Mantoux test for children: verification time, evaluation of the result, readings and contraindications, analogues, what can and cannot be done? What is the minimum and maximum age of the child to conduct a mantoux test?

Mantoux test for children: verification time, evaluation of the result, readings and contraindications, analogues, what can and cannot be done? What is the minimum and maximum age of the child to conduct a mantoux test?

In this article we will consider whether it is possible to wet the manti and what can be the consequences when it gets wet. And we also find out what the Mantoux test is and for what purposes it is carried out.

Everyone remembers from childhood how the injection of Mantoux is done. This is one of the mandatory vaccination, due to which the presence of tuberculosis diseases in the child’s body is determined. But you also need to be able to handle it. Therefore, we will consider what is possible and what should not be done after the mantle injection, as well as touch the issue of contact of the sampling with water.

What is a sample or a manti reaction, why and when it is made to children?

One of the most famous and regular vaccinations is the Mantoux test. We can say that this is an almost painless procedure. But the view of the syringe and the white coat is panic than the manipulation itself.

But in medicine has a very important ruleThe sooner the disease to identify (that is, in the initial stages), the better it is subject to treatment and restoration of the human body.

  • And this is due to the fact that the child's body has a unique ability to rapidly resume after illness. But, unfortunately, it is easier for a child and getting sick than an adult.
  • The Mantoux vaccination itself is as follows - a special tuberculin syringe subcutaneously administers the microbacteria of tuberculosis infection. In this way, the presence of infection itself in the child’s body is determined.
  • Further, after a certain period of time, the skin response of the kids is examined to check the reaction. According to the results of the inspection and measurement, the result is established, which is individually fixed in the medical record of each small patient.
Mantoux test helps to determine the tuberculosis stick in the body
Mantoux test is the most important tuberculosis test

What is the minimum and maximum age of the child to conduct a mantoux test?

  • The minimum to conduct a mantoux test is considered one -year -old age. Starting from this period in children, the microbacterium of tuberculosis can already be detected. Until that time, an inaccurate result is allowed.
  • Regarding the maximum age of the Mantoux test, then the period of 14-15 years is considered a total standard.
  • There are exceptions to the final period. This applies to children in special accounting. That is, in cases when too high risks of tuberculosis are fixed. These include:
    • genetic predisposition to the disease;
    • disease of diabetes. In this case, vaccination takes place twice a year. And this is only for the period of schooling;
    • frequent communication with peers or comrades who are patients with tuberculosis;
    • prolonged treatment with drugs that suppress the operation of the immune system;
    • territorial residence where high outbreaks of the disease are discovered;
      • or immunodeficiency diseases were found;
    • as well as other cases that are justified by doctors for specific children.
  • Mantoux test is required for all children up to 18 years old.
  • Upon reaching the age of 18, an adult is already diagnosed with the disease, fluorography or x -ray is carried out.
The usual deadlines for the mantu test
The usual deadlines for the mantu test

Indications and contraindications for mantu test

The mantle test (reaction) is considered one of the most effective ways to control the condition of tuberculosis. But it was and is an ordinary medicine, which, in turn, has a number of indications and contraindications for use.

  • We bring to your attention the main typical indications For vaccination:
    • prevention of tuberculosis;
    • identification of patients with tuberculosis;
    • identification of the state of hypersensitivity;
    • determination of infection;
    • confirmation of an existing diagnosis;
    • checking individual tolerance of the components of the drug.
  • In general, a mantle test is possible for all categories of the population of the corresponding age. However, there are a large number contraindicationsthat cannot be ignored. These include:
    • epilepsy;
    • acute chronic diseases;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • a quarantine period in a certain territory, or in an educational institution;
    • allergic conditions;
    • various kinds of skin diseases;
    • rheumatism;

Note that the list is not exhaustive.

  • Also, conducting a test of mantu, do not ignore such integral related factors how:
    • the presence of a permission of parents or persons replacing them for manipulation;
    • individual skin sensitivity;
    • any disease of the child;
    • unfavorable radiation background;
    • harmful emissions;
    • in general, all environmental factors.

Important: although it is not possible to summarize all contraindications, the mantle test is necessary and is one of the main ways to detect tuberculosis.

Mantoux test: verification time, norm, size and types of possible reactions of the child's body

There is a certain period to check the reaction of the vaccine, which lasts 3 days (72 hours). It is this period that is considered the best option for tracking the interaction of the drug and the condition of the body.

  • The trace of the injection has a suitable final size in the specified period. By this time, the reaction is formed, and after the time set, the fall and action of the vaccine is born.
  • However, it must be remembered if after 2 days (48 hours) the reaction is absent (that is, there are no traces of the sample left), then the verification showed a negative result. This means that the disease is absent.
  • In general, the injection site is compacted with redness. And it is the size of this redness that indicates the results of the audit:
    • negative result gives a lack of reaction or swelling up to 1 mm- this means the norm, everything is fine, the child does not have risk for tuberculosis.
    • seals more than 4 mm - this is dubious resultwhich requires re -verification. Since the child was at risk;
    • if there is a seal from 5 to 16 mm The reaction is recognized positive, accordingly, there is a large risk of the disease;
    • the reaction is more 17 mm Directly indicates the presence of allergies A child for an introduced drug or its individual components.
  • Since science and practice are not quite accurate, so there are uncertainty. Do not forget for cases when false results are established. And this applies to all the above types of reactions.

False results

  • Inaccurate results can occur if there are such factors:
    • organism allergies to the drug or its components;
    • at the age of one year. This is explained by the fact that the baby’s body is not yet able to adequately respond to medications;
    • damage, including mechanical (rubbing, combing, etc.).
  • It is quite interesting that even at present it was not possible to study the existing reactions and factors of exposure to the Mantoux reaction on the child's body. However, the main purpose of this vaccination is known - the identification of tuberculosis in the early stages.
  • Each body of the child is characterized by individuality. And therefore, the occurrence of complications after the Mantoux test is possible.
  • Difficulties are manifested in the general weakness of the child and impaired body temperature. Such reactions of the body are short -term. But the doctor must be notified of all deviations from the norm.
So check the body's reaction to the mantu test
So check the body's reaction to the mantu test

What will happen if you wet the place of the mantle injection with water?

One of the basic and basic rules for the care of the mantle breakdown is the ban on wetting the injection site for 3 days. This should be remembered by both children and parents. But often there are many questions about the consequences of water falling on vaccination.

  • We recommend that you do not worry if water got into the injection site. No complications in the child’s body will occur. It is possible only to change the size of the injection itself, the value of which is determined by the presence or absence of a disease.
  • There are such cases that the child soaked the injection, but did not tell his parents anything. It is very good if the reaction to the vaccine is completely absent. But, when the skin blushed very much, the main thing is that you do not need to panic. The positive or negative of the result can only be determined by the doctor.
  • If you were not able to trace, and water hit the injection site, it is enough to dry it with a towel. Also do not forget to inform the doctor about this case.
  • When wetting the sample, one should not forget that water may contain some kind of infection. Basically, water does not affect the result. But, in order not to injure the child with a second injection, we recommend that you do not allow him to intentionally wet the sample.

How to care for the place of injection mantu, what can not be done?

Absolutely forbidden

  • The most important rule is not to comb the injection site! Otherwise, an infection is possible, which will be fraught not only with a false result.
  • Also, do not wrap the injection site with polyethylene or seal with a patch so that moisture does not hit. This will only create a greenhouse effect, which will entail more serious consequences.
  • Do not try to warm the mantu.
  • Also give up bathing in reservoirs. Dirty water will cause infection.
  • And also throw it out of your head to treat the injection site with some antiseptics.

Is it worth doing to the child every year a mantle test: for and against

Having analyzed the main characteristics of the Mantoux test, we suggest that we familiarize yourself with the attitude of doctors to this family injection. Since doctors themselves are in two ways to vaccinate. The following two positions are available:

  1. Mantoux is harmful. Supporters of this position are sure that the young organism does not need any loads. Including immunity. And the vaccine is dangerous in that the body experiences the stability of immunity;
  2. Another position is completely opposite. Supporters are sure that vaccination does not threaten the child. On the contrary, the introduction of a meager dose of the Tuberculin trace element stabilizes immunity. And vaccination enables doctors to identify the disease at the initial stage of progression.
  • Previously, vaccination was mandatory in a certain period of development of the child. But now, given the large number of negative consequences that are provoked by injection, the resolution of parents or persons replacing them for manipulation is mandatory.
  • Also interesting is the position of immunologists who generally consider the mantle test not vaccinated. They are sure that this is only a test for the identification of tuberculosis by introducing tuberculin.
  • Each parent himself must verify the importance of injection for his child. We advise you to take into account all the pros and cons. After all, there are really facts of the negative impact of the vaccine, more precisely, adverse reactions in children.
  • But it is not for nothing that the rule is used in medicine: it is better to prevent the disease than to treat. Let us recall the history of the disease, to identify which the mantu test is carried out.

  • The very disease of tuberculosis (it is also called the “Koch stick”) was opened by Robert Koch in 1882. This scientist has developed tuberculin for the diagnosis of the underlying disease. However, the diagnosis of tuberculosis appeared a little more than a hundred years ago, in 1908 and it was proposed by the French physician Charles Mantu after a series of research.
  • It is interesting that in the late 60s and early 70s to detect tuberculosis disease, a cooked method was used. It is called the Pirka test.
  • The child was dripped into the hand of a solution of tuberculin. Then they made small cuts on his hand. This test could not be wetted at all - the result could be wrong. As you can see, the mechanism has changed, but the thought of non -confusion of water remained.
  • A well -known, also method for evaluating the Mantoux test in the American way. A solution of tuberculin of a lower consistency is administered subcutaneously behind it. However, this method is not relevant enough, because in the USA the disease is less common.

What are the analogues of the Mantoux test?

  • It is impossible not to affect the alternatives of the Mantoux reaction:
    • Diaskintest;
    • suslov test;
    • pirka test;
    • serological research methods.
  • Diaskintest It is carried out according to a similar scheme, as well as the Mantoux test. Synthetic proteins are used to determine the disease. Thanks to them, the immune reactions are monitored, which determine the presence of the disease in the body. It is worth noting that the test refers to highly sensitive methods.
  • But suslov test makes it possible to analyze a drop of blood. Blood is applied to the item, tuberculin and complexes are added to it. The result is determined by the nature of the drawing, which is removed from substances on the subject glass. The sensitivity of this test is small, and the studies are carried out individually.
  • Pirka test It consists in conducting manipulations on the forearm of the child. The skin is cleaned, tuberculin is applied and an incision is carried out with a special tool. The analysis is determined after 48 hours. As already mentioned, in this method there are a lot of factors that affect the result.
  • Serological methods Studies are used to determine the level of immunoglobulins, hormones, etc. The disadvantage of these methods is that a reliable result can be determined on areas with the low prevalence of tuberculosis, as well as only in a high -rise form.

Important: it is worth paying attention to the fact that scientists have deduced one reliable analogue of the Mantoux test, which is called Diaskintest. Manipulations are similar in the procedure. But with the help of this method, you can only clarify the diagnosis when the Mantoux test shows a dubious result. Other types of analogues have low results.

Diaskintest is the only exact analogue of the Mantoux test
Diaskintest is the only exact analogue of the Mantoux test
  • The reaction of the child’s body to the drug that is administered during the sample can really be unpredictable. But this is not only from injection, but also from the possibility of the body itself.
  • In our society, the position is widespread that the Mantoux test has only a negative result. Repeatedly in the media, terrible cases of the reaction of the child’s body to injection have been given. But still we advise you to weigh all the factors before refusing vaccination.

It is always necessary to consciously treat your child's health. The vaccine is not a direct cure for tuberculosis. But, during the Mantoux reaction, the child’s body still gets the opportunity to prevent the development of the disease. Remember - the choice remains only for you!

Video: Is it possible to wet a mantu test?

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Comments K. article

  1. I wonder who wrote this article! Absolutely illiterate !!! Nightmare. But the parents of children read all this nonsense! Firstly, this is not vaccination, the mantle test is done intradermally, and not subcutaneously, etc. is absolutely illiterate!

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