What is face mesotherapy and how is it doing? Methods of mesotherapy of the face

What is face mesotherapy and how is it doing? Methods of mesotherapy of the face

There are several mesotherapy techniques. The doctor selects a suitable method to eliminate a certain problem.

Women have been waged for many centuries for the war with wrinkles. Our great -grandmothers used exotic rejuvenation methods using bodyagi and other similar natural cosmetics.

Women of our time were more lucky, because they have access to modern facial rejuvenation methods - effective and safe for the skin. They allow a non -surgical way to smooth out any wrinkle - deep or superficial.

Such methods help to remove sagging of the skin and cope with its dryness. One of the popular rejuvenation methods is the restoration of the skin using healthy injections.

What is mesotherapy and why is it needed?

Mesotherapy - anti -aging injections
Mesotherapy - anti -aging injections

Mesotherapy - This is a method in which drugs with biologically active substances are administered under the skin. The body is enriched with vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and important enzymes that help maintain the youth of the cells.

Mesotherapy It is necessary in order to improve blood circulation in the skin. Thanks to the ingress of substances into the epidermis layer, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated.

What facial mesotherapy techniques exist?

The doctor examines the skin of the face
The doctor examines the skin of the face

This rejuvenation method can be used as an independent recovery procedure, as well as in combination with other methods. There are several facial mesotherapy techniques:

  • Nappage. Therapy is carried out superficially in the form of frequent injections. Such a superficial method of introducing the drug allows you to use any substances, except for gel consistency cocktails
  • Papal technique. During injections of this method, papules of different sizes are formed. This allows you to deposit any medicine effectively for the skin. It is performed by women who have weakly expressed subcutaneous fat cells
  • Retrograde linear technique. The formation of linear channels in the skin layer occurs. After that, they are evenly filled in the reverse course of the syringe needle. Helps to cope with scars and deep wrinkles

Injection mesotherapy of the face

Injection mesotherapy of the face
Injection mesotherapy of the face

The injection type of mesotherapy is one of the most universal. It has a huge number of indications.

Manipulations can be prescribed both for smoothing small facial wrinkles, and to eliminate scars, combat acne and reduce adipose tissues.

Injection mesotherapy of the face is performed by introducing such active substances:

  • Elastin and collagen
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Plant components
  • Medications
  • Organic acids
  • Various trace elements
  • Vitamin complex

Oxygen mesotherapy of the face

Oxygen enriches the skin
Oxygen enriches the skin

This rejuvenation method is called a procedure for non -wings. The difference between oxygen mesotherapy of the face and other types of such a procedure lies in non -invasive effects on the epidermal layer.

A stream of pure oxygen supplied with a huge speed helps to saturate the skin with useful substances.

Important: the method of high comfort and completely safe and painless, but in quality it is not inferior to injection technologies.

Oxygen takes an active part in cell regeneration, metabolism and tissue enrichment with useful substances. If you increase the oxygen content in the cell, then the active substances that are applied to problem skin instantly penetrate the lower layer of the epidermis.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • At the first stage, gas -liquid peeling is made. Oxygen is actively involved in this procedure
  • The next stage provides for the treatment of the skin with a stream of oxygen, due to which the cells and tissues are saturated
  • At the last stage, therapeutic cocktails are introduced using an oxygen stream. The choice of mesococcetil depends on the problem of the elimination of which such a process is aimed

Facial mesotherapy results, photos before and after

Mesotherapy - before and after
Mesotherapy - before and after
Mesotherapy - before and after
Mesotherapy - before and after
Mesotherapy - before and after
Mesotherapy - before and after

Each woman who will rejuvenate the skin with mesococctate will be pleased with the results of the mesotherapy of the face. Photos before and after will help to see the difference in the condition of the skin of the face before the procedure and a couple of hours after it.

Mesotherapy - before and after
Mesotherapy - before and after
Mesotherapy - before and after
Mesotherapy - before and after

Why do bruises arise after facial mesotherapy?

Proper mesotherapy - a minimum of side effects
Proper mesotherapy - a minimum of side effects

Hematomas on tissues after the rejuvenation procedure is a side effect that is difficult to avoid.

Tip: Contact experienced cosmetologists. The longer this specialist works in the field of cosmetology, the less side effects will be after the procedure.

So, why do bruises arise after facial mesotherapy? The procedure is carried out using microscopic needles. But, despite this, these injections can cause bruises.

Important: the side effect in the form of bruises after the introduction of mesococctates does not affect the effectiveness of the injection method of rejuvenation. The finest rupture of the epidermal tissue occurs due to the rapid administration of the drug.

Face care after mesotherapy

Take care of your face after mesotherapy!
Take care of your face after mesotherapy!

To reduce the strong manifestation of side effects, it is necessary to care for the face after mesotherapy:

  • Do not touch your hands, so as not to make a hematoma even more
  • Do not use face care cosmetics and decorative cosmetics
  • Do not visit the solarium, bath or sauna. Beware of the effects of direct sunlight, especially in the summer

Important: follow these rules within a day after the procedure, and then you will have an amazing effect after such a modern face rejuvenation methodology.

Contraindications for face mesotherapy

The girl is done mesotherapy
The girl is done mesotherapy

Every woman wants to be young and beautiful, but not everyone can use this or that method. Contraindications for face mesotherapy:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the cocktail, which is applied to the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin
  • Acute inflammatory processes of the epidermis (eczema, herpes, psoriasis)
  • Diseases baking and stones in the gall bladder
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period
  • Fever, elevated body temperature
  • Heart disease and blood vessels
  • Low immunity

How often can you do face -therapy?

Inspection of the skin of the face
Inspection of the skin of the face

The skin rejuvenation sessions with injections can be started from 25 years. To achieve a good effect, you will need 2-3 procedures. Some women, with problem skin, have to make up to 6 such sessions.

How often can you do face -therapy? The course of treatment, consisting of 6 procedures, can be repeated every six months.

Is it worth doing facial mesotherapy: tips and reviews

Beautiful skin after mesotherapy
Beautiful skin after mesotherapy

Women often doubt whether or not to do the rejuvenation procedure. After all, they do not know which methods are safe and which can harm the skin or body.

Therefore, they are wondering: is it worth doing facial mesotherapy? Tips and reviews of other ladies who have already conducted at least one course of such a procedure will help make a choice in favor of mesotherapy for face rejuvenation.

Tip: Listen to the advice of a cosmetologist. If there are contraindications, then it is better to refuse the procedure.

Important: if there are no contraindications, then there are practically no complications.

Tip: Mesotherapy must be done if there are obvious skin disadvantages. Consult with a cosmetologist, and he will select a suitable appearance of this therapy for your face skin.

Mesotherapy of the face is not painful. If you are afraid of injections, do the procedure with oxygen. The effect will be great! Each woman notes an excellent result after such a process of rejuvenation of the face. Be always young and beautiful!

Video: Mesotherapy of the face - how the procedure is carried out, discussion of professionals.

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Comments K. article

  1. Mesotherapy, as a rule, is recommended for use in the formation of serious age -related changes on the skin (after 40 years), while biorevitalization is most often used for preventive purposes at a fairly young age, starting from 25 years. Cosmetologists resort to the introduction of pure hyaluronic acid in any age category as an additional tool that supports the optimal level of moisture and renewal of epidermal cells.

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