What does an inverted cross mean, as a symbol, tattoo, from the Satanists? Damage - an inverted red cross is drawn on the door: what to do?

What does an inverted cross mean, as a symbol, tattoo, from the Satanists? Damage - an inverted red cross is drawn on the door: what to do?

Read the article if you are interested in what the inverted cross symbol means. You will also find out what to do if it was painted on your door.

Before you buy a thing or an accessory with any symbol, make a tattoo with it, you should find out its meaning. This article will talk about an inverted cross. Is it only a symbol of Satanism?

What is an inverted cross, what is it called?

The inverted cross is called the Cross of St. Peter, because, as Christian sources tell, the apostle Peter, the main patron of the Catholic Church, crucified his head down. They say that Peter himself chose this kind of execution, because he considered it unworthy for himself to die on the cross in the same way as the teacher, Christ. This happened during the reign of Nero in 67 of our era.
That is, the transverse crossbar intended for tying the victim’s hands, in an inverted cross is in the lower part of this structure for execution.

The cross of St. Peter is made of metal of yellow and white.
The cross of St. Peter is made of metal of yellow and white.

Important: other names of an inverted cross - a cross with a lowered crossbar, an inverted cross, a Satan cross, an antichrist cross, a reverse crucifix.

What does an inverted cross mean, as a symbol?

If the cross itself has many symbolic meanings formed in pre -Christian times, as well as those who have come down later in connection with the spread of Christianity, then an inverted cross recently matters more and more as a symbol of the Antichrist, Satan, Black Magic. Such symbolism is supported by various mass media, Hollywood films and rock and punk cultures.

Important: the Catholic Church itself is not expressed unambiguously about the fact that the inverted cross is a symbol of Satan.

An inverted cross is considered one of the symbols of Satanism.
An inverted cross is considered one of the symbols of Satanism.

What does the inverted cross mean from the Satanists?

But the Satanists themselves took this symbol into service.

  1. An inverted cross for them is a symbol of neglect, disrespect for the dogmas of the Catholic Church and the praise of the antichrist.
  2. The symbolism of the upper part of the usual, not inverted cross, where its shorter part is directed up and to the sides, among other things, means the Trinity, the trinity of God, and the spread of His strength to the world and to heaven. Satan, or the fallen angel, is removed from God with a longer side of the cross directed down to the underworld. With the help of an inverted cross, the satanists exalt the subject of their veneration, directing its symbol to the top and leaving the trinity of God below.

Video: an inverted cross - a symbol of the Antichrist or St. Peter?

What does a tattoo mean - an inverted cross on the face, forehead, hand?

But in tattoos, the symbolic meaning of the inverted cross is not necessary to associate with Satan or Satanism, since in the youth tattoo culture it can be completely different.
For example:

  1. An inverted cross on a tattoo can have the same meaning as a symbol of a knightly sword and be associated with the traditions of chivalry.
  2. Mean the Lorran Cross. According to legend, Jeanne d’Arc, coming from the Lorranian lands, was such a cross.
  3. The image in the form of an inverted cross on a tattoo can be a symbol of femininity, femininity, taking into account the schematicity of the female figure, unlike the male, which can also be schematically depicted as an ordinary cross.
  4. Also in youth subcultures, an inverted cross can be associated with the apostle Peter.
Tattoo with an inverted cross.
Tattoo with an inverted cross.

Everyone who decides on a tattoo on his body in the form of an inverted cross and its various modifications himself invests his own symbolic meaning. It is safe to say that in tattoos an inverted cross and interpretation of its symbolic meanings can be numerous and diverse.

Inverted Christian, Orthodox cross, Lucifer, satanic stars, Masonic signs: photo, meaning

An inverted cross was often used by secret societies to give the special significance of their activities.
In addition to the cross in some societies, for example, in the Masonic bed, other symbols that were far from Christianity were used. Also, the image of pictograms and an inverted cross was often borrowed from other religions, where such symbols have a different, sometimes completely opposite to the Christian meaning.

Kabbalistic tetraram.
Kabbalistic tetraram.

For example:

  1. Kabbalistic tetraram.
    In Kabbalah, it has a different meaning than what the satanists and devil -worshipers gave her, indicating with her the opportunity to call an evil spirit to the center of the hexagon and designating the devil equal to God with the help of an inverted triangle, such as that with the top upward.
  2. Pentagram.
    The pentagram denotes power and is used in white magic.
  3. The cross of the mess.
    The image of such a cross can be found in atrefacts related to the time of the Roman Empire. It was used to level and belittle the influence of spreading Christianity.
  4. All-seeing eye.
    A symbol of Masons and Illuminati, a symbol of the new world order, financial stability.
    Today this image is available on a dollar bill.
  5. Tetragram or Kabbalistic Cross.
    It has equal sides on the entire cross. At first, it was used when the master initiated a new member of the box as a symbol of the sacrament and thorny path.
  6. Skull and Bones.
    This symbol means membership in a secret society.
  7. Death.
    Neglect of death, resistance in front of her.
All-seeing eye.
All-seeing eye.

Inverted cross - Smile: What does it mean?

Recently, users of all sorts of advanced devices - tablets, iPhones, iPads, etc., during communication, try to diversify their messages, adding various icons and emoticons to them. Manufacturers took care of this and offered numerous emoticons in the form of emoticons, characters, figures, and so on. Among these can also be found an inverted smiley.
And if the interpretation, for example, an emoticon with a smile, with a tear or with a heart is quite understandable and obvious, what, in this case, can mean an inverted smiley?

Inverted smile.
Inverted smile.

Let's just say that today there is no unequivocal interpretation of an inverted emoticon. Many use it to indicate stupidity, thoughtless and stupid behavior.

Is it possible to draw, embroider, wear an inverted cross: T -shirt, pendant, tattoo?

The image of an inverted cross in any form, such as in embroidered or in the form of a print on clothes, like a tattoo or pendant on the neck. Often, young people who protrude their belonging to a certain subculture, throwing a certain call to traditional society, can be seen by the image of an inverted cross in the form:

  • embroidery
  • prin on clothes
  • tattoo
  • kulona, \u200b\u200bothers

So a person seems to declare that he is not afraid of either the devil or the devil.

The pendant is an inverted cross.
The pendant is an inverted cross.

It is unlikely that an adult, even an adherent of Satanism, will wear symbolism along the street.
Although, I must say, there are daredevils who do not depend on public opinion and are not afraid of God's punishment. They boldly pray with the symbols of an inverted cross, remaining original and independent. In the end, this is just an image, not a symbol of faith.
We also note that if designers determining fashion will choose an inverted cross for their products, this symbol may well become leading and popular among fashion followers. So it was recently, when the trend was the image of a cranial box and crossed bones. It is quite pretty, and it is unlikely that any of those who purchased products with similar images thought about the symbolism of death in them.

A print with an inverted cross on clothes.
A print with an inverted cross on clothes.

Damage - an inverted red cross is drawn on the door: what to do?

If someone finds a drawn inverted cross on their door, and even red paint, do not sound the alarm and assume that damage is blocked. It is possible that it was someone fucking or just wanted to scare the owners.
What is recommended to do in this case? See carefully what paint the image is made.

If these are ordinary acrylic or oil paints, just rinse them from the door, while reading “our Father”. After the paint is washed off, spray the door with holy water.

If this is a paint involved on the wax, or the blood of the animal, then it is best to conduct some ritual to protect yourself. How?

  1. Go to church and buy candles there.
  2. Try not to take the change from the purchase of candles.
  3. At the exit from the church, give out alms.
  4. Consider the door with burning church candles.
  5. Start washing the image on the door.
  6. Run the door with holy water, reading "Our Father."
  7. Go to the house and take a shower. Leave your hair simple -haired, loose.
  8. Go around the apartment or house with a candle, hold the candle for some time in every corner, also reading a prayer.
  9. A few days later, repeat the ritual, starting from going to church.
    You need to do this three times.
If you find an inverted cross on your door, take measures to protect your home from evil forces.
If you find an inverted cross on your door, take measures to protect your home from evil forces.

Video: Tattoo Tattoo Inverted Cross, examples of tattoos in the photo

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful and interesting article!

    The cross tattoo has a secular and sacred value. Depending on the time period and the cultural group, its value was transformed. The application of cruciate patterns was popular in ethnic cultures of different countries. The transformation of the image gave rise to not only thousands of values \u200b\u200bof the drawing, but the Crosses themselves arose a great many

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