What is better to drink: beer or vodka? What is more harmful, calorie: beer or vodka?

What is better to drink: beer or vodka? What is more harmful, calorie: beer or vodka?

Comparison of the harm of beer and vodka. The effect of beer and vodka on the body.

Beer and vodka are your favorite drinks of many men and women. It is these types of alcohol that are the best sold. With the approximation of the holidays, many have a question, how to drink guests? And more and more often on festive tables you can see not only vodka, but also beer.

What is worse: beer or vodka?

If you understand these drinks, it will become clear that the use of beer is more harmful to health. The fact is that, in addition to alcohol, it contains flavorings and dyes. Now, few manufacturers make this hops drink, preserving the old recipe. Some components were replaced by cheaper and not the most useful components.

According to the research of scientists, it turned out that the use of beer causes a dopamine hormone to be released into the blood. This is a hormone of pleasure, respectively, a person wants to drink more and more. Thus, the expression "beer alcoholism" is quite real. People who drink beer daily are alcoholics.

Which is worse than beer or vodka
Which is worse than beer or vodka

What is more harmful to the liver: beer or vodka?

Despite the pleasant taste, beer is very harmful to the liver. This is due to processes in the body. When drinking beer, it wanders in the stomach for some time, provoking the formation of etheres that effectively act on the liver. In addition, since non -refilled beer is not amenable to cleaning, its composition contains many sivuish oils, which are “poison” for the liver, destroying its cells. Manufacturers of vodka clean this strong alcoholic drink from oils by filtering. Accordingly, there is practically no this substance in vodka.

Which is more harmful for the liver beer or vodka
Which is more harmful for the liver beer or vodka

What is more harmful to the stomach: beer or vodka?

The beer contains phytoestrogens that harm men. Through prolonged use of beer in a man, a stomach appears, and forms become more rounded.

The harm of beer and vodka:

  • A large number of female hormones in the composition of beer detailed not only on potency, but also on the stomach. The fact is that when beer breakdown, toxic substances are formed from sivable oils and aldehydes, which can provoke cancer of the stomach and pancreas
  • Regarding vodka, it should also not be consumed with a stomach ulcer, it can cause exacerbation. But, despite the fortress, vodka does not contain dyes, preservatives and sivuish oils, which can cause dysbiosis and diarrhea
  • Scientists have proven that daily use of beer can lead to the development of dermatitis and psoriasis. These are systemic ailments that occur due to the incompleteness of the absorption of nutrients in the intestines and stomach. It is yeast that causes intestinal disorders
Which is more harmful to the stomach beer or vodka
Which is more harmful to the stomach beer or vodka

What is better to drink: beer or vodka?

It all depends on the quantity and frequency of drinking. If there is a feast, and circumstances are forced to drink a lot, then it is worth giving preference to vodka. If you drink a lot of beer in the evening, then in the morning there will be a terrible hangover. This is due to the presence in the composition of beer of sivable oils and ethers.

It is they who negatively affect the work of the brain, causing nausea and headache. In addition, with a large amount of beer, diarrhea and morning vomiting are possible. When beer breakdown, a lot of acetaldehyde forms that poison the body.

That it is better to drink beer or vodka
That it is better to drink beer or vodka

What is more calorie: vodka or beer?

Regarding the calorie content, then in 100 g of the hop drink there are 50 calories. In 100 ml of vodka 250 calories. But usually during the feast no one counts calories. Accordingly, a person is recovering not so much from food as from alcohol.

Remember, in a bottle of beer 250 calories, this is the energy value of 100 g of vodka.

What is more calorie vodka or beer
What is more calorie vodka or beer

How much vodka is in a bottle of beer?

If you count by the amount of alcohol, then in a 0.5 liter bottle of a hop drink contains ethyl alcohol as much as in 60 g of vodka. But these drinks are eliminated from the body. Usually 50 g of vodka is eliminated after 3 hours, and a bottle of beer in 5 hours.

How much vodka in a bottle of beer
How much vodka in a bottle of beer

Beer with vodka: what is it called?

For the first time, this drink was invented by Russian merchants. They drained all alcohol into one dish. Such a ruff is called. A variety of ruff is a drink of choppers. It also consists of these ingredients, but their number is different. It is necessary to pour 100 ml of vodka and 60 ml of beer into a faceted glass. Next, close the glass with your palm and sharply turn the bottom down, hit the knee. Turn over again and drink the rhinestone.

From beer and vodka prepare a “beer scoundrel” drink. For its preparation, 50 ml of vodka, 2 tablespoons of acute ketchup and 35 ml of tomato juice are poured into a large glass. Pour beer with a thin stream. You need to drink the drink without stirring, in one gulp.

Beer with vodka what is called
Beer with vodka what is called

How to make a ruff from beer and vodka?

For its preparation, it is necessary to mix 60 ml of vodka and 400 g of a hop drink. Alcohol is drunk right away. Very often this drink is called "Farewell to the Roof." The fact is that carbon dioxide bubbles irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and strong alcoholic intoxication occurs. The brain seems to be turned off.

How to make a ruff from beer and vodka
How to make a ruff from beer and vodka

Why you can’t drink beer after vodka: consequences

These drinks are really not recommended to mix due to toxic effects on the body.


  • Pure alcohol, such as vodka, greatly overloads the liver and stomachs. For the body, this is poison that needs to be removed
  • The use of beer we introduce still sivable oils and ethers. When the gas bubbles enters the stomach, the gas is enhanced by the absorption of vodka. A person instantly becomes drunk. The next morning after such a cocktail is always a terrible hangover
  • Acetaldehydes are delayed in the body for a very long time, poisoning it
  • People say that the degree cannot be lowered. This is due to the fact that the body set to process a strong drink. If after it weak alcohol enters the stomach, then the body relaxes and processes the “explosive mixture” longer
Why you can’t drink beer after vodka
Why you can’t drink beer after vodka

As you can see, despite the pleasant taste and naturalness of beer, this drink is worse processed by the body than vodka. It is not recommended to mix these two drinks.

Video: Truth about beer

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