What is yactration in children and adults? Why does the child swing back and forth sitting? Where and how to treat yactration in children, adolescents? How does parents feel about the child's yactration?

What is yactration in children and adults? Why does the child swing back and forth sitting? Where and how to treat yactration in children, adolescents? How does parents feel about the child's yactration?

Long rhythmic swinging, which is observed in children and adults in a dream or in the first minutes after waking up, is called yacts. This condition often indicates the immaturity of the nervous system and requires observation and correction.

Attentive parents will certainly notice any changes in the behavior of their child. If these changes cause anxiety and concern, the baby must be shown to the doctor.

Jactation refers to states testifying to the presence of psychological discomfort in the life of a child, immaturity of the nervous system, or the initial stage of a disorder of consciousness.

What is yactration in children, orphans and adults: description, causes, video

Strange rhythmic swinging, which are produced by the head or with the whole body, is called yactration. Usually, a yactration is observed in young children before bedtime, in a dream or immediately after waking up. Attempts of outsiders to interfere with swinging, interrupting these movements, ends with hysteria. The child receives satisfaction from his lesson and reacts with discontent to interference in his “ritual”.

Video: Yactration in a child in a dream

Each childhood is characterized by special manifestations of Jactation. It can be in the form of multiple rhythmic pumping in infants, in children over six months-in the form of swinging right and back or forth. In order not to lose balance, during swinging, children often hold their hands by the arena or wall.

Orphans children are prone to yactration manifestations
Orphans children are prone to yactration manifestations

The varieties of Jactation include frequent rhythmic torsion of the head and the manifestation of emotions during attacks.

During swinging back and forth on all fours, the situation can be complicated by head blows against the wall.

Causes of yactration in children:

  • lack of rhythmic stimulation
  • limiting physical activity
  • separation from mom
  • physical or mental overstrain
  • conflicts in the family
  • tension in the muscles
  • vestibular apparatus training
  • pressure
  • hypoxia in childbirth
  • pain

Sometimes a child in a child occurs when he has new skills and opportunities. The first inept steps, attempts to run or erupted tooth can be the causes of swinging.

Yactration at an early age
Yactration at an early age

The child often sways back and forth sitting: what is this, this is a disease?

Rhythmic swinging torso or head is called yactration. Most children from 5 to 10 months face this phenomenon. Boys are more predisposed to yactrations than girls.

It may forever suddenly stop without extraneous intervention, but sometimes continues until school age.

How does parents feel about the child's yactration?

Watching how a child, as if involved in some invisible ritual, now and then sways from side to side or with enthusiastically waves his head, is very difficult and scary. But parents should not panic.

After a conversation with specialists, most mothers and dads leave their fears and stock up on patience, because often yactrations are nothing more than a manifestation of immaturity of the nervous system. By the age of 7 - 7.5 years, the condition is normalized, but so far this has not happened, swinging and windings help neural ties to form as soon as possible.

Doctors do not recommend stopping the child during swinging.

Where and how to treat yactration in children, adolescents?

Jactation in children can be a temporary phenomenon and pass on their own, however, if swinging is often repeated, parents must take all possible measures in order to stop an obsessive state.

For this you need:

  • try to establish relations with households, prevent conflicts in the presence of a child
  • soften the approach, avoid strict circulation
  • emotionally get closer to the child
  • spend enough time with a child in the fresh air, offer creative activities

If the efforts of the parents are unsuccessful, it is necessary to turn to a neurologist or psychotherapist. The specialist will study the problem and offer ways to solve it. Game and rational therapy, measures aimed at normalizing relations in the family and educational approaches, hypnosis will be able to help.

Polysonography - method of examination during yactation
Polysonography - the method of examination during yactation

One of the popular effective examination methods is polysomnography, which is performed at night, during sleep of the patient. By its results, one can judge the cause of yactration in a child or adult.

You can accelerate the maturation of the nervous system. For this, the child is prescribed lecithin and enhanced nutrition. Meat, fatty broths, butter, fish should become mandatory products in the child's diet.

Step to win over the yactration - establishing emotional contact
Step to win over the yactration - establishing emotional contact with the child

Yactrations in children, orphans: reasons, Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky believes that the solution of such neurological problems in a child, like a yactration, does not mean at all that the baby needs to be carried by doctors and treated with medicines. Serious neurological disorders in a child requiring medical intervention are manifested in completely different and noticeable at an early age.

Parents who have noticed a tendency to swing in the child should first postpone all their affairs and try to devote as much time as possible to the baby. Joint games, a dream next to his mother, a calm affectionate appeal to the child can normalize his condition in the shortest possible time.

Yactrations in children, orphans: reasons, Komarovsky
Yactrations in children, orphans: reasons, Komarovsky

In most cases, yactration is observed in children deprived of parental guardianship, love and affection. For adoptive parents, this behavior of a daughter or son is a surprise, and becomes the reason for the next examination by doctors.

In such cases, pediatricians are prescribed glycine and vitamin D, neurologists speak of the ICD, immaturity of the nervous system, the child’s attempts repeating uniform movements to compensate for impulses that are missing in the central nervous system.

Jactation in a child can protest him against the atmosphere in the family. A normal emotional background is a prerequisite for getting rid of yactrations.

Video: Komarovsky about neurological problems

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Comments K. article

  1. thanks

  2. Thank you very much for such a useful article. I thought that the child is swinging from a lack of motor activity and discomfort in a family situation. She could not convince her husband not to ban and not to stop her son while he was swinging. And it is obvious that the child is suffocating from the lack of inspiration and joyful movement. Thus (swinging) the child compensates for all this. Your article supported me in my conviction. Thanks again. Good health to you.

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