What is nasvay, what is it made of - is this a way to quit smoking or a new addiction? The composition of nasva, harm to health and the consequences of use

What is nasvay, what is it made of - is this a way to quit smoking or a new addiction? The composition of nasva, harm to health and the consequences of use

The concept of nasopia, the effect on the body and the consequences of administration.

In adolescents, a light drug called Nasvay acquired a lot of widespread. This is a traditional smoking tobacco, which was brought to us from the countries of Central Asia. It is used in Kyrgyzstan, as well as Tajikistan. In the article we will tell you what the nasvay is, what it consists of, and what consequences arise after its reception.

What is nasvay: a way to quit smoking or a new dependence?

The main popularity is due to the fact that for use there is no need to chop or smoke anything. It is enough to put a few balls under the tongue, behind the upper, lower lip, wait for absorption. In no case should you swallow saliva, which stands out after resorption. It is necessary to spit it out. The drug contains aggressive substances that, if when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, can cause an ulcer, gastritis.

First of all, when using nasvay, lips, oral cavity, and throat suffer. Very quickly, people who have hooked on nasvay spoil their teeth, ulcers appear on the lips, as well as a burning sensation in the larynx. This is due to the fact that the drug contains a flashed lime, which is an alkalis that corrodes the mucous membranes in the body.

Since 2013, the sale of nasva in Russia has been prohibited. Before that, it was possible to purchase a drug in ordinary trays, where they offer spices, and many acquired it, because the tool was positioned as a way to quit smoking.

In fact, nasvay causes a strong psychological dependence. After some time, people may have a need for stronger drugs. Affidized smokers can use this drug up to 30 times a day. Almost the whole day they absorb grains with a drug.


What nasvay is made of: composition

In fact, nasvay is a psychotropic substance, because it affects consciousness. Many make nasvays from tobacco dust, which remains after the production of tobacco. Initially made from NASA plant. This is a subspecies of wild hemp. For the first time, nasvy was made from raw materials growing in the Chui valley.

Composition nasva:

  • Plant of us (tobacco, synthetic drugs)
  • Chicken droppings
  • Ash
  • Slaked lime
  • Vegetable oil
  • Aromatic additives

It is sold in the form of green or brown balls in small disposable bags. This substance is prepared at home, that is, there is no control from the state and production. Recently, has gained popularity among young people, especially among schoolchildren age 13-16.

In the markets, this substance is positioned as a means to combat smoking. In fact, after the consumption of a substance, a strong nicotine dependence develops. Because the amount of nicotine in Nasva much exceeds the concentration in ordinary cigarettes, and even more so in electronic vapes.

Now, in general, many manufacturers are not clear what they use as the main component. During the tests, synthetic drugs, camel excrement, and seasonings were discovered as part of Nasva. There are cases when it did not have a hint of tobacco at all.


The action of nasva on the body

The fact is that after resorption of nasva, within 5 or 10 minutes, a slight clouding in the eyes occurs, relaxation. The drug does not work for long, so many schoolchildren use it at breaks. Teachers, as well as other personnel working at school, do not notice that children use drugs, precisely because there are no difficulties in the use of substance. No need to hide, smoke in the toilet. Just throw the ball in the mouth or under the tongue.

The consequences of using nasva:

  • Due to the fact that this drug has chicken droppings, various infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract may occur
  • Hepatitis often occurs
  • When using drugs, the stomach suffers
  • Can cause ulcers and gastritis, as well as a variety of intestinal infections
  • It is precisely because of the consumption of chicken and lime that smokers very often find cancer of the lips

Harm nasva

In some Central Asian countries, where nasvay is very common, 80% of the people who suffer from lip cancer use nasvay. It is not like a coincidence, because the percentage of smokers suffering from oncology is very high.

After the use of nasopia, there is a need to switch to more severe drugs, because this amount of psychotropic substance is not enough for the development of euphoria, as well as relaxation, but enough to create drug addiction.

With frequent use of nasvay, fatigue, headaches, and imbalance develops. A feeling of confusion is often observed. In the course of studies, it was found that the substance has a strong psychotropic effect, accordingly changes are observed in the personality of a person, his character and lifestyle.


Constant drug use can cause infertility. This was officially confirmed at the National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan. Indeed, the drug significantly affects the reproductive function of those who use the drug, sperm production stops. The fact is that the childbearing function is lost, and it is quite difficult to restore it, irreversible consequences arise.

If you find a similar product in your child in your pocket, you need to talk with it and convince you to refuse drugs. Press, threaten the child, it makes no sense. If you continue to notice that the teenager uses the drug, we advise you to contact a narcological dispensary. There are certain treatment programs that will help get rid of psychological dependence.

As you can see, despite the positioning of the drug, as a means of getting rid of nicotine dependence, this is a very strong psychotropic substance, when taking which, there is an even stronger dependence than after smoking cigarettes.

Video: harm nasva

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