What is a composition in literature: definition, concept, types, elements of compositions, examples

What is a composition in literature: definition, concept, types, elements of compositions, examples

Analysis of the definition of the composition in the literature, its elements and types.

In this article, we will give a detailed answer what the composition is in the literature: definition, concept, types, elements of compositions, examples.

What is a composition in literature: definition

In literary criticism there is no single concept of what the composition is in literature, but there are all kinds of generalizing concepts that give a general understanding of such a complex component of each work. As even in ancient times, you can know thousands of exciting stories, but units are able to tell them interestingly. Why do you think? Yes, because the innate feeling of composition in literature is extremely rare, and before only a small percentage of gifted people could tell so that thousands of people were heard.

Today, the composition in the literature is very well indicated and studying this type of construction of the work, you can easily tell and write so that your works are read with pleasure.

The composition in the literature adds to the work of harmony and integrity
The composition in the literature adds to the work of harmony and integrity

The composition in the literature is a certain structure of the literary text, as well as the consistent placement of parts of the narrative, understandable and interesting for the reader. Thanks to this structure, a person gets acquainted with the work, follows the development of events and reaches the final denouement. Depending on the wishes of the author, the composition is built in one way or another.

What is a composition in literature: elements of compositions with examples

It is recommended to master the concept of composition in literature not only to future writers and screenwriters, but also to each person. After all, every day we are faced with the need to express our thoughts, to describe certain events. And if you know about the rules for building a composition in literature, you will not have difficulties in expressing your thoughts and feelings.

Elements of composition in literature are called parts of works reflecting certain stages of the development of events in a work of art.

Eight elements of the composition in the literature:

  • Prologue - This is an introduction that reveals the curtain to the reader and fuel interest in reading. Today it is believed that if the reader is bored on the first two pages, in 98% of cases he will not switch even to the third. Therefore, the prologue must be devoted to a sufficient amount of time. Prologue is also often a hall in which they introduce the reader with the heroes of the work and the main storyline;
  • Exposition - This is the tie of the work, the story of how it all began. The exposition tells the background of the adventures that are described in the work. Also in this part of the work, the writer introduces the reader to the inner world, thoughts and actions of both the hero and other participants in the work, the purpose of which is to explain to the reader, why the hero chooses one or another way. The exposure can be both direct and detained. An example of a detained exhibition is the novel "Oblomov" Goncharov. The exposition in this novel is located in the middle of the work. This trick is used by the authors to intrigue the reader and attract maximum attention to reading the work. Another experimenter is Gogol, in the Dead Souls he placed the exposition in the conclusion of the work, thereby giving the reader thoughts for reflection, after reading the book. But Direct Exposition - the novel "Three Musketeers" Dyuma. Dumas without delaying events at the beginning of the novel tells about D’Artagnan himself and his family;
  • The attachment of the action is part of the work that describes the events preceding before the start of the main action. In this part of the element of the work, the author either indicates the presence of a conflict, problems, contradictions, the inability to fulfill desire, or on the contrary, creates this situation. For example, we point to the eyeballs in Eugene Onegin. The protagonist’s uncle dies, and he is forced to go to the estate to enter the rights of inheritance. But Joan Rowling sent a letter to an invitation, according to which Harry Potter goes to school and generally finds out that he is not a boy under the stairs, but the son of wizards, and the wizard himself;
  • The main action - This is an element of a work of art, which tells of the main actions that are performed by the main characters after passing the tie, but not reaching the climax of the work. In fact, this is the middle of the work;
  • The climax of the work - This is the peak of the narrative, the most stressful place in history. It is here that the hottest disputes unfold, the peak of the conflict and the most acute form to which the heroes could reach. In the already previously given example, the novel Eugene Onegin was the news of the death of Uncle, but the climax is the explanation of Onegin and Tatyana, when she loves him, as before, but he missed his chance. And Tatyana, despite the fact that her heart is burning with love for him, is not ready to dishonor herself and refuses Onegin. A broken heart after these lines, not only on Onegin, but also the reader. But the climax of the story about d’Artagnan is the death of the beloved of Constance Bonasier. But there may be several climaxes in the work. The more hot spots, the cooler the tie is made, the more interesting and enchanting the climax shoots, bringing the reader to delight;
  • The denouement of the work - This is an element that describes the outcome of the confrontation, conflict. This is the result of a work that leaves the most vivid aftertaste. In Victorian's love novels, the wedding or scene in the gazebo of her husband and wife surrounded by kids was most often a denouement. In the novel about the glorious musketeer of d’Artagnan, the execution of Milady serves and the heroes remain in sad, but righteous thoughts;
  • Epilogue - The last chord, which tells the fate of the heroes, and why they came to this future after the above events in the work. For example, in the novel “War and Peace”, Tolstoy allocated enough space for the epilogue and described how the life of the heroes of the novel developed, and also drew attention to how the worldview, character and aspiration of heroes changed;
  • Lyrical digression - This is an element in which the author deviates from the essence of the work in order to describe certain actions, as well as the thoughts of heroes. In a lyrical digression, the author can deviate both in the theme of the work, and completely move away from the concept of the work. Gogol has a lot of lyrical digressions in the novel Dead Souls.

What is a composition in literature: types with examples

The authors used many types of composition, and experimented for a long time, offering readers new solutions. But as practice has shown, the composition should be not only bright and unusual, but also understandable to the reader. The literary critics deduced the classification of the main types of composition, and there are only four of them.

Types of composition in literature:

  • Consistent, also called direct or even linear. In this type of composition, in the literature, events are portrayed in a chronological sequence, and each subsequent event goes on chronology, which gives the reader a clear and understandable picture of what is happening, as in the calendar. Examples of such works are the novels “War and Peace”, “Woe from Wit” and many other novels of Russian literature;
  • Ring composition in the literature - This is a species in which events are such as a turn that the beginning and end of the novel is one and the same event. Sometimes, it is served from a different angle, and sometimes completely repeated events. A striking example of this species is the novel Eugene Onegin. At the beginning of the work, Onegin rejects the young beauty, not wanting to burden herself with duties, and at the end Tatyana rejects Onegin, being already burdened with his obligations with another man;
Evgeny Onegin - a bright model of composition in the literature
"Eugene Onegin" is a bright model of composition in the literature
  • The story in the story - The type of composition in the literature, thanks to which, the author is the main character of the novel. This type of composition makes it possible for the chief hero to the narrator, to tell your story. This technique was used by Gorky, in the novel "Old Woman Isergil";
  • Mirror - the type of composition in the literature in which the events in the tie and events in the climax and the denouement are the same or coincide in meaning and action. A striking example, the novel “Anna Karenina” in which the beginning of the work is - the main character travels by train, and at the station the train knocks a person when stopping. A person lies on the paths, and on the platform there are thoughts on how he lived and how he finished. The denouement of the work - Anna rushes under the train. Fast death and regret of society.

In addition to these four species, three more are used, but they were offered by A.B. Sesin not so long ago, and therefore they are an addition, and not the main species.

  • Retrospection - This type of works differs in that at the beginning the events of the present tense are described, but later, already in the eyeballs, the reader opens the curtain of the past. A striking example is the work "Mashenka" Nabokov;
  • Default - This type of composition in the literature is distinguished by some mystery and is often used in writing detectives. So, for example, Pushkin, creating the novel “Bridles”, all the narrative is silent about what happened to the heroine during the escape from the house, but reveals this secret to the reader only at the end. Thus, Pushkin kept the intrigue of the whole work, forcing actively reading the book in order to rather find out all the details of what happened;
  • Free type of composition in literature - This is a species that mixes two or more types of compositions, and at the same time it is impossible to distinguish a key one.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video lesson about the composition in the literature.

Video: composition of a literary and artistic work

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