What to visit in the Czech Republic? The attractions of Prague, Karlovy Var, Kutna Gora, Ostrava, Kostnitsa, Brno, Mariana Laznaya, Gluboku-Snov-Valtava Castles, Krshivoklat, Pardubitsa

What to visit in the Czech Republic? The attractions of Prague, Karlovy Var, Kutna Gora, Ostrava, Kostnitsa, Brno, Mariana Laznaya, Gluboku-Snov-Valtava Castles, Krshivoklat, Pardubitsa

Czech Republic is one of the most popular countries in Europe for travel. Why do tourists love the Czech Republic? Read this article.

Czech card in Russian with cities detailed

Detailed interactive cards indicating hotels, museums, shops and transport interchanges:

Czech card
Czech card

Maps of other cities of the Czech Republic, as well as maps of individuals of individual areas, can be downloaded here.

Do I need a visa in the Czech Republic? How to get a?

For a trip to the Czech Republic, you will need to get a Czech visa. Documents can be drawn up through visa centers of the Czech Republic, which are open in more than 30 cities of Russia. You can see the contacts and location of the closest visa center of the Czech Republic here.

The list of services of the visa center includes:

  • Consultation of applicants on all issues related to the execution of a Czech visa (including requirements for individual documents)
  • Verification of the documents provided, their courier delivery to the consulate and back
  • Removing fingerprints
  • Acceptance of payment for consular fee for drawing up a visa
  • Informing the applicant about the progress of obtaining a visa
  • If necessary, the visa center provides photocopying services for documents, filling out the questionnaires, registration of insurance policies
Visa to the Czech Republic
Visa to the Czech Republic

The visa can be short -term and long -term. For a regular tourist trip, you need to arrange a standard short -term visa, which allows you to be in the Czech Republic up to three months. The same visa needs to be issued if you would like to go to the Czech Republic for sanatorium-resort treatment.

If, in addition to the Czech Republic, you are going to visit other countries of the European Union at the same time, then the visa documents must be submitted to the consulate or visa center of the country, where you will be the longest.

Documents for a visa to the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is included in the Schengen countries, therefore, to apply for a visa, it is necessary to attach a standard package of documents for the Schengen visa. See the full list of documents here.

Visa registration to the Czech Republic
Visa registration to the Czech Republic

The difference in time with the Czech Republic, currency, language

Time in the Czech Republic

The time difference between the Czech Republic and Moscow is -2 hours. When in Moscow 10:00 in the morning, in the Czech Republic 08:00 a.m.

The currency of the Czech Republic

Despite the fact that the Czech Republic is a member of the European Union, the official currency of the Czech Republic is the Czech crown. The euro also go in circulation, but in the calculations, the Czechs prefer to use the crowns, and the euros are accepted at a very disadvantage course.

Czech crowns - Czech currency
Czech crowns - Czech currency

You can exchange rubles for crowns, but it is more convenient and more profitable to change to euros. A bank card can be paid almost everywhere, a network of ATMs is well developed. The dollars are not accepted everywhere and reluctantly.

You can also exchange the currency in the Czech Republic at the locals in private exchange points, but there are cases of fraud, so you need to be very careful and careful. Often, the Bulgarian leftists or Hungarian forints, whose course, are much lower than the Czech crown, are plagued by tourists instead of Czech crowns.

Czech crowns
Czech crowns

Language in the Czech Republic

The Czech language belongs to the Slavic group of languages, therefore it is intuitive even without a translator. However, some words in Czech may have an unexpected meaning for the Russian.

For example, the Czech “shame” into Russian is translated as “attention”, “baby” means “bachelor, lonely man”, Czech “vegetables” are Russian “fruits”, and the word “stale” means “fresh” in Russian.

In order not to get into an awkward situation, it is better to have a Czech-Russian phrasebook with you or clarify with the interlocutor if you correctly understood the meaning of what has been said.

The Czech word bydlo is translated into Russian as life
The Czech word "cattle" is translated into Russian as "life"

Where to stay in Prague - the capital of the Czech Republic?

Prague has a huge number of hotels for every taste, from elite to super-economic. In addition to hotels on the market, there are quite a few offers for renting apartments, apartments and separate houses. The place of residence depends on your budget and on the purpose of the trip.

You can see more details in Prague on the site in more detail Booking.com. How to use the Booking.com site, read in this article.

Apartments in Prague, Czech Republic
Apartments in Prague, Czech Republic

Prague on an administrative principle is divided into 22 districts, which are commonly called Prague-1, Prague-2, Prague-3 and so on. In addition, there are areas for which the historical name (the old place, a small country, Zizhkov, grapes, etc.) have been fixed, but they territorially they belong to one of the administrative areas.

Map of the Prague districts, Czech Republic
Map of the Prague districts, Czech Republic

Prague-1 - The Central District, where the main attractions of the city and the most popular places for relaxation are concentrated. This is the oldest part of Prague, where there are a lot of tourists, sightseeing groups, local merchants and other people associated with tourism.

Prague-2 adjoins Prague-1 and also belongs to the central part of the city. This is a more modern area in which there are many shopping centers, night clubs and office buildings. In Prague-2, young people and tourists love to live in walking distance from attractions, but still not at the epicenter itself.

Prague-1, Czech Republic
Prague-1, Czech Republic

Prague-3 - Rather, residential than a tourist area, although there are enough hostels and hotels here. From Prague-3, you can easily and quickly get to Cetr. There are many parks, walking areas and drinking establishments in the area. There is also a picturesque area of \u200b\u200bZizhkov - the old worker of Prague.

Prague-4Like Prague-3, it is considered rather residential than an excursion district. The area itself is quiet and calm, you can get to the center by transport in 20-30 minutes. It is believed that the best ecology in the city is here.

Prague-3 district, Czech Republic
Prague-3 district, Czech Republic

Prague-5 Located on the left side of the Vltava River. Quite a large area. Territorial, this is one of the most convenient places for living, if you choose the streets closer to the center-from here to the center is literally 20-30 minutes on foot or a couple of stops on transport. Prague-5 has many inexpensive hotels and cafes.

Prague-6 adjoins the center and is considered a rather prestigious place to live. The center is in walking distance, many historical buildings, a well -developed transport and hotel network is well developed. In Prague-6 lives most of the immigrants from Russia, there are shops of Russian goods, many residents speak Russian.

Prague-6, Czech Republic
Prague-6, Czech Republic

Prague-7 - A small but rather developed area in the northern part of the city. There are many parks, playgrounds, hotels, shops. A convenient transport communication with other areas has been established. Prices are lower than in the center and Prague-6.

Prague-8 Somewhat removed from the center, but this does not affect the quality of life. Prague-8 is a city in a city where you can find everything you need for a good vacation. He is especially famous for musical and night institutions.

Prague-8 district, Czech Republic
Prague-8 district, Czech Republic

Prague-9 For a long time it was considered an industrial area, and did not develop as a tourist place. This has its advantages: housing prices in Prague-9 are one of the most affordable in the city. Despite the reputation of the working area, in Prague-9 is quite clean and comfortable. Recently, the local administration has been making a lot of effort to increase its attractiveness in the eyes of tourists.

Prague-9 district, Czech Republic
Prague-9 district, Czech Republic

Prague-10 - A dynamic area in which there are many modern buildings, shopping centers and sports grounds. There are no industrial enterprises at all, only sleeping quarters and entertainment institutions, as well as several historical quarters. The prices are medium, the place is very popular among families with children.

Areas from 11 to 22 Located on the outskirts far enough from the center. The main advantage in them is the price of accommodation, but there are practically no hotels here, you can find only rental apartments. In terms of entertainment, these are purely sleeping areas where there are no attractions and entertainment establishments.

Sleeping areas on the outskirts of Prague, Czech Republic
Sleeping areas on the outskirts of Prague, Czech Republic

Kitchen, taxi, Prague shopping centers


In Prague, a network of restaurants, snacks and beer is well developed. At any time of the day you will find a huge number of establishments for any wallet. Czech cuisine is represented almost everywhere. Many restaurants work in the evening as night entertainment clubs.

The most popular Czech dishes: kyedliki (potato meatballs), pork slyka, ghhlyash soup, Czech home sausage and cheeses. Beer varieties in Prague cannot be counted, each beer has its own recipes and traditions of cooking, sometimes numbering more than one hundred years.

Prague kitchen, pork slyka.
Prague kitchen, pork slyka.

The list of the best restaurants and culinary institutions of Prague with addresses, phones and description of local cuisine can be viewed here.


In addition to the official taxi in Prague, there are quite a few private drivers involved in the car with a personal car. They are often found at the airport, at railway stations and in other places of a large accumulation of tourists. The services of such drivers are sometimes cheaper, but the percentage of crooks among such drivers is very high.

Taxi in Prague, Czech Republic
Taxi in Prague, Czech Republic

In order not to take risks, it is better to use the services of official taxi. Many companies have Russian -speaking drivers, when ordering a machine, you can ask to send a Russian -speaking taxi driver. It is also important to specify the price of the trip from the dispatcher so that the driver does not take excess from you.

Official sites of some taxi services in Prague

Taxi mini-office in Prague, Czech Republic
Taxi mini-office in Prague, Czech Republic

Shopping in Prague

Prague is one of the most beloved in the world of shopping places for most tourists. There are both branded stores of famous brands and huge moths where you can find “just a little bit”.

If shopping is not an end in itself during your trip, then you can limit yourself to visiting stores in the center. Especially a lot of them in the area of \u200b\u200bVaclav Square.

If you are going to spend round sum on purchases, it is better to go to specialized shopping centers, where prices will be lower than in Prague-1 and Prague-2, and the choice of brands is much larger.

The Code of Code in Prague-1, Czech Republic
COMPLE COMPORTANCE in Prague-1, Czech Republic

Most often, tourists in Prague buy clothes, shoes, crystal products, jewelry, jewelry, porcelain. You can buy equipment at very acceptable prices, but often the question arises that gadgets and laptop in the Czech Republic are not Russified and require additional firmware.

Another popular product from the Czech Republic is local alcohol, especially the Czech beer varieties (Pilsner, the Velkopopovitsky goat, Staroproen, Budvyser, Krushovitsa, Bernard, Velvet and Celt) and the famous “Berodovka” (strong branded liquor on herbal gathering) are considered the best.

Czech liquor Belikovka
Czech liquor Belikovka

The attractions of Prague

Wenceslas Square - The most famous Prague Square, her heart, where the main celebrations and public rallies are held. The area is a rather long boulevard with numerous shops and restaurants on the sides and an extensive recreation area in the center.

Vaclavskaya Square in Prague, Czech Republic
Vaclavskaya Square in Prague, Czech Republic

The Charles Bridge - The business card of Prague, the oldest bridge connecting the banks of the VLTAVA River. Over its long history, the bridge served as a fair area, the main royal road, an arena of knightly tournaments, and street vernissage. For a long time, traveling on the bridge was paid.

Karlov Bridge, Prague Czech Republic
Karlov Bridge, Prague Czech Republic

Prague Castle - The old medieval fortress, a significant part of the old city, at the entrance to which the guard of honor carries a watch (the change of guard is one of the favorite local spectacles among tourists). In the Prague City there are a golden street, St. Vita's Cathedral, Royal Gardens and Stragovsky Monastery.

Prague city, Czech Republic
Prague city, Czech Republic

Old place - The oldest part of Prague, in which the sights are found literally at every step. Here is the royal palace, and the powder gate, and the Old Town Square (the main square of the city), in the center of which is the famous Prague Town Hall with astronomical hours.

Old place, Prague, Czech Republic
Old place, Prague, Czech Republic

Hail - The former noble district of Prague, who is still considered the most prestigious. The hails are simply stuffed with various palaces and church structures. In the hails, it is certainly necessary to spend at least half a day, walking along the streets of the district and looking at the old mansions.

Gradchany, Prague, Czech Republic
Gradchany, Prague, Czech Republic

Mala the country - Another palace front area of \u200b\u200bPrague. In addition to the remarkably preserved architecture in the Baroque style, in the small country there are the island of Campa on the Vltava (Mill's Island) and Hill Petrshin with a huge park zone and a funicular leading to the top.

Small country, Prague, Czech Republic
Small country, Prague, Czech Republic

Vsegrad - The old residence of the first Czech rulers, which is very revered among local residents. Unlike the Prague Grad - the heritage of the Austrian influence of the Austrian influence, Vsevograd is a truly Czech fortress, so there are especially many monuments of national culture.

Vysegrad, Prague, Czech Republic
Vysegrad, Prague, Czech Republic

To list all the sights of Prague worthy of your visit, there will not be enough an entire article. You can see the most popular places in tourists in categories and Radiation rating:

Evening Prague, Czech Republic
Evening Prague, Czech Republic

Attractions, Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vara is the capital of the historical area of \u200b\u200bBohemia in the Czech Republic. Thanks to the natural thermal waters of Karlovy Vara, are the main resort health resort of the Czech Republic for several centuries. During the period of the Czech Republic, Carlov Vara was called the Carlsbad and were very popular with the European aristocracy.

Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

old lock - Built on the site of the medieval residence of King Charles IV. In the premises of the castle tower there is a very popular medieval restaurant with a real Starochesh cuisine among tourists. And around the castle there are several city colonnades with drinking healing water at once.

Old castle, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Old castle, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Goethe tower and the top of eternal youth - The oldest sightseeing site in Karlovy Vary, named after the famous German writer, who loved long hours to spend on top of the hill, looking at the city. A visit to the tower is included in the program of a sightseeing tour of the city, but you can take a walk yourself, as the road to the tower is very picturesque.

Goethe Tower, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Goethe Tower, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Church of Mary Magdalene - One of the oldest and most beautiful churches of Karlovy Var. In addition to interesting architecture and unique wooden frescoes, the church is famous for organ music. You can hear the organ during ordinary worship, but it is better to attend special concerts of organ music, which regularly pass within the walls of the cathedral.

Church of Mary Magdalene, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Church of Mary Magdalene, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Dvorzhakov gardens - City park in the center of Karlovy Vare. In size, the park is small, but very loved by the townspeople and visiting guests for its special atmosphere of a quiet cozy place for walking.

Dvorzhakov gardens in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Dvorzhakov gardens in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Fiberglass workshops moser - A small glass factory and a museum with it. While visiting workshops, you can see the work of the masters and even order your own product, which they blow out right with you. In the museum you can see unique samples of products, as well as buy one of the many souvenirs.

Glassbuilding workshops Moser, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Glassbuilding workshops Moser, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Museum of Yana Bekher - The old private pharmacy, the owner of which, Jan Beher, invented tincture on herbs two centuries ago to improve digestion. The tincture was called "Bechevka" and became such a popular alcoholic beverage all over the world that few people recall that in fact this is a therapeutic tincture. In the museum, you can learn about the history of creation and options for preparing a drink, as well as take part in a tasting.

Museum of Yana Bekher, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Museum of Yana Bekher, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Loket - An old medieval castle in the vicinity of Karlovy Var. In the castle you can see an interesting collection of medieval weapons, porcelain, serfdom and medieval torture chamber. In the courtyard of the castle, costume performances from the life of the Middle Ages often pass.

Loket lock, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Loket lock, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Karlovy Vary, sanatoriums with treatment

Karlovar sources have unique healing properties. They are used both in baths and as drinking water. Sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary are almost more than hotels. But even if you stay at the hotel, you can always agree with the nearest hospital on visiting various recreational programs.

To undergo classic spa treatment, it is better to stop at the sanatorium, since in addition to the procedures itself, you will be prescribed appropriate dietary nutrition, physiotherapy, as well as constant observation of the attending physician.

Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

The best sanatorium-resort establishments of Karlovy Var:

  • Astoria - a complex of hotel buildings of level 3*, own hospital, there is dietary nutrition
  • Sansusi, spa - a sanatorium with a large number of procedures and additional services located in the park area, level 4*
  • Dvorzhak - The medical hotel 4*, one of the best in Karlovy Vary. Famous for the professionalism of medical personnel and the level of services provided
  • Imperial 4* -a huge hotel and fitness complex with modern equipment and its own balneological center
  • Karlsbad Plaza 5* - The most prestigious and expensive sanatorium in Karlovy Vary. Huge selection of medical programs, the highest service
Sanatorium Imperial, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
Sanatorium Imperial, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Kosnitsa in the Czech Republic, Kutuna Gora

Kutuna Gora is a modest Czech city, the main attraction of which is the famous Kosnitsa. This is a church, in the design of the interiors of which only human bones were used. At first glance, the decoration of the church has a completely prosaic explanation.

In the dark era of the early Middle Ages, the earth around the church was considered especially a saint. The local cemetery was particularly popular among residents of Kutnu Mountains and surrounding cities. It was believed that it would provide a particularly happy and comfortable afterlife. The number of people who want to be buried here always exceeded the number of graves.

Kosnitsa in Kutnoye Work, Czech Republic
Kosnitsa in Kutnoye Work, Czech Republic

Periodically, the burial was freed from the old remains, clearing a place for new deceased. The dug bones were folded in the basement in the church until their number reached threatening sizes. In the 19th century, it was decided to reconstruct the old church, and at the same time attach the accumulated bones. So there appeared a rector.

It is not at all difficult to get to her from Prague, Kutna Gora is located only 60 km from the Czech capital. Buses and trains go to Kutnu Mountain, the railway station is located closer to the Kostnika than the bus station. Any passerby will help you find a cosnetz in the city.

Kosnitsa, Kutuna Gora, Czech Republic
Kosnitsa, Kutuna Gora, Czech Republic

Czech Republic, Ostrava

Ostrava is not at all like traditional medieval Czech cities with quiet streets and old buildings. This is a large (by the standards of the Czech Republic) an industrial city in which there is practically no usual European architecture.

Historical buildings here are closely intertwined with industrial buildings made of concrete and iron, which makes Ostrava a unique and very attractive city for tourists.

Ostrava, Czech Republic
Ostrava, Czech Republic

Landek Park - Museum of Mining, located in the vicinity of Ostrava. This is the oldest region of coal mining not only in the Czech Republic, but throughout Europe. Typically, a visit to the museum makes a great impression, as the tour includes the descent into the old mine, where the most difficult working conditions of medieval miners are recreated, and their tools are presented.

Landek Park, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Landek Park, Ostrava, Czech Republic

Zoo Ostrava - A huge natural park, where animals are contained in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat. The zoo contains many types of rare animals. Excellent playgrounds are equipped for children, a special tourist train runs and a special contact sector is opened, where you can chat with manual animals.

Ostrava Zoo, Czech Republic
Ostrava Zoo, Czech Republic

Silesian-Ostrav fortress - One of the main historical attractions of the city. This fortification once guarded the border of the Czech Republic from Polish and Swedish conquerors. There are several expositions and museums in the walls of the castle, telling about various aspects of medieval life. Also on the territory of the castle, theatrical performances and concerts are often held.

Silesian-Ostrav fortress, Czech Republic
Silesian-Ostrav fortress, Czech Republic

Church of St. Vaclav - The main cathedral of Ostrava, the oldest church in the city. The church is operating and open to visitors at any time of the year. Many legends and mystical stories are associated with the church. Strange archaeological finds only add oils to the fire: for example, in the course of recent archaeological work, a body was found here, buried according to the medieval rules for getting rid of vampires.

Church of St. Vaclav, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Church of St. Vaclav, Ostrava, Czech Republic

Ostravar - The brewed museum of the Ostrava, located in the territory of the Ostrovar plant. The local brand of beer is very popular in the territory of the Czech Republic itself, but is not very famous beyond its borders. Ostravar beer differs from other varieties of the owls with a special density, which gives it a little bitter taste. In the museum, you can find out everything about the stories and traditions of brewing in the ostrave, as well as to taste different varieties of local beer.

Ostrovar - a brand of beer in Ostrava, Czech Republic
Ostrovar - a brand of beer in Ostrava, Czech Republic

Brno, Czech Republic: attractions

Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic, the birthplace of the royal dynasty of Przemyslovichi, the cultural capital of the Czech Republic, the capital of the region of Moravia. Brno is famous for its music festivals and contests, numerous art galleries and exhibitions, theatrical productions in open air and concerts of modern music.

In the vicinity of Brno is the Slavkov fortress, better known in history as Austerlitz. In the city itself there are enough ancient bells, churches and churches, the inspection of which can be devoted from nearly a few days.

Brno, Czech Republic
Brno, Czech Republic

Spilberg - The medieval royal residence and at the same time a defensive fortress, which was considered one of the most impregnable for its time. Later, in the fortress for a long time, the largest casemate in Europe was located, which is why the castle is often called "a prison of all peoples." Nowadays, Spilberg is an extensive museum complex.

Spilberg Castle, Brno, Czech Republic
Spilberg Castle, Brno, Czech Republic

Moravsky red - A complex of karst caves in the vicinity of Brno. During a tour of the caves, tourists will see the mysterious world of dungeons, the bizarre architecture of stalactites and stalagmites, will be able to walk along the underground river on a boat, as well as look at Matsokha's bottomless abyss.

Moravsky Krasi, Czech Republic
Moravsky Krasi, Czech Republic

Pernetein - The medieval castle, in which the famous ghost of the White Lady lives throughout Europe. The ghost is considered a large flirt and most often scares visitors, suddenly appearing in the mirrors. It is believed that the girls who look into the mirrors of an old castle, a ghost take away beauty and youth.

Castle Perestein, Czech Republic
Castle Perestein, Czech Republic

Saints of the Saints Peter and Paul - The Cathedral Church is Brno, which is very revered throughout the Czech Republic. The cathedral has its history since the 12th century, many legends and heroic stories have been associated with it. In the premises of the cathedral, worships, excursions, concerts of organ music and choral singing are held.

Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Brno, Czech Republic
Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Brno, Czech Republic

Cabbage market - The oldest Brno Square, the Trade Center during the Middle Ages. The square is surrounded by the most significant historical buildings in the city. The most notable buildings of the square are the old city town hall and the Reduta Theater, in which Mozart gave concerts.

Cabbage market Brno, Czech Republic
Cabbage market Brno, Czech Republic

Mariana Laznaya, Czech Republic

The second largest thermal resort of the Czech Republic. Unlike Karlovy Vare, Mariana Laznaya for a long time were not used as a resort due to inaccessible swampy terrain, although individual sources were discovered here in the Middle Ages.

As popular and accessible to everyone, the city of Mariana Laznaya (during the Austro Hungarian Marienbad) began to develop only at the end of the 19th century. Most buildings in the city dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, although there are several historical structures, for example, a monastery of the XII century.

Mariana Laznaya, Czech Republic
Mariana Laznaya, Czech Republic

In the vicinity of the city is the Kunzhvart Castle - one of the most well -preserved medieval castles of the Czech Republic. Currently, a museum has been opened in the castle, the exposition of which includes genuine interiors, furniture items, a library and personal belongings of former owners.

Another attraction of the resort - the Slavkovsky forest is a huge environmental zone, which laid many tourist routes and recreation sites. The second most popular Park of Mariansky Lazni - Boheminium, a miniature park, which presents miniature copies of the most outstanding architectural structures of the Czech Republic.

Mariana Laznaya, Czech Republic
Mariana Laznaya, Czech Republic

Czech Republic, deep above Vltava

The deep above Vltava is one of the most popular Czech castles, which is located only 140 km from Prague. The castle was founded back in the 13th century, but in its original form it did not reach us.

During the last owners of the castle, the dukes of the Schwarzenbergs, the castle was completely rebuilt to imitate the Vidzer's castle in London, who made a huge impression on the Duchess of Eleanor Schwarzenberg.

Since then, the deep over Vltava is popularly called the Czech Windsor and is very popular among local residents and visiting guests. A tour of the castle will take all day, since in order to inspect the entire exposition and surrounding territories, it will take at least 5-6 hours.

Deep over Vltava, Czech Republic
Deep over Vltava, Czech Republic

Castle Castle, Czech Republic

Krshivoklat is an old medieval castle near Prague. The former royal hunting residence, with which many legends and mystical stories are associated.

For a long time, the castle was used as a prison for especially dangerous criminals and state traitors, so most of the stories chilling are associated precisely with the history of the unfortunate tortured.

There are several museums at once in the walls of the castle, including the oldest library of Czech kings, a collection of knightly armor and weapons, ancient casemates and a torture museum, as well as an exhibition of vehicles of different eras. From the upper site of the castle tower, a picturesque panorama opens in the vicinity.

Castle Castle, Czech Republic
Castle Castle, Czech Republic

Czech Republic, pardubic

Padrubitsa is a city that is most known for its gingerbread. Although, of course, besides gingerbread in Padrubitsa there is something to see, since there are no less historical places and attractions here than in any other city of the Czech Republic.

The heyday of the city fell on the 16th century, it is this period that the majority of architectural monuments and significant structures in the city dates back to this period. In Padrubitsa is one of the oldest and respected universities in the Czech Republic.

Padrubitsa, Czech Republic
Padrubitsa, Czech Republic

The local public transport museum is very interesting, in which you can not only look at the exhibits of the bygone eras, but also ride several stops.

In addition to gingerbread and architecture, Padrubitsa is widely known in the Czech Republic and beyond equestrian competitions and motorcycle races. The prize in the local tournaments reaches one hundred thousand euros, and the best riders and motorbikers of the world gather for the leader of the leader in Padrubitsa.

Padrubitsa, Czech Republic
Padrubitsa, Czech Republic

Video. Rest in the Czech Republic in winter, ski resort Shpyndlerov Mlyn

Video. Rest in the Czech Republic in the summer. Walking in Prague

Video. What to bring from the Czech Republic?

Video. In Prague on their own: experienced advice

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