What is wild meat near the nail on the arm and on the leg? How to treat wild meat on a nail with folk remedies, celandine, laser?

What is wild meat near the nail on the arm and on the leg? How to treat wild meat on a nail with folk remedies, celandine, laser?

The article describes the main causes of the appearance and methods of treating wild meat on the fingers and legs.

Unsuccessful manicure, heredity, as well as a number of other adverse factors can lead to a nail growing in a nearby skin. The finger begins to hurt, the skin is inflamed and as a result a growth called wild meat forms.

This disease affects the thumbs of the legs and arms, both adults and children. The remaining fingers are extremely rarely subjected to this pathology.

Wild meat on the leg
Wild meat near the nail on the leg

What is wild meat with an ingrown nail?

Wild meat - a pathological phenomenon, expressed by the ingenuity of the plate of the nail in soft periolo -gum tissues.

The development of the disease takes place in several stages:

  • at first there is an inflammation of the nail tissue, expressed by redness and swelling
  • then the inflammation passes into the purulent-infectious phase, since the ingrown nail is perceived by tissue cells as a foreign body
  • as a result, wild meat itself appears - a painful tumor growth

IMPORTANT: If the treatment is not started at the stage of formation of the tumor, then the process from the isaspalacal goes into chronic. In this case, the infection enters the lymph nodes and the lymphadenitis begins.

Wild meat on the finger
Wild meat on the finger

For timely diagnosis of the disease, you need to pay attention to symptoms:

  • the place of the nail surface in the skin starts to hurt
  • pain is accompanied by gradual swelling
  • over time, the pain acquires character "Burning" at the destruction site
  • the tumor acquires red color and increases in size

Important: do not postpone the treatment “for later”, since soon the suppuration will certainly appear, and then it will not be possible to do without the help of the surgeon.

The causes of wild meat near the nails of the arms and legs

Experts distinguish several reasons for the appearance of wild meat-a disease called a scientific onychomycosis:

  • incorrect trimming of the nail - too deep cutting the edges
  • congenital pathology - increased nail roller or nail plate has a curved shape
  • trauma of the nail
  • wearing narrow shoes
  • fungal infections
  • flat feet

So, the reasons for the appearance of wild meat are different, and one conclusion is not to ignore the pain, but to start treatment in a timely manner.

Wearing narrow shoes often cause wild meat on the toes
Wearing narrow shoes often cause wild meat on the toes

Wild meat on the finger and legs treatment

The therapy of this ailment can be divided into two options:

  • traditional (with the help of gentle procedures using a laser, radio waves or plates, and in particularly neglected cases - a surgeon)
  • home (various folk remedies).

Consider each method of treatment in more detail.

Wild meat on the finger and hands Treatment with folk remedies

Home or folk therapy is replete with means and, if the case is not particularly difficult, everyone can find an acceptable method of treatment for themselves.

First of all, you need to do warm bathsTo steam the lesion, and then gently introduce a cotton flagel between the edge of the nail and the skin and cut the grown part of the nail surface.

IMPORTANT: If the destruction site has already bended, then after the water procedure you need to make a compress from an ichthyol ointment at night to stretch pus, and in the morning cut softened corners of the ingrown nails.

For baths, you can use decoction of chamomile, manganese-lodge solution or salt, preferably sea.

Hand-haired manganese-loser for hand with wild meat on the fingers
Hand-haired manganese-loser for hand with wild meat on the fingers

Effective may be and reducing the thickness of the nail surface by 2/3 by grinding with a file or a file. This makes the nail soft and allows you to adapt to narrow shoes. In order to avoid relapse, the procedure must be carried out at least twice a month. Those who suffer from an innate pathology must use this method throughout life.

Another common and very effective folk remedy against wild meat is iodine. They can either be lubricated directly for the growths for drying, or lay iodine flagella under the ingrown nail. However, this procedure requires patience, since only systematic treatment - daily lubrication - will give the expected result.

A good means of removing inflammation with wild meat are ointments - "Levomekol" and "Vishnevsky", which can be used to treat the first and second stages of the disease by applying compresses at night.

Levomekol from inflammation with wild meat
Levomekol from inflammation with wild meat

Recipe: In order not to waste time and money on a pharmacy, you can make the ointment yourself according to a proven folk recipe: take a fresh chicken yolk, a teaspoon of vinegar, a spoonful of pork baked fat and mix thoroughly until smooth. Lubricate the place of damage to the night with a mixture every day, wrapping a finger in a warm fabric.

However, it is impossible to use ointments for the treatment of wild meat directly, since this will only help increase the tumor.

You can get rid of at home from "wild meat" in the following ways:

  • treat the sore spot immediately with hydrogen peroxide, and then with liquid from the Western warts. First, this procedure causes a sensation of a strong burning sensation. Then a crust is formed, which needs to be removed and repeated the procedure the next day. In no case do not apply any dressings, shoes during treatment should be open
  • use the burnt kvass to cauterize “wild meat” every other day, and iodine is daily, while not to tear the resulting black skin
    cauterize pink solution of potassium permanganate, if we are talking about minor growths
  • sprinkle photoform
Xeroform for the treatment of wild meat
Xeroform for the treatment of wild meat

Wild meat treatment with celandine: Sexters are observed

Another fairly effective way of home treatment is to cauterize the “wild meat” with fresh celandine juice, which stands out on the sections of the green stalks of the plant.

During the procedure, the processing place bakes very much, as after a bite of several bees at the same time, then after some time the liquid is released. Do not worry, since the tincture of celandine is sodium hydroxide, which gives an alkaline baking, so the release is a natural reaction of the body.

If you are not sure of folk remedies, it is better to turn to the traditional methods of treating “wild meat”.

In the treatment of wild meat, discharge can be observed
In the treatment of wild meat, discharge can be observed

Operation to remove wild meat on a finger with a laser

This version of treatment is considered a quick and painless way to get rid of tissue surpluses formed near the damaged nail plate.

Important: removal of wild meat occurs using carbon dioxide by evaporation of affected cells. Healthy tissues during this procedure are not affected and, accordingly, are not damaged.

The laser cuts the nail, everything is cleaned and the laser is cauterized. The operation lasts approximately ten minutes under local anesthesia, does not leave scars and, according to experts, the relapse is completely excluded.

Removing wild meat with a laser
Removing wild meat with a laser

The main thing is not to repeat those actions that led to the formation of wild meat.

Video: Ground Noga on the leg: treatment at home

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