Tsinnia flowers: when to plant on seedlings, dive, plant in the ground? Growing a civilian from seeds on a window at home: terms, sowing, top dressing, watering, care, landing in the ground

Tsinnia flowers: when to plant on seedlings, dive, plant in the ground? Growing a civilian from seeds on a window at home: terms, sowing, top dressing, watering, care, landing in the ground

How to create a paradise in a garden from the flowers of a civilian in which the body will rest and find the soul of the soul.

What are the civilian in the flowerbed with?

If you saw a colorful flowerbed in the summer, then most likely this “multi -colored carpet” was created from the flowers of the civilian. After all, zinnia is a flower that has a very wide colors. It is easier to name colors in which the flower petals are not painted than to list the shades that they are. So, the civilian can be:

  • White and ivory colors
  • Purple, lavender colors and pink
  • Burgundy and bright red
  • Lemon-yellow and orange
Multi -colored cinema carpet
Multi -colored cinema carpet

These flowers are so bright that they can compete with the kings of the flower bed: roses, gladioli and chrysanthemums. You can plant a cynium so that color spots of different varieties will form an original ornament.

City on the flowerbed.
City on the flowerbed.

Tsinnia flowers can be a separate bright smear in the floral picture.

Free flowing picture
Free flowing picture

These flowers are even able to even emphasize the beauty of natural beauties, for example, this volcano.

City and volcano
City and volcano

Cynias are bright and invisible at the same time.

City in a quiet corner of the garden
City in a quiet corner of the garden

Before planting flowers on the flowerbed, it would be nice to come up with which drawing will turn out in the end. If you plant different flowers, you will need to think about their flowering dates, and they will determine whether they will match. If you are going to plant a cynium on one flowerbed and, for example, a gladiolus, then the civilian will look faded in this combination. It will look invisible against the background of roses.

City with gladioli on one flowerbed
City with gladioli on one flowerbed

And best of all, civilians are combined with daisies, bells and other small low colors.

Motley flowerbed with qinia
Motley flowerbed with qinia

And it looks like a civilian in combination with pink and white lavatra.

City and Lavather
City and Lavather

A good combination is obtained from marigolds and qinia. These flowers do not overshadow each other, but successfully complement.

Velvettsy and Qinia
Velvettsy and Qinia

City and daisies compete in modest beauty. This combination does not look like a pompous flowerbed with roses or gladioli, but invariably caresses the owners and guests of the estate.

City and chamomile
City and chamomile

If you land on the tyard of zinnia in different colors, not mixed, but separately, you get a puzzle from multi -colored geometric shapes.

Tsinia of different colors is planted nearby
Tsinia of different colors is planted nearby

City can play the role of framing a flower bed. The flowerbed in the photo below is made in the form of a pyramid: its peak is high lilies, and the base is a civilian.

The flowerbed is a pyramid
The flowerbed is a pyramid

Well, if there are a lot of these flowers, then the “sea” from the Qini is simply fascinating with its beauty.

Sea of \u200b\u200bCity
"Sea" of the City

Seeds of Tsinnia: what do they look, is it necessary to soak before landing?

Cinnia seeds are quite large compared to others. Their size is comparable to the size of small sunflower seeds, they have powerful germination power and move very quickly. If you sowed these seeds in warm and wet land, then seedlings may appear on the fifth day after sowing. They do not need to soak before planting, moisturize the soil well enough.

Seeds of the Chistine
Seeds of the Chistine

When to plant zinnia flowers on seedlings: Dates

The seedlings of the civilian are stronger, and the plants develop better if no more than a month has passed from seedlings to outdoor to land in open ground. It must be remembered that these plants are afraid of frost, which means that they can be planted after the threat of frosts passes. In each region, these terms are different, and you need to focus on average indications for each area. For example, for the Moscow region, the likelihood of the latter is freezing on May 8, in Tatarstan - May 28, and in the Komi Republic they can be in the first decade of June.

City seedlings

How to care for seedlings, how to water, dive?

Care for seedlings begins with sowing quality seeds into perfectly suitable soil. Since civilian seeds are large, the depth of seed seal can be up to 0.5 cm. The soil for plants should be loose, watering seedlings moderate in order to avoid the development of fungal diseases of the root system. Moderate watering means that seedlings are watered after drying the earth in pots or boxes, excess water should go through holes at the bottom. If you planted qinia seeds too thick, then the likelihood that the plants stretch out will be high. In this case, seedlings will have to be dive or plant.

All works will pay off in the summer in the summer
All works will pay off in the summer in the summer

There are two polar opinions: some believe that it is necessary to initially sow plants densely and then transplant, others - that it is better to immediately plant them so that they do not interfere with each other. Tsinnia's shoots have such a powerful force that they can transfer one, two, or even three transplants. Each transplant is stress for the plant if the root system is damaged. Therefore, plant plants in one pot in one pot and then plant, without damaging the roots -the best option.

A freely growing plant is ahead of growth
A freely growing plant is ahead of growth

How to feed Zinnia's seedlings?

It is not necessary to feed the seedlings of the civilian if:

Plants have a healthy look and develop normally

It is necessary to feed the seedlings of the civilian if:

Plants look weak, have yellowed leaves and lag behind in growth

In the event that the plants are weak, you need to find out if they suffer from a lack of light, fungal diseases and pests, and then feed. This is important because an excess of fertilizer is also harmful to plants as their disadvantage. Plants can be fed with biohumus -based drugs.

The same plants can be fed in the summer
The same plants can be fed in the summer

Here are some of these fertilizers:

  • Fertilizer "Ideal"
  • Fertilizer "Humistar"
  • Flower Flowering "Rose"
  • Fertilizer "Humax"

This product is the result of the life of rainworms. It has natural components that are easily digestible with plants. Promotes the growth of the root system and an increase in plant resistance with fungal diseases. You can use a mixture of mineral fertilizers. It is more convenient to use liquid concentrates that are added to water for watering according to the instructions of the drug.

Healthy seedlings can not be fed
Healthy seedlings can not be fed

The seedlings of Zinnia stretched: what to do?

Before puzzling the question "What to do?" If the plants stretched out, you need to understand the reasons why this happened. The main reason for stretching seedlings is a lack of light. If plants grow in open ground, on a well -lit area, you will never notice the stretching of plants. You can try to replace the sun with artificial lighting, but plants still will not get enough light.

Plants stretch to the sun - this is a natural process
Plants reach for the sun - this is a natural process

The only way out when growing plants in room conditions may be an attempt to give plants the maximum possible lighting and prevent them from being in such conditions for too long, if possible, illuminate the sun on the windowsill or under the film, plant plants in open ground at the first opportunity. If the seedlings have already stretched out to return it to normal state and it will be able to recover under the sun, after planting in open ground.

Trying to replace the sun in room conditions
Trying to replace the sun in room conditions

Landing of zinnia seedlings in the ground: Dates

The optimal period for transplanting seedlings into open ground is one month. If the seedlings sit in pots for two or more than a month, there will be a high probability that without receiving a sufficient amount of light, the plants will stretch, get sick with fungal diseases and eventually lag behind in growth. As a result, plants sown in the spring in open ground will not only look more powerful, but also overtake in growth those that suffered in crowded pots. Therefore, it is necessary to sow the cynium for seedlings a month before planting in open ground, plus the time for the appearance of seedlings.

Such beauty is worth the effort spent
Such beauty is worth the effort spent

Video: City growing tips

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