What are hashtags, why do they need and how to use them? How to make, put a hashtag in contact, instagram, facebook, twitter, classmates? How to write hashtags correctly: writing rules, examples

What are hashtags, why do they need and how to use them? How to make, put a hashtag in contact, instagram, facebook, twitter, classmates? How to write hashtags correctly: writing rules, examples

Read the article what hashtags are and why they are needed.

A few years ago, no one heard about hashtags, and now they are actively used on Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte or Instagram. Many people know what tags are and why they are needed. But, what is hestegs, some people have to guess. You will find answers to this and other questions in this article.

What is a hashtags - a sign sign before a word, and why are they needed?

What is a hashtags - a sign sign before a word, and why are they needed?
What is a hashtags - a sign sign before a word, and why are they needed?

Tags are necessary in order to structure content on specific topics. Heshtags are added to the posts to briefly characterize it. But, what is the hashtags - the sign of the grill before the word, and why are they needed? Here are a few definitions:

  • Hashtag - This is a word or phrase in front of which is a symbol of "#".
  • Such a designation with a tag In the form of one word or even phrases, you need to group messages on the topic.
  • Hashtags allow you to create information channels. A person signs his post and at the same time brings him to a specific channel. When a word or phrase is published, they turn into clickable links. If the user is following such a link, he will see reports of users of the social network, which were marked with such a hashtag.
  • All content managers use phrases with a latticeIn order to increase the number of users on a particular page of social networks, increase the brand recognition and draw attention to a specific event or trend.

In order for this to really work, you need to be able to use the hashtags correctly. There are some subtleties in putting on such marks. Read about this below, but all in order.

How is it written correctly: hashtag or hashtag?

How is it written correctly: hashtag or hashtag?
How is it written correctly: hashtag or hashtag?

In Russian, a foreign word " hashtag»Founds in two versions: hashtag and hashtag. But how to write correctly: hashtag or hashtag? Write correctly in both versions, this will not be a mistake. In general, the writing of this word is not assigned a large role, so you can write as you want or how convenient.

How to write a hashtag sign of a lattice before a word on the keyboard?

How to write a hashtag sign of a lattice before a word on the keyboard?
How to write a hashtag sign of a lattice before a word on the keyboard?

This sign is just not to dial on the keyboard. It is rarely used, so the keyboard developers hid it. But how to write a hashtag sign with a lattice before a word on the keyboard? There are several ways:

  1. In the English layout: Switch the keyboard layout to English using Alt+Shift keys and click Shift and sign #. It is located on number 3, but not on a small keyboard, which is right, but above - above the letters.
  2. You can copy this sign in any text, and then insert it into your post.
  3. Any sign can be put using the Alt key. Press this key and dial the number 35 in any layout, but only on the right small keyboard.

Choose any of these options and use to set the sign of the lattice in hashtags.

How to use hashtags: writing rules

How to use hashtags: writing rules
How to use hashtags: writing rules

Heshtags gained popularity back in 2010. But, despite this, many people do not know how to use such marks in their posts on social networks. So how to use hashtags? Writing rules - Guide for beginners:

  • Tags are inserted into the message, anywhere or at the very end.
  • If the hashtag needs to be made up of a few words, then group them into one coat phrase.
  • If you want the words to stand out, then write them in capital letters #Let's get acquainted. It will be the same as # #to meet.
  • In such tags you can set numbers (#Vacation 2017), but punctuation marks in hashtags are unacceptable.
  • You can not put different additional signs in tags, symbols.
  • On Twitter you can see a sign @. Users write such a symbol before the name, and it means that the post is intended for this particular person. The phrase with this signs will not be considered a hashtag.
  • There is no special list of marks. You can come up with a hashtag yourself: put a sign sign in front of a label in the form of a word or a mere phrase that reflects the meaning of the message. This post will be seen not only by subscribers, but also by other strangers. Thus, using the hashtag, you can get new subscribers to your account.
  • If you use a label to join a certain community, use hashtags that are related to the topic. If you speak out about the movie, then use the #film Equilibrium, and not #Ecvalibrium even more good #cinema. Several semantic statements are ineffective in this case.
  • The mark should be simple, otherwise it will look like spam. In addition, on Twitter and Facebook, there should be the maximum of the post of three hashtags, but on Instagram you can use 10 and 20. Do not use the same word in the mark twice: #film Equilibrium! Everyone watch #Ecquilibrium.
  • There must be specifics. If you wrote a joke or a joke in the post, then put the #humor or #joke.
How to use hashtags?
How to use hashtags?

Your readers must understand what your message is about, and then the post will be popular.

How to put a hashtag in contact, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki?

How to put a hashtag in contact, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki?
How to put a hashtag in contact, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki?

The conversion of phrases or words into special marks facilitates online life. If a person writes a message about phones, then puts #iPhone, and the network users are easy to find his article. On social networks, such marks are used for commercial brand promotion or for advertising. Therefore, it is important to know how to put a hashtag in contact, instagram, facebook, twitter, classmates. Detailed leadership:

  • In contact with. If the user of this social network wants to facilitate the search, he introduces in the search bar #The topic. To put your hashtag in VKontakte, you need to write a photo or video, a photo or video, a mark #topic. For example, #cool. Such a grouping of words will lead to the development of discussion, and your topic will become popular.
  • Instagram. This social network is aimed at popularizing pictures, photos and videos. Heshtags are very important here. Tags sort posts by groups and work as separate filters. The phrase should be accurate and specific. You need to put it under a picture, photo or video content. In this social network you can put up to 30 hashtags as much as possible.
  • Facebook. In this social network, it is important to choose the general category of those of interest to phrases, and to put #ahead. If you want to conduct a discussion about some kind of brand, then you can publish the message "fashionable, modern and stylish-#adidas." After the grill, do not put punctuation or additional characters. The page promotion is the main goal of the hashtags on Facebook.
  • Classmates. The search for the same topics in this social network is carried out using hashtags. After fasting, type the lattice sign on the keyboard and the request of interest, for example, #vacation. With the help of such tags in classmates, it is easy to achieve the promotion of one page or group.
  • Twitter. The label is placed right in the tweeting window after the grate sign. When the tweet is published, the label will be highlighted by a contrasting color.

Heshtags will help to tell the public about themselves, and perhaps tomorrow they will talk about you.

Hashtag - translation into Russian

Hashtag - translation into Russian
Hashtag - translation into Russian

From English, HashTag is translated into Russian as a “distribution mark”. This word in English was formed from hash - the sign "lattice", and TEG - a label.

How to come up with a hashtag?

How to come up with a hashtag?
How to come up with a hashtag?

The use of hashtags provides the organizers with the opportunity to create a “hype” around some event and make it discussed in a particular online community and in reality. But in order for this tool to work, you need to come up with a successful and unique mark. There are several rules for creating ideal hashtags:

  • Make a unique mark. The effectiveness of the hashtag depends on uniqueness. If you use only common words to create it, then the label will be lost on the Internet and will not interest anyone.
  • Brief hashtag - popular. A short label will be remembered, and the probability of shortening it in reposts is reduced to zero.
  • Remocrated hashtag - This is its effective use and after advertising or events. But this does not mean that the label should only be interesting, cool or funny. The clarity, expressiveness and compliance with the subject of the event are important.
  • The sequence is equal to the efficiency of using the mark. If you came up with a hashtag to advertise some event, then use it as constantly and often as possible-in any messages, reposts. This is the only way the audience will grab the idea and will promote it further.
How to come up with the right hashtag?
How to come up with the right hashtag?

Tags cannot promote themselves, but users do this. Effective introduction of a hashtag into all marketing elements will bring an excellent result. Now you know how to come up with a hashtag. Accompany them all your messages, articles and letters in electronic form, during the event and after its end.

What does the hashtag TBT mean?

What does the hashtag TBT mean?
What does the hashtag TBT mean?

The abbreviation "TBT" literally deciphens as Throw Back Thursday - back into the past. What does the hashtag TBT mean? The mark with these three letters can be assigned when a post on its old photos or videos. For example, when publishing children's photos, you can put such a hashtag. It is worth noting that #TBT is a kind of winged expression that is often used on social networks.

Writing the mark is simple, but applying it is correctly difficult. It is necessary to be able to analyze news posts in social networks and react to them in a timely manner. The hashtag is convenient for marketers who are promoting, and the ability to make it correctly achieved success.

Video: What are hashtags and how to use them? 5 reasons to use hashtag

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