What is polymer clay and how to sculpt from it? What are made of polymer clay: ideas, photo

What is polymer clay and how to sculpt from it? What are made of polymer clay: ideas, photo

Polymer clay is considered popular material for creativity. In our article we will tell you how to use it and what can be blinded.

Polymer clay is a plastic material similar to plasticine. It can be used to create different products. Usually these are jewelry, souvenirs and other interesting crafts. It is pleasant to work with the material and easily handle.

Clay looks like plasticine, but only it hardens. If you make a figure of baked clay, then you can place it in a hot furnace and hold it a little there. Then the product will harden and consolidate the shape. If we talk about simple clay, then it is enough to leave it for a day and it will freeze.

How polymer clay and pottery differ: Differences

If you compare pottery and polymer clay, then it is very difficult to work with the first and it is only possible for professionals. There are many difficulties with it. It can be very wet and not maintain a shape, but can quickly dry and covered with cracks. Polymer clay is more like plasticine and even a novice master can work with it.

The difference between polymer clay and pottery
The difference between polymer clay and pottery

Polymer clay - what complies of: composition

In fact, polymer clay has a rather simple composition - it is PVC base and liquid plasticizer.

The basis includes gelatin -like particles, and plasticizers are understood as substances that allow clay to harden during the heating and retain its shape.

To obtain the desired color, additional pigments are added to it. For example, in order to achieve a pearl or metal shade, a mica is used. This is only one of the possible options, how to achieve the desired results.

Almost a hundred years have passed since the appearance of this clay and at first it was used to create dolls. After that, over time, it was improved and so Fimo clay appeared. Most often it is used today to create toys.

What are the brands of polymer clay?

Polymer clay brands
Polymer clay brands

Today in stores there are several dozen polymer clay manufacturers. You can purchase both classical clay and with different properties. However, the most popular and the best is still FIMO.

Even good products are manufactured by brands Cernit, Polyform Products Co, Viva Decor Pardo, Kato Polyclay, Claycolor, Sonnet. There are Russian manufacturers - hobbies, flower, artifact and others. They can be a good alternative to plasticine. Despite the fact that clay is absolutely safe for children, it is worth making sure that they do not take it into their mouths and do not swallow.

Although the use of clay is considered universal, most often tame gifts are made from it today. Altogether, as a rule, is enjoyed not only by those who receive such gifts, but also by the author himself. The process is so interesting and pleasant that it is simply difficult to consider it some kind of tedious work. In addition, they pay very well for such things, because manual work is in price today.

In addition to jewelry and gifts, you can also create interesting children's toys. It can be any characters from books or cartoons, this is already the whole thing in your imagination. By the way, the service life of such toys is very high, because after baking they become very hard.

How to sculpt from polymer clay?

Remember that working with polymer clay, although creative, but requires a certain talent. It is necessary that at least the hands be straight. If you have good little men from plasticine since childhood, then this does not speak about your rich imagination and great potential.

If you just want to engage in creativity for yourself, then you can not try very hard and not be afraid that everything will work out badly. But for business you should create original products, and very high quality. To become successful in this matter, practice as much as possible. So if you see that every time you are getting better, then do not stop and develop on.

The creation of figures is carried out in several stages and we will talk further about each of them.

Step 1. Model

First of all, to create a new masterpiece, you need to knead the clay in the hands so that it becomes softer and you can set it a suitable shape. Start working with simple elements and slowly learn to perform complex ones.

For example, try making a leaf with a flower. For a leaf, first blind the oval and crush it. On one side, pull out the sharp edge, and leave it as it is. Pull the veins on the leaflet with a toothpick:


Start making a flower with petals. First roll five balls on a flat surface. Make the edges rounded. After that, form a flower from the petals. It is worth noting that it is better to take them not with your hands, but with a spatula, so as not to spoil the shape. Lay the petals around so that the edges overlap each other.


Step 2. baking

If clay is required, then you need to bake it. Heat the oven and place the product there. But it is better to wrap it with a dietary sleeve so that there are no extraneous smells. The fact is that clay distinguishes pairs remaining on the walls, and they will be very harmful and will affect the quality of food in the future.

Depending on clay, different times and temperature are required. As a rule, this information is indicated on the package. You should not keep the product for too long, because it will darken and will distinguish a lot of smoke. In this case, ventilate the room as soon as possible.

Stage 3. degreasing

Fat is removed by any detergent. Apply it a little on the cotton wool and gently grate the figure.

Stage 4. Grinding


Not all figures need grinding. It is carried out in the presence of uneven areas. If you are still a beginner, then the ideal surface is unlikely to turn out right away. Polishing is also required if you are going to paint the figure.

The procedure will require sandpaper and a piece of fabric. It is better to use jeans, velvet or suede. Pick up a little water and dilute the detergent in it. After that, lower the sandpaper into it and start working around the edges from behind. Remove dust and polishing particles with water. After completing the work, change the water and polish the figure again with small paper. Polish in front with carefully, otherwise ruin the appearance of the figure.

At the very end, wash the figure again and dry it. After that, grate it with a cloth.

Stage 5. Lacing

Polymer clay
Polymer clay

To cover the finished figure, you need to use a special tool. Someone does it with nail varnishes or decoupage based on acrylic, but this is wrong. Yes, they can be used for yourself, but if you are going to sell your work, then such funds are not suitable. Some products do not even need additional coating.

Remember that with direct contact with the skin, clay can lead to an allergy or other undesirable reactions. It happens infrequently, but it’s better not to take risks. So for work, use rubber gloves, you can medical, as they are very thin. In addition, choose dishes from which you definitely will not eat, because it will become unsuitable for this.

What tools are required to work with polymer clay?

Clay sculpting tools
Clay sculpting tools

Each master has a certain set of tools that is important for work:

  • Surface. Special plastic or glass surfaces, preferably large sizes. Others should not be used for work, as they have different drawbacks.
  • Knives and blades. Different in thickness and size are required. They differ in good acuteness and do not deform the products during their cutting.
  • Sandpaper. It is designed to polish surfaces or, conversely, create bumps.
  • Textile. It is also used in polishing to create an additional shine.
  • Needles and knitting needles. There should also be several sizes. Need to create holes or small dents.
  • Glue. Allows you to connect some parts of the product.
  • Extruder. Something like a syringe. Polymer clay is squeezed out of it. Such tools have different nozzles and therefore you can make products of different shapes. Similarly, this is something like a confectionery syringe.

What can be done from polymer clay: ideas, photo

Professionals are able to do real miracles with polymer clay. So today you can meet:

  • Earrings
  • Rings
  • Pendants or pendants
  • Beautiful beads, bracelets and other jewelry
  • Hair jewelry
  • Brows
  • Britics
  • Frames for the photo
  • Toys
  • Figures and souvenirs
  • Jewelry for the Christmas tree
  • Dolls
  • Paintings

To do the work, only clay is not always needed. Many crafts require additional jewelry. For example, it may be required for jewelry the base, chains, threads, beads, sparkles and other elements.

Slices of orange
Slices of orange

Video: Master class: chairs in miniature 1:12 from polymer clay

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