What is a security code for aliexpress when paying a bank card? Why indicate the security code to Aliexpress? Is it possible to enter a bank card security code for Aliexpress?

What is a security code for aliexpress when paying a bank card? Why indicate the security code to Aliexpress? Is it possible to enter a bank card security code for Aliexpress?

What is a security code when ordering for Aliexpress And is it possible to pay for goods without it.

At what stage of placing the order is the security code and how can scammers use it? Is there another way to make a payment? New or regular customers Aliexpress Sooner or later, the question arises about the safety of payment of goods selected in the online store. Is it worth trusting Aliexpressand how does the Internet platform solve the issue of security of its customers?

We will try to dispel all doubts and answer these and other questions that interest you.

If you first opened an online store Aliexpress And you don’t know how purchases are made here, then read this article.

What is a security code for Aliexpress when paying a bank card and why indicate it?

  • The code required to the buyer is on the back of the card.
  • Turning over the card with the front side down, we are looking for the numbers on the strip, which is designed for the signature. As a rule, these are three or four digits.
Where is the bank card security code

Why does Aliexpress ask for customer security code?

  • The security code is necessary for the system during payment to confirm the reliability of the information provided on the map of its owner.
  • The system can also request other additional information. For example, the buyer needs to enter the additional code received through the SMS on the phone, which was indicated during registration. Such a code is requested in case of suspicion of fraudulent actions by the buyer.
When paying for the goods by a bank card on Aliexpress, the system requests from the buyer the entry into the appropriate line of the form of ordering code of the card security code
When paying for the goods by a bank card on Aliexpress, the system requests from the buyer the entry into the appropriate line of the form of ordering code of the card security code

Is it possible to enter a bank card security code for Aliexpress, is it safe?

  • For buyers Aliexpress The topic of payment security is relevant and whether it is possible to send secret information to a bank card to the site. Indeed, sending a bank card to the dishonest person, the buyer independently provides him with the opportunity to pay his purchases with this card.
  • Fraudsters make considerable efforts to get the information they need about other people's bank cards. But when secret data reveals the owner of the card, it is difficult to resist the temptation to purchase something for yourself.
  • When making payment, you must be vigilant. However Aliexpress mit is necessary to entrust the data of the bank card. Indeed, for each seller offering goods on the site, it is important that its products are of high quality, and the payment is made in a reliable way.

The main rule that is guided by Alienskress,- This is a guarantee of customer safety and maximum satisfaction of their requests.

Aliexpress can be entrusted with bank card data

Let's try to trace the stages of placing an order on the chain for AliexpressAs an ordinary buyer represents it:

  • The choice of goods and placement of the order.
  • Entering secret information (this step involves the introduction of a security code-the last 3-4 digits of the bank card number that are on its front side).
  • The information received for their purposes can use an attacker or a Kitian passer.

A rather dubious operation, isn't it?

But this is how it looks in reality:

  • When paying for goods on Aliexpress The seller’s side of the buyer’s credit card data is not opened throughout the process of processing the transaction. During payment, confirmation of the order, as well as after the start of the dispute, the seller cannot find out the customer security code Aliexpress. Only the resource has this information Alienskress, on which a high -quality, for years, a proven security system has been functioning.
  • The seller can find out the security code only if the buyer himself tells him this information in personal correspondence.
  • For one of the largest companies in the world, it is important to monitor the safety of data received from customers. If suddenly there is a leak of information from Aliexpress And it will get into free access, then the reputation of one of the largest trading floors will be caused by serious damage.
  • Therefore, payment by a bank card of goods for Aliexpress - Absolutely safe operation. Other online stores for which each client is important work on the same system.
Three digits that need to be entered for safe purchases for aliexpress
Three digits that need to be entered for safe purchases for aliexpress

So safe or not to pay for purchases for Aliexpress by a bank card:

  • bank card data entered when paying for goods are not available for sellers Aliexpress
  • secret information of the card is not stored in the system Aliexpress
  • card data is nowhere except the system Aliexpress, Do not display
  • payments on Aliexpress Pass through the service Alipayhaving strong data distribution protection
  • all user data Aliexpress Protected.

In the interests of the virtual site - the reliability and cyber protection of the program. A high reputation is built on this Aliexpress.

How to protect yourself, so as not to suffer from attackers when paying for goods on Aliexpress?

  • Do not disclose to anyone the secret data of your bank card.
  • Enter the information that the system requests Aliexpress Only in the appropriate form.
  • Do not transfer payment data from a bank card to the seller, under whatever the pretext they are requested.
  • Do not switch to suspicious sites that are disguised as a resource Aliexpress,send mailings and ask to specify the data of the bank card, as well as the security code.
  • Solve all controversial issues regarding the delivery of the order through the “dispute” section.
  • Having decided to order the goods, check the site address.
  • Use antivirus when switching from a third -party site to Aliexpress At the link from the letter received, so that viruses or Trojan programs do not calculate secret information.
  • If the site that exactly repeats the page design Aliexpress, immediately requests the input of data from a bank card, it is better to play it safe: open several sections and check how everything works there, whether you are familiar with the design of the page. So you can make sure that you have switched to the site that you visited repeatedly.
  • If among the bank's proposals there are additional security services of the card (SMS-informing, SMS confirmation, limit for Internet purchases), then turn on them.
  • To make Internet purchases, it is better to start a separate bank card and not leave large amounts of money on it.
  • If there is such an opportunity in the bank, then order a virtual card, which is a second card attached to a common account.

Is it possible to pay for a purchase without a security code for Aliexpress?

If you pay for goods on Aliexpress by a bank card, without a security code you will not be able to complete the payment. The code is an inseparable part of the filling of the details.

If you still doubt the reliability of the security system Aliexpress, you can pay for the goods in one of the following ways:

  • use kiwi wallet
  • make a payment with the help service Yandex Money
  • pay for purchases through Webmoney

All of the above options involve the introduction of the buyer’s wallet into the corresponding line.

Methods for paying for goods for aliexpress
Methods for paying for goods for aliexpress

What should you be afraid when making purchases in online stores by bank cards?

  • Fraudsters will constantly improve their methods of obtaining the necessary information. They use various methods that make the owner of the bank card make a transition to a page, the design of which is similar to the usual one.
  • The purpose of the attackers is to enter the user of data from their card. For this, attackers send letters to the e -mail of bank cards. The text of the letter is official, everything looks like on the usual page of the online store. As if the letter was sent by the store support service. That's just an attentive user will notice a small difference between the address of a truly existing online store and fictional by scammers. Aliexpresc can take the form of Allexpress.
The purpose of the attackers is to enter the user of the data of their card
  • At first glance, the address is no different and if the user makes the transition, as he is indicated in the letter, to this page and introduce the number of his card to the “purposes” of security, it will remain without penniless.
  • Attackers organize the same substitution using viruses and Trojan programs.
    Consider another case of fraud. The buyer pays for the goods for Alienskress And after some time he receives a letter from the seller, in which he recognizes the incorrect misunderstanding.
  • The seller allegedly, in order to maintain his reputation, offers the buyer to return the money directly to the bank card, and even pay for compensation for the inconvenience. The only thing required from the buyer is the number of his card, name, validity and security code. Then everything is simple and understandable: the buyer discovers the savings removed from his card.

Video: How to pay for an order for Aliexpress through a card?

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