What is an ovary in plants in biology: definition briefly, types of ovaries. How is ovary formed in plants, what does the ovary of the flower contain? What is the upper ovary in plants?

What is an ovary in plants in biology: definition briefly, types of ovaries. How is ovary formed in plants, what does the ovary of the flower contain? What is the upper ovary in plants?

This article describes in detail what the ovary of plants is, and what it has a structure and functions.

Coopers -seeded plants tend to multiply with a flower. The main components of it are stamens, pistils. The male part is stamens, it is there that the pollen mature occurs. Overdoor, stamens - the main components of the stamens.

And the pestle consists of an ovary, column, stigma. Ovary has the ability to turn into fruit After pollen falls on the stigma. The column, the stigma are intended to capture pollen. Next, in detail, we will study the structure of the ovary and the mechanism of its action.

What is an ovary in plants in biology: definition briefly, types of ovaries

This part of the flower is part of the pestle - the female principle of plant propagation. Thanks to the ovary, the protection, fertilization of the stems or seeds is ensured (as they are also called). Then, seeds are obtained from such rockets.

As a result of the fertilization of the pestle with a stamens, or rather a streamed thread through the pestle and a column, pollen penetrates the ovary. There, the fetus is formed thanks to the eggs that are in the nucellus. And after their fertilization, seeds appear.

Types of ovaries, depending on the number of stems available in it, can be divided into the following groups:

  • one -seeded
  • multiple
What are the types of ovaries?
What are the types of ovaries?

The image above draws various types of ovaries according to the method of its location in the flower.

Where is the ovary in plants, the ovary function: Explanation

The ovary in the flower is located in the center, just above the color of the color. This is clearly visible in the photo below. It can also be placed in different ways, more precisely, attached to other components of the flower.

According to this type, the ovary is divided into four types:
  • Upper
  • Lower
  • Half -worship
  • Hypantry.
The location of the ovary
The location of the ovary
  1. The upper can simply be attached to the colorful. It is not attached to other parts of the flower. And the walls are formed by fruitfuls. These flowers are called near -test, they can be considered cereals, buttercups.
  2. The half -beetle is attached to other components of the flower (gypantia or color poll) just below the top, because it has a free upper part. These flowers are called semi -sales, they include stone -sized ones.
  3. The lower one is located right under the flower grinder. The foundation of cups, petals, stamens take the main part in its formation. These parts of the flower are attached directly at the top of the ovary itself. This structure is characteristic of cactus, orchid, complexly color. These flowers are called - resonant.
How is the ovary in various plants located?
How is the ovary in various plants located?

The functionality of the ovary was a little mentioned earlier, now we will study its role in the flower in more detail.

  • Directly in this part, the process of origin, ripening of the seed is performed.
  • The ovary serves as an excellent protector from aggressive natural factors. Thanks to her, the seeds do not dry out, do not soak and different insects do not eat them.
  • In this place of the flower, a good nutrition is provided for the seeds until they are fully ripened.

How is ovary formed in plants?

Fruit rocks almost all multiply with a flower. The procedure for fertilization, pollination is very similar. At first it was already mentioned that the flower consists of stamens, pestlers and auxiliary parts:

  • anthers
  • column
  • ryltsa
  • ovaries
  • acts
  • colorful, etc.

See the image below.

Fertilization scheme
Fertilization scheme

During flowering, thanks to insects, pollen settles on a stigm. Then, in the pestle, zero grains swell, germinate. A pollen pipe is formed, it in turn penetrates in a stigma, goes to the ovaries in the ovary. And at the very bottom of the pollen tube there are male cells - sperm.

To make it easier to understand: a rapidly growing pollen pipe penetrates the ovary, where it finds a cotalist, bursts. After one of several sperm, it interacts with the egg, the second with the main cage of the german bag. Such a fusion is called - fertilization.

IMPORTANT: According to observations, scientists have established that such mergers of female, male parts of the flower occur for a day. In some cases, the merger was several days.

What structure does the ovary of the flower, pestle?

The pestle consists of a stigma, a column, an ovary. The ovary, in turn, can have a different structure. Much depends on the number of nesting parts in it and their location to the lower part of the flower - colorful.

Structure schemes of different types
Structure schemes of different types

There are the following types of ovaries depending on the number of nests:

  • One -nested - It has one fruitful. The seeder is located on the ovary wall itself.
  • One -nested With three fruitfulists. It has three series.
  • Pyatignezd - It has 5 pieces of cargoers with the main series.
  • Double -nested - It has two fruits with the main series.

What is the upper ovary in plants?

Free, or in other words - the upper ovary is attached only to the flower grinder. It does not grow together with any other components of the flower. Such types of colors are called - near -pattern. Look below in the image the location of the upper ovary in plants, how it looks.

Lower, upper ovary
Lower, upper ovary

Video: What is an ovary by a flower?

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