What is a dream - how to choose the right dream, why people betray it: useful books

What is a dream - how to choose the right dream, why people betray it: useful books

People live in different ways their lives, someone prefers to move away from complex reality to the world of dreams, and they are commonly called them inappropriate, unable to cope with household issues, and someone, on the contrary, is extremely pragmatical, and considers dreams of excess, stupidity. But both of them are unhappy, since the correct portion of dreams in everyday life motivates a person to change.

A dream is a concept familiar to every person, but can you give him an exact definition? No. And all because the concept of dreams for every person is different. But one distinctive feature of all these definitions has, because for each of us a dream is a direction and inspiration in everyday life.

What is a dream?

  • Reality is very often painted in monotonous tones, and so I want to get out of this state, run away from a series of problems and tasks. Here they will come in handy testament dreams, one of the definitions of the word a dream is to create an image of a new desired reality in thoughts.
  • And the clearer and more in more detail a person creates the desired state in his imagination, the easier it is for him to draw up an action plan to achieve this state. Therefore, people who act mechanically throughout life, without paying due attention to their dreams, miss many opportunities presented by fate.
  • But children do not have such problems, they are still very open to the world And do not create meaningless boundaries to their imagination. They easily come up with a whole universe in their dreams, be it dreams of a future profession or about some physical things. And these dreams are the most strong and sincere.
Children have no fantasy boundaries
Children have no fantasy boundaries
  • It is not for nothing that many motivators in their books and interviews recommend wards, having lost themselves and a desire for life, to remember children's dreams. After all, such dreams are nothing more than a representation of the best, ideal version of oneself.
  • And then it happens growing up and a clash with cruel reality, the understanding comes that to achieve global goals it takes a lot of effort and time, and not everyone finds such a huge resource. Many surrender, betray a dream and dissolve in the mass of dissatisfied and embittered people.
  • However, dream is a divine gift, which only people are endowed, this is exactly what distinguishes us from animals. And this is a creative gift, you only need to direct it into the right direction. After all, each person makes plans for a day, year, several years. The implementation of the points of this plan is nothing more than a step -by -step approach to the future, we can say this is the process of embodiment of a dream. So, for the embodiment of a dream, you need to act.
To dream
To dream
  • This is the whole secret. If only dream And nothing to do, you can lose touch with reality, and if you dream, make plans and gradually embody them, then dreams will certainly lead a person to the best future.
  • It is wonderful if such a guiding dream is in your life, but what to do to people who, for various reasons, have lost this guide? There is a solution. It is necessary to perform a few simple actions, find answers to important questions, and the dream of a delicate light will light up on your personal horizon, you just want to. You are ready?

How to choose the right dream: Practical Guide

The famous coach in his performances often repeats that three things interfere with finding a dream of a person: a complete misunderstanding of his desires, lack of motivation for action and toless actions.

  • So how to choose the right dream? To approach a clear definition of your goals or desires, you need start working on yourself, After all, there are no people who do not dream of anything, but self-doubt makes many forget about their desires and act for the sake of others.
  • In this case, fear is heated by constant tubes: What if it doesn’t work out, and suddenly a failure, they suddenly make fun of. And a person suppresses his hobbies, pushes them to the background.
  • There is one wonderful exercise that will help you defeat uncertainty. Remember the case when your life managed to achieve something. It can be anything that you could say: “Once I did it, then now I can do everything!” Remember the feeling of satisfaction at that moment. And in moments of despondency, remind yourself that case.
  • The next step - choose a dream!
Choose a dream
Choose a dream
  • Determine what causes excitement in your soul. When you talk about your passion, you often call exactly what you like to do, what expresses you. Therefore, it is important to understand why this carries you, what kind of activity. This will help you understand the direction of further actions.
  • Self -reflection. This is a great method to study your true desires. Well, if at this stage someone can listen to you, notice the nuances, prompt. And better - to write down. Write what you like to act, where to go, what to listen and try. Think if you had an absolutely free Saturday, what would you like to do? What occupation do you choose and why?
  • What are you really good? Success depends on how much you like the activity you want to do. Focus on the set of skills that you have the best, the most “pumped”. So you can clarify the circle of preferred responsibilities that will bring you satisfaction and the corresponding direction for their application.
  • What are you ready to compromise? And now a certain area is emerging, the dream that you want to realize. But, in any activity, you will have to face what you categorically do not want to do. And here it is important to narrow the circle of opportunities, minimizing undesirable activities Or compromise, for the sake of achieving the goal. For example, are you ready to move? Why? If not, is it possible to realize your dream on the spot? Not? Understand how you can minimize what annoys you.
Minimize unwanted activities
Minimize unwanted activities
  • Be completely honest with you The relative that it really will bring you happiness, and what is too depressing and will not allow you to move on, throw it out of your head.
  • Who to equal? Studying the topic that attracts you, you probably heard about people who have achieved success in this area. These professionals are your own hopes, these are exactly those people who should be guided by. Therefore, try to find as much information as possible about them, about how they went this path, what difficulties they face every day, what skills they possess and what you are missing to go the same way. This will give you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere to start moving towards the goal.
  • Find like -minded people. If your desire to develop in a certain area is very strong, and relatives and close people do not support you in this, in no case leave the plan. Find like -minded people who will support you and inspire you in moments of weakness or failures. Thanks to the Internet, this is very simple to do. The main thing is to act - do not stop.
  • And now, turn your dream into a set of goals and objectivesWhen performing which, you will approach her.
  • At this stage there is a lot difficulties. Different coaches offer different methods, there is even a list of approximate goals from which you can choose the one that will respond. However, such methods do not always work. And the Americans suggest that we use the most effective way in this case.
  • And it is as follows. For example, you would like to live by the ocean, but you don’t know it should be solar California or the Far North, you want a lot of sun and palm trees or the restrained greatness of eternal pines and the northern lights. However, this does not mean that you do not need to act. Start moving towards the ocean, already along the way you will open up new opportunities, and, having reached the intended goal, you will understand that it is here, the place that you were looking for. Or not here, which means the path is not finished yet, and you are moving on. The whole secret is to start.
Ideal technique
Ideal technique
  • This method is good because does not limit the number of options one, And leaves a wide field of opportunities. That is, it is suitable for not fully determined.
  • But there is a minus, of course. It is that if the choice is too extensive It’s too easy to go astray. The shortest distance between two points is reliable straight line. If your dreams are obvious to you, pursue them. Creating additional features and buying lottery tickets are not a ticket towards to achieve the results of your dreams. This is a dangerous sabotage that will change you.

Why do people betray a dream?

In most cases, the reason is hidden very deep, in the bowels of the soul and it is very difficult to extract it to the surface. You need to delve into yourself well, and then people find:

  • That they are afraid of success.
  • That already have negative experience and do not want its repetition.
  • That they are tired of obstacles and failures, and want to feel the taste of victory again.
  • That they have lost themselves in an endless race for a dream.
  • That the passion that inspired at the beginning of the journey disappeared.

Somewhere here appears the desire to quit the movement to the dream. We are all afraid of failure, failure scares its unpredictability, failures are destructive for mental health.

Suspend a dream
Suspend a dream
  • Failures are often associated with a person and its character, provoking negative attitudes. However, in popular literature on the subject of success, more and more failures are considered from the point of view of experience, and can be very useful for personal growth.
  • They can serve suitable time for analysis, regrouping forces, searching for alternative options. But how many failures on the way to the goal can you take out emotionally? This measure is individual in each case. And sometimes he pushes a person to throw his way, forget all the efforts spent on achieving the goal and forget about the dream that had previously inspired.
  • At some point the person just gives up. And society takes it for weakness. On all sides, business columns tell us that failures on the way to achieving the goal are required, we need to extract experience and move on, and the refusal to move further is nothing more than manifestations of infantilism, inability to fight. And society deprives such people of compassion, support, excludes worthy ranks.
  • But because of this, many remain in relationships or with goals that are no longer relevant, which are no longer suitable for them, showing blind perseverance, if only to do not break this vicious circle and not be in the field of public censure. Which, in fact, perverts the concept of perseverance, bringing it closer to mania. Sometimes, a rejection of the goal is the best choice if it is not impulsive.
Public censure
Public censure
  • In the latest publications of scientific literature refusal to achieve a dream is no longer considered as a negative result. When there is a risk of pursuing the unattainable, the rejection of such a persecution is the best option. At some point, such a refusal will help you prevent subsequent failures, which, we will be honest, will not add health and self-confidence.
  • The endless series of failures on your way to the cherished dream depleted the mental and physical resources of the body, it will make you lethargic, pessimistic, and unattractive, which will only add problems for you.
  • On the other hand, the rejection of this particular dream will allow you to make a stop and make you open to other opportunities, perhaps you will return your inspiration in other matters that will increase your confidence and quality of life. The rejection of the dream will not become an obstacle to further development, if you can redistribute your efforts and engage in another, more suitable activity.

How not to betray a dream?

The following steps will help you determine if your desire is impulsive. Think:

  • Your goal is achievable? Various factors, in the process of embodiment of your desires, can serve as risk factors: biological, social, cultural, economic. For example, elderly can become a physiological reason for failure in sports competitions. This does not mean that you do not need to try, but it may be that health will let you down on the way to success, but this should not oppress you.
  • Market conditions They may prevent your business from flying up. Nevertheless, in many cases, the picture is ambiguous, and determining the possibilities of achieving the goal often the issue of risk management. No one can tell you with confidence when it is better to change your career, when it is better to start or close your business, when the struggle for reducing corruption will be unsuccessful.
Do not leave your dream
Do not leave your dream

The most important thing is to understand at the beginning of the path which of the risk factors are under your control, and which do not depend on you, which of them are constant and which are changeable. The more you have risks control over the factors, the greater the likelihood of achieving risk, but remember, this is just a likelihood.

  1. How not to betray a dream? Plan resources for other pressing goals. Each person has important and interesting projects that he develops in parallel. So, instead of completely abandoning everything, for the sake of a low -income goal, which will take away all your physical, mental and material resources, redistribute the time and effort to classes that bring you pleasure and restoration, which will allow you to support yourself and is nourished with positive energy. In almost all books to achieve goals in life, the authors argue that people who are able to abandon the unattainable have a high level of emotional freedom. They easily switch to less global projects and eventually reach a dream. That is, there will always be other options to get what you want, you only need to stop in time, get distracted and look at the situation from different sides.
  2. Avoid procrastination. If you felt that your dream no longer pleases you and does not inspire you, bury it, cry a little about it and forget it. All! Do not return to this again and again. A rejection of the goal, of course, is a complex and unpleasant process that will require some willpower from you, but you need to move on. If you allow yourself to constantly remember the failed dream, that you did not try enough or have missed opportunities somewhere, then you will stuck in self-self-pity, which will not lead you to anything good. It is better to focus on new projects, direct your emotions and hopes in a new direction, try, and you will certainly achieve what you want.

And in order to get more inspiration to achieve a better state now, begin to change your thinking. Books of brilliant tutors will help you with this.

Dream Books: List, Brief Review

Here is a selection of the best, in our opinion, motivating books about a dream:

  1. "12 weeks of the year" Brian Moran, Michael Lennington
  • Your future begins here and now, so that's enough to postpone your capabilities until better times. A new life does not begin on Monday, from the next month, from the New Year. And the path to success does not consist of small household tasks, but of the solution more voluminous.
  • Therefore, in order to encourage action, the author of the book considers it necessary to divide the year into gaps of 12 weeks and plan all cases for this period. He believes that the presence of clear terms increases the efficiency of work. Unlike planning for a year, when there is only one deadline and it is far away, 12-week marathons 4 times a year and much closer.
  • The main advantages of such a breakdown are the best focus on the most important thing, which will not allow you to spray in trifles and higher forecasting accuracy.
  • Also in the book you will find a lot of useful tips to increase personal efficiency, these are simple and effective advice that you can use now in order to get more favorable results tomorrow.
Do not put off for later
Do not put off for later
  1. “A whole life. The main skills to achieve your goals " Jack Canfield, Hughitt Forest, and Mark Victor Hansen
  • A very good book that will help you form your own way of achieving a dream through a set of constant habits. The authors of the book claim that the formation of the habit of acting daily in the direction of the dream will help you, in the end, get what you want.
  • The book tells how to clearly formulate the goal for yourself, how to plan steps to achieve the desired, how to develop effective habits in yourself.
  1. « Psychology of achievements. How to achieve the goals "Heidi Grant Halvorson
  • The book from the first pages fascinates that it is well structured and interestingly filled. Contains a lot of useful and effective tips for use in ordinary life.
  • The author will teach you how to determine your dream or imposed, lays out dreams by categories, explains what steps you need to take to achieve success in any category.
  • The book will be very useful for those who, by virtue of their orientation, should motivate other people to achieve a common goal. Since many motivational techniques and the possibilities of their use are described here.
  1. “52 Monday. How to achieve any goals in a year? " Vic Johnson
  • Another book about small, but daily steps on the way to a big result. If you, over the past year, wrote 10 pages weekly, then for its completion would have already had a full -fledged book. If over the past 52 weeks you took one lesson in the piano game, then by the completion of this period they would have been quite tolerably owned by the instrument. If…
  • Do not let yourself put off actions for later. The book on how to plan your time daily, in order to get to a dream as a result.
The content of the book How to achieve any goals in a year?
The content of the book "How to achieve any goals in a year?"
  1. "Achievement of the goal" Brian Tracy
  • Surprisingly effective ways to achieve results in anything, the author offers us. He suggests that 3% of people who write down their goals and steps in their achievements earn 10 times more than the remaining 97% of people.
  • And, if your dream attracts you, then take yourself into service the effective advice of Brian Tracy, and move to your best future.

So, you have many tools and motivation. Do not put off actions to achieve what you want for later. Start your movement to the dream now - read, for example, one of the proposed books. And let good luck accompany you!

Video: How to achieve a dream?

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