What is tautology and pleonasm: essence, meaning, concept, examples, rules of use, speech errors. Could there be a tautology justified?

What is tautology and pleonasm: essence, meaning, concept, examples, rules of use, speech errors. Could there be a tautology justified?

This article determines tautology - one of the sections, vivid examples of Pleonasm.

In the Russian language there are many words of parasites that do not carry a semantic load. Due to their illiteracy, people often do not notice how wrong they write and pronounce whole sentences. An example of such a parasitic abnormal case is Pleonasm, and one of its options is tautology. What it is? What are speech errors? You will find answers to these and other questions in the following article.

What is tautology and pleonasm: essence, meaning, concept

What is tautology?
What is tautology?

Many word forms and definitions in the Russian language have come from other languages. The same can be said about the definition of tautology and pleonasm.

  • Pleonasm When translating from ancient Greek, it means "Extra", that is, the use of unnecessary phrases or word forms that become superfluous for understanding.
  • Tautology- in translation "Says something superfluous". This is a repetition of something specific (thoughts, reasons, descriptions) within the framework of one sentence or nearby sentences.

These are mistakes, excesses that clog speech. They disfigure speech, making it ugly, and a person seems illiterate. The phrases sound absurd and cut hearing.

Tautology and pleonasm: examples, rules of use, speech errors

Tautology - examples
Tautology - examples

Tautology Linguists call single -root or similar word forms by meaning and pronunciation. Here are examples of tautology:

  • Cold cold came.
  • I have many books - they are all my favorite books.
  • Pay payment for training.
  • An ugly case happened today.
  • Oil oil, detailed details, joint discussions with teachers and so on.

All this is a tautology, and if a person uses such phrases when talking, then I don’t even want to listen to him. Such phrases clog our brain and speech.

Pleonasm - This is a more voluminous, generalizing definition, since an excess in a sentence or text can be not only in the form of the use of single -root or similar words. Those phrases that can be omitted and calmly do without them are considered excess. These are empty phrases that do not bear meaning. Here are examples of Pleonasm:

  • A car rode towards the store. Phrase "Towards" It can be excluded without harm to the sentence. The meaning will remain the same and nothing will change - it is pleonasm.
  • You tell me that ... Phrase "About" It can also be excluded from the sentence without losing its essence.
  • I got useful skills. Word "Useful" Excess, since the skill is the beneficial skills of a person.

It seems that these are trifles and we just find fault with the examples of proposals. But this is garbage, and it is better to abandon it, both in a letter and in speech, so as not to look illiterate.

Could there be a tautology justified?

Permissible tautology in speech and text
Permissible tautology in speech and text

The Russian language is very complex and there are many, both exceptions and justified excesses in the form of tautology. Previously, our ancestors did not know and did not know what repetitions were in one sentence. This is indicated by the popular beginning of many stories: "The work is done soon, but soon the fairy tale affects." We read these words to children every day, and they are perceived as an organic text.

It is worth noting that Russian classics also have repetitions in stories, verses, stories and poems. And this is not because they just wanted to do this, there are times when, when building a sentence, they cannot do without repetitions. Here are a few examples of justified tautology:

  • "Boil jam" -It is impossible to say otherwise, since the jam is boiled, and not extinguished or fried. It is also impossible to say jam, since the meaning of the sentence and the recipe will immediately change.
  • "Slops down" - Such tautology is needed to strengthen the meaning of the phrase.
  • "Wolf is a wolf" - This indicates that this statement is true and absurd in it to doubt.

It is worth noting that the justification of tautology can be not only in our speech, but also in logic. Imantibly-kind statements cannot be called a repetition, so without them you can not do in the Russian language. For example:

  • "The house is a house"
  • "Mom is mom"
  • "Yours are yours"

Tautology can also be used to describe mathematical laws, tasks and answers. This is not considered a mistake, but helps to formulate thought. For example:

  • "Tell me - six or two will divide six?"
  • "There will be zero to zero zero or not?"
  • "The sun shines on the street or does not shine?"

Tautology does not always clog speech in Russian. Apply it competently, and not because you do not have enough words. If you show accuracy in the pronunciation of words and sentences, then repetitions will organically fit into any text.

Video: Brotherhood of the Language - Tautology

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Comments K. article

  1. ... "Soon it is done, but soon the fairy tale affects" ...
    Correct the text. “Soon the fairy tale affects, but not soon the job is being done. This expression is most often found in fairy tales. In the stories I have not met him. Sincerely.

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