What is a QR code and how does it work? How to scan a QR code with a phone: Instruction. The best applications for reading the QR code: List

What is a QR code and how does it work? How to scan a QR code with a phone: Instruction. The best applications for reading the QR code: List

In this article, we will talk about how to correctly consider the QR code using a smartphone.

The QR code is a familiar version of the barcode for us. For the first time they began to be used in Japan, and they quickly became popular. Today, such codes are found everywhere - on signs, in advertising and even on goods. To read them, it is enough to use a smartphone. We will tell you about how to scan the QR code using a smartphone in our article.

What is a QR code and how does it work?

What is a QR code?
What is a QR code?

The QR code is a square made in black. Inside, he has spaces that always differ. It works according to a simple principle. Each black part is a data block, and during reading a person can see a link. If you follow it, then a page on the Internet is shown. It can be placed on it - data about the product, entertainment content. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to encrypt only links.

To scan the QR code, a smartphone camera is used. It is possible to do this in different ways. For example, in new models there is already a built -in function. And in the old ones you have to download the program. We will talk about how to read the codes about how to correctly read the codes.

How to scan a QR code on an iPhone: Ways

When the iOS 11 firmware appeared for an iPhone, then the QR code recognized the recognition function. In other words, this does not need to use any additional resources. The iPhones learned to independently recognize combinations. It is enough to activate the function and use it.

If suddenly, even after the update, it does not go out to read the codes, then this suggests that the scanner is not turned on. For activation, first in the settings in the section "Camera" Find the line with the scanner and click on the switch opposite it.

The function is activated and you can read codes. This is done as follows:

  • First run the camera
  • Pull it on the desired image and focus so that it does not blur
  • At the top of the screen will appear a banner with a link where to press. As a rule, links are opened through Safari.
  • Either the application is opened to which the code is tied

Method 2. Control point

With the release of iOS 12, reading began to work much faster. To do this, swip up or stretch the curtain down. And from there, go to the function you need.

Just keep in mind that it may not be in the control point. You will have to add it there first:

  • Open on a smartphone "Settings" And go to the menu into "Control point"
  • After that, click on "Configure control elements"
  • Find and select in the list "QR code scanner". A plusik will be displayed near the function, and click on it to activate the function

If the system does not allow you to add a widget, then you already have too much. Then you have to remove something excess and add the scanner.

After that, it will be possible to activate the function by means of the panel displayed in the curtain.

Method 3. Appendix "Wallet"

Application "Wallet" Also capable of reading codes. At the same time, it is suitable for storing documents, bonus cards and much more. The convenience of its use is that it is enough in any place to show the desired QR code and it will be counted.

To add some data to the application, press the plus inside it. And only then manually introduce what you want to do.

Method 4. 3D Touch

3D Touch

In some iPhones, instead of this function, Haptic Touch is worth. On 6s and new, just 3D Touch is used. Therefore, keep in mind that this method is not universal.

To activate scanning with this method, it is enough to pull the curtain to open the control panel and hold the camera icon. After displaying the menu, click "Scanning QR code". The camera that can recognize the code will immediately start.

Method 5. Google Chrome

If you have such a browser, then you can quite use it for reading. Just keep in mind that the option is available from the version 56.0.2924.79.

For reading:

  • Download the browser, if suddenly you still have not installed it
  • After that, on the image of the browser in the menu, hold your finger until the menu opens
  • When the menu opens, select "Scan QR code"

After opening the camera, you will see a frame on the screen. Its contours will be white. Place your code in it and the link will be recognized. It immediately opens in Google Chrome.

How to scan a QR code on android: Methods

On the android opportunities that allow scanning the QR code, there are also many. Let's figure out how to perform scanning correctly:

  • So, first, on the smartphone, turn on the Internet. This is one of the main working conditions with programs. Otherwise, you cannot open a link
  • If there is the Internet, then further download a special application that will scan codes. The built -in function in most models is missing
  • When your scanner is already downloaded and installed, run it and allow the program to use your camera
  • Next, a camera with a frame is opened, where you just need to insert the code
  • After that, the link you wanted to see will open

How to count the QR code on Xiaomi, Samsung, Huawei: Features


Most of the famous devices Xiaomi, Samsung and Huawei have an already built -in reader. But this applies only to the latest models. Accordingly, they do not need to install additional software.

  • So, for example, scan a QR code on Xiaomi Perhaps through "Tools". The icon is displayed on the main screen. Already inside find the right section and turn it on.
  • On the smartphone Huawei need to run a finger near the search line. There is a scanner icon. Tap it and use it.
  • U Samsung Scanning is possible in a built -in browser. First run it and slip it on top three points. Then click on the Scan QR Code and insert the camera per square. After that, the reading will be carried out automatically.

The best applications for reading the QR code: List

As a rule, most users of smartphones are more convenient to scan a QR code through the use of a special application. To date, there are a huge number of programs. Let's figure out which of them, according to users, are considered the best.

  • Kaspersky QR Scanner. By the name, it is clear that this scanner is provided by the Kaspersky Laboratory. He quickly reads encrypted information and additionally checks their safety. If you try to open a link to a dangerous site, the application will definitely inform about this. This also applies to any malicious content, if it is suddenly placed in the code.
  • Neoreder. A very simple application application. It will not be able to check security, but it is able to determine which data is encrypted in the barcode of the product. To do this, you can scan it or write numbers.
  • Qrdroid. It is considered one of the most functional. Immediately after its launch, it is proposed to scan one or another code. Here you can even turn on the flash if there is not enough light. Also, the application allows you to scan bar codes, save them and prices for goods, so that you can then be compared.
  • Mobiletag. This is an alternative to the previous program. It allows you to scan QR codes and even make your own. By the way, the scan results are allowed to be distributed into categories.
  • QR Code Reader. This is the simplest scanner. He can only consider the data.

Video: What is a QR code and how to use it?


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