What does it mean to be bold in everyday life: arguments for essay, essay. Courage and cowardice in everyday life: Comparison

What does it mean to be bold in everyday life: arguments for essay, essay. Courage and cowardice in everyday life: Comparison

How does the courage manifest in everyday life? What is the difference between real courage and poserity and boasting? About this in our article.

What does it mean to be a brave person? When it comes to courage in war or saving life in an emergency may seem that in the daily environment there is no place for courage and exploits. If there is no specific enemy, and life goes on as usual, then how does the courage manifest?

What is courage: definition, arguments

In fact, courage in ordinary life is an independent choice of each of us in favor of determination in actions, the ability to fight for the truth, victory over our own fears.

  • Courage, courage is a quality quality, but not everyone is given from birth. The ability not to stop in difficulties, to the side of the weak must be educated from a very early age.
  • Fear and cowardice are not the same thing. Fear-the absolutely normal state of man, laid down by nature itself-each of us is afraid of something.

Courage is not a lack of fears, but the need for a daily struggle with them, confrontation with oneself, injustice, meanness.

  • It is always easier to keep silent, stay in the shadow, say that you cannot do something than to overcome yourself. This is called cowardice. A cowardly person with his silence and non -interference remains aside, but sometimes this is a real betrayal.

Do not confuse courage and empty bravado. When a person consciously risks in order to show off before others, to prove his superiority - this cannot be called genuine courage, courage.

Real courage manifests itself in situations when it is necessary to overcome much more serious obstacles, to remain a decent person, never changing his principles.

True courage - overcoming your own fear for the sake of another
True courage - overcoming your own fear for the sake of another

The theme of courage and cowardice in literary works: review, arguments

The theme of courage and cowardice is affected in many literary works. The essence of human nature, its moral component is the ability to distinguish bad from good, decency from unprincipled, truth from lies. It is even more important to be able to defend this truth, despite the consequences.

"One of the most important human vices is cowardice"

This is stated in the work of M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita."

  • In the description of biblical times, Pontius Pilate is telling that he could not show courage and justify Yeshua. The prosecutor was afraid to destroy his career, so he acted against his conscience. For this, he was brutally punished - for more than 2 thousand years he has been tormented by the consequences of guilt.
  • Critening to the general topic with the events of the 30s, one of the main thoughts of the work is: "Cowardarity is the main reason for the sarks on Earth." With this statement of the author, one cannot disagree. It is cowardice, cowardice, adaptability that become the causes of the tragedies of human lives at all times.
Our conscience can direct actions
Our conscience can direct actions

Everyone should educate in themselves courage and resistance. As soon as the child gets into the team, he constantly has to deal with manifestations of both good and bad qualities of peers.

In the novel by V. Zheleznyakov, “Scarecrow” is acutely raised by the issue of childhood courage, meanness and cruelty.

  • When the society dictates its rules, the main fear of a still fragile nature is to differ, to be not like everyone else, to go against the team. This is what the heroine of the story Lena Bessoltseva does when she takes on someone else's guilt. This is really a bold act - to protect another. But, having arrived noble, the girl does not even assume what she will have to go through - betrayal, a boycott of classmates, persecution, moral destruction.
  • Somov, the same boy, whose guilt she took on, the leader of the class, because of cowardice goes to a vile act-is afraid to protect her friend, become an outcast, lose his position in the team.
  • In fact, this is the first test in the life of children on the qualities of character and soul. It is cowardice that leads the hero to the first meanness in life, the opportunity to cross through human principles.

The work of Zheleznyakov helps every reader look at himself from the side - whether we always act honestly what human qualities we educate in ourselves, whether our non -interference leads to the tragedy.

Frame from the movie Scarecrow
Frame from the movie "Scarecrow"

The world around us is becoming more and more indifferent. The experiences and difficulties of people around us dissolve our own needs - the desire for popularity, success, material well -being.

The question of courage in ordinary life is the daily choice of each person. For the fact that the man was silent, passed by, closed his eyes to injustice, only his own conscience will judge him.

Video: Final composition. Courage and cowardice. Arguments.


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