What is co -sording in Orthodoxy, why do you need to converge and how to prepare for it, what should I take with you? How is the co -harming in the church and at home: Rules. Council in the Church: How long does it last? What should be done after the co -sir?

What is co -sording in Orthodoxy, why do you need to converge and how to prepare for it, what should I take with you? How is the co -harming in the church and at home: Rules. Council in the Church: How long does it last? What should be done after the co -sir?

From this article we will learn what co -sording is and when it needs to be used.

The people believe that only seriously ill people need to be spoiled. After such a sacrament, a person will die or recover. And what do we know about the collection? When do deeply believers resort to him? We find out in this article.

What is co -sordering in Orthodoxy, why do you need to condemn?

Council in the church

Council or is also called oiling is a sacrament. There are 7 sacraments in the Orthodox Church, a believer is trying to observe them. These sacraments were established and observed with his disciples by Christ Himself, and ordered us. These are the sacraments:

  • The sacrament of baptism. We are faced with infancy or adults when a person is baptized in the church. It looks like immersion in water or dousing the baby 3 times with the pronunciation of prayer.
  • The sacrament of anointing. The priest in the church carries an anointing with church oil in the form of a cross - a forehead, chest, arms, legs of a newly baptized person, mainly a baby.
  • The sacrament of marriage. We can observe it when a wedding in the Church of the newlyweds, and putting on the heads of the bride and groom of the crowns.
  • The sacrament of communion. The Holy Communion in the form of the body and blood of Christ gives us a priest with the words of prayer in the Church after we confess in our sins. As a sign of the remission of sins, we get a spoonful of the Holy Communion, then drink it with water.
  • The sacrament of the co -sordation. If there is God's will for that, then after the co -siring of a seriously ill person may heal. During this sacrament, seven prayers are usually read, usually several clergymen. After each prayer, the priest mentions the name of a sick person and smears his forehead, his chest and hands with a sanctified oil, and after the last prayer, the priest puts the gospel on his head and asks God for the forgiveness of his sins.
  • The sacrament of repentance. We come to church to the priest and want to confess to him in our sins. In response, the priest appoints us to adhere to a small post (not meat, eggs and milk), not sin, and read prayers every day. After a certain time, we again come to the church, tell the priest about the sins of the deeds, deeply regretting it. If the priest takes sins to you, he reads 2 prayers, reconciling and asking for pardoning you before God.
  • The sacrament of the priesthood. This sacrament is intended for those who decided to devote themselves to God - clergymen upon receipt of the rank.

According to the ministers of the Church during the co -sorting, the sins are given to a person that he does not realize that it is sins either forgot about them, and does not mention confession. You can converge both that seriously ill people at home, and patients who can come to church. The clergy refuse only people who are unconscious and violent patient with mental illness.

When is the co -harming in the church?

Council in the church is appointed by a priest, mainly in the great post

Council is 2 species:

  • At home for a sick person
  • In the church - for everyone who wants to mate, and can come to church

In the Church, the priest can appoint a co -sordation in the great post (before Easter) or in Christmas (before Christmas). You can converge 1 time for a year if a person feels a great need to cleanse the soul or is seriously ill. Before co -siring, it is advisable to confess in the deed sins.

The co -sordation should be carried out by 7 priests, but if there are no so many, and even one, if the co -sordation is carried out, it is considered effective.

How to prepare for the co -harvest: is it necessary to fast, is it possible to eat, enter into an intimate relationship with your husband before co -harvesting?

If co -harming is assigned to the Great Lent, believers who go or went to the temple before, adhere to a post, eat only lean foods, and do not enter into intimate relationships during the post.

If a seriously ill person wants to mate, and he cannot come to the temple, then his relative or friend should turn to the priest, and invite the priest to the house. The Church allows sick people not to keep a post - this is not considered a sin.

What prayers to read before the co -harvest and communion?

Before the collection, you need to read everyday prayers and canons

Before the adoption of the Holy Communion and the Council, the sacrament of repentance must be passed. If the post at this time, then it must be observed. In addition to morning prayer, you need to read the canons every day.

How the Council of Council goes in the church, how to behave: Rules

When coating on the table, there should be a large vessel with grain, it is small on it with oil, and 7 candles are lit.
When coating on the table, there should be a large vessel with grain, on it small - with oil, and 7 candles are lit

Can be conducive Believers who filled 16 years oldbut you can come to the co -sir from 8 years old, and to young children under 7 years old God lets all sins without co -sowing.

There are different opinions on the people about the co -slander: some believe that such a sacrament will certainly help to recover, and a little chop, go to church to mate. Other people, and seriously ill, are afraid of the sacraments of co -sordering, and refuse it. But you should not be afraid, because the priests do not spend the co -session for death, but for life.

On the day when the general co -sowing is assigned in the church, a table with a cross and the gospel is set, as well as a vessel with a wheat, on which another smaller vessel is with oil and wine. 7 sticks with a cotton wool are hooked into wheat - for anointing. 7 candles are lit on the same table. Around there are believers who want to mate with lit candles in their hands, carefully listen to the words of prayer, and wait for anointing 7 times. Between anointing, priests read prayers. Anointing is made in the form of a cross on the following parts of the body (they need to be freed from clothes):

  • Forehead
  • Nostrils on both sides
  • Both cheeks
  • Lips
  • Both hands
  • Small area below the neck

After the seventh anointing on the heads of convincing people, the priests lower the gospel with the text down, pronouncing a prayer ending with the words "Lord have mercy." After that, the convicts kiss the gospel, and deeply believe that all the sins are released by God, and you can continue to live with renewed vigor.

If you are late for the co -session for reasons beyond your control, and if at least one anointing stood, the sacrament is considered effective, but you still need to try to come on time.

Council in the Church: What should I take with you?

There should be a candle with you, 2 handkerchiefs, the head is necessarily covered with a scarf or something else

A few days before the joint, priests advise to pass the sacrament of confession.
If, having gathered to go to the Council, you do not know what to take with you, then here are the advice of people who have passed the co -harming. The following is needed:

  • Take money to buy a candle, and leave a donation to the temple
  • Take 2 new handkerchiefs: one - hold a candle, the other - to wet the face, hands and neck from the barefoot (you can’t throw off the handkerchief, it needs to be burned at home or washed)
  • No need to wear a sweater with a standing collar, the neck should be free (in the place of the hollow, the priest smears a bare)
  • Timely come to church for service, and defend it
  • Council
  • And accept the holy communion

Council in the Church: How long does it last?

Council lasts a long time, from 2 to 6 hours

The co-sorting lasts a long time, from 2 hours, provided that 1-2 people will be converged, but if people who want to mate a lot, then it takes more time. During the passage of this sacrament, priests read the following prayers:

  • Preparatory
  • Canon
  • 7 excerpts from the Gospel and Apostle, New Testament
  • Television (appeal to God in prayer)
  • Consecration of bare
  • Anointing with a bare forehead, hands and chest, and prayer

If the consecrated fir trees (vegetable oil) remains, it can be taken to take home, and then use it for anointing, added to food. The fir trees are also used during the burial of the deceased person (before closing the coffin cover, pouring fir trees in the coffin, and then closed).

Is it possible to converge with menstruation, without communion?

With menstruation, women can neither be converged or communed

With menstruation, a woman is forbidden to enter the temple, and hence in any sacraments (marriage, co -conservation, repentance, communion), one cannot participate.

Why do you need the co -job in fasting?

There is such a tradition in the Russian Orthodox Church: to conduct the Sacrament of Council over everyone who wishes to a great post. Usually these are people who have any serious physical diseases or mental (despair, sorrow, despondency).

Council for seriously ill at home: how to prepare for it?

Council can be ordered at home

Council is necessary for a person if he lies in bed, and he is hard to rise. With this sacrament, a person will get rid of unconscious sins. If the priest came to your house, a seriously ill person can, along with the co -sordering, repent of the deeds and communion. Other family members can come to a murmur with the patient, if they see this.

The sick person does not need to prepare for the collection, it is important to repent of the sins that he made earlier, and read prayers, as you can (you can in bed).

Someone from the family by the arrival of a priest for the patient’s co-sorting should prepare:

  • Pure and empty table
  • Chair
  • Olive oil
  • A full kettle of boiling water

How much does the co -siring cost?

Council costs small money, so sacrifice to the temple

If the Council takes place in the church, there are prices for every sacrament, you can find out about this in the church or church shop, they usually are in churches now.

If the co -siring takes place at home, and you do not know how much money to give for the Conducting, repentance and communion, then you can ask the priest. Each family has its own capabilities, and the father sees it.

If the union is necessary, and the sick person wants to condemn, but he does not have money, then you need to say about it right away, and the father will conduct the sacrament of the co -sordation for free.

Why do you need to confess after the co -sordation, take communion?

Before coating, it is advisable to confess in your sins

The clergymen say that, ideally, you first need to confess in the deeds of the sins, and repent, then come in, so that God will let go of the unconscious sins, which you do not know about, and then take communion of the holy gifts.

After the collection, they gave oil and rice, candles: how to use them correctly, use?

Usually, after the co -sordation, fir trees and grain, they are not heard on the hands, but remain in the temple, and then they are burned. But if any of the co-workers really wants to take something home, then they give out, but only with such a condition that sore spots will smear, and if you do not know where to apply the consecrated (fir, grain, candles), but simply Throw away, it is better not to take from the temple.

What does it mean if it has become bad during the co -harvest?

After the co -siring can become bad for various reasons

The question is why it may be bad after the co -sir, the believers of the minister of one Orthodox Church asked. He replied that there may be several reasons:

  • The physical state of human health, not related to the co -harvesting
  • Experiences about the co -sordation
  • The unity of the person who did not have a person who does not have a relief in his sins, but on the contrary, suffering

Also, in the practice of clergy and believers there were cases when a person does not adhere to one faith, but rushes into one faith or the other, and returning back to the previous faith in the temple, it becomes bad.

Who has changed life after co -sordation: reviews

There are many cases of healing patients after co -sowing

Cases when after co -siring it became easier or all sores have passed.

Here is one of them. Tells priest Sergiy Kruglov, Minusinsk. In March, I had to work at a construction site in a neighboring village. He walked home, the snow melts, puddles around, soaked his legs. And after a while, the doctors found double -sided inflammation of the lungs. Then he lay in a local hospital for a long time, but they wrote me out with not very good results: lung defeat in the form of black dots, and constant observation by a TB. In the fall, I catched in, and after a while I visited the doctor’s plan, with fluorography. The doctor spun my picture for a long time, and said in surprise that there was no illness, everything went.

Nina Aleksandrovna, living near the Optina Desert Monastery. We moved with a sick son and an old mother from Moscow to a village house, not far from Optina Desert. There is a lot of work in the village, but I did everything alone, and tore my back. The hospital said that I needed an operation, and how I would throw my home alone. I told about my troubles to the old man from the monastery, he advised me the co -care. I barely reached the temple, and there the service led the newly made hieromonk for six hours. By the end of the co -sordation, she began to doze off, but survived. She left the temple, went home, fatigue and pain, as it took off with her hand. At home, she began to water the garden with buckets, sat down to rest, and then she only remembered that my back was sick before.

So, from this article we learned that co -session can help easily endure physical and mental pain.

Video: What is co -siring and how to prepare for it?

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  1. Now it is believed that you can go to the temple on critical days, and you can’t get together too, you can’t only take communion

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