What is Botox, lamination, eyelashes: benefits, effect, photo, reviews

What is Botox, lamination, eyelashes: benefits, effect, photo, reviews

Breaking and dropping eyelashes - this problem is considered very common among women, especially in those who intensively use eye makeup. However, experts were able to solve this problem - they came up with Botox serum, thanks to which you can transform your eyes.

This procedure will allow you to create an expressive look, give the upper cilia the beauty, and also make them healthier. Botox increases the volume of eyelashes, thickens each hair. The product replenishes the structure of the eyelashes, moisturizing them.

Botox eyelashes: What is this procedure, why do she need a botox for eyelashes?

  • This procedure was able to get its own name not at the expense of injections that stop the aging of the skin of the face. During this process, the eyelashes are applied special composition, Filling hairs with nutrient components.

The name "Botox" itself is considered a marketing course. It was invented in order to emphasize the individuality and uniqueness of the method.

  • The main substance in this tool is not botulotoxinwhich is present in injections for the skin of the face. The main component of Botox for eyelashes is hydrolyzed keratin.
  • Botox for eyelashes It has the following therapeutic effect - it fills the voids of eyelashes, as a result of which they become stronger. Thanks to vitamins, the bulbs that sleep, the growth process of eyelashes are awakened, their loss is reduced. Also in the composition there are oils.
  • They take care of hairs, nourish. After the procedure, eyelashes retain their own elasticity even after a large layer of therapeutic drugs.
Botox eyelashes
Botox eyelashes
  • Botox effect You will notice immediately how the work of the master will end. However, you will evaluate the overall result only on the 2nd day. What kind does the cilia become after Botox? The hairs are significantly lengthened, become dense, more curved.

Botox eyelashes: pros and cons of

  • The pluses of the eyelashes Botox

Botox comprehensively affects the cilia:

  • Nuts. The beneficial substances that are present in the product penetrate inside the eyelass bulbs, giving them the necessary nutrition. New hairs grow more actively, become healthy, more beautiful.
  • Strengthens, stimulates. The main substance awakens those bulbs that sleep. After that, new cilia begin to grow more actively.
  • He thickens the eyelashes, makes them thicker. The components included in Botox envelop all the eyelashes, make them much thicker. Thanks to this, the effect of "thick eyelashes" is obtained.
  • Gives expressiveness. The process has not only pronounced therapeutic qualities, but also aesthetic. Thanks to Botox, the eyelashes become More expressive, more beautiful. During the process, bending is formed (it also lengthens the cilia), staining occurs. The look is open, open.
  • Protects. Since the composition of the substance has an enveloping effect, thanks to it a thin layer appears on the surface of the hairs. It protects eyelashes from the negative impact of the environment, weather conditions.
  • Allows saving makeup time. The effect obtained from Botox can last up to 60 days. During this time, eyelashes can not be painted in mascara, since they will have a beautiful, expressive appearance without cosmetics.
  • Does the eyelashes are more natural. After using Botox, the hairs look natural. In addition, you can not worry that the eyelashes will begin to fall out, as often happens after building.
The effect of tpoting
The effect of tpoting
  • Cons of Botox eyelashes

This procedure also has its drawbacks:

  • The appearance of allergies. If a woman has intolerance to any components of Botox, she may have abundant lacrimation, redness. If this happens, then the process must be stopped, washed off the tool applied to the eyelashes.
  • When new cilia begin to grow, they look black, ugly. Also, during the growth of hairs may occur breaks.
  • Hairs slip. After the manipulation of the eyelashes is finished. They stick together for another day. When the product dries, eyelashes begin to "flush".
  • Botox can Call the pores. The product envelops the eyelashes themselves, and also closes the pores. As a result, oxygen ceases to penetrate them. Eils after growing are not as healthy as before.
  • The price of the procedure. Not all women can afford Botox.

What you need for Botox eyelashes: a list of materials

Before proceeding with the Botox eyelashes, prepare all the necessary materials, tools. You will have to purchase:

  • Dye. Such a tool is often sold with Botox. However, you can purchase it as a separate product.
  • Valiki. Thanks to them, you will give the cilia an additional bend.
  • Deafer. You will need this substance to remove the sebaceous layer.
  • Hairy products. You can find a wide variety of such products.
  • Brush. With her help you share the cilia.
  • Brush. It will allow you to apply and distribute the composition along the eyelashes.
  • A towel, napkins. They can remove excess moisture.
  • Cotton buds.

You cannot choose these materials yourself. Sellers-consultants will help you with this. They will choose the tools you need, materials.

How to make eyelashes Botox: step -by -step instructions

So that during the eyelashes you do not have errors, adhere to the instructions:

  • Degrease All eyelashes are well.
  • Place a special roller above the lower eyelid. Fasten it. Carefully place the cilia on the roller.
  • Using a brush, apply a tool for twisting eyelashes. Wait a little as indicated in the instructions.
  • Apply paint. It also withstand the required time. Remove excess paint using a napkin or a cotton wand.
  • Ampoule Heat a little with the main substance so that it becomes viscous.
  • Type with syringe Botox and warm water, mix so that the composition becomes white.
  • Cover the eyelashes with a remedy. Hold 10 minutes. Carefully remove the remains of the composition with a cotton pad.
  • Fasten fixing agent. Wait for the required time.
  • Further process Eyelashes with a neutralizing composition.
  • When the last composition is completely dry, you can remove the rollers. Comb the cilia.

Video: Botox eyelashes-master class

Botox eyelashes: How long does the procedure last?

  • The procedure of eyelash Botox lasts approximately 1 hour 30 minutes. All manipulations are completely safe, without causing discomfort.
  • During the process, the master still tints the cilia, curls them. Therefore, you will definitely be satisfied with the result.

Lash Botox for eyelashes: Instructions

  • How to make Lash Botox for eyelashes? Prepare ampoule. Activate the product - lower the ampoule into the water (heat it to +70). The product will be fully prepared when it becomes transparent.
  • Heat needle, dial 1/5 ml of composition into a syringe, dilute with water (1 ml). Heat the water in advance to +70 ° C.
  • Retreat from the roots of the eyelashes, treat the eyelashes with approximately 0.2 cm.
  • When the product penetrates into every cilia, remove the remnants of the product using dry cotton sticks.

Botox eyelashes is harmful: consequences

  • Any procedure that is performed ineptly can be harmful. If the master uses quality products, materials, then Botox eyelashes will be completely harmless. He will only benefit.
  • Therefore, it is impossible Experiment at home. Contact an experienced master. He knows exactly how the technology is carried out correctly, familiar with each nuance of Botox.
  • We note that Botox is almost does not have obvious contraindications. There are some exceptions. They will be described below.

Botox eyelashes: contraindications

Since there are many components in the facial eyelashes for eyelashes, women sometimes have allergy On some of them. Therefore, if you ignore the recommendations of specialists, this will lead to an inexpressive effect.

It is important that there is no allergy
It is important that there is no allergy

You must refrain from the procedure in such cases:

  • A tendency to allergies. The tool as a whole is considered hypoallergenic. However, if you are a sensitive person, make a test attempt in advance - apply a drop of funds to the skin near the bend of the forearm.
  • Injuries performed earlier operations. Even at the end of rehabilitation, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • Eye inflammation. If there is some kind of disease, inflammation before your eyes, set aside the visit to the cosmetic salon for a while until you completely recover.
  • Abundant tear separation. If, due to minimal irritation, your eyes are immediately watery, the product can get on the membrane of the eye, thereby cause a burn.
  • Hormonal disbalance. During menstruation or when receiving contraceptives, the product can act incorrectly. In addition, Botox negatively affects the body with hormonal storms, menopause.
  • An experienced master should ask you about diseases and pathologies, which affect the result of the process. If you sign up for botox at the administrator, You will calculate the days when your period starts yourself. During this period, Botox is better not to do.

How often to make eyelashes Botox?

  • Many women think that the effect of the procedure can disappear literally after a few days. If the process is done incorrectly, then this happens. All because botox eyelashes Experts advise doing simultaneously with lamination.
  • The tool intended for Botox is distributed through the cilia. But before that, the hairs are processed by another composition. Thanks to preliminary preparation, a thin film is formed on the eyelashes. It protects the hairs, does not allow beneficial substances to quickly washed.

The effect of Botox can persist for 2 months. Since hairs have the property of updated at least 60 days, the accumulation effect is absent.

  • Cosmetologists advise doing complex treatment (5 sessions). Repeat each process with a break of 3 weeks. When the course ends, the eyes should rest for one month. The ideal period for which the eyelashes are completely restored - 3 months.
  • You can do Botox in one session. Repeat the procedure in this case is recommended in at least a month.

What is the length of the eyelashes for Botox?

It does not matter what the length of your eyelashes. It is important in which cases this procedure is recommended:

  • If eyelashes long, enough direct.
  • If cilia short, strongly omitted.
  • If the hairs are watching in different directions.
  • If eyelashes have incorrect shape.

Also, Botox eyelashes is recommended if you want to have twisted eyelashes.

After Botox eyelashes, you can paint in mascara, how much can you wet your eyelashes?

  • After Botox, the eyelashes become significantly thickerThey look naturally. Many women are interested in, but is it possible to apply mascara or use other cosmetics on eyelashes after processing, wash?
  • On the stretch the first 24 hours cannot be painted eyelashes. In addition, we do not advise you to use other types of cosmetics. Also it is forbidden to wet the eyelashes within a day after Botox. But, after a day you can safely use any cosmetics, wash.
You can paint eyelashes after a day
You can paint eyelashes after a day

What can not be done after Botox eyelashes?

If you want the effect of Botox eyelashes to last longer, then adhere to the following simple tips:

  • Do not leave cosmetics before our eyes when you return home. The maximum that is allowed is to remove the carcass before you go to bed. At night, let your own eyelashes rest. Let them breathe, recover.
  • You can’t rub your eyes when removing makeup. Wet a little cotton pad. To do this, use a special tool. Attach the disk by the eyelid for half an hour. Then, carefully, starting from the bridge of the nose and ending with the temple zones, remove all the cosmetics from the eyes.
  • We do not recommend using cosmetic remedies to remove makeup, which contains alkali or alcohol. Such drugs dry the skin, make the cilia themselves thin. After such, the hairs begin to break even more.

Botox eyelashes during pregnancy - is it possible?

  • Botox eyelashes appeared recently. Therefore, the likelihood that some side effects will occur is still not yet clarified. According to preliminary studies, it was proved that the tool cannot harm a pregnant woman and the unborn child. But there is no complete confidence that the components of the main drug are considered absolutely safe for a woman and fetus.
Beauty during pregnancy is also important
Beauty during pregnancy is also important
  • We note that during pregnancy, each woman has a risk of allergies. Also a woman in a position more susceptible to various aromas, smells.

Is it possible to increase eyelashes after Botox eyelashes?

  • If your cilia look bad, they are brittle, fall out strongly, then we advise you to make you botox eyelashes, and make extensions when the hairs completely recover.
  • From the product that will be applied during building, eyelashes can become even weaker, and therefore they will begin to fall out faster.

Eyelash care after lamination and Botox

Botox eyelashes, made simultaneously with lamination, involves observing the main tips for eye care:

  • When you will remove makeup from the eyes, Use cotton wheels or sponge.
  • Do not wipe your eyes after washing with a rough towel.
  • Process the epidermis in the eye area with cosmetic products that contain oils.
  • Use only liquid eyeliner.
  • Capture eyelashes with a special gel.
Care is important
Care is important

To make the eyelashes grow faster, comb them every morning. Give the hairs a well -groomed look after sleep. For such procedures, use a special brush. Comb the eyelashes not with sharp movements.

How much does lamination of eyelashes with Botox last?

  • Effect botox and lamination of eyelashes It lasts up to one and a half months. Sometimes this period increases slightly.
  • It all depends on who did the procedure, how a woman looked after eyelashes, on the product used during the first procedure.

Is it possible to paint eyelashes after Botox?

  • Most often, the composition of the dyes for eyelashes includes chemical components with a strong effect. They are able to neutralize the effect obtained from the means Botox eyelashes, which is used to process hairs.
  • That's why we do not recommend you to paint your eyelashes after the procedure.

How much does it cost eyelash Botox?

  • An important issue is what The price of Botox eyelashes? There is no unequivocal answer. The cost of the procedure will depend on different factors. If Botox you decide to do in a beauty salon, then you need to take into account the name of the salon, the professionalism of the master.
  • The same factor should be attributed to the procedure that is done at home. If you go home to the master, then Botox will cost you much cheaper.
  • The total cost of the process fluctuates from 1000 rubles. up to 4000 rubles. If we talk about the average indicator, then it is approximately 2000 rub.
The price depends on the venue and experience of the master
The price depends on the venue and experience of the master
  • If you do botox eyelashes yourself at home, then you will only have to buy the necessary material. You can purchase a set in a specialized store or on the Internet. But before making a purchase, consult with the master. He will recommend you quality material, give valuable advice.

Lamination of eyelashes with Botox and without: what is the difference, what is the difference between Botox from eyelash lamination, which is better than Botox or lamination of eyelashes

Botox is not used as an independent procedure. It is done with lamination. Therefore, before starting the procedure, read the difference, think well, whether you need to do Botox and lamination at the same time.

  • Means used during processes have a different composition. During lamination, the substances moisturize eyelashes, make the result more persistent.
  • The main function of lamination is Protect the hairs from environmental exposure. Botox eyelashes restores eyelashes, twists them, fills with useful substances.
  • During lamination, the eyelashes are covered with a thin film. Due to her, the hairs look voluminous, shiny, all the shortcomings are hidden. The product has no therapeutic effect. Botox has therapeutic, nutritional functions. After the procedure, the eyelashes grow more actively.

You must decide for yourself what will suit you more. But there is the following opinion among professionals - lamination, which is done with Botox, is much better. Since such a procedure has a positive effect on eyelashes, restores them, improves appearance.

How does the velvet differ from Botox eyelashes?

  • It is impossible to visually distinguish the effect of the velvet from Botox eyelashes. In two versions, cilia are beautiful, long.
  • But during the velvet, both upper and lower eyelashes are processed simultaneously. Also, after applying the product for Botox, the hairs are tougher, they stick together and remain in this state until the next day.
  • Also, masters say that the remedy for eyelashes is more natural. That is why the cilia after the procedure do not stick together, they are separated.

What do eyelashes look after Botox: photos before and after

After Botox, you can get the following effect:

  • The eyelashes look more beautiful, but at the same time, they do not lose their own natural appearance.
  • Due to the fact that the hairs are saturated with useful substances, eyelashes become thicker. Therefore, the ciliary row visually looks thicker.
  • The main remedy gradually increases the density of hairs.
  • The rich dark color of the composition penetrates the structure of the eyelashes. The look is deep, expressive.
  • During Botox, the eyelashes are twisted. The look is more expressive, and the eyelashes are longer.
Great results
Great results

Botox eyelashes: reviews

  • Svetlana: “Thanks to Botox, my eyelashes began to have the perfect shape. It does not stick together, always look natural, well -groomed. ”
  • Olga: “She did Botox a couple of times. The last time the result lasted much longer (approximately 2 months). For the first time, I was able to pass with beautiful eyelashes for about a month. My eyelashes are naturally straight, so such a procedure was invented specifically for me. ”
  • Irina: “She did at the same time Botox and lamination. When new hairs began to grow, and the old twisted still remained, the eyelashes looked shaggy. But in general, the effect arranged me, the gaze from Botox is expressive, beautiful, even sexy. ”

Video: How to make eyelashes Botox?

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