Compression stockings for pregnant women in the maternity hospital, for childbirth: why are you needed, how to choose the right size? Why are compression stockings needed after childbirth and how much to wear them?

Compression stockings for pregnant women in the maternity hospital, for childbirth: why are you needed, how to choose the right size? Why are compression stockings needed after childbirth and how much to wear them?

Why compression stockings for childbirth, how to choose a knitwear of the desired degree of compression.

During pregnancy, all women's systems pass through a tremendous load. The blood system experiences special overloads, therefore, doctors recommend that expectant mothers wear medical knitwear before Caesarev. Made of dense fabric, it tightly fits over the entire surface. Why is a pregnant accessory of special compression needed and how can you get rid of edema with their help? Read the article about this.

Why do you need compression stockings in childbirth?

  • When wearing therapeutic linen in blood vessels, blood flow under pressure increases. This contributes to the fact that stagnant phenomena are not manifested. Blood easily rises to the heart, which reduces swelling of the legs.
  • The same pressure over the entire surface of the leg helps to establish uniform blood flow in all its parts. Content pressure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Tonus contributes to their additional strengthening.
  • Medical stockings for pregnant women recommend more and more doctors to their patients. The point here is not in aesthetics (not this to the doctor and the woman in labor), but in defense against the strongest overloads. Such a useful and desired accessory is an excellent prevention of complications that can occur with a deterioration in the state of blood vessels.
In the final months of pregnancy, it is better to wear compression stockings, not golfs
In the final months of pregnancy, it is better to wear compression stockings, not golfs

When is it recommended to wear medical knitwear? For the prevention of occurrence:

  • vascular stars
  • vascular mesh
  • to fight edema
  • to reduce seizures
  • to reduce the voltage in the legs
  • before and before the operation of Caesarean

The degree of compression depends on the expected effect (therapeutic or preventive) on wearing medical knitwear.

  • If the pregnant woman does not have pathologies of the venous system, then she is recommended to wear preventive therapeutic underwear.
  • If the pregnant woman has problems with blood vessels, then compression underwear is selected depending on the condition of the patient's blood vessels.
  • But even if the pregnant woman did without medical knitwear during the entire period of bearing a child, the doctor can recommend him for childbirth. The underwear of the desired compression will create and distribute the pressure of the vessels of the legs, which weakens when moving up. In the woman in labor, the bloodstream not only improves and stagnation of blood in the vessels is prevented, but their walls do not stretch and there are no tears during childbirth.
Even if the pregnant woman was complete without medical knitwear during the entire period of bearing a child, then the doctor may recommend him for childbirth

Contacting a phlebologist is worth it in the case:

  • the appearance of vascular stars
  • leaning veins
  • with convulsions
  • with swelling
  • with varicose veins
  • with thrombophlebitis

Giving birth to special compression is better for those who have overweight, heart disease is diagnosed, problems with blood vessels, diabetes, blood coagulation is disturbed. A medical accessory is also recommended to wear during childbirth to women whose age is 40 or more years.

Future women in labor, unfortunately, are not aware of the danger that threatens them with veins during delivery. Doctors do not warn all women in labor. But with an increase in intra -abdominal pressure, the intensity of the outflow of blood through the veins in the legs may decrease, the result of which thrombosis becomes. It is for this reason that medical stockings are selected for childbirth, not golfs.

Varieties of compression laundry
Varieties of compression laundry

Thanks to the medical accessory, minimal pressure is set in the hips, and in the lower leg it is as much as possible.

  • The laundry of special compression is not cheap, but its acquisition will not be an excessive money, and after childbirth, this accessory will also serve as an excellent prevention of varicose veins, especially in the winter.
  • When choosing an accessory, it is worth choosing a model made of natural materials. Synthetic medical knitwear is more pleasant to the body, but such linen poorly passes water and moisture.
  • When choosing a medical accessory, opt for a model that does not have seams. In such a knitwear, the seams are pressed on separate areas of the skin, which means that swelling and bruises do not form.

Video: Pregnancy | Do you really need compression stockings for childbirth

What are the risks for a pregnant woman?

  • During the delivery by cesarean section, the vessels experience a large load. Cloths may occur. If a pregnant woman already has a disease associated with blood vessels, then the movement of blood clots can provoke a blockage of the artery.
  • During surgery, the veins are expanded, and in combination with the horizontal position of the body in the woman in labor, thromboembolism may occur.
  • On the circulatory system of the woman’s body, some components that make up anesthesia have a negative effect.
  • Sometimes pregnant women bandage their legs with elastic bandages before childbirth. If this procedure is carried out by an experienced person, then there should be no concerns for the health of the woman in labor, but it is better to choose stockings.
During surgery, the veins are expanded, and in combination with the horizontal position of the body in the woman in labor, thromboembolism may occur
  • After the crumbs are born, doctors recommend wearing a compression accessory in which a woman gave birth to a young mother for several days. This is due to the presence of drugs that make up anesthesia and a continuation of their expanding effect on blood vessels.
  • Additional support for proper blood circulation in the legs of the woman in labor is ensured by medical knitwear within 2-3 days after surgery. It is recommended to remove stockings only 3-5 days after Cesarean.
  • It is better to buy medical underwear after a doctor’s appointment. But if the doctor does not talk about the need to purchase medical knitwear for childbirth, then a consultant to a specialized store will help to make the right choice. There is no sufficient information about such a product in an ordinary pharmacy.

Going for a purchase, you need to make measurements with a centimeter ribbon:

  • ankles
  • shin
  • hips

Having made the necessary measurements, you can easily choose the correct size of compression knitwear.

What compression do you need stockings for childbirth, cesarean section?

Signs of varicose veins are found in every second woman. With the help of linen of special compression, you can actively fight the disease, or prevent the appearance of its first signs, normalizing venous blood circulation. The assortment of medical knitwear is rich, therefore it is difficult to choose the necessary model.

What measurements should be carried out to buy compression laundry
What measurements should be carried out to buy compression laundry

What kind of compression stockings do the woman in labor need?

  • If the pregnant woman does not have obvious signs of varicose veins, however, there is a possibility of its manifestation (due to limitation of motor activity, or as a result of excessive physical activity, with excessive fat accumulations, swelling of the legs, vascular nets on the legs, due to hormonal failures), then it is worth choosing knitwear Anti -varicose preventive. Such linen will prevent stagnation of blood, save the feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities.
Browsing veins in a pregnant woman
Browsing veins in a pregnant woman
  • If the woman in labor suffers from varicose veins for several years, and during pregnancy its manifestations intensify, then you need to select the therapeutic type of linen of the necessary compression. It is worth paying attention to the following: the marking of the therapeutic knitwear is indicated in the mm eg of eg. The presence of density marking in Den suggests that the product is a fake.

The attending physician will help to choose the right compression class of compression.

  • In the presence of fatigue, swelling of the legs, the manifestation of pain as a result of a prolonged static load, if small vessels are expanded, pastoicity (fossa that remain on the surface of the skin after pressure) is observed by doctors prescribe knitwear Class I. The pressure of such stockings is 18-22 mm Hg. Art.
  • With extended blood vessels on the lower extremities, nets, nodes, with posttrombophlebitical illness, scleropathy or acute thrombophlebitis, there is a likelihood of thrombosis. In this case, the doctor prescribes compression stockings Class II. The pressure of such stockings is 23-32 mm Hg. Art.
  • If the pregnant woman has venous insufficiency, there are complications such as trophic disorders, primary and secondary lymphostasis, phlebolimfema, congenital malformations of the blood vascular system, then the doctor prescribes compression stockings III class With pressure 33-46 mm Hg. Art.
  • If a pregnant woman has a posttrombotic syndrome and complications of lymphostasis, then compression stockings will be prescribed for it IV classwhose pressure is above 49 mm Hg. Art.
How to put on compression underwear
How to put on compression underwear
  • There is another type of therapeutic underwear - hospital knitwear. It is recommended to those who are assigned an operation with the subsequent long bed regime.

Video: How to wear compression stockings, tights?

Compression stockings for childbirth: how to choose the size?

  • The effect of wearing compression knitwear will be noticeable only if you choose the correct size. To do this, it is necessary to remove the measurements from the feet in the morning until swelling appears. You can remove the measurements yourself, but it is better if we do a phlebologist.
  • Medical knitwear is made in accordance with the standard dimensional row. There are 3-7 sizes of compression linen. If the packaging indicates many different anatomical parameters, then choose the optimal size that will provide the best therapeutic effect will not be difficult.
If the packaging indicates many different anatomical parameters, then choose the optimal size that will provide the best therapeutic effect, will not be difficult
  • Do not trust specialists who are guided when choosing the healing under the height and weight of the pregnant woman. The pressure of medical knitwear is strictly dosed: when moving up to the hips, it decreases. Therefore, when choosing a compression knitwear, measurements such as the circumference of the thigh are necessary (taken at a point located below the gluteal fold of 5 cm), the circle of IKR and ankles, the size of the feet.
  • Owners of thin legs with the size of the stop 38-39 Compression stockings of sizes S, recommended by the owners of the stop 34-36 cm, will cause discomfort. In this case, it is better to purchase knitwear with open socks.

What are compression stockings for childbirth?

  • Therapeutic underwear after childbirth will help to additionally stimulate the movement of blood in the lower extremities, which means that the postpartum recovery will take less time.
  • After childbirth, another compression class of medical underwear for a young mother is selected, because the load on the veins after childbirth is different.

How much compression stockings to wear when you can shoot?

Put on medical knitwear to childbirth. It will be easier to do at home if you ask for helping someone close. When the baby is born, do not rush to get rid of stockings. The venous system after surgery takes place the next test:

  • the young mother was in a lying position for a long time and now she needs to rise
  • substances that are part of an anesthesia solution are not immediately displayed

Compression linen is removed after 3-5 days, depending on the well-being of the woman in labor. In some maternity hospitals, they practiced a change in linen to a lower compression class. This helps to avoid sharp pressure drops. Those women in labor, which have been in a horizontal position for a long time, prescribe a therapeutic knitwear, the degree of compression of which is higher.

Video: Why wear compression stockings?

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