What are phraseological units - characteristics: Features. What are phraseological units: examples with an explanation

What are phraseological units - characteristics: Features. What are phraseological units: examples with an explanation

In this article we will figure out what phraseological units are and give examples with values.

Phraseologisms are associated and historical units of the language. Together with other words, they make up the vocabulary of the Russian language.

What are phraseological units: review, meaning, examples with an explanation

Phraseological units
Phraseological units

In the vocabulary of the Russian language, many truly amazing words are found and not only. There are generally accepted phrases that allow you to characterize what surrounds us. They are called phraseologisms. These are individual language units that do not change regardless of conditions.

Such phrases consist of two or more words and have a certain meaning:

Phraseologisms with values
Phraseologisms with values

As you can understand, phraseological units may not have words in their composition, which will imply their meaning. There are no explanatory and explained words. Thus, phraseologism is an unchanged stable expression, which has a separate meaning and consists of several words.

Since phraseological units are an independent part of the language, they have their characteristic features.

  • First of all, the composition includes two or more words:
Composition of phraseological units
Composition of phraseological units
  • The second thing to remember is that phraseological units have a stable composition. This means that in combinations you cannot change words, add them and so on. In other words, phraseological units arose from folk art and were used by hundreds of years. Therefore, the expressions have become stable and unchanged.
Stable composition
Stable composition

For example, in such a phrase as “hanging in the air”, which means falling into an incomprehensible and indefinite position is difficult to change anything. If you say, for example, hanging on a rope, then the meaning will be different. Or more - spread in the air, which means a sound wave.

Thus, the replacement of the word led to a complete change in meaning. The verb “hanging” with other words loses its figurative meaning, which is assumed, and the phrase is no longer phraseology.

  • Another signs of phraseological units can be called reproducibility. The fact is that they cannot be created again, they are already ready and are simply used in speech.
Phraseologisms from literature
Phraseologisms from literature
  • In phraseological units, the value is historically. Sometimes even a meaning is not clear if you do not remember the story. So, the combination of “on a goat will not drive up” is difficult to make out even to foreigners. Why a goat? How do they ride it? That's just his meaning is completely different. So they say about wayward people who have a cool disposition. An expression appeared a very long time, in those days when buffoons were rushed in different animals at the fairs and had fun people. That's just not everyone was mixed and the expression about the goat began to talk about such people.

The expression "cat cried" means "very little." The origin of phraseology is still arguing and some think that it appeared from a children's song.

Children's song Cat cried
Children's song "Cat cried"
  • Phraseologism cannot be divided into different members of the sentencebecause the whole phrase is considered one. So if phraseology is a member of the sentence, then all his words belong to one. For example:

We worked until the seventh sweat.

In this case, “worked until the seventh sweat” will be predicted, and it simply cannot be divided, otherwise the meaning will be lost.

Examples of phraseological units
Examples of phraseological units

Video: video tutorial to the Russian language "Phraseologism" (grade 4)

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