What is asthenothelaxoospermia in men? Causes of asthenothelatesoosperm. How to treat asthenothelatesoosperm?

What is asthenothelaxoospermia in men? Causes of asthenothelatesoosperm. How to treat asthenothelatesoosperm?

Astenotheratesoosopermia in men: symptoms, varieties and treatment of the disease. Traditional medicine in the fight against asthenothelatesoosperm.

Today, many married couples trying to conceive the baby are on the way, there are quite a lot of problems. Very often one of the partners is diagnosed with infertility or other diagnoses associated with impaired reproductive function.

Previously, such diseases in most cases were diagnosed in women. Nowadays, the ratio of diseases of the reproductive system in men and women has been baptized.

In this article, we will try to deal with one of the currently common diseases - asthenothelatesoospermia.

Astenothelitezoosopermia in men: causes

Causes of asthenothelatesoosperm
Causes of asthenothelatesoosperm

As such, the main reason for the appearance of such a difficultly pronounced diagnosis in men has not been revealed today. However, a list of factors affecting the state of the genital organs and provoking the appearance of asthenotheosoospermia is established:

  1. Such a childhood disease as an epidemic mumps or in the industrial “pig” is often accompanied by inflammation of the ovaries. Moreover, sick with a pig in adulthood, a man risks getting more serious complications of the reproductive system than a boy who had been ill with her in early childhood
  2. Mechanical injuries of the external genital organs, as a result of equestrian or bicycle sports, as well as wearing uncomfortable, inappropriate in size
  3. Exposure to high temperatures. In men who are fond of bath procedures, lovers to lie in a hot bath, the risk of asthenothelatesoosospermia increases significantly, since high temperature negatively affects the testes
  4. Congenital ovarian pathologies, such as anorchism, monorkism, polyorchism, cryptorchidism, ovarian hypoplasia
  5. Inflammation of the genitourinary system (prostatitis, infection and pneumonia)
  6. Hormonal disorders, problems with the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus
  7. Irradiation with x -rays or other rays. The fact is that in some cases, after exposure to irradiation, spermatozoa will even be able to fertilize the egg, but the development of the fetus itself can be associated with various kinds of anomalies and pathologies
  8. Chronic infections of the reproductive system. Infections such as chlamydia, herpes, trichomoniasis or gonococcus can, both preventing spermatozoa and contribute to the deterioration of their quality
  9. Chemotherapy
  10. Taking potent drugs
  11. Bad habits (smoking, excessive alcohol, drug addiction)
  12. Improper nutrition and excess weight
  13. Lack of regular sexual life
  14. Age -related changes

All these factors are able to gradually worsen the state of the men's reproductive system and ultimately lead to infertility.

Astenotheratezoosopermia: degree

The degree of asthenotheosoospermia
The degree of asthenotheosoospermia

Like any other disease, asthenothelatezoospermia has its own classification. In this case, three degrees are distinguished. The degree of complexity of the disease depends on the concentration of physically active and healthy sperm in the seed fluid. So, the degree of asthenothelatezoospermia:

  • The first degree implies the presence of at least fifty percent of mobile and correctly structured sperm in an ejaculate
  • In the second degree of asthenotheosoospermia, the concentration of good spermatozoa is from thirty to fifty percent
  • The third degree has up to thirty percent of active, healthy sperm

It is worth noting that asthenothelatesoosperm is such a disease in which its degree does not affect the manifestations of the disease. Until a certain period, the patient may not at all suspect the presence of this disease. It can manifest itself only with unsuccessful attempts to conception or with severe symptoms of another pathology that provoked asthenothelatesoosperm.

What is asthenothelaxoospermia, and how to treat it? Diagnosis of the disease

Abnormal forms of sperm with asthenotheatosoospermia
Abnormal forms of sperm with asthenotheatosoospermia
  • Ideally, the sperm has an oblong body with a tail. The so -called “head” of the sperm contains a cellular core, that is, all genetic information. Sperm move very quickly. The probability of conception largely depends on their speed. The faster the sperm moves, the more chances he has the first to get to the egg and fertilize it
  • However, it happens that for the above causes, the function of spermatogenesis is disrupted. In this case, the produced sperm can have an abnormal structure (too large or too small head, several heads or several tails), as well as a rather low speed of movement. All this leads to a decrease in the likelihood of conception or anomalies in the development of the fetus. Such disorders of spermatogenesis are called asthenotheraposoospermia
  • As mentioned above, the disease does not betray itself. Such a diagnosis can be made by a man only if he addresses the doctor with manifestations of other diseases that caused asthenothelatezoospermia. Another option for identifying such a disease may be unsuccessful attempts to have a child

In all of the above cases, for the resolution of the diagnosis of asthenothelatesoosospermia, the patient will need to undergo a number of tests, the mandatory of which will be a spermogram. Only this study can identify the concentration of sperm in the seed.

As a rule, after the first analysis, the spermogram is prescribed to the patient again in two weeks. This is done in order to confirm the fears of doctors and exclude random factors that may have influenced the poor result of the previous study.

Before passing the spermogram, a man will need to adhere to a certain regime and refrain from some things:

  1. Abstinence from sexual intercourse three to five days before analysis
  2. Avoiding mechanical damage to the genitals and their overheating
  3. Exclusion of alcohol, smoking and other factors that negatively affect the state of spermatozoa
  4. Avoiding overwork and excessive physical exercises

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe other tests required to identify the causes of the disease (urine and blood analysis (detailed, sugar, hormones), ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, scrotum and prostate studies, computed and magneto-resonance imaging) .

As such, asthenotheatosoospermia does not require special treatment. First of all, it is necessary to prescribe the treatment of those diseases that provoked it.

Astenothelitezoospermia: treatment. Preparations for the treatment of asthenothelatesoospermia

Spermogram is the only way to study the state of ejaculate
Spermogram is the only way to study the state of ejaculate

Treatment of asthenotheosoospermia has two directions. The first implies the exclusion of all factors capable of provoking this disease.
The second is aimed at the cure of chronic diseases and improving the state of sperm.

The following set of measures can be attributed to the first direction:

  • Getting rid of bad habits
  • Proper nutrition
  • Playing sports without heavy loads and pressure on the genitals
  • Regular sex life with one partner
  • Abstinence from overheating and frostbite
  • Wearing comfortable linen from natural materials

Sometimes only such changes in a man’s life are enough for successful conception.

The second direction of treatment can be based on such manipulations:

  • If the cause of asthenothelatesoosopperia has become chronic infections of the genital tract, then, if necessary, treatment is prescribed to both partners. Such treatment, as a rule, consists in prescribing a course of antibiotics
  • In order to protect other organs from the effects of antibacterial drugs, immunomodeling (immunal, cycloferon), anti -inflammatory (indomethacin in candles) agents, enzymes (Mesim, enzyme), prebiotics and polyvitamins are prescribed. During the treatment period, partners are better to refrain from sexual intercourse or use condoms during sex
  • Taking hormonal drugs to restore the hormonal background of a man, as well as activation of sperm production
  • The use of generally strengthening and stimulating blood circulation of drugs (zinc, vitamin E, folic acid). Quite often, in the treatment of asthenothelatesoosopermia, elminin is prescribed, tonic and helping to strengthen the male body, the drug
  • Although recently many doctors have begun to doubt the effectiveness of this tool, there was no harm from its use. In addition, it acts quite positively on the general condition of the body. Also, some andrologists can advise the reception of active dietary supplements such as spermactin and tribestan
  • Surgical intervention. Such therapy is used in cases where there is a certain obstacle in the form of a scar, adhesion or overturning to produce sperm.

Astenotheratezoosopermia: Is it possible to get pregnant naturally?

Pregnancy with asthenothelatesoosperm
Pregnancy with asthenothelatesoosperm

The probability of getting pregnant in a natural way with asthenotheatosoospermia directly depends on its degree. The higher the degree, the less chance of natural fertilization.

However, do not despair - sometimes only a change in the lifestyle of a man becomes the cause of cardinal improvements to the indicators of the spermogram. Therefore, it is worth starting with a small one.

If a large number of fast sperm were identified in the spermogram, but with multiple default, it is better to refuse to conception to more suitable results.

  • After all, such spermatozoa can fertilize the egg, but can lead to the development of an unhealthy fetus with anomalies
  • If treatment does not give the desired results, the doctor can offer the family pair by fertilization by eco or ICSI. With these methods for conception, you will need a minimum number of healthy and active spermatozoa
  • However, world practice knows cases when both partners with “infertility” diagnoses due to the clear follow of the doctor’s recommendations, managed to conceive and endure absolutely healthy children. Therefore, you should never despair - there is always a way out

Treatment of asthenothelatesoosopermia folk remedies

Treatment of disease folk remedies
Treatment of disease folk remedies
  • Ginseng It takes first place in the chart of traditional medicine. We are in a blender or in a meat grinder one hundred grams of fresh ginseng root and fill it into a liter of May honey. We put the jar in a dark place for a month. We eat a ready -made infusion on a teaspoon three times a day. The dried or fresh ginseng root is insisted in half a liter of vodka in a dark place. We drink four tablespoons of tincture three times a day. You can take the root of this plant and in a dried form in the form of a powder 0.3 g four times a day. The duration of the reception is a month
  • Plantain It can be used in the form of a decoction or infusion: we fill a tablespoon of dry plantan leaves into a glass of boiled water and let them brew for an hour. We drink an infusion of 50 ml four times a day. Three tablespoons of plantain seeds we fill up in 750 ml of boiling water and put in a water bath for five minutes. We take the broth inside 250 ml
  • Anchors. We fill a tablespoon of anchors in 200 ml of boiled water and put in a water bath. We hold the decoction for a couple of about thirty minutes and filter it. Drink a decoction of 60 ml three times a day
  • Sage. We pour one tablespoon of dry sage into a cup of boiled water and insist until completely cooled. After cooling, the infusion is filtered and take one third of the cup three times a day before meals
  • Adonis. We pour a tablespoon of the mountains into 250 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos for a couple of hours. We filter the infusion and divide the resulting amount by three times a day
  • Adam Root. Two tablespoons of the crushed Adam root are covered in a glass of boiling water. Insist and accept the resulting infusion three times a day
  • Ramishia. Three tablespoons of ramishia are covered with a half liter of boiling water and insist in the warmth for about eight hours. We stretch all the resulting infusion to three doses per day
  • Sagebrush. We fill one tablespoon of wormwood seeds into a glass of boiled water and insist them. We filter the infusion and take it inside
  • Red Rose. Little and burgundy roses petals can be consumed as jam or tea
  • Mummy. In a glass with carrot, sea buckthorn or blueberry juice, add 0.2 g of mummy and take it on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. Also mummy can be taken with honey or chicken yolks

However, no matter how glowed and miraculous a folk remedy for combating asthenothelatezoospermia, it is better to agree with a doctor. Only the doctor can determine whether it is appropriate to use such a medicine in this case.

The same men who were diagnosed with asthenothelatesoosospermia can wish patience and resistance. Indeed, only adhering to all the instructions of the doctor and observing a certain regime, this disease can be defeated.

Video: Astenotheatosoospermia and pregnancy

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  1. My husband also had problems with the mobility of sperm ... they were very worried, since they had long dreamed of a baby. But by the way, the treatment turned out to be not so complicated, the effect of the tribulus, switched to proper nutrition and went in for sports. As a result, six months later, the test finally got into ... we are waiting for the girl))

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