Cystitis in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment. What to do with cystitis in dogs than treating?

Cystitis in dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment. What to do with cystitis in dogs than treating?

Causes, symptoms and treatment of cystitis in a dog.

The dog’s cystitis is not very common, but it can cause a lot of inconvenience, both pets and their owners. In this article we will tell you how to recognize cystitis in a dog and how to treat it.

Signs of cystitis in a dog

The symptoms of the disease are usually bright, and it is not difficult to diagnose the ailment, if you carefully follow your pet, watch it. Most often, the following can be distinguished among the symptoms:

Signs of cystitis in a dog:

  • The dog changes the position of the lower part during a trip to the toilet in a small way. The pet is uncomfortable, so he is trying to change his position and make it more comfortable, comfortable for being.
  • At the end of urination, it may become plaintively whining due to the fact that the residents are observed.
  • The dog refuses to eat, even if it had a very good appetite before.
  • A strong thirst is observed, the dog constantly asks to drink due to dryness.
  • The dog is worried when you press the lower abdomen, growls if the owner tries to touch this place.
  • The pet may observe anxiety, he does not want to go for a walk on the street, although before that he was distinguished by a friendly, playful character.
  • Maybe from time to time do not reach the tray, shit in the corners. Particles of blood vessels, a little blood can be observed in the urine. The urine smells unpleasant, gives an ammonia or pus. At the same time, urine can be muddy and changes its usual shade.
  • Symptoms can also be attributed to redness on the tip of the penis in males or discharge from a loop in females.
On a walk
On a walk

The causes of cystitis in the dog

Please note that there are many causes of cystitis in dogs.

The causes of cystitis in the dog:

  • Most often, it does not occur in male, but in bitches, due to the features of their structure. The fact is that the bitches have a short urethra, and wider compared to male. It is because of this that your pet may have inflammation.
  • In bitches, cystitis occurs after postponed gynecological ailments. That is, often cystitis in females occurs due to candidal infection, herpevirus or ordinary vaginitis.
  • Oddly enough, but cystitis can also provoke caries in conjunction with a weakened immune system. Often arises after difficult or heavy births, as well as a cesarean section. That is why the bitches that you are not going to use in mating and knitting is recommended to sterilize.
  • Very often the cause of cystitis is banal hypothermia or injury.
The pet fell ill
The pet fell ill

Cystitis in a dog: treatment

Even if you realize that this is cystitis, we do not advise resorting to independent treatment. It is best if you show a dog to a veterinarian who will determine the reason for the development of cystitis. There are many reasons why cystitis occurs. Most often it is hypothermia, and immunity disorders. When weakened, a lot of diseases occur in dogs very often, an exacerbation of chronic ailments is also observed. After the diagnosis, taking analyzes, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Depending on the causes of the disease, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs.

Treatment of cystitis in a dog:

  • Antibiotics. They are prescribed if cystitis is provoked by pathogens that penetrated the bladder. Prescribe ceftriaxone or augmentin, doxycycline. Usually prescribed tablet drugs or injections.
  • It is necessary that the doctor himself choose the method of administering the medicine. If treatment is carried out using antibiotics, then it is necessary to give probiotics to restore intestinal microflora. Since antibiotics can worsen the condition and cause dysbiosis.
  • In the conditions of the hospital, the bladder is often washed. This is done using saline, or antiseptics. For these purposes, a liquid is introduced into the urethra into the urethra. This helps to eliminate mucus, pus, as well as blood particles from the walls. Very often, blood clogs the urethra and prevents the introduction of urine.
Medicines for the pet
Medicines for the pet

Cystitis in a dog: drugs

Often, with cystitis, spasms can occur in a dog, so no-shpa and drotaverin are prescribed. These drugs relax the smooth muscles of the bladder, and prevent the occurrence of pain, as well as crushes during urination.

Cystitis in the dog, drugs:

  • Often for the treatment of cystitis in dogs, drugs such as Vikasol and Dicinon are prescribed. It is allowed to give diuretics that contribute to the excretion of urine. This is necessary in order to remove mucus from the walls, and to prevent the occurrence of congestion in the bladder.
  • Often decoctions of diuretic herbs, for example, lingonberries or field horsetail, are prescribed. They relieve inflammation, and improve the condition of the dog.
  • Often for the treatment of cystitis in dogs, stop-cystitis or cyston is prescribed. These are European anti -inflammatory drugs that inhibit the pathogenic microflora inside the bladder.

Dog food for cystitis

In the process of treating the dog, it is necessary to pay a lot of attention to its nutrition. Veterinarians recommend completely eliminating dry food, as it has a strong load on the kidneys. Because of this, the amount of salts in the urine rises, the walls can be additionally annoyed.

Dog food with cystitis:

  • It is best for the period of treatment to feed the dog with natural food, but in no case from its table. The permissible products are sour -powered, as well as porridge. Dogs are also given boiled meat and soups.
  • In no case should you give food from your table, since it is not intended for feeding animals, and can worsen the situation. In addition, do not combine dry food and ordinary food, that is, natural nutrition. Take care of the sleeping place for the animal.
  • It must be transferred to a warm corner where there is no draft. Under the litter, you can put several bottles of warm water. It is desirable that the animal warms up, and its bladder is constantly warm, so as not to aggravate the situation. In the cold season, with the dog’s cystitis, exclude walks, it is best for the dog to urinate somewhere on the tray or on the diaper.
Feed for cystitis
Feed for cystitis

The dog has cystitis - what to do?

Anesthetic drugs that improve the condition of the dog are also prescribed, and symptoms of cystitis. For these purposes, aspirin, or ibufen can be prescribed.

The dog has cystitis, what to do:

  • All drugs should be given in the dosage that the doctor will prescribe. It is selected depending on the mass of the dog and the characteristics of the treatment of diseases.
  • In no case should you experiment and give the medicine that you yourself have prescribed to your pet.
  • A person who is not a veterinarian has no idea in which dosages it is necessary to give drugs to a pet.

 Try to monitor the state of your pet and prevent hypothermia. At the first symptoms of ailments, be sure to contact the veterinarian.

Video: Cystitis in a dog

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Comments K. article

  1. Hi all! Tell me, did anyone come across cystitis in dogs? Something our Dick on stress completely crashed, I suspect cystitis from him ((

  2. I remember our veterinarian said that after stress there are such diseases. Our rax also had cystitis, but we somehow managed it quickly, maybe because we quickly turned for help. There were several drugs, I only remember the stop-cystitis, such green pills, he ate them straight with the bark. There were no more relapse, which I am very happy about.

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