What is self -eating and how is it dangerous? How to deal with self -eaters: methods

What is self -eating and how is it dangerous? How to deal with self -eaters: methods

In this article, we find out what is self -eating and how to deal with it.

Many are aware of self -eating. Each time we in our thoughts analyze our actions, actions and think that we could do otherwise. Or we try to justify ourselves in something if there is a nuisance and inwardly delve into the causes of the situation. That's just usually self-eating is not even perceived as something dangerous-if you are able to criticize yourself in something, then you are a conscientious and arrogant person. Here are just healthy behavior and self -eaters - these are completely different things.

What is self -eating from the point of view of psychology: concept, definition

Self -eaters
Self -eaters

Many perceive self -eating as self -flagellation or self -repaid. This is a state when the internal negative is directed in our own direction. In this case, a person can experience many bad feelings up to the inability to let the situation.

In psychology, there is a clear definition of self -studies - this is a negative introspection from the perspective of the disapproval of their own words, which goes into dissatisfaction with himself as a whole. If we compare this process with adequate self -criticism, then it is constructive and after analyzing the situation certain conclusions are made, and it is less emotional and does not lead to self -destruction.

Self -eaters very quickly becomes a bad habit and is fixed in personality. It distorts self -esteem, as well as the perception of oneself and the surrounding world. This can be compared with internal eating. There are even situations that comes to the point that a person accuses himself of self -eating and a circle closes. The reason for everything is a situation that was a mistake and is repeated again. It may seem very terrible and if a person is used to seeing himself perfect, then for him this is quite a prerequisite for the destruction of the image.

For example, he broke and scolds himself for this, considers the monster and the most bad person, and also promises to never do this. If after that the situation is repeated again, then self -eaters become even larger. Now a person already hates himself and demands perfection from himself and does not even leave the right to mistake.

Self -eaters are far from harmless. It is able to provoke psychosis, neurosis, and sometimes even leads to suicide. But even if this does not reach this, life still worsens and there are more and more reasons for self -flagellation. In most cases, this leads to drug addiction, alcoholism, exacerbation of mental illness, and so on. Sometimes, even doctors cannot understand that the cause of the disease was many years of self -eating.

It is also important to note that self -eating does not tolerate high quality life. Samoyed simply cannot develop and be happy. At best, degradation does not expect him, he will simply stop in a state of discomfort. Most of these people live without joy and entertainment, as well as all their lives are engaged in unloved business.

Types of samoyedism: Description

Types of self -eating
Types of self -eating

Self -eating and self -flagellation are of several types:

  • Demonstrative. In fact, this is not even self -eating, it is only external. In this case, the self -eating is exposed and a person supposedly reproaches himself for mistakes and thereby begs attention and sympathy. However, in fact, he is not tormented at all, well, or not as much as he shows.
  • Introverted. In this case, the whole drama occurs inside a person. He does not show anything outside. Introverted Samoyeds do not play the public, but at the same time they are afraid to be alone with them. They are very clocking themselves for everything done and not done, and also try to find more and more new ways to blame themselves and remain in a dreary state. All misses become a drama, a person does not like himself and it’s hard to get out of this state.
  • Neurotic. This is an active self -eating, which becomes a whole strategy and determines the choice of a person. There is self -repaid, spiritual masochism and this is the only motivator. It is practically impossible to understand what such a worldview is limited.

Why a person is engaged in self -eating: reasons

Why are we engaged in self -eating?
Why are we engaged in self -eating?

Each phenomenon has its own cause. Strong self -criticism can be formed due to many factors:

  • Low self-esteem. If a person is very dissatisfied with himself, then the process of self -eating begins. Gradually, this lowers self -esteem and makes very strong remorse. This is a very dangerous circle, because it will not burst until one of the components disappears.
  • Incorrect education. If mom and dad are constantly criticizing, then children can become the same. Typically, this situation is led by a case when parents are authorities for the child and he tries to match them.

Psychologist Eric Bern determined three states in the person:

  • Adult - in this case, a person objectively evaluates reality and looks adequately at the world
  • Children - This condition expresses all our desires and dreams
  • Parent - Here is just all kinds of criticism to himself

Each of the conditions should be equal to each person. For example, in too self -critical people, the parental position is expressed very brightly, and it may well block the adult. As a result of this, a person constantly continues to engage in self -eating and does not perceive objectively reality.

In addition, the reasons for self -studies can become:

  • Pessimistic views on the world
  • Desire to get rid of responsibility and shift it to another
  • Just a habit. In this case, a person seems to do nothing on purpose, everything somehow turns out

How to recognize self -eaters: signs

Signs of self -eating
Signs of self -eating

If a woman is constantly engaged in self -eating, then she is never happy with herself. She does not like absolutely everything - how she looks, what she does, character, intelligence, and so on. With such a mood, not long and get sick.

If suddenly a nuisance happened in life, then she begins to blame herself in everything and believe that she is a loser and in general she deserved it. Such self -criticism gradually leads to the fact that all the joy of life disappears. A person has all determination, he cannot start something new, realize his dreams, and also assert himself. He also does not understand that he actually “eats” himself. Relatives or articles on the Internet can help to figure it out.

In psychology, such signs of self -studies are distinguished::

  • Cruck complexity
  • Constant hatred
  • Comparing yourself with someone even in the little things
  • Depression and depression
  • Shame for what lifestyle a person leads
  • Bad appetite or vice versa gluttonity
  • Bad sleep
  • The desire to change your life, but there is no readiness for this
  • Rejection of your body and appearance
  • Constant regret that life is worthless and a person has achieved nothing

Self -eaters are also different in gender. For example, women are constantly and constantly about their own appearance, and men “eat” themselves for low income and poor social status. For example, if a man lives with his mother, then he can reproach himself for not buying his own home. The bachelor who lives alone feels unnecessary. But the married man can feel like a wife and slave of his wife.

What are the consequences of self -eating, how is it dangerous?

The consequences of self -eating
The consequences of self -eating
  • Good emotions are blocked by self -eating, which makes you constantly express dissatisfaction with your life, appearance and actions
  • Samoyeds are poorly sleeping, they are always alarming and it steals time
  • A person cannot reveal his talents, as self -eaters makes him feel helpless
  • Rational thinking is disconnected. Anyone who is constantly engaged in self -flagellation becomes fixated at his experiences, and therefore it is not possible to get out of this situation

People who always scolds themselves do not like anyone. And this is logical, how can you like the rest if you do not accept yourself as it is?

A constant feeling of guilt leads to the fact that you can become a "victim of manipulations." Skillful manipulators are actively managing such people

Simply speaking, samoyedism becomes the cause of physical, energy and psychological exhaustion. A change in the situation is possible if you abandon the bad habit of delving into yourself.

How to stop engaging in self -eating?

How to deal with self -eating?
How to deal with self -eating?

First of all, try to accept yourself. Yes, you are not an ideal, but it is not necessary to meet some standards. You are unique, so why should you blame yourself for this? Yes, and look around, are everything done as a carbon copy? Each person is unique and instead of seeing only disadvantages, it can be better to highlight the advantages?

  • Forgive yourself all your shortcomings and perfect mistakes. This will be the very first step towards improving your inner world. Accordingly, you will begin to change. Thanks to forgiveness, you stop the destruction process and allow yourself to get rid of everything bad.
  • Try to think positively, develop a sense of humor and character. Do not fight your poor qualities, it is better to strengthen your virtues.
  • Praise yourself more often. If you begin to report yourself for something, then try to switch to praise. Remember yourself everything that you are satisfied with. Laugh over the misses, do not perceive them as something too bad.
  • You must understand that self -assembly is a protective mechanism manifested from childhood. When you scold yourself, reproach from the position of the parent, you find yourself in the corner. That is, you find yourself as if helpless, show emotions, but everything is bad around you. You have grown up and you have the strength to perceive everything adequately.
  • Learn to suppress emotions that come along with self -eating. Bad sensations will not bring good things in this case, so learn to control them.
  • Change your behavior and adhere to it. Instead of self -criticism, look at everything differently. Think about how you acted, what exactly was a mistake and what to do to rectify the situation. A simple technique will help to get out of such a circle - “three questions”. Set them in turn, and write the answers to the paper.
  1. What have I done? First describe the situation as possible as possible
  2. What could I do? Think about how you could tell yourself - what to feel, say and so on
  3. What can I do tomorrow? Write your actions on paper that would help to rectify the situation

Such a technique will help you learn useful lessons from unpleasant situations, correlate the scale of what happened and your reaction. Perhaps the event is not so terrible and you should not worry about it.

Video: How to get rid of self -eating?

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  1. Diggers
    Vladimir Shebzukhov
    “There is no garden, no garden ...
    It so happened by fate.
    But at any time of the year,
    I can delve ... myself in myself! "
    You are not surprised at this.
    Everyone has their own way.
    But, if you dig in yourself,
    So put something!

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