What is sublimation: theory, mechanism, rules and examples

What is sublimation: theory, mechanism, rules and examples

This article will talk about sublimation.

Our whole life occurs under the influence of various desires that arise unconsciously, have both positive and negative in nature, and also cause different emotional reactions. Sometimes we follow these desires. And sometimes, especially if they are destructive and asocial in nature, to the extent of their mental development, moral qualities and education, we are looking for acceptable solutions to confront them. One of the options for such solutions is to transform our negative desires into something positive. This process in psychology is called sublimation and is very important for awareness.

What is sublimation?

The word sublimation comes from Latin Sublimus - Until, spiritualized. This term was first introduced by the Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud - The founder of the doctrine of psychoanalysis, the development of which the whole world uses today. He described this phenomenon as a protective mechanism of the body, capable of switching the energy of mental drives to exalted goals and transform it into more advanced forms.

Art Therapy
Art Therapy
  • It is generally accepted that the phenomenon of sublimation, as a protective mechanism of the psyche responsible for relieving internal stress, is more relevant for sexual and interpersonal relations. Although this is not entirely true. This process is relevant for all social spheres of our life - business, creativity, sports, religion. Children's psychology today is also largely aimed at finding socio-adaptive decisions used in the formation of the psyche of the child.
  • And since sublimation is the protective mechanism of the psyche responsible for Removing internal stress and redirecting internal energyfor socio-positive actions, it requires significant body resources and is often a problem for humans.
  • It is worth noting:
    • that the redirecting of energy is according to the type of replacement of negativity with positive and benefit
    • a person is released from instinctive biological aspects
    • accumulated energy is transformed into acceptable norms

Freud and Sullivan sublimation

Considering the process of sublimation as a phenomenon, Sigmund Freud notes that three components affect the form of its manifestation in each particular person:

  1. Id- The natural, primitive essence of the person who is given to him from birth. It is a source of mental energy and the manifestation of unconscious, instinctive forms of behavior. For the most part, the motives, under the influence of ID, are irrational and unacceptable for society.
  2. Ego- Part of the personality responsible for making decisions and dominant over the ID. But, nevertheless, she expresses and satisfies his desires, transformed into more socially acceptable forms.
  3. Supergo - The highest essence of a person, which includes a system of values \u200b\u200band ethics, acquired in the process of education, education, human life in society.

According to this theory, the ego is an intermediary between the ID and Superge and is responsible for all the processes of sublimation, which Freud considered a sign of human maturity.

But you can replace it with another!
But you can replace it with another!

Today, scientists believe that the sublimation process is much more complex and multifaceted than Freud described it

For example, Harry Stew Sullivan- The American psychologist and founder of interpersonal psychoanalysis, made significant adjustments to Freud’s teachings, putting the social aspect in the first place, although he does not completely deny the natural factor.

  • But he sees the basis of the formation of a person’s personality in interpersonal relationships, arguing that each of us occurs depending on the perception of his own “I” depending on What are they thinking about usparents, teachers, friends and surrounding people.
  • In his understanding, sublimation is a more subconscious process and sometimes we don’t even realize how this actually happens. And artificial replacement of negative emotions with positive actions It does not always bring effect. Especially if trying to integrate into society, we are faced with an internal conflict, which in turn does not always manage to solve.

Mechanism and examples of sublimation

  • There are a great many examples of sublimation.
    • For example, you felt a flash of anger at one of your work colleagues. But instead of,to join the psychological, or worse-a physical duel, take up some work and plunge into it “with your head”.
    • And it does not matter that this is a car repair, cleaning the premises or a new musical work. The main thing is that your activity be aimed at creating, redirect your energy into a positive direction and ultimately give pleasure.
  • Many examples can be given from other areas of activity:
    • the internal aggression characteristic of man can be sublimated into such sports as boxing, struggle, karate
    • the surgeon can hide his sadistic inclinations, sublimating them in favor
    • woe can be sublimate on painting, for example. That is, do not "heat the grief in a glass", but draw paintings
    • or a child from a dysfunctional family, where his father repeatedly "put his hand", grows up and becomes a police officer

Important: psychologists argue that, contrary to the common opinion about the dangers of views of criminal programs and militants with bloody scenes, they often cause the effect of sublimation in mentally unbalanced people and reduce the real number of crimes.

  • Remember the famous plot in the film “The Taming of the Watching”, when Chelentano begins to chop wood to cope with a sexual attraction to a woman? This is a typical example of sublimation. When sexual desire was transformed into physical labor.
  • In his works, Freud claimed that It was the sublimation that caused the appearance of many world masterpieces and phenomena in art, science and other areas of human activity.
    • Being a supporter of the Jewish morality about the admissibility of intimacy only for the purpose of the birth of children, as an example, he even gave his own experience of sublimation of sexual energy, which allowed him to maintain tremendous performance at a sufficiently middle -aged age.
  • Sullivan and other researchers give similar examples, in general adhering to the theory about the mechanism of sublimation, characterized as Switching of internal energy from one state to another, more socially acceptable.As for the function of removing the internal tension of the individual through such mechanisms and its subsequent influence on the human psyche, there are different opinions here.

Sublimation and time

  • Conducting research on the edgeXVIIIXIX centuries,Sigmund Freud was repelled from the social and cultural way of the life of the society of that time. Therefore, the main idea that can be traced in his works, that a person cannot be considered in isolation from other people and from society, that his psychology is essentially social.
    • He described sublimation to a greater extent, as a phenomenon aimed at transforming human sexual drives into socially useful ones. In other words, the main object was not a person with his internal conflicts, but Search for socio-adaptive solutions.
  • Currently The concept of sublimation is wider and deeper than it is considered in Freud's teachings. It is not limited to the study of protective mechanisms that can switch the energy of mental drives to exalted goals and convert it into more advanced forms.
    • Its main value is attached The struggle against internal personality conflicts.After all, not completely transformed forbidden desires can accumulate in a person’s subconscious and contribute to the growth of psychological problems. Therefore, the “evolution” of this topic continues and makes certain adjustments to the theory of psychoanalysis.
This is the protection of itself
This is the protection of itself

Sublimation rules

Important: to a greater extent, sublimation occurs at the subconscious level, which is uncontrolled by a person. But it is precisely this ability that helps to open up and know yourself!

  • Try to live every situation "as much as possible." Any business or communication should bring an emotional rise
  • To concentrate as much as possible on the idea, exclude any external interference. And for this, retire in a separate room
  • Learn to trust your intuition
  • Develop your imagination and creativity. Reading books or any creative classes copes with this perfectly
  • Treat yourself with respect. Get rid of your complexes and believe in yourself
  • Do not limit yourself to new impressions. Make new acquaintances more often and go to different, unknown places

Sublimation acts as an assistant to the release of your energy. No matter how strange it sounds, but, for example, sex takes a large potential supply of energy. Namely, it can be transformed into creativity. Or direct your aggression from the conflict in playing sports. By the way, great artists or writers who received inspiration from muses experienced a sexual attraction to objects. Perhaps they simply did not have the opportunity to touch the source of their attraction, or maybe - this is a purposeful sublimation of energy in the right direction!

Video: What is sublimation?

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