What to write in the questionnaire about the attitude to military duty?

What to write in the questionnaire about the attitude to military duty?

A brief manual to fill out the counts on the attitude to military duty in the questionnaire.

Since the army is an integral element of the state " Russian Federation"And one of its fundamental structures, then when admission to the public service, the execution of a foreign passport and other documents, citizens need to fill out the questionnaire in which the column" meets " Attitude to military duty».

Many people, having reached this count, fall into a stupor and do not know what to enter there. In our article, we will tell in detail what kind of count this is, why it is needed and what should be written in it.

Image 1. What should be written in profiles in the column about the attitude to military duty?
Image 1. What should be written in profiles in the column about the attitude to military duty?

General information about the attitude to military duty

In the Russian Federation, almost all male citizens under the age from 18 to 27 years old They are mandatory called for service in the country's armed forces for a period of 1 year. This provision is enshrined in Constitution of the Russian Federation and regulated by federal law " On military duty and military service».

However, there are a category of citizens who are exempted from the obligatory military service. So that in the future you do not have questions about filling out the column in the questionnaire " Attitude to military duty", You should study in more detail this section and understand what category of citizens you belong to.

So, citizens who meet the following criteria are considered military service:

  • Male representatives from 18 to 27 years old;
  • Persons who have passed the military medical commission and are recognized as suitable for health reasons for service in the Armed Forces;
  • Persons who do not have any other contraindications for military service (marital status, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, etc.). Under such circumstances, a citizen may be called up for an alternative service;
  • Counting ordinary and reserve officers aged up to 65 years;
  • Also, women who served in the army on a contract basis, who have undergone specialized training and having any of the military ranks;

The next circle of people belongs to the involuntary liable:

  • All female representatives, with the exception of volunteers;
  • Persons recognized by the Military Medical Commission unsuitable for military service for health reasons;
  • Persons who have reached a certain age (the age at which the citizen is removed from military registration depends on the assigned rank and the position held);
Image 2. Age table for the removal of citizens from military registration.
Image 2. Age table for the removal of citizens from military registration.

In what profiles is the count about the attitude to military duty?

In what profiles is the count about the attitude to military duty? The person must indicate in the questionnaire information about his attitude to military duty under the following circumstances:

  • When hiring in a state institution;
  • When submitting documents for a foreign passport;
  • When submitting an application to the registry office;
  • Upon receipt of a driver’s license;
Image 3. An example of filling the graph in one type of questionnaire.
Image 3. An example of filling the graph in one type of questionnaire.

Also, this column can be found when applying for other documents and when applying for some commercial organizations. The law obliges the employer to provide the military commissariat about the attitude to the military duty of new employees. In the case of the beginning of military operations in the country, this information greatly simplifies the process of mobilizing military liable citizens in reserve.

In addition, the presence of such graphs in various kinds of profiles allows you to prevent attempts to evade military service and track the movement of citizens in the Russian Federation.

How to fill in the count about the attitude to military duty?


  • Filling out the questionnaire when applying for a job, submitting an application to the registry office or when applying for a foreign passport, in the column on the attitude to military duty, only one word should be written by involuntary citizens - involved liable, and all other subparagraphs of this column (if any) to leave empty.
  • It is strongly recommended to put a dash in this column, as many do. Such a questionnaire can be rejected.
    Military civilian citizens who have served in the army and have a military ID with in their hands should write the word " military service", Indicate the type of troops, the number of the military unit, the title and period of service. Next to the title in brackets should be written (in stock).
  • Citizens of draft age ( from 18 to 27 years old), having a deferral from military service, are also considered military service. However, in the column you should write " temporarily not suitable for military service". When hiring, applying for a foreign passport and submitting an application to the registry office, such a citizen will need to additionally provide an attributed certificate, which is issued at the military registration and enlistment office upon reaching the age of sixteen. The attributed certificate should be the appropriate seal confirming its temporary unsuitability for military service.
Image 4. An example of an attributed certificate with a delay.
Image 4. An example of an attributed certificate with a delay.

Important: it is strongly not recommended to indicate not quite true information about your attitude to military duty. If, when applying for a private company, the employer can close his eyes to this column, then when applying to the state institution, all the data indicated by you will be carefully verified. In addition, if it turns out that at the time of submitting documents for employment you are listed as a deviator, the personnel department can report you to the military enlistment office.

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