What does it mean, if a guy, a man stares intently into the eyes of a girl, woman, without looking up? Why does a man not look into the eyes of a conversation, look away: the psychology of a man

What does it mean, if a guy, a man stares intently into the eyes of a girl, woman, without looking up? Why does a man not look into the eyes of a conversation, look away: the psychology of a man

The meaning of the gaze of a man. Deciphering various view options.

They say that the eyes are a mirror of the soul. Indeed, one look can understand a lot of things: how a man treats you, whether he sympathizes with you, or you are absolutely indifferent to him. In this article, we will talk about what different views mean.

What does it mean, if a guy, a man stares intently into the eyes of a girl, woman, without looking up?

Quite often, the young lady meets a guy who looks intently in her eyes and does not open them. Most often, such emotions and such an impudent study of a partner causes the representative of the fair sex to discourage and confusion. Because the girl has no idea how to react to this kind of arrogance. There are several options for gaze. Take a closer look at the details.


  • The interlocutor became interested in you, you are interested in him as a sexual object. It is said that in most cases, representatives of the stronger sex look into the eyes for a long time after they completely examined all other parts of the body, and they interested them. Therefore, now the guy wants to interest the young lady, and also understand whether he is interesting to her. Please note that a similar trick uses pickupers who try to attract the attention of the girl in order to charm her and achieve sex. But there are several options to determine insincerity. These are running pupils, constantly running away or indifference.
  • Scientists have found that if a guy looks at the eyes of a partner for more than 8 seconds, this means he is really interested, you are pretty. He is not against developing relations with you.
  • If the guy looks at you for a long time, he has raised eyebrows, maybe he is surprised, and his words were discouraged. If the pupils are expanded at the same time, you are interested in him as a sexual object, he does not mind spending time.
  • If a man looks at you for a long time, and then abruptly looks away, this speaks of his shyness. Perhaps you are really interesting to him, but shyness does not allow to take the first step.
We look into the eyes
We look into the eyes

What does it mean, if a man, the guy looks intently in the eyes from afar: Deciphering the look

Many women have developed intuition, so they feel the views of other people, especially men. Quite often, a man can look at the girl from afar, not take his eyes off.


  • The guy is interested in you
  • The man is in love with you
  • He is trying to consider you in more detail
  • This is your enemy, you are not very interesting to him, and he is trying to understand the behavior

To clearly understand what the man wants, pay attention to the details:

  • If the pupils are expanded, you are interesting to a man. You can reciprocate him if you are also interested in him.
  • If a man studies you from afar, but after noticed that you are looking at him, he takes his eyes off, he is shy. A man does not dare to confess to your feelings. You are interested in him as a woman. Therefore, if you do not want to miss your chance, and the representative of the stronger sex is really interesting to you, take the first step towards you.
  • If you are in a large company, communicate, and a man looks at you intently with an appraising look, then he is curious to recognize you.
Seductive man, pickup
Seductive man, pickup

What does it mean, if a man, the guy looks point blank with wide eyes: decryption of his gaze

Determine what such a view means by its duration. If it lasts no more than 4 seconds, and at the same time, your eyes run on your chest, legs, face, hair, you are interesting to a man as a sexual partner. Most likely, he is looking for a girl for short-term sexual connections, one or two times. If a man looks at you for more than 8 seconds with a gaze, and his eyes do not run, and are directed exclusively at your eyes, then this can speak of deep sympathy, even love.

A view of the eyes is one of the most desirable, you can tell a lot of things about him:

  • If you are in private, close enough to each other, the man thus makes you understand that he likes you. He wants to continue the relationship.
  • If this is your first date or a random meeting with a stranger, he looks into your eyes for a long time, wait for the continuation of the relationship. Because a man is interested in you, wants to continue acquaintance.
  • If you do not want to lose your chance because of the shyness of a man, you can take the first step towards. An additional advantage in the gaze is expanded pupils. You are not indifferent to a man, he wants to communicate with you more closely.
Looks into the eyes
Looks into the eyes

A man, a guy looks into a woman, a girl and smiles for a long time: what does this mean how to behave?

You can interpret the gaze with a grin in different ways. The fact is that here the key option is a smile. It can mean a skeptical attitude towards you, evaluating a look with a mockery or a desire to seduce you. Very often, men who are looking for girls for one night use this technique.

They are interested in exclusively random sex. At the same time, a man looks into your eyes for a long time, smiles, can wink sometimes. His eyes drop to his chest, neck and lips. In this case, we can say absolutely that a man is interested in you, as in a sexual object. If the smile is confused, perhaps a man is surprised or shy.

Communication of the couple
Communication of the couple

Many girls are confused by a man, and they do not know how to behave. Many in a clash of views, hide their eyes. Indeed, this happens quite often, this indicates the shyness, modesty of the girl or possibly that she is not yet ready to discover her feelings, so she hides her eyes.

What to do, how to behave, finding a man's gaze at himself? Several options for the development of events:

  • You can also closely study your partner and smile seductively. This will say that you do not mind continuing the relationship with this man.
  • If you are interested in the view of the pickuper, seducer, you do not mind meeting him for a short pastime, you can reciprocate. If you do not want to be easy prey, look away. Talk with a young man.
  • If he still interested you, you can set the next date. If not, say that call and leave.
  • If the man is really interesting, be sure to hint that you want to meet again. If it was a random meeting, but the man interested you, you can write on the napkin the number of your phone. Make the conversation in such a way that the man decides to ask you for a phone number, realizing that he is not indifferent to you.
A serious man
A serious man

What does it mean if a married man looks closely into the eyes of a girl, woman?

The psychology of married and single men is no different. Therefore, if you notice the attention of a man who is connected by the bonds of marriage, then he experiences a certain interest in you. Perhaps you are interested in him as an interlocutor and not only. He saw a woman in you and you are interested in him, he wants to continue the relationship.

It all depends on your desires. If he does not mind changing his wife, he will continue to look at you, to provoke. Perhaps the man will offer the next date or directly say that he is interested in you. The last word is you. You can agree to this kind of relationship or not. Just remember that only 5% of men get divorced with their wives and go to lovers.

Accordingly, if you want to build relationships with a man, start a family, then a very low probability that you will succeed. Because men are in no hurry to leave their wife and throw a family.

Couple in love
Couple in love

Why does a man not look into the eyes of a conversation, look away: the psychology of a man

Many of us believe that the lack of visual contact suggests that a person hides the truth. In fact, this is not always true, because the lack of a studying look can speak of other emotions that a person experiences:

  • Shyness. Usually people who have discovered the attention of a stranger ackk their eyes because of their shyness.
  • Excess of information. A person does not have time to perceive everything that you tell him, so he looks away and tries to digest what you said.
  • Nervousness. A person is uncomfortable, it is not very convenient for him that you look at him intently. Most likely, the interlocutor will be annoyed about this and try to complete the conversation as soon as possible.
  • Indecision. If during a conversation with you the interlocutor does not fix his gaze at you, while constantly touches his nose, ears or hair, he is not confident in himself. Now he feels discomfort, talking to you.
  • Lack of interest. If a person glances at the watch and yawns, looks at others present in the room, he is bored with you and is not interesting to communicate.
  • A person has a great fantasy. Many people, in order to quickly answer questions or simulate the situation, must go to their senses for a while. That is why a person looks away to concentrate and give an answer, correctly formulating his thoughts.

In most cases, eye contact is common among couples that love each other and experience interest. At work, study, interlocutors rarely study partners so closely. After all, people are not very interesting to each other as sexual partners or candidates for a soul mate.

In some eastern states, direct view of the eyes is perceived as a challenge. Therefore, women never look into the eyes of their men, constantly lowering them.

Couple in love
Couple in love

A look can tell a lot about, and will also make you understand that you are interesting to a man, and he wants to continue the relationship.

Video: Men's look

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