What is a chocker? What is the right to wear a chocker?

What is a chocker? What is the right to wear a chocker?

In this article you will learn about what a choker is and how to wear it. A choker is a necklace tightly fitting neck that has not gone out of fashion for many centuries and is popular in our time.

Few did not shed tears over the masterpiece of Luke Besson "Leon". And the image of Matilda firmly entrenched in the memory of many, many cinema lovers. One of her business cards was a necklace, tightly adjacent to the neck. Of course, fashionistas could not ignore this accessory.

However, they wore a chocker and long before the premiere of the film and after it. What is the popularity of this jewelry, what is it in general and what can be worn with?

What does a chocker mean?

The word "choker" is translated literally as "a noose", "means of strangulation." And it is not surprising, because the accessory tights the neck tightly, creating such visibility. Of course, you will not strangle you to strangle the chocker due to the fact that its length can be adjusted at your discretion.

However, it is definitely worth learning about this jewelry, because earlier it, so much resembling a tattoo, hid a considerable semantic load in itself. It is not without reason that the inventors of Choker are considered to be Indians, in whom everything is saturated with symbols. Such a bandage around the neck was considered protection, made of wood, fangs of animals, bones of birds, shells.

The thing was quite durable and really could protect physically, however, in addition, it was considered a talisman. The most richly decorated symbol of greatness was, of course, the leader. Production was entrusted exclusively by the healers.

A century later, a little thing captivated noble ladies in Europe. Thanks to this neck, the neck visually became longer and more elegant. This was appreciated by the famous fashionista of those times - Queen of England Anna Boleyn, whose necklace with the first letter of her last name was remembered for centuries.

The daughter of Anna, Elizabeth I, who, like her mother, adored fashion, also wore jewelry on her neck.

And here is the famous portrait of a lady with the ermine Leonardo da Vinci. As you can see, the lady’s neck tights tightly, which consists of several layers.

Margarita Saxon, who was the wife of Elector of Bradenburg, also wore a chocker with an impressive suspension.

The legendary fashionista and the last Queen of France Maria Antoinette, of course, could not ignore the bandage to the neck. No matter how terrible, but Maria-Antoinette and after death served as an impetus to a certain vein-in memory of the victims of the guillotine, some preferred to place a red ribbon on their neck. Later, such tapes began to be decorated with embroidery, stones or beads.

At the time of Queen Victoria, a necklace with an abundance of jewelry did not fit into the strict framework of classicism, although the queen herself was not averse to carrying bandages to the neck. The chockers of Alexander - Princess Denmark, married to the heir to the throne of England. Due to the injury received in childhood and left the scar, the woman was forced to somehow hide it. It was difficult to hide the flaw with an ordinary velvet, therefore it was invented to make several rows of pearls and diamonds.

Her daughter Victoria also preferred to chokeers.

The legendary Coco Chanel gave a new breath to Choker, making it the main accents in his collections. Her necklaces were ribbons made of leather, velvet or silk. The captivity - an insert.

As a tablet, Chanel preferred to use precious metals. After Chanel, the tablet became quite popular. An example of this is Princess Diana.

As you can see, the chocker is completely different - consisting of one or several rows, made of different materials, with and without jewelry. There is also no restrictions on its wearing - well -chosen, it can look excellent both on a young lady and a mature lady.

Even on a sexual basis there are no restrictions - there are male options. This jewelry is also loved by modern designers, especially John Galliano, who shows the necklaces from the collection to the collection. You can see hockers in the cinema.

What is the right to wear a chocker?

The choker is a rather bold solution - it is quite bright and catches your eye. Therefore, it is extremely important that this jewelry is in harmony with clothes, so that one style is present.

Important: the chocker cannot be called a universal element of the wardrobe. Despite the fact that the appropriate decoration can be selected for many styles, they are not at all businessly business. Do not even try to choose a chocker in harmony with a jacket or strict blouse - nothing will come of it.

So, let's go according to styles that can successfully complement this unusual decoration:

  • Victorian style with truly luxurious materials, precious materials will perfectly complement the same necklace. A good solution would be to include some miniature in it-it used to be popular. If you are going to the ball or some other event where you can get dressed with chic, a richly decorated chocker will fit into the image perfectly

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  • If the gloomy style like Gothic is close to you, then trying on a choker is your duty


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  • Punk or rock styles will be successfully supplemented with products consisting of decorative pins, leather, chains, rivets or spikes


  • Everyday style can also be decorated with a choker, only it should be as simple and not burdened by massive details. For example, this jewelry is well combined with plaid shirts, shirts. Such a decoration can be both velvet or wicker

A satin fabric is also well suited. For example, under the top and jeans


  • Evening style - well, how to ignore the classic combination with the black dress that Coco Chanel liked so much? Refined necklaces will look excellent with him. However, some bright accents will not hurt. This also includes flowing dresses on the floor, with which the chockers look great



  • Ethno, hippie, Safari - here the chokeers are just like a glove. And this is not surprising if you recall who invented them. Clothing should be made of flax, suede, leather. The main thing is that it is bright. Like a necklace in which pebbles are desirable, shells


Important: if you decide to add a choker to the image, it is better to abandon other jewelry on your neck. Perhaps the only exception is golden or silver chains that are much longer than Choker. In this case, a very interesting dynamic ensemble is obtained.

Types of Choker

Now you can find many chokes from expensive to more affordable. However, in both cases, you can create your own style. Decorations are different in material, accessories, color solutions. We have already examined the types of chokers in the historical aspect. Let's try to look at them from the point of view of modern trends:

  • Men's chockers are a stylish decoration with a minimum of additional elements. Are a lace in one row, sometimes in the form of beads

  • Tattoo-shchiere-one of the first types of this jewelry-it was with him that the Indians once went into battle. And they wore it, as you can understand, mainly men. Despite the fact that it is made of thin material, it is excellently stretched
  • Thanks to this, the neck tights, and does not strangle. Due to the external resemblance to the tattoo, this jewelry received such a name. Colors can be completely different, like design-even though the tattoo chopper is quite concise, but the inclusion of beads is possible

  • For admirers of conciseness, chockers will become a real find, which consist of only one cord, one fishing line, ribbon or chain. Such a decoration will look equally appropriate both at solemn events and in everyday life. If you want to make a small accent, you can add a small suspension to such a choker

  • A wicker chocker is already a more elegant option. It is a weaving with inclusions of beads, rhinestones, beads, stones, chains. Such necklaces can already be different in length - so if there are chains, then the chocker descends below the collarbone

  • And this is for lovers of all knitted - chockers from yarn. Yes, yes, there are such options. Very soft and cozy jewelry that will not only decorate, but also warm like scarves

  • Chockers resembling stictea collars were extremely popular several centuries ago. They still look very stylish. The materials from which such chockers are made are stilers, openwork ribbons, lace

  • The next type of necklace is fully made of beads or beads. They are no longer just an addition, but the main canvas



  • The wire huker looks quite unusual. In case of material, he looks like a tattoo-chopper, only more elegant

  • A leather hocker can also be attracted by some fashionistas. It is quite stylish, and is great for those who wear this necklace for the first time, since the material does not rub the skin of the neck

  • And finally, such an option for courageous girls - chockers with spikes, decorative pins and similar jewelry. Suitable for punk styles, rock

Metal huker

Such necklaces can be suitable for everyday clothes in the form of jeans and sundresses, leather jackets, and in the evening dresses. We can say that this is almost a universal decoration.

Important: however, there is a significant restriction - only ladies with a long neck can afford to wear metal chockers. Examples of this are Audrey Hepburn and Coco Chanel. On such girls, a metal jewelry will look excellent. But a lady with full shoulders and a short full neck from such necklaces is better to refuse.

Metal2 Metal3 Metal4Wide chocker

This jewelry is very similar to a turtleneck collar, especially if made of tissue materials. Of course, such severity should be shaded - let such jewelry be with bright motifs. Painted velvet or white lace, for example, are perfect. And it is very important that a wide chocker is not worn simultaneously with a large collar on a jacket.

This will visually give the neck even more volume, which does not suit anyone. Although some women wear such combinations. In general, it is ideal to select a sweater, a top or dress with a cut of a long neck under a wide chocker.

Wide 3Bister's chocker

The same ladies who cannot boast of a long neck can choose a beads chocker. Small beads will bring grace and accuracy. If you are not sure what exactly is suitable for you, start just with such bead jewelry - they will not harm the image. Small beads can also fit into large ones. Such sparkling beauty can be put on both under the dress, and combine with jeans, tops.

Bead threads with beads can also be wrapped in harnesses, which, in turn, form a necklace. Moderately wide and extremely elegant decoration. Additional elements in the form of pendants are welcome.

Beads4Lace Choker

A fairly exquisite necklace that can soften the lines - it can visually make the neck thinner. Especially tenderness will add white lace, completely air in appearance. An excellent solution would be to choose such necklaces with beads and pendants. The lace model is best to choose when there is a desire to recreate the Victorian style.

Lace1 Lace2Fucker from velvet

Women of the XVIII century noticed that a bogate bandage on the neck perfectly shakes the whiteness of the skin, which they used actively. Such a black tape is suitable for almost any style, depending on the jewelry on it. However, even if you do not want the workload of elements, the pendant or suspension will not hurt. No wonder the aristocrats loved this necklace, because it is simple and at the same time exquisite.

Velvet1.2 Velvet1.3
Velvet perfectly combines with lace.

Velvet may not necessarily be black.

And it can also be a simple decoration without decorating elements.

Leather chocker

A leather chocker will like lovers of all natural - for example, ethno style. In this case, the leather harness will be an excellent option. Leather chockers will like fans of the Rock style, as they go well with leather jackets. A product of this kind can both consist of a small strip of skin, and be wide.

The skin can be completely different.

Leather5What is a chocker and what to wear it with: tips and reviews

Women argue a lot over the length of how the chocker should be, but everyone converges in the fact that it is 35-40 cm universal length-few people do not fit. In addition, such a jewelry can be successfully combined with any clothing - both with a male -type shirt and a dress.

Also, various experiments of ladies with the style showed that it is better not to put on many other jewelry at the same time with the choker. If you still want to somehow dilute your image again, it is worth choosing for the necklaces that harmonizes with it, not bulky earrings and a bracelet.

Girls who do not have a long neck, but those who want to wear a choker can use the following experience of other ladies:

  • Select the simplest decoration, combined with the skin. In this case, it will not create a pronounced transverse strip and, as a result, the neck will not visually shorten

  • The so -called phalanx open rings seem weightless, not burdening the neck. On the contrary, they make it as if a little longer

  • Cockers in the form of leather cords with metal intersperses look very stylish and, in addition, create a vertical line, which is especially important if it is necessary to lengthen the neck visually

Important: the thinner the chocker itself is - the less it shortens the neck. This is the golden rule of each fan of such a necklace. A narrow chocker will not hurt the image at all.

Cunnes are a separate conversation. If there is no pronounced cut in clothes, then at least the neck should be open. However, let's talk about this in more detail:

  • V-shaped-the most successful. Especially in combination with a necklace of light colors, especially if it is a multi -layer necklace, where each layer is noticeably longer than the previous one. The more open body - the more weightless the decoration seems, the less it "strangles"

  • Round - ideal for jewelry with the same smooth line. This creates visual harmony. If the chocker is elongated, then the neckline can be adjusted by wearing a vest or jacket

  • The cut-cutting cutter-a combination of a necklace with this cut is similar to a combination with round. The lines of jewelry and clothing should be in harmony, be smooth

As you can see, every woman can choose a chocker to their liking, even men will have this jewelry at the time. If you want to bring to the image of bright colors, make an emphasis - do not doubt that the necklace adjacent to the neck is suitable. The “strangler” will not be able to strangle your sense of style if you use the recommendations for his selection.

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Comments K. article

  1. I have several chokes, and each I wear for certain clothes. There are gentle lace, there are parties, and classic chocker from velvet is every day.

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