the surface. One part of it is deposited for a while.

Part of the candle blank is laid aside
Part of the candle blank is laid aside

For one of the pieces vitila is superimposed. It follows wrap in wax.

Important: try to perform this procedure quickly, otherwise the wax will freeze.

The wick for the candle turns wax
The wick for the candle turns wax

In a similar way create other petals. Do not forget that their edges should be bent for maximum identity to a real flower.

Formation of rose-gloss from wax
Formation of rose-gloss from wax

How to make and decorate with paraffin candles with your own hands?

Will delight in the winter season icy candle from paraffin. No matter how paradoxical it sounds, but the ice and flame can be united, and you will need for this:

Candles paraffin household - 4 things.

Important: paraffin must certainly be high -quality. Otherwise, the candle will smoke, crack, spread an unpleasant odor, burn unevenly.

  • Wax color small ones
  • Ice cubes
  • Knife
  • Two bowls or pots. Keep in mind that their diameter should be different. In addition, dishes, usually used for cooking, are not suitable.
  • Skewer or a small wood stick
  • Concerning molds, then use in this case you can even a plastic cup
  • Terry towel
  • Some comfortable group and adhesive
These things will be needed for the manufacture of paraffin candle
These things will be needed for the manufacture of paraffin candle

Before starting work is worth cover the working surface with oilcloth. Then take it candle and equalize it is in size with a mold.

The paraffin candle-polling should be one size with a mold
The paraffin candle-polling should be one size with a mold

But besides this candle there are others - they need to cut into small pieces, having previously taken out the wick.

Here you need to cut paraffin supplies to such pieces
Here you need to cut paraffin supplies to such pieces

Pour water into a large pan And bring it to a boil, then reduce the fire. The turn has come small pots - pieces of paraffin are obsessed thereAnd all this is put in a water bath.

Important: it is extremely important to consider that paraffin is easily ignited. Therefore, do not warm it on an open fire or in a microwave. Do not be distracted from the process, but at hand, just in case, keep baking soda - it is with it that you need to extinguish a burning paraffin.

Paraffin for a candle must be melted in a water bath
Paraffin for a candle must be melted in a water bath

It’s fine with a knife cross the chalk. The principle is simple: the more chips, the more saturated the candle will be.

Coloc for painting a candle is finely cut
Coloc for painting a candle is finely cut

Pieces of a small thing are spilled into a small pan. Do not forget to stir.

Callop mixes with paraffin for a candle
Callop mixes with paraffin for a candle

The turn has come ice - Remove it from the freezer, put it on a towel, cover with another part of the towel and Grind. The sizes of ice creams should correspond to how you want to see the openwork - thin openwork patterns require small ice floes.

To create an openwork paraffin candle, you need to get ice
To create an openwork paraffin candle, you need to get ice

Fill in ice form. Wherein A piece of candle should be placed in the middle With wick, cut off at the very beginning of work.

Ice is filled with ice for a candle
Ice is filled with ice for a candle

Now molten paraffin can be poured into a mold, right on the ice.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget to use the seize.

Paraffin is filled with a candle form
Paraffin is filled with a candle form

Wait for cooling color paraffin. Then give a cast From the mold. It is recommended to do all this above the sink, as the melted ice will definitely drain. Heated with a knitting needle taken, you can melt the wick, if he was flooded with paraffin.

If the wick of the candle flooded with paraffin, you can get it with a knitting needle
If the wick of the candle flooded with paraffin, you can get it with a knitting needle

Just in case leave the candle to dry additionally. When using it it is worth taking a wide candlestick - Paraffin can melt.

These are paraffin candles
These are paraffin candles
This is what a burning paraffin openwork candle looks like
This is what a burning paraffin openwork candle looks like

Beautiful carved candles with your own hands: Forms

Carved candles seem incredibly complicated, but some of them are simple. Prepare:

  • Paraffin
  • Form To your choice. It is better to start with something simple like outlines of an egg. As for the material, then due to the ease of extraction of a cast, it is recommended to choose silicon
  • Wick or plexus of cotton threads
  • Capacitance, in which a colored paraffin will be flooded. Unnecessary cups, saucepan or even canning cans are suitable in everyday life
  • Special dyes Or wax crayons
  • Hook and the crossbar to him

Important: select the hook size, taking into account the fact that it should be convenient for you to hold it in your hands.

  • Bucket with water
  • Paper napkins From the category of those that are soft to the touch
  • Knife
The silicone form for the manufacture of candles may look like this
The silicone form for the manufacture of candles may look like this

Just like in previous workshops, melt paraffin in a water bath.Pour it in the format the same time leaving a long - at least 10 cm.wick.

After The cast is extracted, follows a long wick hang it on the hook.

Hanging the workpiece for the candle
Hanging the workpiece for the candle

In a water bath heat paraffin with the addition of shades.

Important: to bring it to 60-80 degrees will be quite enough. At the same time, you need to stir, because paraffin settles.

This is how the containers with a colored paraffin for candles should look approximately
This is how the containers with a colored paraffin for candles should look approximately

Start let down suspended on the hook the workpiece in the container With the flowers you need. Try to do it Quickly, but at the same time smoothly. Let the paraffin drain, and then to fix the remaining lower the product in a bucket of water. There can be several dozen layers, because a hot paraffin gives a very thin layer.

This is what the application of layers on the future candle looks like
This is what the application of layers on the future candle looks like

We assume that these were the inner layers. Now carefully dip the workpiece alternately into the desired shades for obtaining the effect of the gradient. If spray is obtained, carefully remove them with a napkin.

The formation of the gradient in the workpiece of the candle
The formation of the gradient in the workpiece of the candle

Now hang the workpiece on the hook - and cut the patterns! To start cut the extra layers of paraffinwho formed the subclasses. It is possible for convenience make a sketch, since the possibilities of making amendments will not be presented.

Important: on average, paraffin cools in 10 minutes, so try to cut the patterns during this time.

Approaching a sketch for a candle blank
Approaching a sketch for a candle blank

Then cut the patterns as fantasy suggests. You can even tighten the cut strip and put it in the neckline - it will turn out an interesting effect.

Cutting the pattern in the candle
Cutting the pattern in the candle
Twisting a cut strip of a candle
Twisting a cut strip of a candle
Investing the twisted strip in the cut of the candle
Investing the twisted strip in the cut of the candle

Flowers It seems to be formed - certain patterns are cut, which bend in the right way. Can decorate the candle, for example, beads.

Flower formation in a candle
Flower formation in a candle
This is how a beautiful carved candle turns out
This is how a beautiful carved candle turns out

Of course, options for shapes and colors There may be a huge number:

Elegant curls of carved candle
Elegant curls of carved candle
Another option for beautiful curls on carved candles
Another option for beautiful curls on carved candles
Carved candle on sea themes
Carved candle on sea themes
Carved candle with birds
Carved candle with birds

How to make colored candles with colored fire with your own hands?

We wrote about how to make colored wax earlier. By the way, an interesting option - multilayer multi -colored candle. The main thing in this matter is leisurely, because each previous layer should dry before the formation of the subsequent.

Important: to cool such a product should at least 5 hours.

Colored multilayer candles
Colored multilayer candles
Monophone color candle
Monophone color candle

The secret color flame consists in burning salts. Moreover the composition of salts Depends on what shade you want to get:

  • Yellow orange - salt
  • Red - nitrate strontium or sodium chloride
  • Blue - CHIC chloride
  • Green - Barium chloride
  • Violet - potassium chloride

Such candles are good in that not toxicand if they occasionally flow, then there will be practically no traces. However they flare up for a long time.

Candles with colored flame
Candles with colored flame

How to make aromatic candles with your own hands?

In order to create an aromatic candle, use appropriate oil. It's just wonderful if to certain notes of aroma will be selected corresponding shade of wax.

Important: you need to add oil to wax at the stage when it has already melted, but has not yet been poured into a mold.

Please note that:

  • Bergamot in conjunction with lavender It will help to relax
  • Lemon and rosemary will cleanse their heads of negative thoughts
  • Equal part roses and geraniumsas well as exceeding them by half lavender They will return peace and help to find the balance of spirit after strong experiences.
  • Lemon with cedar They will also relieve stress
  • Cloves with orange Guaranteed to cheer up
Aromatic candles with rose aroma
Aromatic candles with rose aroma
Aromatic candle with lime aroma
Aromatic candle with lime aroma

Candles enchant, pacify, delight, inspire - how much purpose of this lighting source has! And, you see, it will be just great if you can independently regulate all these emotions, making candles with your own hands.

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  1. Like how you have done, but I don’t know how to buy it)

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